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Letter to W.D. Woodruff from Mr. Harris of N.W. Harris and Co. Bankers of New York (1 page, printed) which accompanied a receipt for the $41,000 Dominion Power Company bonds, Nov. 4, 1907.
Letter to W.D. Woodruff from E.C. Wheeler Jr. of N.W. Harris and Co. Bankers of New York (1 page, printed) saying that he is pleased that Mr. Woodruff has decided to take the $10,000 Dominion Powers at 90 and interest. They will expect Mr. Woodruff in a few days, Dec. 10, 1907.
Letter to W.D. Woodruff from E.C. Wheeler Jr. of N.W. Harris and Co. Bankers of New York (1 page, printed) regarding taking on some more of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway bonds, Jan. 15, 1909.
Letter to Mr. W.D. Woodruff from John A. Macomber of N.W. Harris and Co. of New York stating that they have delivered securities for trusts on the St. Clair County 5’s and Chicago Rock Island and Pacific 4s. Also included are 2 receipts for these bonds, May 23, 1910.
Receipt from Tiffany and Co., New York for engraving on a seal, Oct. 9, 1884
Receipt from Tiffany and Co., New York for a pen, Oct. 13, 1884.
Receipt from Tiffany and Co., New York for repairing 2 lace pins, Oct. 24, 1884.
Receipt from Tiffany and Co., New York for a diamond lace pin, Nov. 3, 1884.
Receipt from McLaren and Co., St. Catharines, Importers of Dry Goods, Millinery etc., for clothing and repairs to clothing, Aug. 14, 1886.
Receipt from McLaren and Co. of St. Catharines for a suit and repairs to a coat, Aug. 21, 1886.
Receipt from Rolph Smith Lithographers by Steam Power and Co. of Toronto for a name plate, Aug. 23, 1886.
Receipt from H. Carlisle and Co., Importers of House Furnishings and Trimmings, St. Catharines, for a ring [?], Sept 20, 1886.
Receipt from W.H. Glenny Sons and Co., Buffalo, New York for plates and cups, Nov. 30, 1886.
Receipt from Arthur Jukes and Co., Druggists and Dispensing Chemists, St. Catharines for soap, Dec. 1, 1886.
Receipt from the Bell Telephone Co. for telephone apparatus at Ontario Street, Jan 9, 1887.