944 resultados para Concrete boats
Organizing and managing channels of distribution is an important marketing task. Due to the emergence of electronic commerce on the Internet, e-channel distribution systems have been adopted by many manufacturers. However, academic and anecdotal evidence both point to the pressures arising from this new e-channel manufacturing environment. Questions marks therefore remain on how the addition of this e-channel affects the traditional marketing strategies of leasing and selling. We set up several two-period dual-channel models in which a manufacturer sells a durable product through both a manufacturer-owned e-channel and an independent reseller (leaser) who adopts selling (leasing) to consumers. Our main results indicate that, direct selling cost aside, product durability plays an important role in shaping the strategies of all members. With either marketing strategy, the additional expansion of an e-channel territory may secure Pareto gains, in which all members benefit.
Understanding the seismic vulnerability of building structures is important for seismic engineers, building owners, risk insurers and governments. Seismic vulnerability defines a buildings predisposition to be damaged as a result of an earthquake of a given severity. There are two components to seismic risk; the seismic hazard and the exposure of the structural inventory to any given earthquake event. This paper demonstrates the development of fragility curves at different damage states using a detailed mechanical model of a moment resisting reinforced concrete structure typical of Southern Europe. The mechanical model consists of a complex three-dimensional finite element model of the reinforced concrete moment resisting frame structure and is used to define the damage states through pushover analysis. Fragility curves are also defined using the HAZUS macroseismic methodology and the Risk-UE macroseismic methodology. Comparison of the mechanically modelled and HAZUS fragility curve shows good agreement while the Risk-UE methodology shows reasonably poor agreement.
This paper presents the results from the experimental investigation on heat activated prestressing of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires for active confinement of concrete sections. Active confinement of concrete is found to be much more effective than passive confinement which becomes effective only when the concrete starts to dilate. Active confinement achieved using conventional prestressing techniques often faces many obstacles due to practical limitations. A class of smart materials that has recently drawn attention in civil engineering is the super elastic SMA which has the ability to undergo reversible hysteretic shape change known as the shape memory effect. The shape memory effect of SMAs can be utilized to develop a convenient prestressing technique for active confinement of concrete sections.
In this study a series of experimental tests are conducted to study Heat Activated Prestress (HAP) in SMAs. Three different types of tests are conducted with different loading protocol to determine parameters such as HAP, residual strain after heating and range of strain that can be used for effective active confinement after HAP. Test results show a maximum HAP of about 500 MPa can be achieved after heating and approximately 450MPa is retained at 25oC in specimens pre-strained by 6%. A substantial amount of strain recovery upon unloading and after heating the SMA wires is recorded. About 2.5% elastic strain recovery upon unloading from 6% strain level is observed. In the specimen pre-strained by 6%, a total of 4% strain is recovered when unloaded after heating. A strain range of 3% is found available for effective confinement after HAP. Test results demonstrate that SMAs have unique features that can be intelligently employed in many civil engineering applications including active confinement of concrete sections.
New techniques based on embedded sensors have been developed for monitoring reinforced concrete structures for assessing their durability, which can be used instead of the conventional non-destructive test techniques. The continuous monitoring of concrete for its durability with various types of sensors allows not only early assessment of the potential durability of structures, but also a prediction of their service life. Effrosyni Tzoura and Muhammed Basheer of University of Leeds, Sreejith Nanukuttan and Danny McPolin of Queen's University Belfast, John McCarter of Heriot-Watt University, Ken Grattan and Tong Sun of City University London and Sudarshan Srinivasan of Mott MacDonald report.
A análise dos efeitos dos sismos mostra que a investigação em engenharia sísmica deve dar especial atenção à avaliação da vulnerabilidade das construções existentes, frequentemente desprovidas de adequada resistência sísmica tal como acontece em edifícios de betão armado (BA) de muitas cidades em países do sul da Europa, entre os quais Portugal. Sendo os pilares elementos estruturais fundamentais na resistência sísmica dos edifícios, deve ser dada especial atenção à sua resposta sob ações cíclicas. Acresce que o sismo é um tipo de ação cujos efeitos nos edifícios exige a consideração de duas componentes horizontais, o que tem exigências mais severas nos pilares comparativamente à ação unidirecional. Assim, esta tese centra-se na avaliação da resposta estrutural de pilares de betão armado sujeitos a ações cíclicas horizontais biaxiais, em três linhas principais. Em primeiro lugar desenvolveu-se uma campanha de ensaios para o estudo do comportamento cíclico uniaxial e biaxial de pilares de betão armado com esforço axial constante. Para tal foram construídas quatro séries de pilares retangulares de betão armado (24 no total) com diferentes características geométricas e quantidades de armadura longitudinal, tendo os pilares sido ensaiados para diferentes histórias de carga. Os resultados experimentais obtidos são analisados e discutidos dando particular atenção à evolução do dano, à degradação de rigidez e resistência com o aumento das exigências de deformação, à energia dissipada, ao amortecimento viscoso equivalente; por fim é proposto um índice de dano para pilares solicitados biaxialmente. De seguida foram aplicadas diferentes estratégias de modelação não-linear para a representação do comportamento biaxial dos pilares ensaiados, considerando não-linearidade distribuída ao longo dos elementos ou concentrada nas extremidades dos mesmos. Os resultados obtidos com as várias estratégias de modelação demonstraram representar adequadamente a resposta em termos das curvas envolventes força-deslocamento, mas foram encontradas algumas dificuldades na representação da degradação de resistência e na evolução da energia dissipada. Por fim, é proposto um modelo global para a representação do comportamento não-linear em flexão de elementos de betão armado sujeitos a ações biaxiais cíclicas. Este modelo tem por base um modelo uniaxial conhecido, combinado com uma função de interação desenvolvida com base no modelo de Bouc- Wen. Esta função de interação foi calibrada com recurso a técnicas de otimização e usando resultados de uma série de análises numéricas com um modelo refinado. É ainda demonstrada a capacidade do modelo simplificado em reproduzir os resultados experimentais de ensaios biaxiais de pilares.
Sismos recentes comprovam a elevada vulnerabilidade dos edifícios existentes de betão armado. A resposta das estruturas aos sismos é fortemente condicionada pelas características da aderência aço-betão, que exibe degradação das propriedades iniciais quando sujeitas a carregamentos cíclicos e alternados. Este fenómeno é ainda mais gravoso para elementos com armadura lisa, predominantes na maioria das estruturas construídas até à década de 70 nos países do sul da Europa. A prática corrente de conceção, dimensionamento e pormenorização das estruturas antigas leva a que tenham características de comportamento e níveis de segurança associados não compatíveis com as exigências atuais. Os estudos realizados sobre o comportamento cíclico de elementos estruturais de betão armado com armadura lisa são ainda insuficientes para a completa caracterização deste tipo de elementos. Esta tese visou a caraterização da relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento para elementos estruturais com armadura lisa e o estudo da resposta cíclica de pilares e nós viga-pilar de betão armado com armadura lisa. Foram realizados dez séries de ensaios de arrancamento (nove monotónicos e um cíclico) em provetes com varões lisos. Os resultados destes ensaios permitiram propor novas expressões empíricas para a estimativa dos parâmetros usados num modelo disponível na literatura para representação da relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento. É ainda proposto um novo modelo monotónico para a relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento que representa melhor a resposta após a resistência máxima de aderência. Uma campanha de ensaios unidirecionais em pilares e nós viga-pilar foi também realizada com o objetivo principal de caracterizar o comportamento cíclico deste tipo de elementos. No total foram realizados oito ensaios em pilares, sete ensaios em nós viga-pilar interiores e seis ensaios em nós viga-pilar exteriores representativos de estruturas antigas de betão armado com armadura lisa. Os resultados experimentais permitiram avaliar a influência do escorregamento e estudar o mecanismo de corte em nós e a evolução dos danos para elementos com armadura lisa. Com base nos resultados experimentais foi proposta uma adaptação na expressão do Eurocódigo 8-3 para o cálculo da capacidade última de rotação de elementos com armadura lisa. Foi também desenvolvido um estudo paramétrico, com diferentes estratégias de modelação não linear, para a simulação da resposta de pilares considerando o escorregamento da armadura lisa. Por último, foi proposto um novo modelo simplificado trilinear para o aço que contempla o efeito do escorregamento da armadura lisa.
This paper presents the experimental work carried out on a full scale concrete frame strengthened with Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites. The frame was damaged, strengthened with FRP reinforcement and re-tested to assess the effectiveness of the strengthening technique. The natural frequencies of vibration, displacements, velocities and accelerations for both the unstrengthened and strengthened frame were recorded and compared.
This paper presents an experimental investigation carried out on concrete cylinders confined with fibre reinforced polymers (FRP), subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. Carbon fibres (CFRP) were used as confining material for the concrete specimens. The failure mode, reinforcement ratio based on jacket thickness and type of loading are examined. The study shows that external confinement of concrete can enhance its strength and ductility as well as result in large energy absorption capacity. This has important safety implications, especially in regions with seismic activity.
This paper presents an experimental investigation carried out on concrete filled fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) tubes, subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. Two types of FRP materials were used: glass fibres and carbon fibres. Different failure modes and the effect of concrete fill, type of confinement materials, reinforcement ratio based on tube thickness and type of loading are examined. The study shows that external confinement of concrete by means of modern materials, such fibre reinforced polymers, can enhance its strength and ductility as well as result in large energy absorption capacity. This has important safety implications, especially in regions with seismic activity. A model that predicts the behaviour of confined concrete which takes into account the stiffness and effectiveness of different confinement materials is briefly introduced.
The structural behaviour of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete beams was studied using non-linear finite-element analysis and existing experimental data. The work aim was to examine the potential of using steel fibres to reduce the amount of conventional transverse steel reinforcement without compromising ductility and strength requirements set out in design codes. To achieve this, the spacing between shear links was increased while steel fibres were added as a substitute. Parametric studies were subsequently carried out and comparisons were also made with BS EN 1992-1-1 predictions. It was concluded that the addition of steel fibres enhanced the load-carrying capacity and also altered the failure mode from a brittle shear mode to a flexural ductile one. The provision of fibres also improved ductility. However, interestingly it was found that adding excessive amounts of fibres led to a less-ductile response. Overall, the study confirmed the potential for fibres to compensate for a reduction in conventional shear reinforcement.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both the cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and the complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, polymer matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Hence, to date, most of the thermoset based GFRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and additional costs to producers and suppliers. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, the effect of the incorporation of mechanically recycled GFRP pultrusion wastes on flexural and compressive behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%, w/w), with distinct size grades (coarse fibrous mixture and fine powdered mixture), were incorporated into polyester PM as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Experimental results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars show improved mechanical behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of GFRP waste reuse as raw material in concrete-polymer composites.
The development and applications of thermoset polymeric composites, namely fiber reinforced polymers (FRP), have shifted in the last decades more and more into the mass market [1]. Production and consume have increased tremendously mainly for the construction, transportation and automobile sectors [2, 3]. Although the many successful uses of thermoset composite materials, recycling process of byproducts and end of lifecycle products constitutes a more difficult issue. The perceived lack of recyclability of composite materials is now increasingly important and seen as a key barrier to the development or even continued used of these materials in some markets.
In this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) based products was assessed. Mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the prospective added-value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. Different GFRP waste admixed mortar formulations were analyzed varying the content, between 4% up to 12% in weight, of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. The effect of incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment was accomplished through implementation of full factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacity of GFRP waste admixed mortars with regard to unmodified polymer mortars. The key findings of this study showed a viable technological option for improving the quality of polyester based mortars and highlight a potential cost-effective waste management solution for thermoset composite materials in the production of sustainable concrete-polymer based products.