948 resultados para Contamination marker


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Le présent rapport constitue une première présentation des résultats de l'Etude pilote des apports en contaminants par la Seine. Il est consacré aux métaux et à l'arsenic et traite de leurs niveaux de concentration, de leurs variations saisonnières et des flux à l'estuaire. Il comporte des fiches-annexes qui contiennent les méthodes de prélèvement, de filtration et de dosage ainsi que des résumés des résultats. A partir des conclusions, des recommandations sont faites quant aux méthodes à privilégier pour tirer les meilleurs enseignements du suivi des contaminants métalliques et de l'arsenic à la limite amont de l'estuaire de la Seine. Les données contenues dans ce rapport ont été produites par la Cellule de lutte contre la pollution (Service de navigation de la Seine), le laboratoire Chimie des contaminants et modélisation (IFREMER) et le Laboratoire municipal et régional de Rouen.


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Currently, the lack of a universal and specific marker of clonality hampers the diagnosis and classification of chronic expansions of natural killer (NK) cells. Here we investigated the utility of flow cytometric detection of aberrant/altered NK-cell phenotypes as a surrogate marker for clonality, in the diagnostic work-up of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders of NK cells (CLPD-NK). For this purpose, a large panel of markers was evaluated by multiparametric flow cytometry on peripheral blood (PB) CD56(low) NK cells from 60 patients, including 23 subjects with predefined clonal (n = 9) and polyclonal (n = 14) CD56(low) NK-cell expansions, and 37 with CLPD-NK of undetermined clonality; also, PB samples from 10 healthy adults were included. Clonality was established using the human androgen receptor (HUMARA) assay. Clonal NK cells were found to show decreased expression of CD7, CD11b and CD38, and higher CD2, CD94 and HLADR levels vs. normal NK cells, together with a restricted repertoire of expression of the CD158a, CD158b and CD161 killer-associated receptors. In turn, NK cells from both clonal and polyclonal CLPD-NK showed similar/overlapping phenotypic profiles, except for high and more homogeneous expression of CD94 and HLADR, which was restricted to clonal CLPD-NK. We conclude that the CD94(hi)/HLADR+ phenotypic profile proved to be a useful surrogate marker for NK-cell clonality.


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Interest in bioaerosol exposure has increased significantly because it is now recognized that exposure to fungal agents is associated with a wide range of adverse health effects with a major impact on public health. Fungi are able to grow on almost all natural and synthetic materials, especially if they are hygroscopic or wet. Aim of the study: Several materials used indoors can contribute to enhance fungal contamination indoors. This study intended to understand the carpet influence on fungal contamination when used in the floor of a hotel room.


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Chemical contamination levels and stable isotope ratios provide integrated information about contaminant exposure, trophic position and also biological and environmental influences on marine organisms. By combining these approaches with otolith shape analyses, the aim of the present study was to document the spatial variability of Hg and PCB contamination of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the French Mediterranean, hypothesizing that local contaminant sources, environmental conditions and biological specificities lead to site-specific contamination patterns. High Hg concentrations discriminated Corsica (average: 1.36 ± 0.80 μg g− 1 dm) from the Gulf of Lions (average values < 0.5 μg g− 1 dm), where Rhône River input caused high PCB burdens. CB 153 average concentrations ranged between 4.00 ± 0.64 and 18.39 ± 12.38 ng g− 1 dm in the Gulf of Lions, whatever the sex of the individuals, whereas the highest values in Corsica were 6.75 ± 4.22 ng g− 1 dm. Otolith shape discriminated juveniles and adults, due to their different habitats. The use of combined ecotracers was revealed as a powerful tool to discriminate between fish populations at large and small spatial scale, and to enable understanding of the environmental and biological influences on contamination patterns.


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A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in ten food units from hospitals. Fifty air samples of 250 litres were collected through impaction method. Samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating, canteen and also, outside premises, since this is the place regarded as reference. Simultaneously, environmental parameters were also monitored, including temperature and relative humidity through the equipment Babouc, LSI Sistems and according to the International Standard ISO 7726.


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A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in one Portuguese maternity. Sixty air samples were collected through impaction method. Air sampling was performed in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating, canteen, pharmacy, sterilization areas, genecology wards, intensive care unit, operating rooms, urgency and also, outside premises, since this was the place regarded as reference. Besides air samples, forty three samples were collected by swabbing the surfaces using a 10 by 10 cm square stencil. Simultaneously, temperature, relative humidity and particles counting (PM10) were registered. Twenty three species of fungi were identified in air, being the two most commonly isolated the genera Penicillium (41,5%) and Cladosporium (28,4%). Regarding yeasts, only Rhodotorula sp. (45,2%), Trichosporon mucoides (51,6%) and Cryptococcus neoformans (3,2%) were found. Thirteen species of fungi were identified in surfaces, being the most frequent the Penicillium genus (91,6%). Concerning yeasts found in surfaces, four species were identified being Rhodotorula sp. (29,1%) the most frequent. There was no coincidence between prevailing genera indoors and outside premises. Moreover, some places presented fungal species different from the ones isolated outside. In the inside environment, Aspergillus species were isolated in air and surfaces. There was no significant relationship (p>0,05) between fungal contamination and the studied environmental variables. Keywords: air, surfaces, fungal contamination, environmental variables, maternity.


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A descriptive study was developed to compare air and surfaces fungal contamination in ten hospitals’ food units and two food units from companies. Fifty air samples of 250 litres through impaction method were collected from hospitals’ food units and 41 swab samples from surfaces were also collected, using a 10 by 10 cm square stencil. Regarding the two companies, ten air samples and eight surface samples were collected. Air and surface samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating and canteen. Outdoor air was also collected since this is the place regarded as a reference. Simultaneously, temperature, relative humidity and meal numbers were registered. Concerning air from hospitals’ food units, 32 fungal species were identified, being the two most commonly isolated genera Penicillium sp.


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Study developed in order to know the carpet influence when used in the floor of a hotel room. Twelve air samples of 250L (six in a room with carpet and six more in a room with wood floor) were collected through an impaction method with a flow rate of 140 L/min onto malt extract agar (MEA) supplemented with chloramphenicol (0.05%), using the Millipore air Tester (Millipore), during cleaning activities. Outdoor sample was also performed to be used as a reference. Surface samples from floor and desks, taken at the same time, were collected by the swabbing method. to 7 days. Besides fungal contamination, we also assessed particulate matter contamination in both rooms during the same cleaning tasks. In the analyzed sur- faces, isolates belonging to Aspergillus fumigatus complex were the only fungi found in the carpeted room, whereas in the other room we found Penicllium sp. (63.6%) and Aspergillus sp. (13.6%) as the most frequent genera. In the case of particles the room with carpet obtained significant higher values for both metrics (PMC and PNC), showing that carpet may has influence on particles’ contamination of the room.


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Squeeze, photographs, notes by A.E. Gordon


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Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal disease. The evaluation of graft function is mandatory in the management of renal transplant recipients. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), is generally considered the best index of graft function and also a predictor of graft and patient survival. However GFR measurement using inulin clearance, the gold standard for its measurement and exogenous markers such as radiolabeled isotopes ((51)Cr EDTA, (99m)Tc DTPA or (125)I Iothalamate) and non-radioactive contrast agents (Iothalamate or Iohexol), is laborious as well as expensive, being rarely used in clinical practice. Therefore, endogenous markers, such as serum creatinine or cystatin C, are used to estimate kidney function, and equations using these markers adjusted to other variables, mainly demographic, are an attempt to improve accuracy in estimation of GFR (eGFR). Nevertheless, there is some concern about the inability of the available eGFR equations to accurately identify changes in GFR, in kidney transplant recipients. This article will review and discuss the performance and limitations of these endogenous markers and their equations as estimators of GFR in the kidney transplant recipients, and their ability in predicting significant clinical outcomes.


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Neogobius caspius is a small benthic fish that is native to the Caspian Sea. The importance of this fish is because of it is role as a main food resource of the sturgeon fish. The genetic diversity of N. caspius population in the Caspian Sea was studied using PCR- RFLP technique. A total of 135 samples of N. caspius were collected from coastal line in the north Caspian sea, including specimens from coasts of Anzali , Torkman Port and Chalus. Genomic DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform method and then was amplified using a pair primer of cytochrom b gene, 2 tRNA gene and the control region sequences by a thermal cycler. D2 (5'-CCGGAGTATGTAGGGCATTCTCAC-3'), CY1 (5'-YYTAACCRRGACYAATGACTTGA-3') 12 restriction enzyme were used to digest the target gene region including: Alul HincII —Tas1 —Rsa1 -MboI -DraI -BSeNI(BSRI) Alw261(BsmAI). Bsul 51 Hin11 Bsh12851- BsuRI(HaeIII) digested PCR products were observed by silver staining method followed by Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The results were shown the same pattern among the species. There was no polymorphism and no differentiation in population in the Neogobius caspius fish and all individuals have shown homogenous genotype.


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A avaliação do aporte de matéria orgânica no ambiente aquático por atividades antrópicas pode ser realizada através da identificação e quantificação de marcadores moleculares. Diversos estudos apontam à aplicação dos marcadores moleculares com esta finalidade, no entanto, poucos avaliam a variação das concentrações desses compostos ao longo do tempo, registrada nas camadas sedimentares. O presente trabalho realiza um estudo a partir de três classes de marcadores moleculares presentes em perfis sedimentares da região do Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (CEP) no Paraná (PR), que nos últimos anos vêm sofrendo com o crescente desenvolvimento de atividades antrópicas. Como objetivo, tem-se identificar as principais fontes de matéria orgânica e estudar o histórico destes aportes em colunas sedimentares do CEP, relacionando as taxas de sedimentação com a deposição de origem natural e antrópica. A legislação vigente para o monitoramento ambiental, no que diz respeito à contaminação por esgoto fecal, sugere a avaliação por indicadores microbiológicos, porém, indicadores químicos como os esteróides fecais são uma alternativa bastante promissora, pois estes são persistentes, sendo menos sensíveis a variações ambientais. Outros dois marcadores moleculares de aportes antrópicos ao ambiente que foram determinados neste estudo são os alquilbenzenos lineares (LABs), presente em detergentes, que indicam aportes antrópicos oriundos de esgoto doméstico e a determinação de cafeína, tendo em vista que os esteróides fecais podem ser originários de fezes de animais de sangue quente, podendo indicar outras fontes. Para o presente trabalho foram coletados 12 testemunhos de até 1 m de profundidade em maio de 2006, totalizando 12 pontos de coleta e um montante de 121 amostras. As análises foram realizadas por cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas (CG-EM). Os esteróides encontrados em maior concentração foram o β- sitosterol (71,4 µg g-1), estigmasterol (8,7 µg g-1), colestanol (3,6 µg g-1) e o estigmastanol (2,8 µg g-1), todos oriundos de fonte natural, indicando que a maior contribuição para o CEP é por aporte biogênico. O coprostanol, que é um esterol fecal, foi encontrado entre as concentrações de 0,001 e 4,10 µg g-1, outros dois esteróides de origem fecal também foram detectados, coprostanona e epicoprostanol, onde as maiores concentrações foram 3,6 e 0,2 µg g-1, respectivamente, sendo encontrados em regiões próximas a centros urbanos, indicando origem antrópica. As maiores concentrações para o ∑LABs também foram encontradas em regiões próximas às cidades de Antonina e Paranaguá, sendo a maior encontrada no testemunho #3 Gererês (208 ng g-1). Para o último marcador molecular analisado, a cafeína, foi encontrada a maior concentração de 18,41 ng g-1, sendo este ponto localizado longe dos centros urbanos, porém este contaminante é bastante solúvel em água podendo ser transportado na coluna d’água e percorrer grandes distâncias. Através dos compostos analisados, pode-se perceber que a intervenção antropogênica foi mais marcante nos testemunhos coletados no eixo leste-oeste do CEP, ficando registrado nas camadas sedimentares.