984 resultados para Child safety


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A major winter storm can be lethal. Preparing for cold weather conditions and responding to them effectively can reduce the dangers caused by winter storms.


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This document was developed for the schools of Iowa to use as a template to enhance current school safety programs; the creation of this document was a partnered effort at the state level between the aforementioned agencies. The purpose of this document is to give school districts and individual schools a planning resource to use when creating their school safety plans. Ultimately, schools can decide how much of this document they would like to incorporate into their current plan. The original document was created by the Minnesota Department of Homeland Security, and its use was granted to Iowa Homeland Security in 2011. Iowa pulled together a panel of experts to make this document specific to Iowa’s schools, and laws. It’s important to note the partnership created by this document is intended to continue through information sharing in relation to critical assets, infrastructure protection, and school safety. Iowa Homeland Security is a representative in the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Intelligence Fusion Center. This partnership allows for streamlined information sharing to the critical infrastructure owner/operators across the state. The current plan for information sharing is through the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Threat information and Infrastructure Protection Program (TIIPP) to the Iowa Department of Education for processing and dissemination statewide. Depending on the type of information being released it could be specific to a school, district or the education sector statewide.


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Audit report on the Iowa Department of Public Safety for the year ended June 30, 2013


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A 7-year-old right-handed girl developed partial complex seizures with a left-sided onset. A brief period of post-ictal aphasia of the conduction type was documented before seizure control and complete normalization of oral language were obtained. We also found that she had a history of previous unexplained difficulty with written language acquisition that had occurred prior to the clinically recognized epilepsy and a subsequent loss of this ability. This rapidly improved with control of the epilepsy. The evolution of written language were been followed for 3 years, and continued improvement has occurred with fluctuations related to her epilepsy. This observation adds support to the growing body of data indicating that specific cognitive disturbances can be due to epilepsy in young children. It shows the vulnerability of skills which are in a period of active development, and the possibility that oral/written language can be differentially involved by cerebral dysfunction in the young child.


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Purpose To evaluate the safety and efficacy of infliximab as an antifibrotic agent after experimental glaucoma filtration surgery in rabbits. Methods In a randomized, prospective, masked-observer study, 30 New Zealand Albino rabbits underwent glaucoma filtration surgery. The animals were allocated to receive either intraoperative application of infliximab (group A) or mitomycin C (MMC) at a concentration of 0.2mg/ml (group B) or balanced salt solution (BSS, control)(group C). Different infliximab doses, namely 1.0mg, 2.0mg, 3.0mg, 4.0mg, 5.0mg in 0.1ml were applied. Bleb survival and characteristics were evaluated over a 30day period. The animals were killed on postoperative day 15 and 30. Histology of the operated eyes was performed to evaluate and grade the amount of scarring in each group.Cellular density was evaluated in each case. Results Infliximab did not appear to improve the outcome of filtration surgery in this model of glaucoma filtration surgery.There was a significant decrease in cellular density in the MMC group compared to the control group (p=0.0352). There was neither a significant decrease in cellular density between the infliximab group and the control group nor between the infliximab group and the MMC group. Overall there was no difference in terms of fibrosis between the three different groups. There was slightly less inflammation in the infliximab group, but not significant. Conclusions In this study intraoperative application of infliximab does not appear to be superior to the application of MMC or a control with regard to bleb survival and fibrosis. This study however demonstrates that intraoperative application of MMC significantly reduces the cellular density of the filtration bleb.


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La venue au monde d'un enfant avec une fente faciale constitue un événement stressant, voire traumatique, pour les parents. Que ce soit à travers le risque de symptômes associés, la logistique d'alimentation ou par simples raisons d'esthétisme, de nombreuses personnes vivent l'annonce de la présence d'une fente faciale comme une intrusion brutale dans le vécu de la grossesse et une interruption momentanée de l'investissement représentationnel du foetus. À travers notre recherche, nous montrons qu'un haut stress n'influe pas forcément négativement sur le développement de la relation entre le parent et l'enfant et que, au contraire, dans le cas des pères, il peut contribuer à l'implication émotionnelle envers le bébé. Le moment de l'annonce de la malformation a aussi une importance dans les représentations à propos de l'enfant puisque si elle est faite durant la période prénatale, elle permet aux parents un réarrangement des représentations afin de mieux accueillir le bébé le jour de sa naissance. The birth of a child with a facial cleft is often seen as a very stressing event for both parents. Risks of comorbidity, difficulty in nutrition or just aesthetical reasons are frequently invoked while describing this moment. The announcement of the deformation is felt like a brutal intrusion in representations associated to pregnancy. Then, we can observe a kind of disinvestment of the coming baby. Through our study, we find that high stress has not always a bad issue on relationship between parents and infants. In contrary, this kind of chronic stress can preserve the well-being of the relationship, especially for fatherhood. The time of facial deformation announcement also plays its part in representations about the baby. Before birth, it opens room for reordering and modifying representations, then the baby will be accepted as it should be on his birthday.


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PURPOSE: To remind of the absolute necessity for early diagnosis in the presence of ocular signs in children giving rise to possible intraocular tumours. METHOD: Based on our own experience of intraocular tumours in children, together with findings from the literature, diagnostic criteria and methods of treatment are presented. RESULTS: Retinoblastoma is the predominant cause of intraocular tumours in children, representing over 80% of cases under the age of 15 years. Other diseases may give rise to the same initial signs, usually leukocoria, sometimes strabismus, more rarely other atypical signs. Elements taken into account for diagnosis include age, sex, laterality, heredity, size of the globe, clinical aspect of the tumours, presence of calcifications and vitreous seeding. Full fundus examination under general anaesthetic is usually necessary. Biological examination, ultrasonography, computerized tomography and MRI enable an accurate diagnosis to be made in the majority of doubtful cases. The management of retinoblastoma is adapted for each individual case from the wide range of treatments available. Enucleation, radioactive applicators (...), brachytherapy (...), cryo- and photocoagulation represent classical measures. Primary chemotherapy, combined with other treatments such as thermotherapy, has become the treatment of choice in those cases where external beam radiotherapy has been used up to now, or in some instances before enucleation. Enucleation is usually carried out for medullo-epitheliomas, but brachytherapy may offer an alternative. CONCLUSION: Any unexplained ocular sign in children should be considered as a possible retinoblastoma, making an accurate and certain diagnosis imperative. Early treatment may save not only the life but also the vision of patients carrying this highly malignant lesion.


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I-CASH is to enhance the health and safety of Iowa's agricultural community by establishing and coordinating prevention and education programs. This annual report gives information about a variety of areas that participate in I-CASH


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I-CASH is to enhance the health and safety of Iowa's agricultural community by establishing and coordinating prevention and education programs. This annual report gives information about a variety of areas that participate in I-CASH


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I-CASH is to enhance the health and safety of Iowa's agricultural community by establishing and coordinating prevention and education programs. This annual report gives information about a variety of areas that participate in I-CASH


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I-CASH is to enhance the health and safety of Iowa's agricultural community by establishing and coordinating prevention and education programs. This annual report gives information about a variety of areas that participate in I-CASH


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I-CASH is to enhance the health and safety of Iowa's agricultural community by establishing and coordinating prevention and education programs. This annual report gives information about a variety of areas that participate in I-CASH


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I-CASH is to enhance the health and safety of Iowa's agricultural community by establishing and coordinating prevention and education programs. This annual report gives information about a variety of areas that participate in I-CASH


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I-CASH is to enhance the health and safety of Iowa's agricultural community by establishing and coordinating prevention and education programs. This annual report gives information about a variety of areas that participate in I-CASH