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Clinical findings suggest that inflammatory disease symptoms are aggravated by ongoing, repeated stress, but not by acute stress. We hypothesized that, compared with single acute stressors, chronic repeated stress may engage different physiological mechanisms that exert qualitatively different effects on the inflammatory response. Because inhibition of plasma extravasation, a critical component of the inflammatory response, has been associated with increased disease severity in experimental arthritis, we tested for a potential repeated stress-induced inhibition of plasma extravasation. Repeated, but not single, exposures to restraint stress produced a profound inhibition of bradykinin-induced synovial plasma extravasation in the rat. Experiments examining the mechanism of inhibition showed that the effect of repeated stress was blocked by adrenalectomy, but not by adrenal medullae denervation, suggesting that the adrenal cortex mediates this effect. Consistent with known effects of stress and with mediation by the adrenal cortex, restraint stress evoked repeated transient elevations of plasma corticosterone levels. This elevated corticosterone was necessary and sufficient to produce inhibition of plasma extravasation because the stress-induced inhibition was blocked by preventing corticosterone synthesis and, conversely, induction of repeated transient elevations in plasma corticosterone levels mimicked the effects of repeated stress. These data suggest that repetition of a mild stressor can induce changes in the physiological state of the animal that enable a previously innocuous stressor to inhibit the inflammatory response. These findings provide a potential explanation for the clinical association between repeated stress and aggravation of inflammatory disease symptoms and provide a model for study of the biological mechanisms underlying the stress-induced aggravation of chronic inflammatory diseases.


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In distinction to single-stranded anticodons built of G, C, A, and U bases, their presumable double-stranded precursors at the first three positions of the acceptor stem are composed almost invariably of G-C and C-G base pairs. Thus, the “second” operational RNA code responsible for correct aminoacylation seems to be a (G,C) code preceding the classic genetic code. Although historically rooted, the two codes were destined to diverge quite early. However, closer inspection revealed that two complementary catalytic domains of class I and class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) multiplied by two, also complementary, G2-C71 and C2-G71 targets in tRNA acceptors, yield four (2 × 2) different modes of recognition. It appears therefore that the core four-column organization of the genetic code, associated with the most conservative central base of anticodons and codons, was in essence predetermined by these four recognition modes of the (G,C) operational code. The general conclusion follows that the genetic code per se looks like a “frozen accident” but only beyond the “2 × 2 = 4” scope. The four primordial modes of tRNA–aaRS recognition are amenable to direct experimental verification.


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Homologues of Drosophilia transient receptor potential (TRP) have been proposed to be unitary subunits of plasma membrane ion channels that are activated as a consequence of active or passive depletion of Ca2+ stores. In agreement with this hypothesis, cells expressing TRPs display novel Ca2+-permeable cation channels that can be activated by the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) protein. Expression of TRPs alters cells in many ways, including up-regulation of IP3Rs not coded for by TRP genes, and proof that TRP forms channels of these and other cells is still missing. Here, we document physical interaction of TRP and IP3R by coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase-pulldown experiments and identify two regions of IP3R, F2q and F2g, that interact with one region of TRP, C7. These interacting regions were expressed in cells with an unmodified complement of TRPs and IP3Rs to study their effect on agonist- as well as store depletion-induced Ca2+ entry and to test for a role of their respective binding partners in Ca2+ entry. C7 and an F2q-containing fragment of IP3R decreased both forms of Ca2+ entry. In contrast, F2g enhanced the two forms of Ca2+ entry. We conclude that store depletion-activated Ca2+ entry occurs through channels that have TRPs as one of their normal structural components, and that these channels are directly activated by IP3Rs. IP3Rs, therefore, have the dual role of releasing Ca2+ from stores and activating Ca2+ influx in response to either increasing IP3 or decreasing luminal Ca2+.


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Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is transported by plasma lipoproteins in the body. α-Tocopherol taken up by the liver with lipoprotein is thought to be resecreted into the plasma in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). α-Tocopherol transfer protein (αTTP), which was recently identified as a product of the causative gene for familial isolated vitamin E deficiency, is a cytosolic liver protein and plays an important role in the efficient recycling of plasma vitamin E. To throw light on the mechanism of αTTP-mediated α-tocopherol transfer in the liver cell, we devised an assay system using the hepatoma cell line McARH7777. Using this system, we found that the secretion of α-tocopherol was more efficient in cells expressing αTTP than in matched cells lacking αTTP. Brefeldin A, which effectively inhibits VLDL secretion by disrupting the Golgi apparatus, had no effect on α-tocopherol secretion, indicating that αTTP-mediated α-tocopherol secretion is not coupled to VLDL secretion. Among other agents tested, only 25-hydroxycholesterol, a modulator of cholesterol metabolism, inhibited α-tocopherol secretion. This inhibition is most likely mediated by oxysterol-binding protein. These results suggest that αTTP present in the liver cytosol functions to stimulate secretion of cellular α-tocopherol into the extracellular medium and that the reaction utilizes a novel non-Golgi-mediated pathway that may be linked to cellular cholesterol metabolism and/or transport.


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Potent antiretroviral therapy can reduce plasma HIV RNA levels below the threshold of detection for periods of a year or more. The magnitude of HIV RNA reduction in the lymphoid tissue in patients with suppression of HIV RNA levels in plasma beyond 6 months has not been determined. We evaluated levels of HIV RNA and DNA and characterized resistance mutations in blood and inguinal lymph node biopsies obtained from 10 HIV-infected subjects who received 36–52 weeks of indinavir (IDV)/zidovudine (ZDV)/lamivudine (3TC), IDV, or ZDV/3TC. After 1 year of therapy, viral RNA levels in LN of individuals remained detectable but were log10 = 4 lower than in subjects on the triple drug regimen with interruption of therapy or in those treated with ZDV/3TC alone, who had viral loads in their lymph nodes indistinguishable from those expected for untreated patients. In all cases viral DNA remained detectable in lymph nodes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). When plasma virus suppression was incomplete, lymph node and PBMC cultures were positive and drug resistance developed. These studies indicate that pronounced and sustained suppression of plasma viremia by a potent antiretroviral combination is associated with low HIV RNA levels in the lymph nodes 1 year after treatment. Conversely, the persistence of even modest levels of plasma virus after 1 year of treatment reflects ongoing viral replication, the emergence of drug resistance, and the maintenance of high burdens of virus in the lymph nodes.


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Persistent directional movement of neutrophils in shallow chemotactic gradients raises the possibility that cells can increase their sensitivity to the chemotactic signal at the front, relative to the back. Redistribution of chemoattractant receptors to the anterior pole of a polarized neutrophil could impose asymmetric sensitivity by increasing the relative strength of detected signals at the cell’s leading edge. Previous experiments have produced contradictory observations with respect to receptor location in moving neutrophils. To visualize a chemoattractant receptor directly during chemotaxis, we expressed a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged receptor for a complement component, C5a, in a leukemia cell line, PLB-985. Differentiated PLB-985 cells, like neutrophils, adhere, spread, and polarize in response to a uniform concentration of chemoattractant, and orient and crawl toward a micropipette containing chemoattractant. Recorded in living cells, fluorescence of the tagged receptor, C5aR–GFP, shows no apparent increase anywhere on the plasma membrane of polarized and moving cells, even at the leading edge. During chemotaxis, however, some cells do exhibit increased amounts of highly folded plasma membrane at the leading edge, as detected by a fluorescent probe for membrane lipids; this is accompanied by an apparent increase of C5aR–GFP fluorescence, which is directly proportional to the accumulation of plasma membrane. Thus neutrophils do not actively concentrate chemoattractant receptors at the leading edge during chemotaxis, although asymmetrical distribution of membrane may enrich receptor number, relative to adjacent cytoplasmic volume, at the anterior pole of some polarized cells. This enrichment could help to maintain persistent migration in a shallow gradient of chemoattractant.


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In RBL-2H3 tumor mast cells, cross-linking the high affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) with antigen activates cytosolic tyrosine kinases and stimulates Ins(1,4,5)P3 production. Using immune complex phospholipase assays, we show that FcεRI cross-linking activates both PLCγ1 and PLCγ2. Activation is accompanied by the increased phosphorylation of both PLCγ isoforms on serine and tyrosine in antigen-treated cells. We also show that the two PLCγ isoforms have distinct subcellular localizations. PLCγ1 is primarily cytosolic in resting RBL-2H3 cells, with low levels of plasma membrane association. After antigen stimulation, PLCγ1 translocates to the plasma membrane where it associates preferentially with membrane ruffles. In contrast, PLCγ2 is concentrated in a perinuclear region near the Golgi and adjacent to the plasma membrane in resting cells and does not redistribute appreciably after FcεRI cross-linking. The activation of PLCγ1, but not of PLCγ2, is blocked by wortmannin, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor previously shown to block antigen-stimulated ruffling and to inhibit Ins(1,4,5)P3 synthesis. In addition, wortmannin strongly inhibits the antigen-stimulated phosphorylation of both serine and tyrosine residues on PLCγ1 with little inhibition of PLCγ2 phosphorylation. Wortmannin also blocks the antigen-stimulated translocation of PLCγ1 to the plasma membrane. Our results implicate PI 3-kinase in the phosphorylation, translocation, and activation of PLCγ1. Although less abundant than PLCγ2, activated PLCγ1 may be responsible for the bulk of antigen-stimulated Ins(1,4,5)P3 production in RBL-2H3 cells.


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The mechanisms responsible for coated pit formation in cells remain unknown, but indirect evidence has argued both for and against a critical role of receptor cytoplasmic domains in the process. If the endocytic motifs of receptors are responsible for recruiting AP2 to the plasma membrane, thereby driving coated pit formation, then the level of constitutively internalized receptors at the membrane would be expected to govern the steady-state level of coated pits in cells. Here we directly test this hypothesis for broad classes of receptors containing three distinct constitutive internalization signals. Chimeric proteins consisting of an integral membrane reporter protein (Tac) coupled to cytoplasmic domains bearing tyrosine-, di-leucine-, or acidic cluster/casein kinase II-based internalization signals were overexpressed to levels that saturated the internalization pathway. Quantitative confocal immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that the number of plasma membrane clathrin-coated pits and the concentration of their structural components were invariant when comparing cells expressing saturating levels of the chimeric receptors to nonexpressing cells or to cells expressing only the Tac reporter lacking cytoplasmic internalization signals. Biochemical analysis showed that the distribution of coat proteins between assembled coated pits and soluble pools was also not altered by receptor overexpression. Finally, the cellular localizations of AP2 and AP1 were similarly unaffected. These results provide a clear indication that receptor endocytic signals do not determine coated pit levels by directly recruiting AP2 molecules. Rather, the findings support a model in which coated pit formation proceeds through recruitment and activation of AP2, likely through a limited number of regulated docking sites that act independently of endocytic signals.


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Type 1 von Willebrand disease (VWD), characterized by reduced levels of plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF), is the most common inherited bleeding disorder in humans. Penetrance of VWD is incomplete, and expression of the bleeding phenotype is highly variable. In addition, plasma VWF levels vary widely among normal individuals. To identify genes that influence VWF level, we analyzed a genetic cross between RIIIS/J and CASA/Rk, two strains of mice that exhibit a 20-fold difference in plasma VWF level. DNA samples from F2 progeny demonstrating either extremely high or extremely low plasma VWF levels were pooled and genotyped for 41 markers spanning the autosomal genome. A novel locus accounting for 63% of the total variance in VWF level was mapped to distal mouse chromosome 11, which is distinct from the murine Vwf locus on chromosome 6. We designated this locus Mvwf for “modifier of VWF.” Additional genotyping of as many as 2407 meioses established a high resolution genetic map with gene order Cola1-Itg3a-Ngfr-Mvwf/Gip-Hoxb9-Hoxb1-Cbx·rs2-Cox5a-Gfap. The Mvwf candidate interval between Ngfr and Hoxb9 is ≈0.5 centimorgan (cM). These results demonstrate that a single dominant gene accounts for the low VWF phenotype of RIIIS/J mice in crosses with several other strains. The pattern of inheritance suggests a gain-of-function mutation in a unique component of VWF biosynthesis or processing. Characterization of the human homologue for Mvwf may have relevance for a subset of type 1 VWD cases and may define an important genetic factor modifying penetrance and expression of mutations at the VWF locus.


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The serpins are a family of proteinase inhibitors that play a central role in the control of proteolytic cascades. Their inhibitory mechanism depends on the intramolecular insertion of the reactive loop into β-sheet A after cleavage by the target proteinase. Point mutations within the protein can allow aberrant conformational transitions characterized by β-strand exchange between the reactive loop of one molecule and β-sheet A of another. These loop-sheet polymers result in diseases as varied as cirrhosis, emphysema, angio-oedema, and thrombosis, and we recently have shown that they underlie an early-onset dementia. We report here the biochemical characteristics and crystal structure of a naturally occurring variant (Leu-55–Pro) of the plasma serpin α1-antichymotrypsin trapped as an inactive intermediate. The structure demonstrates a serpin configuration with partial insertion of the reactive loop into β-sheet A. The lower part of the sheet is filled by the last turn of F-helix and the loop that links it to s3A. This conformation matches that of proposed intermediates on the pathway to complex and polymer formation in the serpins. In particular, this intermediate, along with the latent and polymerized conformations, explains the loss of activity of plasma α1-antichymotrypsin associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with the Leu-55–Pro mutation.


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HIV type 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance mutations were selected during antiretroviral therapy successfully suppressing plasma HIV-1 RNA to <50 copies/ml. New resistant mutant subpopulations were identified by clonal sequencing analyses of viruses cultured from blood cells. Drug susceptibility tests showed that biological clones of virus with the mutations acquired during successful therapy had increased resistance. Each of the five subjects with new resistant mutants had evidence of some residual virus replication during highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), based on transient episodes of plasma HIV-1 RNA > 50 copies/ml and virus env gene sequence changes. Each had received a suboptimal regimen before starting HAART. Antiretroviral-resistant HIV-1 can be selected from residual virus replication during HAART in the absence of sustained rebound of plasma HIV-1 RNA.


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Drug treatment of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection leads to a rapid initial decay of plasma virus followed by a slower second phase of decay. To investigate the role of HIV-1 retained on follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) in this process, we have developed and analyzed a mathematical model for HIV-1 dynamics in lymphoid tissue (LT) that includes FDCs. Analysis of clinical data using this model indicates that decay of HIV-1 during therapy may be influenced by release of FDC-associated virus. The biphasic character of viral decay can be explained by reversible multivalent binding of HIV-1 to receptors on FDCs, indicating that the second phase of decay is not necessarily caused by long-lived or latently infected cells. Furthermore, viral clearance and death of short-lived productively infected cells may be faster than previously estimated. The model, with reasonable parameter values, is consistent with kinetic measurements of viral RNA in plasma, viral RNA on FDCs, productively infected cells in LT, and CD4+ T cells in LT during therapy.


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Cell death is mediated by distinct pathways including apoptosis and oncosis in response to various death signals. To characterize molecules involved in cell death, a panel of mAbs was raised by immunizing mice with apoptotic cells. One of these antibodies, designated anti-Porimin (for pro-oncosis receptor inducing membrane injury), was found to directly induce a unique type of cell death in Jurkat cells. Anti-Porimin defines a 110-kDa cell surface receptor on Jurkat cells. Functionally, anti-Porimin alone rapidly mediates pore formation on the plasma membrane and induces cell death without participation of complement. Both the cellular expression and functional characteristics of the Porimin antigen indicate that it is distinct from the CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) and other cell receptors known to induce apoptosis. Anti-Porimin-mediated cell death was preceded by cell aggregation, formation of plasma membrane pores, and the appearance of membrane blebs. More important, these cells show neither DNA fragmentation nor apoptotic bodies, but display lethal damage of the cell membrane. Cell death by anti-Porimin is distinct from complement-dependent cytolysis or complement-independent apoptosis but is similar to that described for oncosis, a form of cell death accompanied by the membrane damage followed by karyolysis. The induction of cell death by anti-Porimin may represent a unique cell surface receptor-mediated pathway of cell death in the human lymphoid system.


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Adipocyte complement-related protein (30 kDa) (Acrp30), a secreted protein of unknown function, is exclusively expressed in differentiated adipocytes; its mRNA is decreased in obese humans and mice. Here we describe novel pharmacological properties of the protease-generated globular head domain of Acrp30 (gAcrp30). Acute treatment of mice with gAcrp30 significantly decreased the elevated levels of plasma free fatty acids caused either by administration of a high fat test meal or by i.v. injection of Intralipid. This effect of gAcrp30 was caused, at least in part, by an acute increase in fatty acid oxidation by muscle. As a result, daily administration of a very low dose of gAcrp30 to mice consuming a high-fat/sucrose diet caused profound and sustainable weight reduction without affecting food intake. Thus, gAcrp30 is a novel pharmacological compound that controls energy homeostasis and exerts its effect primarily at the peripheral level.


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Syntenin is a PDZ protein that binds the cytoplasmic C-terminal FYA motif of the syndecans. Syntenin is widely expressed. In cell fractionation experiments, syntenin partitions between the cytosol and microsomes. Immunofluorescence microscopy localizes endogenous and epitope-tagged syntenin to cell adhesion sites, microfilaments, and the nucleus. Syntenin is composed of at least three domains. Both PDZ domains of syntenin are necessary to target reporter tags to the plasma membrane. The addition of a segment of 10 amino acids from the N-terminal domain of syntenin to these PDZ domains increases the localization of the tags to stress fibers and induces the formation of long, branching plasma membrane extensions. The addition of the complete N-terminal region, in contrast, reduces the localization of the tags to plasma membrane/adhesion sites and stress fibers, and reduces the morphotypical effects. Recombinant domains of syntenin with the highest plasma membrane localization display the lowest nuclear localization. Syndecan-1, E-cadherin, β-catenin, and α-catenin colocalize with syntenin at cell-cell contacts in epithelial cells, and coimmunoprecipitate with syntenin from extracts of these cells. These results suggest a role for syntenin in the composition of adherens junctions and the regulation of plasma membrane dynamics, and imply a potential role for syntenin in nuclear processes.