931 resultados para Conquest, Right of.


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BACKGROUND Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia (ARVC/D) is mainly an autosomal dominant disease characterized by fibrofatty infiltration of the right ventricle, leading to ventricular arrhythmias. Mutations in desmosomal proteins can be identified in about half of the patients. The pathogenic mechanisms leading to disease expression remain unclear. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to investigate myocardial expression profiles of candidate molecules involved in the pathogenesis of ARVC/D. METHODS Myocardial messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of 62 junctional molecules, 5 cardiac ion channel molecules, 8 structural molecules, 4 apoptotic molecules, and 6 adipogenic molecules was studied. The averaged expression of candidate mRNAs was compared between ARVC/D samples (n = 10), nonfamilial dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) samples (n = 10), and healthy control samples (n = 8). Immunohistochemistry and quantitative protein expression analysis were performed. Genetic analysis using next generation sequencing was performed in all patients with ARVC/D. RESULTS Following mRNA levels were significantly increased in patients with ARVC/D compared to those with DCM and healthy controls: phospholamban (P ≤ .001 vs DCM; P ≤ .001 vs controls), healthy tumor protein 53 apoptosis effector (P = .001 vs DCM; P ≤ .001 vs controls), and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1β (P ≤ .001 vs DCM; P = 0.008 vs controls). Plakophillin-2 (PKP-2) mRNA was downregulated in patients with ARVC/D with PKP-2 mutations compared with patients with ARVC/D without PKP-2 mutations (P = .04). Immunohistochemistry revealed significantly increased protein expression of phospholamban, tumor protein 53 apoptosis effector, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1β in patients with ARVC/D and decreased PKP-2 expression in patients with ARVC/D carrying a PKP-2 mutation. CONCLUSION Changes in the expression profiles of sarcolemmal calcium channel regulation, apoptosis, and adipogenesis suggest that these molecular pathways may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of ARVC/D, independent of the underlying genetic mutations.


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Recent evidence suggests that individual differences in physical activity (PA) may be associated with individual differences in white matter microstructure and with grey matter volume of the hippocampus. Therefore, this study investigated the association between PA and white matter microstructure of pathways connecting to the hippocampus. A total of 33 young, healthy adults underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). High angular resolution diffusion-weighted imaging and multi-component relaxometry MRI scans (multi-component driven equilibrium pulse observation of T1 and T2) were acquired for each participant. Activity levels (AL) of participants were calculated from 72-h actigraphy recordings. Tractography using the damped Richardson Lucy algorithm was used to reconstruct the fornix and bilateral parahippocampal cinguli (PHC). The mean fractional anisotropy (FA) and the myelin water fraction (MWF), a putative marker of myelination, were determined for each pathway. A positive correlation between both AL and FA and between AL and MWF were hypothesized for the three pathways. There was a selective positive correlation between AL and MWF in the right PHC (r = 0.482, p = 0.007). Thus, our results provide initial in vivo evidence for an association between myelination of the right PHC and PA in young healthy adults. Our results suggest that MWF may not only be more specific, but also more sensitive than FA to detect white matter microstructural alterations. If PA was to induce structural plasticity of the right PHC this may contribute to reverse structural alterations of the right PHC in neuropsychiatric disorder with hippocampal pathologies.


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An impairment of the spatial deployment of visual attention during exploration of static (i.e., motionless) stimuli is a common finding after an acute, right-hemispheric stroke. However, less is known about how these deficits: a) are modulated through naturalistic motion (i.e., without directional, specific spatial features); and, b) evolve in the subacute/chronic post-stroke phase. In the present study, we investigated free visual exploration in three patient groups with subacute/chronic right-hemispheric stroke and in healthy subjects. The first group included patients with left visual neglect and a left visual field defect (VFD), the second patients with a left VFD but no neglect, and the third patients without neglect or VFD. Eye movements were measured in all participants while they freely explored a traffic scene without (static condition) and with (dynamic condition) naturalistic motion, i.e., cars moving from the right or left. In the static condition, all patient groups showed similar deployment of visual exploration (i.e., as measured by the cumulative fixation duration) as compared to healthy subjects, suggesting that recovery processes took place, with normal spatial allocation of attention. However, the more demanding dynamic condition with moving cars elicited different re-distribution patterns of visual attention, quite similar to those typically observed in acute stroke. Neglect patients with VFD showed a significant decrease of visual exploration in the contralesional space, whereas patients with VFD but no neglect showed a significant increase of visual exploration in the contralesional space. No differences, as compared to healthy subjects, were found in patients without neglect or VFD. These results suggest that naturalistic motion, without directional, specific spatial features, may critically influence the spatial distribution of visual attention in subacute/chronic stroke patients.


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Management plans to reduce human-caused deaths of North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis depend, in part, on knowing when and where right whales are likely to be found. Local environmental conditions that influence movements of feeding right whales, such as ultra-dense copepod patches, are unpredictable and ephemeral. We examined the utility of using the regional-scale mean copepod concentration as an indicator of the abundance of right whales in 2 critical habitats off the northeastern coast of the United States: Cape Cod Bay and Great South Channel. Right whales are usually found in Cape Cod Bay during the late winter and early spring, and in the Great South Channel during the late spring and early summer. We found a significant positive relationship between mean concentration of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the western Gulf of Maine and the frequency of right whale sightings in the Great South Channel. In Cape Cod Bay we found a significant positive relationship between the mean concentration of other copepods (largely Pseudocalanus spp. and Centropages spp.) and the frequency of right whale sightings. This information could be used to further our understanding of the environmental factors that drive seasonal movement and aggregation of right whales in the Gulf of Maine, and it offers a tool to resource managers and modelers who seek to predict the movements of right whales based upon the concentration of copepods.


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The Right to Die Debate is a recent but highly controversial moral matter. In particular, physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is an issue that has been evaded by the medical community for years. As of 1990, most states had never encountered the issue before and therefore did not have any laws in place to prohibit PAS (Strate et. al, 2005). Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a retired pathologist from Royal Oak Michigan was the first to publicly address PAS. He brought the issue into the limelight through a bizarre and crude series of assisted deaths that had a lasting impact on not only the Right to Die Debate as whole, but on public policy and both federal and state governmental agendas. This study focuses on the way in which the media, in particular the New York Times (NYT) has portrayed Dr. Jack Kevorkian as incompetent, morally culpable and in an overall negative light in the past twenty years. Applying Stanley Cohen’s 1972 theory of moral panic, a content analysis of NYT media publications between 1990 and 1999 supports Cohen’s theory and reveals that the media has created a moral panic surrounding Kevorkian. This has in turn led to public policy that prevents both terminally ill individuals and their doctors from having a desirable choice; that of voluntary euthanasia and PAS.


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With its turbulent and volatile legal evolution, the right to an abortion in the United States still remains a highly contested issue and has developed into one of the most divisive topics within modern legal discourse. By deconstructing the political underpinnings and legal rationale of the right to an abortion through a systematic case law analysis, I will demonstrate that this right has been incrementally destabilized. This instability embedded in abortion jurisprudence has been primarily produced by a combination of textual ambiguity in the case law and judicial ambivalence regarding this complex area of law. In addition, I argue that the use of the largely discredited substantive due process doctrine to ground this contentious right has also contributed to the lack of legal stability. I assert that when these elements culminate in the realm of reproductive privacy the right to terminate a pregnancy becomes increasingly unstable and contested.


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Many patient educational documents are written at a grade level higher than the level at which most individuals can read. This discrepancy can lead to treatment noncompliance and negative health outcomes. Therefore, it is important that patients receive readable health information. The Texas "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet is a state mandated informational document provided to women seeking abortion services. Given the significance of the abortion procedure, it is imperative that women considering having an abortion receive accurate and readable health materials. However, no published studies were found that evaluated the readability of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the readability of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet. To assess the readability, the Flesch-Kincaid readability test was used to evaluate the reading grade level of the entire "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet and each of the 7 sections of the booklet. The results showed that the readability of the entire booklet as well as each section of the booklet was written below the 8th grade reading level. Although the booklet was written below the estimated United States reading level (8th grade), the reading level of this booklet may still be too high for people in Texas who read below the 8th grade level. Based on these results, it is recommended that health care professionals involved in the distribution and explanation of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet provide their patients with both written and verbal medical information. The patients should be allowed to ask questions about the abortion procedure so that they can make the most informed choice.^


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Introduction: Despite its legalization, abortion remains a controversial issue, one that has many divided on either side of the political spectrum. While there have been several changes made to abortion policy over the past few decades, one that continues to have many asking questions is the Woman’s Right to Know Act, a piece of state imposed abortion legislation that has implemented strict restrictions and requirements of women seeking abortion, including pre-abortion mandatory counseling and a 24 hour waiting period. This project analyzed four controversial components of the mandatory counseling materials in Texas in an attempt to examine the scientific validity behind this legislation. Methods: In order to understand the scientific validity behind the content of the preabortion mandatory counseling, I conducted a systematic literature review to analyze: the purported link between abortion and breast cancer, the existence of fetal pain, the risk of abortion to future fertility, and the negative psychological effects of abortion. An electronic search in EBSCO and PubMed of review articles published between 1995 and 2010 resulted in fourteen reviews. Results: Results of the systematic review found (1) inconclusive evidence suggesting a link between abortion and breast cancer, (2) that fetal pain likely does not occur until the third trimester of pregnancy, (3) that associations exist between induced abortion and subsequent preterm birth and placenta previa, and (4) that there is mixed evidence relating to the negative psychological effects that exist among women having had an abortion and those who have not had abortion. Conclusion: Based on these conclusions, a recommendation was made to revise the current state mandated counseling materials to reflect more accurate and scientifically-based information about abortion and its potential risks.^


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Invited commentary on "Computerizing Social-Emotional Assessment for School Readiness".


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Pitx2, a paired-related homeobox gene that is mutated in human Rieger Syndrome, plays a key role in transferring the early asymmetric signals to individual organs. Pitx2 encodes three isoforms, Pitx2a, Pitx2b and Pitx2c. I found that Pitx2c was the Pitx2 isoform for regulating left-right asymmetry in heart, lung and the predominant isoform in guts. Previous studies suggested that the generation of left-right asymmetry within individual organs is an all or none, random event. Phenotypic analysis of various Pitx2 allelic combinations, that encode graded levels of Pitx2c, reveals an organ-intrinsic mechanism for regulating left-right asymmetric morphogenesis based on differential response to Pitx2c levels. The heart needs low Pitx2c levels, while the lungs and duodenum require higher doses of Pitx2c. In addition, the duodenal rotation is under strict control of Pitx2c activity. Left-right asymmetry development for aortic arch arteries involves complex vascular remodeling. Left-sided expression of Pitx2c in these developing vessels implied its potential function in this process. In order to determine if Pitx2c also can regulate the left-right asymmetry of the aortic arch arteries, a Pitx2c-specific loss of function mutation is generated. Although in wild type mice, the direction of the aortic arch is always oriented toward the left side, the directions of the aortic arches in the mutants were randomized, showing that Pitx2c also determined the left-right asymmetry of these vessels. I have further showed that the cardiac neural crest wasn't involved in this vascular remodeling process. In addition, all mutant embryos had Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV), a common congenital heart disease. This study provided insight into the mechanism of Pitx2c-mediated late stages of left-right asymmetry development and identified the roles of Pitx2c in regulation of aortic arch remodeling and heart development. ^


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Of the large clinical trials evaluating screening mammography efficacy, none included women ages 75 and older. Recommendations on an upper age limit at which to discontinue screening are based on indirect evidence and are not consistent. Screening mammography is evaluated using observational data from the SEER-Medicare linked database. Measuring the benefit of screening mammography is difficult due to the impact of lead-time bias, length bias and over-detection. The underlying conceptual model divides the disease into two stages: pre-clinical (T0) and symptomatic (T1) breast cancer. Treating the time in these phases as a pair of dependent bivariate observations, (t0,t1), estimates are derived to describe the distribution of this random vector. To quantify the effect of screening mammography, statistical inference is made about the mammography parameters that correspond to the marginal distribution of the symptomatic phase duration (T1). This shows the hazard ratio of death from breast cancer comparing women with screen-detected tumors to those detected at their symptom onset is 0.36 (0.30, 0.42), indicating a benefit among the screen-detected cases. ^