963 resultados para Consciência de Si


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This essay discusses the theme of poetics in teaching activity, and discusses its possible ability to think about the ethical-formative sense and its possible political use to propose alternatives to the educational praxis that is restricted, in actuality, a pragmatic teaching. From the point of view of aesthetics of existence, therefore, we proposes a particular notion of poetic, fairly close to what can be understood by the dramatic that underlies the pragmatic of you last Foucault, as well as analyzes your chances to problematize the current pragmatic teaching. Thus, we look forward to assist the educator thinking both the possibility of ethics (self) transformation as the meaning of formation of another in his educational activity.


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The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) had as one of his thesis in the doctorate the affirmation that philosophy can only be properly taken as a system. He intends with that to point out the identity between thinking and being. This is, for Hegel, the task of philosophy, i. e., to bring together all that was set apart. This position can be recognized in all his works and it is tried here to exemplify it in The Philosophy of Right and in special in the section dedicated to the abstract right. This one is the first moment of the text in question that begins with the statement of the dignity of the person confirmed in the property. The following moments make evident that the formal ones are also results. It becomes clear in this way that the all the moments create together an ongoing organization, disorganization and reorganization. This process reveals the relation as a constitutive element of thinking and being exemplified in the abstract right. Each moment overcomes the preceding one and comes out as a much more complex one. In the case of the abstract right what appears is the realization of a free subject in all that he does as the making of himself.


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This paper searches to present Hegel’s understanding of pain and suffering. It was taken as source of investigation Hegel’s Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences in which pain and suffering are also considered. The fi rst step was to identify the references of pain and suffering in the original text, i.e., in German and then compared with the Portuguese translation here used. The analysis followed the sequence of Hegel’s text as it mentioned the terms pain and suffering. It can be said that for Hegel pain and suffering are posed by the rational man according to the historical determinations and the relations that are established. So, there is no meaning in pain and suffering themselves but only through the relations that they create and create them as well. Neither the empirical manifestation nor the interpretation can resume the all meaning that pain and suffering may have. The totality of empirical and interpretative approaches reveals the full signifi cance of pain and suffering that can be seen in the human.


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This article deals with the relationship between the reader formation and the teaching of strategies of reading. We based our discussion in reading and childhood literature researchers as: Arena (2007a, 2007b, 2008 and 2010), Bajard (2002), Chiappini (1997), Coelho (2000), Cosson (2007), Foucambert (1994), Harvey & Goudivs (2007), Perroti (1986), Smith (1999), Soares (1999), Solé (2009), Zilberman (2005), and others. We dialogue with some points from the historical-cultural perspective, having a strong focus on a humanitarian literary education in elementary schools.


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This assay recoups the original direction of infantia to question the modern ambitions of its full government by means of the pedagogical art, in modernity, and to analyze its potential of resistance, in the present time, arguing the possibilities of this if to reconvert into praxis that the care of itself requires and of that assumed being as a debt on the part of the educators. For this, we will appeal to the Foucault concepts of governmentalization and of care of itself and to the Lyotard notion of debt it stops with infancy. Of this theoretician-conceptual perspective, we wait to offer some tracks so that, as educators, let us think the care with this another one, in the pedagogical art, from critical the philosophical one to the abuses of the power and the socratics recommendation on the on the care of itself.


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This essay discusses the issue of the contemporary fall of human shaping as an opening possibility to think it in another way. For that purpose it analyzes the latest favorite courses at the Collège de France by Michel Foucault in order to verify the notion possibility of care of oneself and of psychology to regard the human shaping with a different look. By approaching the point of view of the esthetics of existence, it offers reasons with the possibility of life concept as a work of art to be an alternative to the fall of the modern concept of shaping in the contemporary times.


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This essay aims to analyze the relationship between life and school. In opposition to theoretical perspectives longed for a possible reconciliation between life and school, we look for to show to existing tension between these two spheres, making an analysis of the themes of the experience with birth, death and the difference, and highlight that this reflection invites the subjects of the educational practice to an ethical attitude of care for the other, for oneself and so that the other one takes care of the care of the self. Having the thoughts of Arendt’s and Foucault’s as reference, we understand that life goes beyond school knowledge and practices, offering us what we think about educational practice and making the subjects of that practice learn how to place themselves between life and school, looking for new senses for themselves and resistance to the existent while they transform themselves. Thus, we wait to offer the educators some life problems that pervade the educational practice, reverberate in their experience and make them think about what they have left.


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Cannot the education reach the universality? Is the universality the annihilation of the individual? Can the individual have his identity preserved as such in the State? Those questions are answered with the attention returned and led to the education. To Hegel the education universalizes the individual insofar as it introduces him into the life of the State in which the subjectivity and individuality are known in fact, preserved and promoted. In the Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel deals with the realization of freedom in the institution of State and identifies it with the realization of freedom. The aim here is to reflect upon the Hegelian comprehension of State towards education, its meaning, signification to the life of the State and its possible repercussions regarding the figures of the subject and individual also nowadays. To Hegel the education supports the State as such because it is the process of the Sate’s awareness along its formation as a living organism. A State that knows itself is a State that is known by its members who do not reach neither the State’s awareness nor themselves’ without the relation that gathers them together as the substantial universality. The education is the means that brings the individuals to the life of the State. Bringing the individual to the life in the State, the education reveals the individual to himself as well as to his true nature, that is, a being in relation to others who are not but himself. The knowledge of oneself in the education happens also through its formalization regarding the specific contents developed and accumulated throughout the history. Here comes the figure of the formal educator through whom the State aims its process of formation. This way Hegel confirms that nobody learns alone and that the universal is precisely this relation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Vários estudos comparativos entre os sexos masculino e feminino comprovaram o fato de que o primeiro é mais vulnerável às doenças, sobretudo às enfermidades graves e crônicas e que morre mais precocemente. A despeito da maior vulnerabilidade e das altas taxas de morbimortalidade, os homens não buscam, como as mulheres, os serviços de atenção básica. O presente estudo buscou compreender como os homens freqüentadores de uma Unidadesica de Saúde (UBS) se comportam em relação aos cuidados com a sua saúde. Foi realizado em um Centro de Saúde Escola (CSE), Unidade Auxiliar de uma Universidade de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo, inserido na rede Municipal de Saúde do município. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa e quantitativa. A organização dos dados qualitativos foi baseada na Análise de Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), sendo que a obtenção dos discursos ocorreu através de uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Na parte qualitativa, a constituição da amostra foi por conveniência e foram selecionados 15 sujeitos do gênero masculino, maiores de 18 anos, que compareceram na UBS para um atendimento eventual ou para um atendimento pré-agendado. Na parte quantitativa, a constituição da amostra foi ao acaso, sendo sorteados 459 prontuários de usuários do sexo masculino, com 18 anos ou mais, que foram atendidos no período de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2009 para serem analisados através da estatística descritiva. Além disso, foram utilizadas as planilhas referentes às campanhas de vacinação contra a Gripe Pandêmica (H1N1) e Gripe Sazonal (Influenza) para a obtenção do número dos usuários do sexo masculino, de 20 anos ou mais, que participaram dessas campanhas no período de Janeiro a Julho de 2010. Em relação aos dados de caracterização dos indivíduos da amostra selecionada observamos que a faixa etária foi de 50 a 59 ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed to analyze the cooling curves, micro and macrograph alloy Al-1 %Si without the addition of strontium modifier and with the addition of the same. One of the ways of improving mechanical properties of alloy Al -Si is through the modification process. For the experiments two billets of the alloy Al-1%Si cast iron mold in a billet with addition of 0.02% strontium by weight, and the other billet without the addition of modifier were fused. In the solidification process of billet temperature was monitored and recorded every second for later plotting in Origin 8 program and analyzes the cooling curves obtained. The billets were cut and passed by grinding and polishing to perform the macrograph and micrographs. The results concerning the macrograph indicated that billet without the addition of Strontium particle size obtained was more refined than the billet where the strontium modifier was added. Regarding the micrograph, photos stemmed from the optical microscope didn´t show the expected modification effect by the addition of Strontium. This suggests that the low amount of silicon (1 %) present in the alloy used in this study interfered in the change process, because according to the literature review, Strontium 0.022 % by weight is sufficient to fully modify an alloy with 7% Silicon. The results from the cooling curve showed that both the eutectic temperature and the solidification time remained unchanged with the addition of strontium


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Learning to read and write at an early stage is the process of transferring the sound form of the spoken language for the graphical form of writing, a process, a time that in our system of alphabetical called writing, the letters are graphical representations in the level of phoneme. So that this representation occurs, it is necessary that the individual already can of some form perceive and manipulate the different sonorous segments of the word. This capacity of perception directed to the segments of the word calls Phonological Awareness. Thus, it was established had for objective to verify the pertaining to school performance of 1ª to 4ª series with and without of learning in Tests of Phonological Awareness. Fourth children with age average of 9 years and 3 months without learning disabilities had been submitted to the Protocol of Phonological Awareness (CIELO, 2002) using of this instrument had participated of this study 80 pertaining to school of both only the phonological tasks. The data received from quantiqualitative approach whose results were extracted inferences. The statistically significant results occurred in the tasks of Realism Face Detection, Syllables, Detecting Phonemes, Phonemic Synthesis and Reversal Phonemic. Based on the results we observed that children without learning difficulties performed better on all tasks mentioned above