953 resultados para Combined bending and shear


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The aim of this study was to compare biofi lm formation by Candida glabrata and Candida albicans on acrylic, either individually or when combined (single and dual species) and then examine the antimicrobial effects of silver nanoparticles and nystatin on these biofi lms. Candidal adhesion and biofi lm assays were performed on acrylic surface in the presence of artifi cial saliva (AS) for 2 h and 48 h, respectively. Candida glabrata and C. albicans adherence was determined by the number of colony forming units (CFUs) recovered from the biofi lms on CHROMagar ® Candida . In addition, crystal violet (CV) staining was used as an indicator of biofi lm biomass and to quantify biofi lm formation ability. Pre-formed biofi lms were treated either with silver nanoparticles or nystatin and the effect of these agents on the biofi lms was evaluated after 24 h. Results showed that both species adhered to and formed biofi lms on acrylic surfaces. A signifi cantly ( P < 0.05) higher number of CFUs was evident in C. glabrata biofi lms compared with those formed by C. albicans . Comparing single and dual species biofi lms, equivalent CFU numbers were evident for the individual species. Both silver nanoparticles and nystatin reduced biofi lm biomass and the CFUs of single and dual species biofi lms ( P < 0.05). Silver nanoparticles had a signifi cantly ( P < 0.05) greater effect on reducing C. glabrata biofi lm biomass compared with C. albicans . Similarly, nystatin was more effective in reducing the number of CFUs of dual species biofi lms compared with those of single species ( P < 0.05). In summary, C. glabrata and C. albicans can co-exist in biofi lms without apparent antagonism, and both silver nanoparticles and nystatin exhibit inhibitory effects on biofi lms of these species. © 2013 ISHAM.


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First-principles calculations set the comprehension over performance of novel cathodoluminescence (CL) properties of BaZrO3 prepared through microwave-assisted hydrothermal. Ground (singlet, s*) and excited (singlet s** and triplet t**) electronic states were built from zirconium displacement of 0.2 Å in {001} direction. Each ground and excited states were characterized by the correlation of their corresponding geometry with electronic structures and Raman vibrational frequencies which were also identified experimentally. A kind of optical polarization switching was identified by the redistribution of 4dz2 and 4dxz (Zr) orbitals and 2pz O orbital. As a consequence, asymmetric bending and stretching modes theoretically obtained reveal a direct dependence with their polyhedral intracluster and/or extracluster ZrO6 distortions with electronic structure. Then, CL of the as-synthesized BaZrO3 can be interpreted as a result of stable triplet excited states, which are able to trap electrons, delaying the emission process due to spin multiplicity changes. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) process is a three dimensional surface modification method that is quite mature and well known to the surface engineering community nowadays, especially to those working in the field of plasma-materials interaction, aiming at both industrial and academic applications. More recently, deposition methods have been added to PIII, the PIII&D, opening possibilities of broader range of applications of these techniques. So, PIII&D is becoming a routine method of surface modification, with the advantage of pushing up the retained dose levels limited by the sputtering due to ion implantation. Therefore, well adherent, thick, three-dimensional films without stress are possible to be achieved, at relatively low cost, using PIII&D. In this paper, we will discuss about a few PIII and PIII&D experiments that have been performed recently to achieve surface improvements in different materials: 1 - high temperature nitrogen PIII in Ti6Al4V alloy in which a deep nitrogen rich treated layer resulted in surface improvements as increase of hardness, corrosion resistance and resistance to wear of the Ti alloy; 2 - nanostructures in ZnO films, obtained by PIII&D of vaporized & ionized Zn source; 3 - combined implantation and deposition of calcium for biomaterial activity of Ti alloy (PIII&D), allowing the growth of hydroxyapatite in a body solution; 4 - magnetron sputtering deposition of Cr that was enhanced by the glow discharge Ar plasma to allow implantation and deposition of Cr on SAE 1070 steel (PIII&D) resulting in surfaces with high resistance to corrosion; and 5 - implantation of nitrogen by ordinary PIII into this Cr film, which improved resistance to corrosion, while keeping the tribological properties as good as for the SAE 1070 steel surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Lajes lisas nervuradas bidirecionais são elementos estruturais de concreto armado apoiados diretamente sobre pilares, sujeitas a solicitações importantes nas duas direções, possibilitam maior velocidade na execução da obra e economia considerável de formas e concreto e, conseqüentemente, mão-de-obra. Este trabalho visa contribuir para o estudo do comportamento deste tipo de laje, quanto a resistência ao cisalhamento nas nervuras e à punção na região maciça das lajes, através de ensaios de 8 lajes lisas nervuradas bidirecionais de concreto armado. Foram realizadas análises comparativas entre os resultados obtidos experimentalmente e os fornecidos por normas técnicas nacionais e internacionais. As lajes eram quadradas de lado igual a 1.800 mm de comprimento e altura total de 140 mm. A seção transversal das lajes foi formada por nervuras de 50 mm de largura na base menor e 100 mm na base maior e os vazios entre as nervuras foram preenchidos com blocos de EPS (poliestireno expandido). As principais variáveis consideradas foram o tipo de armadura de cisalhamento nas nervuras (treliça, estribo vertical fechado e estribo aberto inclinado a 45) e a utilização de estribo aberto inclinado a 45 como armadura de punção na região maciça. Foram apresentados e analisados os resultados observados para os deslocamentos verticais, deformação nas armaduras de cisalhamento e de flexão, e a propagação das fissuras. Os valores observados para cargas últimas foram comparados com os resultados estimados. Observou-se que as armaduras de cisalhamento nas nervuras não ocasionaram ganhos significativos na resistência última e que a armadura de punção elevou significativamente a resistência das lajes.


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Neste trabalho são apresentadas aproximações lineares e quadráticas das equações de Zoeppritz para a obtenção dos coeficientes de reflexão e transmissão de eventos P-P e P-S em função dos ângulos de incidência e da média angular, bem como a análise de inversão linear de AVO, considerando os eventos de reflexão P-P e P-S dissociados e combinados. O uso das chamadas aproximações pseudo-quadráticas foi aplicado para obtenção de aproximações quadráticas apenas para eventos-PP, em torno dos contrastes médios das velocidades de ondas compressionais e cisalhantes e da razão Vs/Vp. Os resultados das aproximações desenvolvidas neste trabalho mostram que as aproximações quadráticas são mais precisas que as lineares, nas duas versões angulares. As comparações entre as aproximações em termos do ângulo de incidência e da média angular mostram que as aproximações quadráticas são equivalentes dentro do limite angular de [0º, 30º]. Por outro lado, as aproximações lineares em função do ângulo de incidência mostram-se mais precisas que as aproximações lineares em função da média angular. Na inversão linear, fez-se análises de sensibilidade e de ambigüidade e observou-se que, nos caso de eventos de reflexão P-P e P-S dissociados, apenas um parâmetro pode ser estimado e que a combinação destes eventos consegue estabilizar a inversão, permitindo a estimativa de dois dentre os parâmetros físicos dos meios (contrastes de impedância, de velocidade de onda P e de módulo de cisalhamento).


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Este trabalho visou a demonstrar o dimensionamento e verificação de cálculo da NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2007) com as suas características geométricas, cobrimento da armadura, armaduras, flambagem e a resistência de pilares à compressão centrada dos pilares em concreto armado, apresentando na revisão bibliográfica as principais técnicas de reforço estrutural de pilares de concreto armado para edificações antigas, identificando as principais metodologias e técnicas utilizadas no Brasil e apresentando os pontos positivos e negativos de cada técnica:encamisamento de concreto, perfis metálicos, chapa de aço colado, manta/tecido de carbono, aramida e vidro e polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono (PRFC). Os pilares com aumento da seção transversal retangular, com adição de armação e concreto, sendo mais usual e prática a técnica apresenta dificuldades em obras antigas, geralmente devido à necessidade arquitetônica de permanecer o mais fiel a sua forma original. Justificando-se a necessidade de conhecimento das diversas técnicas de reforço estrutural descritas neste trabalho com aumento de capacidade de resistência, sem que haja aumento substancial, na seção transversal dos pilares e objetivando a análise do reforço proposto através dos cálculos do projeto, programa – PDOP 2.0 e parâmetros de cálculo da NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2007). Os resultados obtidos através da análise comparativa do reforço executado no estudo de caso “revitalização do casarão” - com relação à análise dos pilares retangulares submetidos à flexão composta oblíqua, esforços cortantes e torsores quanto à NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2007) utilizando o programa para dimensionamento otimizado de pilares – PDOP 2.0 - indicaram que a técnica de reforço estudada foi eficiente, pois todas as peças reforçadas tiveram uma capacidade portante maior que a do pilar original sem o reforço.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the density, density profile, water swelling and absorption, modulus of elasticity and rupture from static bending, and tensile strength of experimental medium-density fiberboards manufactured using Dendrocalamus giganteus (Munro bamboo). The fiber production was carried out through the chemo-thermo-mechanical pulping process with four different conditions. The panels were made with 10% urea formaldehyde resin based on dry weight of the fibers, 2.5% of a catalyzer (ammonium sulfate) and 2% paraffin. The results indicate that treatments with the highest alkali (NaOH) percentage, time and splinter heating temperature improved the physical properties of the panels. The root-fiber interface was evaluated through scanning electron microscopy in fracture zones, which revealed fibers with thick, inflexible walls. The panels' mechanical properties were affected due to the fiber wall characteristics and interaction with resin. Giant bamboo fiber has potential for MDF production, but other studies should be carried out.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cogeneration may be defined as the simultaneous production of electric power and useful heat from the burning of a single fuel. This technique of combined heat and power production has been applied in both the industrial and tertiary sectors. It has been mainly used because of its overall efficiency, and the guarantee of electricity with a low level of environmental impact. The compact cogeneration systems using internal combustion engine as prime movers are thoroughly applied because of the good relationship among cost and benefit obtained in such devices. The cogeneration system of this study consists of an internal combustion engine using natural gas or biogas as fuel, combined with two heat exchangers and an absorption chiller utilising water-ammonia as working mixture. This work presents an energetic and economic comparison between natural gas and biogas as fuel used for the system proposed. The results are useful to identify the feasible applications for this system, such as residential sector in isolated areas, hotels, universities etc. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work is the production of particleboard of particles reconstituted from MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) adding particles in the inner layer of Mimosa Scarelli, popularly known as bracatinga, the ratios of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The panel produced is composed of three layers, two external particles with smaller particle size and an inner layer composed of particles of larger particle sizes. Assays were performed based on physical and mechanical NBR 14.810/2006 for the determination of the board density, thickness swelling, water absorption, moisture content, bending strength, shear strength and residual moisture, and testing of particle size not existing in the standard cited. The results were analyzed and compared the results of the commercial boards made from 100% eucalyptus, based on the limits specified by the ABNT NBR 14.810/2006. The values of the tests were close to the normative specifications indicating positively the production of MDP with wood decay.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of air-abrasion/zirconia sintering order on the yttria partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) surface characterization (roughness, morphology, and phase transformation), flexural strength (FS), and shear bond strength (SBS) to a resin cement. Y-TZP specimens were air abraded with 50-μm Al2O3 particles after (AS), before (BS), or before and after zirconia sintering (BAS). For roughness (Ra), 30 block specimens (12×12×3.0 mm; n=10) had their surfaces analyzed by a profilometer. Next, on the air-abraded surfaces of these specimens, composite resin discs (n=30) were bonded with RelyX ARC. The bonded specimens were stored for 24 hours in distilled water at 37°C before shear testing. Failure mode was determined with a stereomicroscope (20×). The surface morphology (n=2) was evaluated by SEM (500×). For the four-point flexural strength test (EMIC DL2000), 39 bar-shaped specimens (20×4.0×1.2 mm; n=13) were air abraded according to the three conditions proposed, and an additional group (nonabraded) was evaluated (n=13). The quantitative analysis of phase transformation (n=1) was completed with Rietveld refinement with X-ray diffraction data. Ra (μm) and SBS (MPa) data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test (α=0.05). Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine if there was a correlation between roughness and SBS. For FS (MPa) data, one-way ANOVA and the Dunnett C-test (α=0.05) were used. The air-abrasion/zirconia sintering order influenced significantly (p<0.001) Ra, SBS, and FS. The BS and AS groups presented the highest (1.3 μm) and the lowest (0.7 μm) Ra. The highest SBS (7.0 MPa) was exhibited by the BAS group, followed by the AS group (5.4 MPa) and finally by the BS group (2.6 MPa). All groups presented 100% adhesive failure. A weak correlation (r=−0.45, p<0.05) was found between roughness and SBS. The air-abrasion/zirconia sintering order provided differences in the surface morphology. The nonabraded (926.8 MPa) and BS (816.3 MPa) groups exhibited statistically similar FS values but lower values than the AS (1249.1 MPa) and BAS (1181.4 MPa) groups, with no significant difference between them. The nonabraded, AS, BS, and BAS groups exhibited, respectively, percentages of monoclinic phase of 0.0 wt%, 12.2 wt%, 0.0 wt%, and 8.6 wt%. The rougher surface provided by the air-abrasion before zirconia sintering may have impaired the bonding with the resin cement. The morphological patterns were consistent with the surface roughness. Considering the short-term SBS and FS, the BAS group exhibited the best performance. Air abrasion, regardless of its performance order, provides tetragonal to monoclinic transformation, while sintering tends to zero the monoclinic phase content.