950 resultados para Computational fluid dynamics modeling
The building envelope is the principal mean of interaction between indoors and environment, with direct influence on thermal and energy performance of the building. By intervening in the envelope, with the proposal of specific architectural elements, it is possible to promote the use of passive strategies of conditioning, such as natural ventilation. The cross ventilation is recommended by the NBR 15220-3 as the bioclimatic main strategy for the hot and humid climate of Natal/RN, offering among other benefits, the thermal comfort of occupants. The analysis tools of natural ventilation, on the other hand, cover a variety of techniques, from the simplified calculation methods to computer fluid dynamics, whose limitations are discussed in several papers, but without detailing the problems encountered. In this sense, the present study aims to evaluate the potential of wind catchers, envelope elements used to increase natural ventilation in the building, through CFD simplified simulation. Moreover, it seeks to quantify the limitations encountered during the analysis. For this, the procedure adopted to evaluate the elements implementation and efficiency was the CFD simulation, abbreviation for Computer Fluid Dynamics, with the software DesignBuilder CFD. It was defined a base case, where wind catchers were added with various settings, to compare them with each other and appreciate the differences in flows and air speeds encountered. Initially there has been done sensitivity tests for familiarization with the software and observe simulation patterns, mapping the settings used and simulation time for each case simulated. The results show the limitations encountered during the simulation process, as well as an overview of the efficiency and potential of wind catchers, with the increase of ventilation with the use of catchers, differences in air flow patterns and significant increase in air speeds indoors, besides changes found due to different element geometries. It is considered that the software used can help designers during preliminary analysis in the early stages of design
La tendencia mundial de administrar y operar a distancia las centrales hidroeléctricas está obligando a los expertos a replantear los estrategias de monitoreo y diagnóstico de sus máquinas -- Esto ha conducido también, a reducir el personal experto que reside in-situ y que se encarga de operar y mantener los sistemas técnicos, y además de atender cualquier eventualidad que pueda ocurrir -- Por eso, desde hace ya varios años se han venido desarrollando sistemas expertos que puedan suplir las deficiencias del recurso humano -- Pero aunque tales sistemas han alcanzado niveles interesantes de independencia, aún requieren del acompañamiento de un experto que pueda interpretar las evidencias, emitir un diagnóstico y tomar una decisión -- Un ejemplo de los aspectos que aún se deben perfeccionar, es el se las falsas alarmas que llegan a producir el efecto “cry wolf” y que terminan por inactivar el sistema -- Otra forma de enfrentar esta nueva dinámica de operación es la de subcontratar el servicio de diagnóstico técnico, que puede dar resultados aceptables, pero no siempre en el caso de centrales hidroeléctricas -- Las centrales por lo general se encuentran en sitios remotos y en ocasiones blindadas por condiciones geográficas y climatológicas por lo que no es posible reaccionar rápidamente para atender una eventualidad cuando el experto y sus instrumentos no están cerca -- Una solución que resulta conveniente es de hecho, la centralización de la experticia para los servicios de monitoreo y diagnóstico técnico, soportados por una plataforma portátil e idealmente no-invasiva, que permanezca siempre junto a las máquinas y que pueda ser consultada on-line -- De este modo una cantidad reducida de expertos tendrán acceso permanente a las variables o síntomas que definen el estado técnico de la maquinaria; ellos se encargarán de analizar las señales sintomáticas, evaluar los resultados, emitir juicios y elaborar reportes ejecutivos que finalmente llegarán a manos del administrador o persona encargada de la operación -- Esta alternativa aliviará molestias relacionadas con los procesos de monitoreo y diagnóstico: instrumentación/sensórica, cableado, acondicionamiento de señales, adquisición digital de datos, procesamiento de señales, administración y gestión de equipos, reporte de resultados, recomendaciones, etc. -- Este proyecto propone en dos etapas, el diseño de una plataforma tecnológica que pueda soportar la alternativa mencionada -- En detalle, el diseño de un sistema integrado de adquisición de datos que además de ser portátil, modular y escalable, adecuado para monitoreo de las principales variables de diagnóstico de una central hidroeléctrica; que aunque no incorpore un sistema experto, si ofrece las herramientas de análisis, diagnóstico y toma de decisiones del estado del arte
When components of a propulsion system are exposed to elevated flow temperatures there is a risk for catastrophic failure if the components are not properly protected from the thermal loads. Among several strategies, slot film cooling is one of the most commonly used, yet poorly understood active cooling techniques. Tangential injection of a relatively cool fluid layer protects the surface(s) in question, but the turbulent mixing between the hot mainstream and cooler film along with the presence of the wall presents an inherently complex problem where kinematics, thermal transport and multimodal heat transfer are coupled. Furthermore, new propulsion designs rely heavily on CFD analysis to verify their viability. These CFD models require validation of their results, and the current literature does not provide a comprehensive data set for film cooling that meets all the demands for proper validation, namely a comprehensive (kinematic, thermal and boundary condition data) data set obtained over a wide range of conditions. This body of work aims at solving the fundamental issue of validation by providing high quality comprehensive film cooling data (kinematics, thermal mixing, heat transfer). 3 distinct velocity ratios (VR=uc/u∞) are examined corresponding to wall-wake (VR~0.5), min-shear (VR ~ 1.0), and wall-jet (VR~2.0) type flows at injection, while the temperature ratio TR= T∞/Tc is approximately 1.5 for all cases. Turbulence intensities at injection are 2-4% for the mainstream (urms/u∞, vrms/u∞,), and on the order of 8-10% for the coolant (urms/uc, vrms/uc,). A special emphasis is placed on inlet characterization, since inlet data in the literature is often incomplete or is of relatively low quality for CFD development. The data reveals that min-shear injection provides the best performance, followed by the wall-jet. The wall-wake case is comparably poor in performance. The comprehensive data suggests that this relative performance is due to the mixing strength of each case, as well as the location of regions of strong mixing with respect to the wall. Kinematic and thermal data show that strong mixing occurs in the wall-jet away from the wall (y/s>1), while strong mixing in the wall-wake occurs much closer to the wall (y/s<1). Min-shear cases exhibit noticeably weaker mixing confined to about y/s=1. Additionally to these general observations, the experimental data obtained in this work is analyzed to reveal scaling laws for the inlets, near-wall scaling, detecting and characterizing coherent structures in the flow as well as to provide data reduction strategies for comparison to CFD models (RANS and LES).
The stirring of a body of viscous fluid using multiple stirring rods is known to be particularly effective when the rods trace out a path corresponding to a nontrivial mathematical braid. The optimal braid is the so-called "pigtail braid", in which three stirring rods execute the usual "over-under" motion associated with braiding plaiting) hair. We show how to achieve this optimal braiding motion straightforwardly: one stirring rod is driven in a figure-of-eight motion, while the other two rods are baffles, which rotate episodically about their common centre. We also explore the extent to which the physical baffles may be replaced by flow structures (such as periodic islands).
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la mejora en la validación de la simulación numérica del flujo bifásico característico del transporte de lecho fluido, mediante la formulación y desarrollo de un modelo numérico combinado Volúmenes Finitos - Elementos Finitos. Para ello se simula numéricamente el flujo de mezcla sólido-gas en una Cámara de Lecho Fluido, bajo implementación en código COMSOL, cuyos resultados son mejores comparativamente a un modelo basado en el método de Elementos Discretos implementado en código abierto MFIX. El problema fundamental de la modelización matemática del fenómeno de lecho fluido es la irregularidad del dominio, el acoplamiento de las variables en espacio y tiempo y, la no linealidad. En esta investigación se reformula apropiadamente las ecuaciones conservativas del fenómeno, tales que permitan obtener un problema variacional equivalente y solucionable numéricamente. Entonces; se define una ecuación de estado en función de la presión hidrodinámica y la fracción volumétrica de sólidos, quedando desacoplado el sistema en tres sub-problemas, garantizando así la existencia de solución del problema general. Una vez aproximados numéricamente ambos modelos, se comparan los resultados de donde se observa que el modelo materia del presente artículo, verifica de forma más eficaz las condiciones de mezcla óptima, reflejada en la calidad del burbujeo y velocidad de mezcla.
This lecture course covers the theory of so-called duality-based a posteriori error estimation of DG finite element methods. In particular, we formulate consistent and adjoint consistent DG methods for the numerical approximation of both the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations; in the latter case, the viscous terms are discretized based on employing an interior penalty method. By exploiting a duality argument, adjoint-based a posteriori error indicators will be established. Moreover, application of these computable bounds within automatic adaptive finite element algorithms will be developed. Here, a variety of isotropic and anisotropic adaptive strategies, as well as $hp$-mesh refinement will be investigated.
Actualmente, la física de plasmas constituye una parte importante de la investigación en física que está siendo desarrollada. Su campo de aplicación varía desde el estudio de plasmas interestelares y cósmicos, como las estrellas, las nebulosas, el medio intergaláctico, etc.; hasta aplicaciones más terrenales como la producción de microchips o los dispositivos de iluminación. Resulta particularmente interesante el estudio del contacto de una superficie metálica con un plasma. Siendo la razón que, la dinámica de la interfase formada entre un plasma imperturbado y una superficie metálica, resulta de gran importancia cuando se trata de estudiar problemas como: la implantación iónica en una oblea de silicio, el grabado por medio de plasmas, la carga de una aeronave cuando atraviesa la ionosfera y la diagnosis de plasmas mediante sondas de Langmuir. El uso de las sondas de Langmuir está extendido a través de multitud de aplicaciones tecnológicas e industriales como método de diagnosis de plasmas. Algunas de estas aplicaciones han sido mencionadas justo en el párrafo anterior. Es más, su uso también es muy popular en la investigación en física de plasmas, por ser una de las pocas técnicas de diagnosis que proporciona información local sobre el plasma. El equipamiento donde es habitualmente implementado varía desde plasmas de laboratorio de baja temperatura hasta plasmas de fusión en dispositivos como tokamaks o stellerators. La geometría más popular de este tipo de sondas es cilíndrica, y la principal magnitud que se usa para diagnosticar el plasma es la corriente recogida por la sonda cuando se encuentra polarizada a un cierto potencial. Existe un interes especial en diagnosticar por medio de la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda, puesto que produce una perturbación muy pequeña del plasma en comparación con el uso de la corriente electrónica. Dada esta popularidad, no es de extrañar que grandes esfuerzos se hayan realizado en la consecución de un modelo teórico que explique el comportamiento de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma. Hay que remontarse a la primera mitad del siglo XX para encontrar las primeras teorías que permiten diagnosticar parámetros del plasma mediante la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda de Langmuir. Desde entonces, las mejoras en estos modelos y el desarrollo de otros nuevos ha sido una constante en la investigación en física de plasmas. No obstante, todavía no está claro como los iones se aproximan a la superficie de la sonda. Las dos principales, a la par que opuestas, aproximaciones al problema que están ampliamente aceptadas son: la radial y la orbital; siendo el problema que ambas predicen diferentes valores para la corriente iónica. Los experimentos han arrojado resultados de acuerdo con ambas teorías, la radial y la orbital; y lo que es más importante, una transición entre ambos ha sido recientemente observada. La mayoría de los logros conseguidos a la hora de comprender como los iones caen desde el plasma hacia la superficie de la sonda, han sido llevados a cabo en el campo de la dinámica de fluidos o la teoría cinética. Por otra parte, este problema puede ser abordado mediante el uso de simulaciones de partículas. La principal ventaja de las simulaciones de partículas sobre los modelos de fluidos o cinéticos es que proporcionan mucha más información sobre los detalles microscópicos del movimiento de las partículas, además es relativamente fácil introducir interacciones complejas entre las partículas. No obstante, estas ventajas no se obtienen gratuitamente, ya que las simulaciones de partículas requieren grandísimos recursos. Por esta razón, es prácticamente obligatorio el uso de técnicas de procesamiento paralelo en este tipo de simulaciones. El vacío en el conocimiento de las sondas de Langmuir, es el que motiva nuestro trabajo. Nuestra aproximación, y el principal objetivo de este trabajo, ha sido desarrollar una simulación de partículas que nos permita estudiar el problema de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma y que está negativamente polarizada con respecto a éste. Dicha simulación nos permitiría estudiar el comportamiento de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir, así como arrojar luz sobre la transición entre las teorías radiales y orbitales que ha sido observada experimentalmente. Justo después de esta sección introductoria, el resto de la tesis está dividido en tres partes tal y como sigue: La primera parte está dedicada a establecer los fundamentos teóricos de las sondas de Langmuir. En primer lugar, se realiza una introducción general al problema y al uso de sondas de Langmuir como método de diagnosis de plasmas. A continuación, se incluye una extensiva revisión bibliográfica sobre las diferentes teorías que proporcionan la corriente iónica recogida por una sonda. La segunda parte está dedicada a explicar los detalles de las simulaciones de partículas que han sido desarrolladas a lo largo de nuestra investigación, así como los resultados obtenidos con las mismas. Esta parte incluye una introducción sobre la teoría que subyace el tipo de simulaciones de partículas y las técnicas de paralelización que han sido usadas en nuestros códigos. El resto de esta parte está dividido en dos capítulos, cada uno de los cuales se ocupa de una de las geometrías consideradas en nuestras simulaciones (plana y cilíndrica). En esta parte discutimos también los descubrimientos realizados relativos a la transición entre el comportamiento radial y orbital de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir. Finalmente, en la tercera parte de la tesis se presenta un resumen del trabajo realizado. En este resumen, se enumeran brevemente los resultados de nuestra investigación y se han incluido algunas conclusiones. Después de esto, se enumeran una serie de perspectivas futuras y extensiones para los códigos desarrollados.
Title of dissertation: MAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC INVESTIGATIONS OF TURBULENT SPHERICAL COUETTE FLOW Matthew M. Adams, Doctor of Philosophy, 2016 Dissertation directed by: Professor Daniel Lathrop Department of Physics This dissertation describes experiments in spherical Couette devices, using both gas and liquid sodium. The experimental geometry is motivated by the Earth's outer core, the seat of the geodynamo, and consists of an outer spherical shell and an inner sphere, both of which can be rotated independently to drive a shear flow in the fluid lying between them. In the case of experiments with liquid sodium, we apply DC axial magnetic fields, with a dominant dipole or quadrupole component, to the system. We measure the magnetic field induced by the flow of liquid sodium using an external array of Hall effect magnetic field probes, as well as two probes inserted into the fluid volume. This gives information about possible velocity patterns present, and we extend previous work categorizing flow states, noting further information that can be extracted from the induced field measurements. The limitations due to a lack of direct velocity measurements prompted us to work on developing the technique of using acoustic modes to measure zonal flows. Using gas as the working fluid in our 60~cm diameter spherical Couette experiment, we identified acoustic modes of the container, and obtained excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. For the case of uniform rotation of the system, we compared the acoustic mode frequency splittings with theoretical predictions for solid body flow, and obtained excellent agreement. This gave us confidence in extending this work to the case of differential rotation, with a turbulent flow state. Using the measured splittings for this case, our colleagues performed an inversion to infer the pattern of zonal velocities within the flow, the first such inversion in a rotating laboratory experiment. This technique holds promise for use in liquid sodium experiments, for which zonal flow measurements have historically been challenging.
Experimental geophysical fluid dynamics often examines regimes of fluid flow infeasible for computer simulations. Velocimetry of zonal flows present in these regimes brings many challenges when the fluid is opaque and vigorously rotating; spherical Couette flows with molten metals are one such example. The fine structure of the acoustic spectrum can be related to the fluid’s velocity field, and inverse spectral methods can be used to predict and, with sufficient acoustic data, mathematically reconstruct the velocity field. The methods are to some extent inherited from helioseismology. This work develops a Finite Element Method suitable to matching the geometries of experimental setups, as well as modelling the acoustics based on that geometry and zonal flows therein. As an application, this work uses the 60-cm setup Dynamo 3.5 at the University of Maryland Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory. Additionally, results obtained using a small acoustic data set from recent experiments in air are provided.
The building envelope is the principal mean of interaction between indoors and environment, with direct influence on thermal and energy performance of the building. By intervening in the envelope, with the proposal of specific architectural elements, it is possible to promote the use of passive strategies of conditioning, such as natural ventilation. The cross ventilation is recommended by the NBR 15220-3 as the bioclimatic main strategy for the hot and humid climate of Natal/RN, offering among other benefits, the thermal comfort of occupants. The analysis tools of natural ventilation, on the other hand, cover a variety of techniques, from the simplified calculation methods to computer fluid dynamics, whose limitations are discussed in several papers, but without detailing the problems encountered. In this sense, the present study aims to evaluate the potential of wind catchers, envelope elements used to increase natural ventilation in the building, through CFD simplified simulation. Moreover, it seeks to quantify the limitations encountered during the analysis. For this, the procedure adopted to evaluate the elements implementation and efficiency was the CFD simulation, abbreviation for Computer Fluid Dynamics, with the software DesignBuilder CFD. It was defined a base case, where wind catchers were added with various settings, to compare them with each other and appreciate the differences in flows and air speeds encountered. Initially there has been done sensitivity tests for familiarization with the software and observe simulation patterns, mapping the settings used and simulation time for each case simulated. The results show the limitations encountered during the simulation process, as well as an overview of the efficiency and potential of wind catchers, with the increase of ventilation with the use of catchers, differences in air flow patterns and significant increase in air speeds indoors, besides changes found due to different element geometries. It is considered that the software used can help designers during preliminary analysis in the early stages of design
Mechanical conditioning has been shown to promote tissue formation in a wide variety of tissue engineering efforts. However the underlying mechanisms by which external mechanical stimuli regulate cells and tissues are not known. This is particularly relevant in the area of heart valve tissue engineering (HVTE) owing to the intense hemodynamic environments that surround native valves. Some studies suggest that oscillatory shear stress (OSS) caused by steady flow and scaffold flexure play a critical role in engineered tissue formation derived from bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSCs). In addition, scaffold flexure may enhance nutrient (e.g. oxygen, glucose) transport. In this study, we computationally quantified the i) magnitude of fluid-induced shear stresses; ii) the extent of temporal fluid oscillations in the flow field using the oscillatory shear index (OSI) parameter, and iii) glucose and oxygen mass transport profiles. Noting that sample cyclic flexure induces a high degree of oscillatory shear stress (OSS), we incorporated moving boundary computational fluid dynamic simulations of samples housed within a bioreactor to consider the effects of: 1) no flow, no flexure (control group), 2) steady flow-alone, 3) cyclic flexure-alone and 4) combined steady flow and cyclic flexure environments. We also coupled a diffusion and convention mass transport equation to the simulated system. We found that the coexistence of both OSS and appreciable shear stress magnitudes, described by the newly introduced parameter OSI-:τ: explained the high levels of engineered collagen previously observed from combining cyclic flexure and steady flow states. On the other hand, each of these metrics on its own showed no association. This finding suggests that cyclic flexure and steady flow synergistically promote engineered heart valve tissue production via OSS, so long as the oscillations are accompanied by a critical magnitude of shear stress. In addition, our simulations showed that mass transport of glucose and oxygen is enhanced by sample movement at low sample porosities, but did not play a role in highly porous scaffolds. Preliminary in-house in vitro experiments showed that cell proliferation and phenotype is enhanced in OSI-:τ: environments.^
This thesis investigates the rotational behavior of abstracted small-wind-turbine rotors exposed to a sudden increase in oncoming flow velocity, i.e. a gust. These rotors consisted of blades with aspect ratios characteristic of samara seeds, which are known for their ability to maintain autorotation in unsteady wind. The models were tested in a towing tank using a custom-built experimental rig. The setup was designed and constructed to allow for the measurement of instantaneous angular velocity of a rotor model towed at a prescribed kinematic profile along the tank. The conclusions presented in this thesis are based on the observed trends in effective angle-of-attack distribution, tip speed ratio, angular velocity, and time delay in the rotational response for each of rotors over prescribed gust cases. It was found that the blades with the higher aspect ratio had higher tip speed ratios and responded faster than the blades with a lower aspect ratio. The decrease in instantaneous tip speed ratio during the onset of a prescribed gust correlated with the time delay in each rotor model's rotational response. The time delays were found to increase nonlinearly with decreasing durations over which the simulated gusts occurred.
Our goal in this paper is to extend previous results obtained for Newtonian and secondgrade fluids to third-grade fluids in the case of an axisymmetric, straight, rigid and impermeable tube with constant cross-section using a one-dimensional hierarchical model based on the Cosserat theory related to fluid dynamics. In this way we can reduce the full threedimensional system of equations for the axisymmetric unsteady motion of a non-Newtonian incompressible third-grade fluid to a system of equations depending on time and on a single spatial variable. Some numerical simulations for the volume flow rate and the the wall shear stress are presented.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is nowadays considered an important alternative to traditional manufacturing processes. AM technology shows several advantages in literature as design flexibility, and its use increases in automotive, aerospace and biomedical applications. As a systematic literature review suggests, AM is sometimes coupled with voxelization, mainly for representation and simulation purposes. Voxelization can be defined as a volumetric representation technique based on the model’s discretization with hexahedral elements, as occurs with pixels in the 2D image. Voxels are used to simplify geometric representation, store intricated details of the interior and speed-up geometric and algebraic manipulation. Compared to boundary representation used in common CAD software, voxel’s inherent advantages are magnified in specific applications such as lattice or topologically structures for visualization or simulation purposes. Those structures can only be manufactured with AM employment due to their complex topology. After an accurate review of the existent literature, this project aims to exploit the potential of the voxelization algorithm to develop optimized Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) tools. The final aim is to manipulate and support mechanical simulations of lightweight and optimized structures that should be ready to be manufactured with AM with particular attention to automotive applications. A voxel-based methodology is developed for efficient structural simulation of lattice structures. Moreover, thanks to an optimized smoothing algorithm specific for voxel-based geometries, a topological optimized and voxelized structure can be transformed into a surface triangulated mesh file ready for the AM process. Moreover, a modified panel code is developed for simple CFD simulations using the voxels as a discretization unit to understand the fluid-dynamics performances of industrial components for preliminary aerodynamic performance evaluation. The developed design tools and methodologies perfectly fit the automotive industry’s needs to accelerate and increase the efficiency of the design workflow from the conceptual idea to the final product.