1000 resultados para Cibicidoides pachyderma, d13C


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Evolution of the planktic foraminiferal lineage Globorotalia (Fohsella) occurred during the Miocene between 23.7 and 11.8 Ma and forms the basis for stratigraphic subdivision of the early middle Miocene (Zones N 10 through N 12). Important morphologic changes within the G. (Fohsella) lineage included a marked increase in test size, a transition from a rounded to an acute periphery, and the development of a keel in later forms. We found that the most rapid changes in morphology of G. (Fohsella) occurred between 13 and 12.7 Ma and coincided with an abrupt increase in the delta18O ratios of shell calcite. Comparison of isotopic results of G. (Fohsella) with other planktic foraminifers indicate that delta18O values of the lineage diverge from surface-dwelling species and approach deep-dwelling species after 13.0 Ma, indicating a change in depth habitat from the surface mixed layer to intermediate depth near the thermocline. Isotopic and faunal evidence suggests that this change in depth stratification was associated with an expansion of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific. After adapting to a deeper water habitat at 13.0 Ma, the G. (Fohsella) lineage became extinct abruptly at 11.8 Ma during a period when isotopic and faunal evidence suggest a shoaling of the thermocline. Following the extinction of G. (Fohsella), the ecologic niche of the lineage was filled by the Globorotalia (Menardella) group, which began as a deep-water form and later evolved to an intermediate-water habitat. We suggest that the evolution of G. (Fohsella) and G. (Menardella) were tightly linked to changes in the structure of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific.


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Sediments accumulate on the sea floor far from land with rates of a few millimetres to a few centimetres per thousand years. Sediments have been accumulating under broadly similar conditions, subject to similar controls, for the past 10 8 years and more. In principle we should be able to study the distribution of climatic variance with frequencies over the range 10**-3 to 10**-7 cycles per year with comparative ease. In fact, nearly all our data are heavily weighted towards the youngest part of the geological record. We study frequencies higher than 10**-4 cycles per year in the special case of a Pleistocene interglacial (the present one), and frequencies in the range 10**-4 to 10**-5 cycles per year in the special case of an ice-age. Although these may be of more direct interest to mankind than earlier periods, it may well be that we will understand the causes of climatic variability better if we can examine their operation over a longer time scale and under different boundary conditions. Rather than review the available data, I have collected some new data to show the feasibility of gathering a data base for examining climatic variability without this usual bias toward the recent. The most widely applicable tool for extracting climatic information from deep-sea sediments is oxygen isotope analysis of calcium carbonate microfossils. It is generally possible to select from the sediment both specimens of benthonic Foraminifera (that is, those that lived in ocean deep water at the sediment-water interface) and specimens of planktonic Foraminifera (that is, those that lived and formed their shells near the ocean surface, and fell to the sediment after death). Thus one is able to monitor conditions at the surface and at depth at simultaneous moments in the geological past. The necessity to analyse calcareous microfossils restricts investigation to calcareous sediments, but even with this restriction in sediment type there are many factors governing the rate of sediment accumulation. On a global scale, sediment accumulates so as to balance the input to the oceans from continental erosion. Even when averaged globally, long-term accumulation rates have varied by almost a factor of ten (Davies et al., 1977, doi:10.1126/science.197.4298.53). At the regional scale, surface productivity and deep-water physical and chemical conditions also affect the sediment accumulation rate. Since all these are susceptible to variation and may well vary in response to climatic change as well as other factors, it is extremely hazardous to attempt to express any climatic variable as a function of time on the basis of measurements originally made as a function of depth in sediment. Although time has been used as a basis for plotting Figs. i-8, these should be regarded as freehand sketches of climatic history rather than as time-series plots.


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We report the results of downhole stable isotopic (d13Corg [organic carbon] and d15N) and elemental measurements (total organic carbon [TOC], total nitrogen [TN], and carbon/nitrogen [C/N]) of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) along with stable isotopic measurements (d18O and d13C) of left-coiling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1166. TOC and TN measurements indicate a large change from organic-rich preglacial sediments with primary organic matter to organic-poor early glacial and glacial sediments, with mainly recycled organic matter. Results of the stable isotopic measurements of SOM show a range of values that are typical of both marine and terrestrial organic matter, probably reflecting a mixture of the two. However, C/N values are mostly high (>15), suggesting greater input and/or preservation of terrestrial organic matter. Foraminifers are only present in glacial/glaciomarine sediments of latest Pliocene to Pleistocene age at Site 1166 (lithostratigraphic Unit I). The majority of this unit has d13Corg and TOC values that are similar to those of glacial sediments recovered at Site 1167 (lithostratigraphic Unit II) on the slope and may have the same source(s). Although the low resolution of the N. pachyderma (s.) d18O and d13C data set precludes any specific paleoclimatic interpretation, downcore variations in foraminifer d18O and d13C values of 0.5 per mil to 1 per mil amplitude may indicate glacial-interglacial changes in ice volume/temperature in the Prydz Bay region.


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A detailed age model for core 17957-2 of the southern South China Sea was developed based on delta18O, coarse fraction, magnetostratigraphy, and biostratigraphy for the last 1500 kyr. The delta18O record has clear ~100-kyr cycles after the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (MPR) at the entrance of marine isotopic stage (MIS) 22. Planktonic foraminifera responded to the MPR immediately, showing the increased sea surface temperature (SST) and dissolution after the MPR. Benthic foraminifera did not respond to it until the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary. Since the MPR, the depth of thermocline gradually became shallower until MISs 6-5. This major change within MISs 6-5 was also reflected in the decreased SSTs and increased productivity and Deep Water Mass. Thus two major Pleistocene paleoceanographic changes were found: One was around the MPR; the other occurred within MISs 6-5, which speculatively might be ascribed to the reorganization of surface and deep circulation, possibly induced by tectonic forces.


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We have measured the carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in bottom waters of the Ontong Java Plateau (western equatorial Pacific) and on the northern Emperor Seamounts (northwest Pacific). Each of these locations is several hundred miles from the nearest Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GEOSECS) stations, and the observed delta13C values at each site differ substantially from regionally averaged GEOSECS delta13C profiles. We discuss the possible causes of these differences, including horizontal variability, near-bottom effects, and problems with the Pacific GEOSECS delta13C data. We also measured the isotopic composition (C and O) of core top C. wuellerstorfi from a depth transect of cores at each location. The delta18O data are used to verify that our samples are Holocene. Comparison of foraminiferal and bottom water delta13C values shows that this species faithfully records bottom water delta13C at both sites and demonstrates that there is no depth-related artifact in the dissolved inorganic carbon-C. wuellerstorfi delta13C relationship at these sites.


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Down-core samples of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral from the Mendeleyev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean have been analyzed for Ba/Ca and d18O. The apparent distribution coefficient for N. pachyderma sin. is estimated at DBa = 0.22 ± 0.02. A meltwater event is identified at around 11.8 14C kyr BP and is coincident with elevated Ba/Ca ratios. The barium enrichment is believed to be the result of enhanced weathering and erosion following glaciation. Additionally, barium may have desorbed from shelf sediments as sea level rose. Changes in Ba/Ca correlate with the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and the evolution of the Mackenzie River drainage basin. Therefore maximum Ba/Ca in Arctic surface waters at 11.8 ka may be indicative of an increase in the export of freshwater from the Arctic to the North Atlantic, potentially contributing to the onset of the Younger Dryas. This work suggests that Ba/Ca in planktonic foraminifera may be a useful indicator of the timing and processes associated with deglaciation.