973 resultados para Conocimiento base
Este trabajo tiene como propósito esencial, realizar un acercamiento para detectar e identificar las necesidades de información y el comportamiento informativo de entrenadores en deportes de combate. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario a instructores de aikido, boxeo, esgrima, judo, karate, kendo, lima lama, lucha y taekwondo seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por causalidad. En general encontramos que los principales temas de interés entre los instructores son: los programas de entrenamiento, nutrición y dietas de entrenamiento. Por otra parte, los entrenadores son más propensos a utilizar su experiencia, internet y cursos para obtener información. En contraste se nota que la biblioteca y los libros son poco usados.
La Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento (DIC), denominada “Jerarquía de la Información” o “Pirámide del Conocimiento”, es uno de los modelos más importantes en la Gestión de la Información y la Gestión del Conocimiento. Por lo general, la estructuración de la cadena se ha ido definiendo como una arquitectura en la que cada elemento se levanta sobre el elemento inmediatamente inferior; sin embargo no existe un consenso en la definición de los elementos, ni acerca de los procesos que transforman un elemento de un nivel a uno del siguiente nivel. En este artículo se realiza una revisión de la Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento examinando las definiciones más relevantes sobre sus elementos y sobre su articulación en la literatura, para sintetizar las acepciones más comunes. Se analizan los elementos de la Cadena DIC desde la semiótica de Peirce; enfoque que nos permite aclarar los significados e identificar las diferencias, las relaciones y los roles que desempeñan en la cadena desde el punto de vista del pragmatismo. Finalmente se propone una definición de la Cadena DIC apoyada en las categorías triádicas de signos y la semiosis ilimitada de Peirce, los niveles de sistemas de signos de Stamper y las metáforas de Zeleny.
The paper presents a dynamic study of the Spanish labour market which tries to determine if it matches the characteristics of transitional labour markets from a fl exicurity approach. Employment trajectories of Spanish workers during the years 2007-2010 are studied using the Continuous Sample of Working Lives. This period covers the end of the expansion of the Spanish economy and the beginning of the current employment crisis. From the combination of the chosen topic, the approach, and the database used, this is a novel perspective in our country. The article shows evidence of the evolution of the employment and unemployment spells, the Spanish labour market turnover degree, and the diffi culties of some groups for carrying out transition between employment and unemployment. The results obtained show a labour market in which a) transitions have come to a halt, and b) there is high job insecurity.
A novel anthracene-tagged oligonucleotide can discriminate between a fully-matched DNA target sequence and one with a single mismatching base-pair through a remarkable difference in fluorescence emission intensity upon duplex formation.
La Contratación Pública constituye una fuente muy importante de la demanda de bienes y servicios, especialmente en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco en donde el Gobierno Autonómico, también llamado la Administración General Vasca, desarrolla un papel capital como impulsor de dicha contratación pública. Por otro lado, la Economía Social, y especialmente el movimiento cooperativo, tiene en ese mismo ámbito geográfico un papel de gran peso en el conjunto de la Economía Vasca, por sus cifras de empleo y aportación al PIB, así como por tradición y arraigo social. Cabe preguntarse en tal caso, cuál es el papel que desempeñan las cooperativas en la Contratación Pública en aquella Comunidad Autónoma, cómo y cuáles son los contratos de los que resultan adjudicatarias, qué importes suponen esos contratos para las cuentas públicas y, en definitiva, si su papel de adjudicatarias se corresponde con el que desempeñan en el conjunto de la Economía Vasca. Del examen de los contratos publicados en el Perfil del Contratante del Gobierno Vasco, se obtienen datos suficientes que, una vez procesados y analizados, se visualizan en tablas y porcentajes que constituyen la base de un diagnóstico que responde a las preguntas planteadas y evidencia la situación de debilidad de las cooperativas en el campo de la contratación pública vasca.
Among the duties of the government bodies’ members of the different entities, which are connected to the good government, the duty of loyalty must be underlined. This duty, derived from the good-faith duty, obliges to act in the interest of the entity in case of conflict of interest, and to subordinate one’s own interests, except when there is an authorisation. Loyalty duty is applicable both to managers, who must manage the entity’s interest, and to partners, according to the common purpose derived from the company contract. This duty, at the same time, includes some particular rules, referred to transparency, remuneration, prohibition of competition, self-contracting... This essay compares the regulation of the duty of loyalty and its realizations in the different Cooperative Laws in Spain, both referring to the managers and to the partners, comparing this, at the same time, with the regulation of these aspects in companies’ general legislation, an in the Spanish Corporate Enterprises Act in particular, in order to obtain a general view of the issue, a necessary basis to go more deeply into it, and suggesting some preliminary conclusions or assessments.
This research analyses the importance of the training for the promotion of the social economy in two ways: 1) focusing on the characteristics of the educational offer of Social Economy and 2) analyzing its differences regarding to those studies from the Management, entrepreneurship, and innovations areas. To this aim, it is carried out as a first step a literature review of the contributions that study the relationships that can exist between the education and Economy. Then, being based on this previous analysis, we already center our research on the Social Economy sector and its relations with the education system. To get this objective, it has been developed a database that includes all the postgraduate titles related to the Economics area. Likewise, a questionnaire has been designed with the aim of characterize the training in social Economy. As a conclusion, it is obtained that the training in social economy in postgraduate studies in the Spanish Universities is very poor. On the other hand, there are significant differences between Social Economy degrees and Business Management, entrepreneurship and innovation degrees with regard to different aspects such as: values to transmit, competencies, skills, the way of understanding the Economy, etc. Based on these conclusions, different recommendations are proposed in order to promote and boost this other way of doing Economy through the training and education in postgraduate studies.
This paper provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the profile of the entrepreneur who decides to start business through a labor society in the context of the Autonomous Community of Andalucia. Thus, first the Social Economy is presented as an important alternative to creating and promoting employment, which seeks to combine economic and social objectives in the development of activities. Subsequently, focusing on labor companies, updated its importance in the regional economy for later data and through the analysis of two samples are available, set the attributes or most significant characteristics of these entrepreneurs.
Cooperatives have a long historical experience in the Spanish economy and have demonstrated their ability to compete against traditional firms in the market. To maintain this capability, while taking advantage of the competitive advantages associated with their idiosyncrasies as social economy enterprises, they should take into consideration that the economy is increasingly globalized and increasingly knowledge-based, especially with regards to technological content. As a consequence, the innovative capacity appears to be a key aspect in order to be able to challenge competitors. This article characterizes the innovative behavior of cooperatives in the region of Castile and Leon and analyses the internal and external factors affecting their innovative performance, based on data from a survey of 581 cooperatives. The results of the empirical analysis, which is performed by multivariate binary logistic regression on various types of innovation, lead us to identify the size of the organizations, the existence of planning, the R & D activities and the human capital as the main determining factors.