953 resultados para Chronic Illness


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In a double-blind crossover study the efficacies of Agiolax, a combination of fibre and senna pod, and lactulose were compared in 77 long-stay elderly patients with chronic constipation. Mean daily bowel frequency, stool consistency and ease of evacuation were significantly greater with Agiolax than lactulose. The recommended dose was exceeded more frequently with lactulose than Agiolax (chi 2 = 8.38, p <0.01). Adverse effects were not different for the 2 treatments. In long-stay elderly patients with chronic constipation Agiolax and lactulose were well tolerated, but Agiolax proved a more effective treatment.


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To compare the efficacy and cost effectiveness of a senna-fibre combination and lactulose in treating constipation in long stay elderly patients.


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Adrenergic receptors (alpha 2, beta 2), plasma noradrenaline, heart rate and the pressor responsiveness to infused noradrenaline were examined in ten healthy male volunteers before and after 2 weeks of placebo or captopril therapy in a double blind cross-over study. No significant differences in these measurements were observed between the captopril and placebo treated groups. The study shows that in sodium replete normotensive subjects, long-term angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition does not lead to changes in adrenoceptor density. There is also no alteration in plasma noradrenaline levels nor in the pressor responsiveness to infused noradrenaline. These data suggest that the known interaction between the renin-angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous system observed in animals is probably of little significance in man.


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Chronic heart failure (CHF) is often associated with impaired renal function due to hypoperfusion. Such patients are very sensitive to changes in renal perfusion pressure, and may develop acute tubular necrosis if the pressure falls too far. The situation is complicated by the use of diuretics, ACE inhibitors and spironolactone, all of which may affect renal function and potassium balance. Chronic renal failure (CRF) may also be associated with fluid overload. Anaemia and hypertension in CRF contribute to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which carries a poor prognosis, so correction of these factors is important.


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Lowering LDL cholesterol with statin regimens reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, ischaemic stroke, and the need for coronary revascularisation in people without kidney disease, but its effects in people with moderate-to-severe kidney disease are uncertain. The SHARP trial aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of the combination of simvastatin plus ezetimibe in such patients.


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Chronic cough is a common and frequently disruptive symptom which can be difficult to treat with currently available medicines. Asthma/eosinophilic airway disease and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease are most commonly associated with chronic cough but it may also trouble patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Over the last three decades there have been a number of key advances in the clinical approach to cough and a number of international guidelines on the management of cough have been developed. Despite the undoubted benefit of such initiatives, more effective treatments for cough are urgently needed. The precise pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic cough are unknown but central to the process is sensitization (upregulation) of the cough reflex. One well-recognized clinical consequence of this hypersensitive state is bouts of coughing triggered by apparently trivial provocation such as scents and odours and changes in air temperature. The main objective of new treatments for cough would be to identify ways to downregulate this heightened cough reflex but yet preserve its crucial role in protecting the airway. The combined efforts of clinicians, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry offer most hope for such a treatment breakthrough. The aim of this chapter is to provide some rationale for the current treatment recommendations and to offer some reflections on the management of patients with chronic cough.


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This study explored the pattern of memory functioning in 58 patients with chronic schizophrenia and compared their performance with 53 normal controls. Multiple domains of memory were assessed, including verbal and nonverbal memory span, verbal and non-verbal paired associate learning, verbal and visual long-term memory, spatial and non-spatial conditional associative learning, recognition memory and memory for temporal order. Consistent with previous studies, substantial deficits in long-term memory were observed, with relative preservation of memory span. Memory for temporal order and recognition memory was intact, although significant deficits were observed on the conditional associative learning tasks. There was no evidence of lateralized memory impairment. In these respects, the pattern of memory impairment in schizophrenia is more similar in nature to that found in patients with memory dysfunction following mesiotemporal lobe lesions, rather than that associated with focal frontal lobe damage. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to examine the extent to which illness perceptions and coping strategies among women diagnosed with breast cancer explain psychological distress at diagnosis and at 6?months post diagnosis relative to demographic and illness-related variables.


Women were recruited to the study shortly after diagnosis. A total of 90 women completed study materials (Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) at time 1. The same questionnaires were sent approximately 6?months later to those who had consented at time 1, and completed questionnaires were returned by 72 women.


Cluster analysis was used to identify groups of respondents who reported a similar profile of illness perception scores. Regression analysis demonstrated that one of these clusters was more likely to experience psychological distress than the other both at diagnosis and at 6?months post diagnosis. Illness perception cluster membership and positive focus type coping were the most important and consistent predictors of lower psychological distress at diagnosis and at 6?months post diagnosis.


Illness perceptions remained relatively stable over the study period, and therefore we are unable to clarify whether changes in illness cognitions are associated with a corresponding change in psychological symptoms. Future research should evaluate the impact on psychological distress of interventions specifically designed to modify illness cognitions among women with breast cancer.


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The social construction of illness is a major research perspective in medical sociology. This article traces the roots of this perspective and presents three overarching constructionist findings. First, some illnesses are particularly embedded with cultural meaning--which is not directly derived from the nature of the condition--that shapes how society responds to those afflicted and influences the experience of that illness. Second, all illnesses are socially constructed at the experiential level, based on how individuals come to understand and live with their illness. Third, medical knowledge about illness and disease is not necessarily given by nature but is constructed and developed by claims-makers and interested parties. We address central policy implications of each of these findings and discuss fruitful directions for policy-relevant research in a social constructionist tradition. Social constructionism provides an important counterpoint to medicine's largely deterministic approaches to disease and illness, and it can help us broaden policy deliberations and decisions.


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Over the past two decades the pace and specificity of discoveries associating genetics with mental illness has accelerated, which is reflected in an increase in news coverage about the genetics of mental disorder. The news media is a major source of public understanding of genetics and a strong influence on public discourse. This paper examines the news coverage of genetics and mental illness (i.e., bipolar illness and schizophrenia) over a 25 year period, emphasizing the peak period of 1987-1994. Using a sample of 110 news stories from 5 major American newspapers and 3 news magazines, we identify the frame of "genetic optimism" which dominated the reporting of genetics and mental illness beginning in the mid-1980s. The structure of the frame is comprised of 3 elements: a gene for the disorder exists; it will be found; and it will be good. New discoveries of genes were announced with great fanfare, but the most promising claims could not be replicated or were retracted in short order. Despite these disconfirmations, genetic optimism persisted in subsequent news stories. While the scientific accuracy of the gene stories is high, the genetic optimism frame distorts some of the findings, misrepresents and reifies the impact of genes on mental disorder, and leaves no space for critics or an examination of potential negative impacts. The stances of reporters, scientists and editors may all in different ways contribute to the perpetuation of genetic optimism. Genetic optimism presents an overly sanguine picture of the state of genetics; as we enter the genetic age it is important to balance the extraneous "hype and hope" contained in news stories of genetics and mental illness.