966 resultados para Chi-square


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BACKGROUND: Chronic leg ulcer may have an impact on patients' quality of life.OBJECTIVES:This study aimed to identify the impact of leg ulcers on patient's quality of life using the Dermatology Life Quality Index and to define the main factors correlated with this perception.METHOD:Cross-sectional, non-probabilistic sampling study. We included patients with chronic leg ulcers being treated for at least 3 months. A sociodemographic and clinical survey was conducted to assess the profile of the ulcers. We administered a screening for depressive symptoms and the Dermatology Life Quality Index. We performed a descriptive statistical analysis, chi-square test and Mann-Whitney test for categorical data, Pearson for numeric variables, and multiple regression for categorical data.RESULTS:Forty-one patients were assessed. Their mean age was 61.78 years. Venous ulcers (48.8%) were the most prevalent. Seventy-three percent of the sample perceived no impact/low impact on quality of life in the past week, and 26.8% perceived moderate/high impact. A multiple regression analysis identified the causes of lesion, pain related to the ulcers, time of onset, and severity of the depressive symptoms as the variables that had an influence on quality of life.CONCLUSIONS:The majority of the sample perceived low or no impact of the condition on the quality of the life. The variables etiology of the lesion (p<0.001), pain related to the ulcers (p=0.001), time of onset (p=0.006), and severity of the depressive symptoms (p<0.001) had an influence on the quality of life, suggesting the need for further studies with more robust designs to confirm the causal relationship between these characteristics and quality of life.


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Este estudo transversal e descritivo objetivou verificar a prevalência de hábitos de sucção em pré-escolares e a percepção dos pais sobre a relação com a ocorrência de maloclusões. A população do estudo constituiu-se por uma amostra representativa de pais de pré-escolares de 4 meses a 6 anos de idade. Utilizou-se um questionário semiestruturado, composto por questões abertas e fechadas, referentes à frequência e conhecimentos dos pais frente aos hábitos de sucção não nutritivos. Dos 356 participantes da pesquisa, 70,8% afirmaram que as crianças apresentavam algum hábito bucal, sendo a sucção de chupeta o mais frequente (45,6%). Apesar da grande maioria dos pesquisados (97,1%) relatarem saber que os hábitos podiam causar prejuízo aos dentes, 70,2% deles já haviam oferecido chupeta à criança, na maioria das vezes para acalmá-la (61,8%). Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a oferta da chupeta à criança e o conhecimento sobre a relação da presença de hábitos não nutritivos e a ocorrência de maloclusão (p < 0,0001 e Qui-quadrado = 60,123). A prevalência de hábitos bucais na população estudada é alta e, apesar da maioria dos pais saberem que o hábito de sucção de chupeta pode causar danos à saúde bucal, ofertavam a chupeta a fim de acalmar a criança.


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The aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Fonseca Anamnestic Index (IAF), used to assess the severity of temporomandibular disorders, applied to Brazilian women. We used a probabilistic sampling design. The participants were 700 women over 18 years of age, living in the city of Araraquara (SP). The IAF questionnaire was applied by telephone interviews. We conducted Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using Chi-Square Over Degrees of Freedom (χ2/df), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) as goodness of fit indices. We calculated the convergent validity, the average variance extracted (AVE) and the composite reliability (CR). Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α).The factorial weights of questions 8 and 10 were below the adequate values. Thus, we refined the original model and these questions were excluded. The resulting factorial model showed appropriate goodness of fit to the sample (χ2/df = 3.319, CFI = 0.978, TLI = 0.967, RMSEA = 0.058). The convergent validity (AVE = 0.513, CR = 0.878) and internal consistency (α = 0.745) were adequate. The reduced IAF version showed adequate validity and reliability in a sample of Brazilian women.


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Objetivo:Analisar a associação entre a massa óssea e capacidade funcional de idosos com 80 anos ou mais.Métodos:A amostra foi composta por 93 idosos entre 80 e 91 anos (83,2 ± 2,5 anos), 61 mulheres (83,3 ± 2,7 anos) e 32 homens (83,1 ± 2,2 anos) da cidade de Presidente Prudente. A avaliação da massa óssea foi feita pela absorptiometria de dupla energia de raios X (DXA), na qual foram mensurados os valores de conteúdo mineral ósseo (BMC) e densidade mineral óssea (BMD) do fêmur e da coluna (L1-L4). A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por meio dos testes de velocidade para caminhar, equilíbrio estático e força de membros inferiores contidos no questionário Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (Sabe). As variáveis da massa óssea e capacidade funcional foram categorizadas de acordo com os valores de mediana e a pontuação obtida nos testes, respectivamente. Para tratamento estatístico fez-se o teste qui-quadrado, o software usado foi SPSS (13.0) e o nível de significância estabelecido foi de 5%.Resultados:Os idosos do sexo masculino com maior desempenho nos testes funcionais apresentaram maiores valores de BMC de fêmur comparados com os de menor desempenho, resultado não encontrado quando avaliadas as mulheres.Conclusão:Dessa forma, a massa óssea do fêmur para idosos longevos do sexo masculino está associada à capacidade funcional. A avaliação constante da massa mineral óssea e a prática de atividade física ao longo da vida seriam medidas para prevenção das quedas em idosos.


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O objetivo deste artigo é verificar a prevalência de desnutrição em adolescentes de duas cidades brasileiras e analisar possíveis associações com a prática de atividades físicas durante horários de lazer. Participaram do estudo 2782 adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos, de escolas da rede pública e privada de uma cidade do sudeste e uma da região sul. O peso e a estatura foram avaliados por balança digital e estadiômetro, respectivamente. A prática de atividade física considerou as variáveis: prática de esportes; andar (tratada como caminhada); andar de bicicleta e assistir televisão. O teste qui-quadrado e a regressão de Poisson foram empregados. A prevalência de desnutrição foi de 13,0%, sendo maior no sexo feminino (14,5%) quando comparado ao masculino (11,9%) [p = 0,047]. A prática esportiva foi associada com menor ocorrência do desfecho (p = 0,001). Foi significativamente menor a prevalência de desnutrição entre aqueles que mantinham frequência moderada de caminhadas em comparação àqueles que apresentavam baixa frequência dessa prática. A prevalência de desnutrição no presente estudo pode ser considerada elevada. Além disso, a condição nutricional inadequada nos adolescentes aparentemente está associada a comportamentos de risco à saúde, caso da prática insuficiente de atividade física durante horários de lazer.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Background: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is widely used to treat infertility, and its adequate indication is important to obtain good pregnancy rates. To assess which couples could benefit from IUI, this study aimed to evaluate whether sperm motility using a discontinuous gradient of different densities and incubation in CO2 in normospermic individuals is able to predict pregnancy.Methods: A total of 175 couples underwent 175 IUI cycles. The inclusion criteria for women were as follows: 35 years old or younger (age range: from 27 to 35 years) with normal fallopian tubes; endometriosis grades I-II; unexplained infertility; nonhyperandrogenic ovulatory dysfunction. Men with normal seminal parameters were also included. All patients underwent ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate and human hMG or r-FSH. When one or (at most) three follicles measuring 18 to 20 mm were observed, hCG (5000 UI) or r-hCG (250 mcg) was administered and IUI performed 36-40 h after hCG. Sperm processing was performed using a discontinuous concentration gradient. A 20 microliters aliquot was incubated for 24 h at 37 degrees C in 5% CO2 following a total progressive motility analysis. The Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests, as well as a ROC curve were used to determine the cutoff value for motility.Results: Of the 175 couples, 52 (in 52 IUI cycles) achieved clinical pregnancies (CP rate per cycle: 29.7%). The analysis of age, duration and causes of infertility did not indicate any statistical significance between pregnancy and no pregnancy groups, similar to the results for total sperm count and morphology analyses, excluding progressive motility (p < 0.0001). The comparison of progressive motility after processing and 24 h after incubation between these two groups indicated that progressive motility 24 h after incubation was higher in the pregnancy group. The analysis of the progressive motility of the pregnancy group after processing and 24 h after incubation has not shown any motility difference at 24 h after incubation; additionally, in couples who did not obtain pregnancy, there was a statistically significant decrease in progressive motility 24 h after incubation (p < 0.0001). The ROC curve analysis generated a cutoff value of 56.5% for progressive motility at 24 h after incubation and this cutoff value produced 96.1% sensitivity, 92.7% specificity, 84.7% positive predictive value and 98.3% negative predictive value.Conclusions: We concluded that the sperm motility of normospermic individuals 24 h after incubation at 37 degrees C in 5% CO2, with a cutoff value of 56.5%, is predictive of IUI success.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The high prevalence of dysphagia after stroke leads to increased mortality, and cerebral reperfusion therapy has been effective in reducing neurologic deficits. The aim of this study was to investigate the severity and evolution of dysphagia and the occurrence of pneumonia in patients submitted to cerebral reperfusion therapy. Methods: Seventy ischemic stroke patients were evaluated. Of these, 35 patients (group 1) were submitted to cerebral reperfusion therapy and 35 (group 2) did not receive thrombolytic treatment. The following were evaluated: severity of dysphagia by means of videofluoroscopy, evolution of oral intake rate by means of the Functional Oral Intake Scale, and the occurrence of pneumonia by international protocol. The relation between the severity of dysphagia and the occurrence of pneumonia with the treatment was evaluated through the chi-square test; the daily oral intake rate and its relation to the treatment were assessed by the Mann-Whitney test and considered significant if P is less than .05. Results: The moderate and severe degrees of dysphagia were more frequent (P = .013) among the patients who were not submitted to cerebral reperfusion therapy. The daily oral intake evolved independently of the treatment type, without statistical significance when compared between the groups, whereas pneumonia occurred more frequently in group 2 (28%) in relation to group 1 (11%) and was associated with the worst degrees of dysphagia (P = .045). Conclusions: We can conclude that there is improvement in the oral intake rate in both groups, with lower severity of dysphagia and occurrence of pneumonia in ischemic stroke patients submitted to cerebral reperfusion therapy. (C) 2014 by National Stroke Association


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Objectives: To evaluate if the prevalence of cervical smear results varies between pregnant and nonpregnant women stratified by age group.Study design: Observational analytical study with a total sample of 1,336,180 pregnant and nonpregnant women, aged between 20 and 34 years, who underwent cervical cancer screening in the Primary Health Care of the national health system in the area of Campinas in Brazil during the period of 2005-2009. The source is the information system for cervical cancer screening. Data collected on abnormal cervical smears were analyzed using the Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test and the magnitude of the association between pregnancy and high-grade squamous epithelial lesions was analyzed by odds ratio (OR) and estimated values with confidence intervals (CI) of 95%.Results: 15,190 pregnant women and 395,961 non-pregnant women were analyzed and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Regardless of age, no statistical differences were observed for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion prevalence (OR 0.90; CI 0.66-1.23). Taking into account the five-year age groups, however, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion was less prevalent in pregnant women aged 20-24 (OR 0.71; 0.54-0.95) and 25-29 years (OR 0.56; 0.35-0.89); also, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance was more prevalent in non-pregnant women aged 25-29 years (OR 0.72; 0.54-0.97).Conclusion: The study showed that the cytological prevalence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion was similar in pregnant and non-pregnant women, regardless of age. The results indicate that there are no reasons for specific approaches to cervical cancer screening for pregnant women. The examination should be carried out only on pregnant women who have not been tested according to current recommendations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.