974 resultados para Congenital malformation


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Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii and may be acquired from food or water contaminated with cat feces or by vertical transmission. Severe fetal complications can overcome during pregnancy. There are also rare case-reports of congenital toxoplasmosis from previously immunized pregnant women; usually these women being had prior retinal toxoplasmic lesions. Immunosuppresion is one of the risk factors which accounts for some of these cases. Case report: 30 year-old pregnant woman, OI 2002, brazilian, previously healthy, admitted in Ophtalmology Department because of sudden left eye amaurosis in June, 2010. The fundoscopy revealed retinal scars suggesting previous infections; she was treated with corticoids and spiramycin for ocular toxoplasmosis reactivation. Previous serum analysis (2008) showed immunity to T. Gondii, but in July the IgM was negative and high levels of specific IgG were found (1227UI/mL). The serologic findings were later confirmed by a more accurate laboratory technique which found the IgM to be also positive. An amniocentesis was performed and it was negative for fetal transmission. Clinical and ultrasound follow-up throughout the rest of the gestational period was normal; daily spiramycin intake was maintained. An uneventful term delivery was performed. Neither the newborn’s serum analysis nor the histopathological study of the placenta were positive for congenital infection. Conclusion: Toxoplasmosis reactivation in pregnant women without immunosuppression is rare but is more likely to occur if previous post-infectious retinal scars are present. T. gondii infection is endemic in Brazil, so the geographical origin is important. If risk factors are present, fundoscopy should be performed every three months during pregnancy and one should always be aware of any visual symptoms. If you suspect reactivation, start medical prophylaxis for fetal transmission, perform amniocentesis and regular ultrasound follow-up.


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Os autores apresentam o caso de uma criança com Afibrinogenémia Congénita. A propósito desta entidade revêm a literatura referindo e comentando alguns aspectos e particularidades desta rara doença da coagulação.


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The aim of the present work was to determine the prevalence of IgG and IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and the factors associated to the infection in pregnant women attended in Basic Health Units in Rolândia, Paraná, Brazil. The sample was divided in two groups: group I (320 pregnant women who were analyzed from July 2007 to February 2008) and group II (287 pregnant women who were analyzed from March to October 2008). In group I, it was found 53.1% of pregnant women with IgG reactive and IgM non-reactive, 1.9% with IgG and IgM reactive, 0.3% with IgG non-reactive and IgM reactive and 44.7% with IgG and IgM non-reactive. In group II, it was found 55.1% with IgG reactive and IgM non-reactive and 44.9% with IgG and IgM non-reactive. The variables associated to the presence of IgG antibodies were: residence in rural areas, pregnant women between 35-40 years old, low educational level, low family income, more than one pregnancy, drinking water which does not originate from the public water supply system and the habit of handling soil or sand. Guidance on primary prevention measures and the quarterly serological monitoring of the pregnant women in the risk group are important measures to prevent congenital toxoplasmosis.


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As malformações congénitas associadas às fissuras lábio alvéolo palatinas abrangem um largo leque de patologias, com incidência e penetrância muito variáveis consoante os aurores. Nos 284 doentes seguidos e/ou referenciados a Consulta de Fissurados do Hospital de Dona Estefania (H.D.E.), estão descritas malformações associadas em 78 (27,5%). Destes, há consanguinidade dos pais em três casos e incidência familiar de fissuras e/ou outras malformações congénitasem 13 e 10 doentes respectivamente. Trinta doentes têm síndromes malformativas bem definidas. Nos restantes 48 identificaram-se 127 malformações congénitas associadas (M.C.A.) sendo segundo os critérios de Smith, 81 major e 46 minor. As malformações associadas mais frequentes são as da face ( 25,9 %) e do sistema cardiovascular (16,5 %).As anomalias múltiplas(de vários sistemas) são as mais frequentes (47.9 %), seguindo-se a anomalia isolada (29,1 %) e a múltipla de um sistema (22,9%). Quanto à associação de síndromes com o tipo de fissura, palato primário, secundário ou total, as do secundário são as mais frequentes, nomeadamente a Sequência de Pierre Robin (S.P.R.) - 19 em 36 fendas do palato secundário.


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Pericardial cysts are rare benign congenital malformations, usually small, asymptomatic and detected incidentally on chest X-ray as a mass located in the right costophrenic angle. Giant pericardial cysts are very uncommon and produce symptoms by compressing adjacent structures. In this report, the authors present a case of a symptomatic giant pericardial cyst incorrectly diagnosed as dextrocardia on chest X-ray.


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Toxoplasmosis is an important cause of congenital infection. The present study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of recombinant (r) GRA-7 cloned from nucleotides (n) 39-711 in discriminating between acute and chronic toxoplasmosis. First, commercial IgM, IgG and IgG avidity ELISAs were used to determine the serological profile of the sera. Serum samples were from 20 symptomatic patients with acute infection (low IgG avidity, IgM positive), 10 with chronic infection (high IgG avidity, IgM negative) and 10 with indeterminate IgG avidity (IgM positive) which were tested for IgG avidity status with an in-house developed IgG avidity Western blot using the rGRA-7 recombinant antigen. All 20 sera from cases of probable acute infection showed bands which either faded out completely or reduced significantly in intensity after treatment with 8 M urea, whereas the band intensities of the 10 serum samples from chronic cases remained the same. Of the 10 sera with indeterminate IgG avidity status, after treatment with 8 M urea the band intensities with six sera remained the same, two sera had completely faded bands and another two sera had significantly reduced band intensities. Discrimination between acute and chronic toxoplasmosis was successfully performed by the in-house IgG avidity Western blot.


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The diagnosis of asymptomatic infection with Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi has become more important over recent years. Expansion of visceral leishmaniasis might be associated with other routes of transmission such as transfusion, congenital or even vector transmission, and subjects with asymptomatic infection are potential reservoirs. Moreover, the identification of infection may contribute to the management of patients with immunosuppressive conditions (HIV, transplants, use of immunomodulators) and to the assessment of the effectiveness of control measures. In this study, 149 subjects living in a visceral leishmaniasis endemic area were evaluated clinically and submitted to genus-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serological testing, and the Montenegro skin test. Forty-nine (32.9%) of the subjects had a positive PCR result and none of them developed the disease within a follow-up period of three years. No association was observed between the results of PCR, serological and skin tests. A positive PCR result in subjects from the endemic area did not indicate a risk of progression to visceral leishmaniasis and was not associated with a positive result in the serological tests.


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O enfisema lobar congénito é umamalformação rara do tracto respiratório inferior detectada habitualmente nos primeiros meses de vida. Apresenta-se o caso de um lactente, do sexo masculino, de dois meses de idade, internado por suspeita de pneumonia, no qual a segunda radiografia de tórax revelou hipertransparência arredondada no lobo inferior esquerdo, sugestiva de enfisema lobar congénito. A tomografia computorizada torácica mostrou uma imagem quística,multilobar, e a broncoscopia excluiu obstrução brônquica. Foi programada cirurgia para os seis meses de idade, mas aos três meses foi submetido a intervenção cirúrgica urgente por pneumotórax hipertensivo. O exame anatomo-patológico da peça operatória permitiu o diagnóstico de enfisema lobar congénito. Destaca-se a apresentação multilobar e a complicação por pneumotórax.


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As anomalias congénitas do diafragma (ACD) dão habitualmente sintomatologia no período neonatal; embora 5 a 30% se posssam manter sob uma forma latente e virem a ter uma apresentação tardia. Os A.A. efectuam uma revisão retrospectiva das ACD internadas na UCIP do H.D.E. num período de 41 meses (4 hérnias de Bochdalek, 2 eventrações, 1 hérnia transhiatal e 1 hérnia de Morgagni). Em nenhum dos casos houve sintomatologia neonatal sugestiva, tendo a idade media do diagnóstico sido de 6.6 meses (minimo 1 mes - maximo 18 meses). Em 75% dos casos (6) havia sintomatologia prévia recorrente inespecífica (3 do aparelho respiratório, 2 do digestivo e 1 de ambos), tendo 3 crianças (37.5%) má evolução ponderal. Todos foram sujeitos a cirurgia, com boa evolução em 7 casos (87.5%). Verificou-se 1 óbito (a criança mais jovem), caso em que a uma eventração gigante se associava uma hipoplasia pulmonar grave.


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8A>C>86A G:EDGI: A patient diagnosed Wilson’s disease (WD) 22 years previously, successfully treated initially with zinc, developed neuropsychiatric disease after years of irregular therapy. Reassuming zinc therapy was successful. After a normal pregnancy, she had two therapeutic abortions for corpus callosum agenesis, and a missed abortion. We review the genetics, physiopathology, clinics and imagiologic response to zinc therapy, the problems of pregnancy in WD, advising to maintain therapy. A hypothetic cause for fetus brain anomaly would be hypocupremia due to zinc therapy, confronting with two other possibilities, one related to Wilson’s disease in itself, other due to a congenital syndrome of agenesis of the corpus callosum, impossible to diagnose by our available diagnostic methods.


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A 27 year-old-man, with no known personal or familial history of disease, mentioned a 10-year history of asymptomatic groups of telangiectasias, with a Blaschko lines distribution on the right lateral aspect of the neck and asymptomatic. He denied any episodes of disease or drug intake that could be associated with the disease. Blood work had no changes, namely of liver enzymes or infectious serologies. The clinical diagnosis of Idiopathic Acquired Unilateral Nevoid Telangiectasia was made, an uncommon, benign vascular malformation. The patient declined doing a cutaneous biopsy or treatment with a cosmetic intent.


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Apresenta-se a distribuição por sexos em 4150 crianças, de idade inferior a 13 anos, com cardiopatias congénitas bem definidas, estudadas num periodo de 17 anos. Globalmente a distribuição foi equilibrada, sendo 2108 do fenotipo masculino (50,8%) e 2042 do fenotipo feminino(49,2%), com um quociente Q = 1,03. Verificou-se um predomínio franco do sexo masculino para as seguintes cardiopatias: estenose aórtica valvular e subvalvular fixa (70%), coarctação da aorta(66%), transposição das grandes artérias (60%), coração univentricular (76%), atrésia da tricúspide (63%), anomalia de Ebstein (76%), sindrome do coração esquerdo hipoplásico (85%), aneis vasculares (77%) e estenose médio-ventricular direita (70%). Verificou-se um predomínio franco do sexo feminino para o canal arterial persistente (72%), os defeitos do septo aurículo-ventricular (62%,), a estenose aórtica supravalvular (71%) e a estenose pulmonar infundibular isolada (80%). Confirmou-se uma distribuição muito mais equilibrada para os casos de canal arterial persistente isolado em síndrome de rubéola congénita (56%). Salienta-se a importância de conhecer a distribuição por sexos, por esta ter valor preditivo quanto ao risco de recorrência familiar das cardiopatias congénitas.


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Overview and Aims: The investigation of recurrent miscarriage includes the study of uterine morphology. 3D ultrasound allows the evaluation of the morphology (cavity and outer contour), reducing the need for invasive tests such as hystero - salpingography (HSG), hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. We evaluated the diagnostic agreement between HSG and 3D ultrasound in the study of the uterine cavity morphology. Study Design: Prospective study. Population: A total of 34 women referred to our institution with a history of recurrent miscarriage. Methods: To compare the results of 3D ultrasound and HSG, all women underwent both exams. 3D scans were performed by the same operator and HSG were evaluated by the same clinician. The concordance study was performed using the Kappa coefficient. Results: With 3D ultrasound and HSG, uterine anomalies were diagnosed in 52.9% (18/34) and 47% (16/34) of the cases and congenital malformations were the most frequent findings. The agreement between the two techniques was excellent(K = 0.825). The three cases of diagnostic disagreement were analyzed. Conclusion: A high level of diagnostic agreement was observed between HSG and 3D ultrasound. The 3D ultrasound, a low cost and well tolerated technique, when performed by an experienced operator, is the first line exam to study the uterine morphology in women with recurrent miscarriage.


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Moyamoya disease is an idiopathic progressive steno-occlusive disorder of the intracranial arteries located at the base of the brain. It is associated with the development of compensatory extensive network of fine collaterals. Moyamoya disease is considered syndromic when certain genetic or acquired disorders such as polycystic kidney disease, neurofibromatosis, or meningitis are also present. Although the genetic contribution in moyamoya is indisputable, its cause and pathogenesis remain under discussion. Herein, we report a rare occurrence of moyamoya syndrome in two European Caucasian siblings in association with unusual multisystemic malformations (polycystic kidney disease in one, and intestinal duplication cyst in the other). The karyotype was normal. No mutation in the RFN213 gene was found, and none of the HLA types linked to moyamoya disease or described in similar familial cases were identified. By describing these multisystemic associations, polycystic kidney disease for the second time, and intestinal malformation for the first time in the literature, our report expands the phenotypic variability of moyamoya syndrome. The coexistence of disparate malformations among close relatives suggests an underlying common genetic background predisposing to structural or physiological abnormalities in different tissues and organs.


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A escoliose congénita persiste como uma entidade desafiante para o clínico de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação. Deve-se a uma anomalia do desenvolvimento vertebral, condicionando uma apresentação em idades mais jovens, comparativamente à maioria das escolioses idiopáticas. As curvaturas congénitas tendem a ser rígidas e refractárias ao tratamento conservador, o que aliado ao potencial de crescimento vertebral remanescente, pode resultar em graves deformidades da coluna. Os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura publicada subordinada a escolioses congénitas, visando a actualização dos aspectos fundamentais do respectivo diagnóstico e tratamento. As anomalias vertebrais são classificadas em defeitos de segmentação, formação ou mistos. Os defeitos de formação podem ser completos ou parciais, dando origem a uma hemivértebra ou a uma vértebra em cunha. Entre os defeitos de segmentação, distinguem-se as barras não segmentadas e, na ausência completa de formação do disco, o bloco vertebral. A avaliação consiste numa história clínica detalhada, incluindo os antecedentes pré-natais, o parto e neonatais, história familiar, etapas do desenvolvimento psicomotor e revisão de sistemas. O exame objectivo inclui um exame cuidado do ráquis, alterações cutâneas, deformidades torácicas, genitais, das mãos e pés e exame neurológico. É importante o reconhecimento de anomalias congénitas associadas, nomeadamente intra-espinhais, genito-urinárias, cardiovasculares entre outras. O diagnóstico atempado e o seguimento clínico, são a chave para evitar a progressão da escoliose e o aparecimento de complicações. A radiologia simples permite o diagnóstico das malformações vertebrais, a quantificação da progressão da curva escoliótica e a determinação do potencial de crescimento. A evolução depende da área envolvida, do tipo de anomalia vertebral, idade na altura do diagnóstico, da compensação e padrão da curva. A presença de uma barra não segmentada unilateral está associada a mau prognóstico. A vértebra em bloco alia-se ao melhor prognóstico. Apesar de o tratamento ortóptico permanecer controverso, a possibilidade de atraso da progressão da curvatura escoliótica, permitindo a cirurgia mais tardia, justificam-no como opção terapêutica, em casos seleccionados. O tratamento é cirúrgico nas curvaturas escolióticas curtas, rígidas e progressivas. A MFR desempenha um papel importante no diagnóstico, orientação terapêutica e interface com outras especialidades, atendendo à especificidade individual do tratamento e carácter nefasto das complicações.