929 resultados para Channel State Information in MIMO


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An ionic exclusion-enrichment phenomenon has been found at the ends of a nano-channel when electric-driven fluid passes through a micro-/nano-hybrid channel [1-3]. In our experiments, the hybrid channels are fabricated with two poly-dimethysiloxane (PDMS) monoliths microchannels (100um X20um X 9mm) and a nanoporous polycarbonate nuclear track-etched (PCTE) membrane (with 50nm pores). The flows are driven under different electrical potential and the test liquids with different PH values are used. The ion depletion in the source channel is observed by the MicroPIV system. In addition, the numerical simulations about ionic exclusion-enrichment in the hybrid channel are carried out. Some results are as followed:


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A five months survey was conducted to identify the aquatic macrophytes in fishponds and reservoirs in Makurdi (Benue State, Nigeria) between August and December 1999. A total of 3-prominent aquatic macrophytes were identified: Ipomoea aquatica, Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis at two-study sites (site 1, receives organic manure effluent from a cattle ranch, site 2, receives inorganic fertilizer through application). Ipomoea aquatica were found restricted to site l, while Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis were found associated with site 2. Analysis of the results indicates high level of ammonia-nitrogen at site 1 compared to site 2. Mineral analysis of the plant tissues indicate high level of iron in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus. Mineral concentration were found to be significantly higher (P,L, 0.05) in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus when compared with concentration in Echinochloa pyramidalis


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Nigeria with an estimated population of about 120 million people requires about 2.3 million metric tonnes of fish and fisheries product for good health at the recommended 19 kg/caput/year by FAO. Lake Chad fisheries resource of Borno State is a blessing in disguise to the Nigerian economy. It has potential to produce over 300,000 metric tonnes of fish protein annually, representing about 12.2% of the total fish demand of Nigerians. In spite of this laudable potential Lake Chad fisheries resources of Borno State declined in the past two decades due, largely, to lack of/or inadequate attention by the government, private and commercial organization, lack of social economics and infra-structural facilities for rational exploitations and management of its resources. This paper re-emphasizes the importance of Lake Chad Fisheries of Borno State in the Nigerian economy. The fisheries resources, the environment, the exploitation, the potential marketing, the role of law enforcement and foreign agencies, the constraints and potentials are discussed. Nigeria can derive a substantial proportion of its fish demand from Lake Chad fisheries of Borno State alone just with the adoption of some proffered strategies including combined efforts of the private and public sectors in the rational management of the fisheries resource of Lake Chad


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A diagnostic survey of the incidence of mayfly (Povilla sp.) infestation of wooden infrastructures of the artisanal fishers in ten (10) lagoons and marine fishing villages of Ogun States (Nigeria) was carried out through the application of structured questionnaire and participatory Rural Appraisal interviews. The demographic, infrastructural and socioeconomic characteristics of the ten fishing villages sampled were derived and analyzed. The infestation which occurs all year round is found to be most prevalent (70%) in the wet season, increasing proportionally with salinity from 56% (brackish water); to 63% (marine water). The life-span of Povilla sp. is reduced from 55% to 62% (freshwater); 41% (brackish water) and 38% (marine water). Annual financial loss of N10,000.00 per fisher or N80,000,000.00 to the 8000 artisanal fishers affected in Ogun State is discussed. It is recommended that fishers should preferably use non-wood crafts and infrastructures while adopting appropriate management strategies for containing the existing infestation


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A five months survey was conducted to identify the aquatic macrophytes in fishponds and reservoirs in Makurdi (Benue State, Nigeria) between August and December 1999. A total of 3-prominent aquatic macrophytes were identified: Ipomoea aquatica, Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis at two-study sites (site 1, receives organic manure effluent from a cattle ranch, site 2, receives inorganic fertilizer through application). Ipomoea aquatica were found restricted to site l, while Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis were found associated with site 2. Analysis of the results indicates high level of ammonia-nitrogen at site 1 compared to site 2. Mineral analysis of the plant tissues indicate high level of iron in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus. Mineral concentration were found to be significantly higher (P,L, 0.05) in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus when compared with concentration in Echinochloa pyramidalis


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The decline in fishermen catches of Lake kainji, which went down from 28,639.6t in 1970 to 6.048t in 1974 (Ita 1982) prompted the promulgation of fisheries edict banning beach seines and other obnoxious fishing gear by Kebbi and Niger State governments in 1997 as a measure to prevent depletion of fisheries resources in the lake. Radio as a medium of communication was adopted as the method to disseminate information in the fisheries edict to the fisherfolks in order to bring about positive changes. Radio Niger, Koro station, was involved in the broadcast. Fisherfolk listened to the broadcast 32 times a week. Frame survey data and radio impact assessment studies were used to assess the effect of the broadcast on the number of beach seines and other obnoxious fishing gears on the lake which were banned in the fisheries edicts. It was revealed that the number of beach decreased drastically from 582 in 1997 to 122 in 1999 and to only 17 in 2001


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Over the past decade, scholarly interest concerning the use of limitations to constrain government spending and taxing has noticeably increased. The call for constitutional restrictions can be credited, in part, to Washington's apparent inability to legislate any significant reductions in government expenditures or in the size of the national debt. At the present time, the federal government is far from instituting any constitutional limitations on spending or borrowing; however, the states have incorporated many controls on revenues and expenditures, the oldest being strictures on full faith and credit borrowing. This dissertations examines the efficacy of these restrictions on borrowing across the states (excluding Alaska) for the period dating from 1961 to 1990 and also studies the limitations on taxing and spending synonymous with the Tax Revolt.

We include socio-economic information in our calculations to control for factors other than the institutional variables that affect state borrowing levels. Our results show that certain constitutional restrictions (in particular, the referendum requirement and the dollar debt limit) are more effective than others. The apparent ineffectiveness of other limitations, such as the flexible debt limit, seem related to the bindingness of the limitations in at least half of the cases. Other variables, such as crime rates, number of schoolage children, and state personal income do affect the levels of full faith and credit debt, but not as strongly as the limitations. While some degree of circumvention can be detected (the amount of full faith and credit debt does inversely affect the levels of nonguaranteed debt), it is so small when compared to the effectiveness of the constitutional restrictions that it is almost negligible. The examination of the tax revolt era limitations yielded quite similar conclusions, with the additional fact that constitutional restrictions appear more binding than statutory ones. Our research demonstrates that constitutional limitations on borrowing can be applied effectively to constrain excessive borrowing, but caution must be used. The efficacy of these restrictions decrease dramatically as the number of loopholes increase.


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A diagnostic survey was conducted among the fishermen in six selected villages in Doko Local Government Area of Niger State. One hundred and fifty fishermen were randomly selected and interviewed to find out whether or not they had interest in commercial fish farming aimed at improving their livelihood. The dwindling fish catches in the natural flood plain ponds and Ex-bow Lakes continue to have a serious negative effect on the socio-economic well being of the village communities in question. A break on natural regular annual flooding of the plains had resulted into very low natural fish recruitment. Data analysis using simple descriptive statistics revealed that land tenure system, educational status, inadequate infrastructural facilities, religious taboos, existing fish species among others were found to be favourable indices for commercial fish farming. However, serious conflicts among the fishermen concerning the ownership status of these natural fish ponds are found to be major obstacles to commercial fish farming despite that the traditional ownership of the ponds were vested in the lands of individuals and village communities. Extensive fish farming and small-scale fish farming in the ponds and Ex-bow Lake with improved management practices are considered to be profitable venture. Despite the fact that fish seeds supply and extension effort are still inadequate, the fish farmers have indicated willingness to adopt commercial fish farming in the Ex-bow Lakes and flood plains in order to restore abundant fish production thereby providing for their food security and also increasing the daily income


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Macroeconomic growth and the development of sustainable business activities are interrelated. In Lagos State, aquaculture is a marginal economic activity thriving mainly on a semi-intensive level. Notwithstanding the available potentials for the development of successful commercial aquaculture enterprises in the state, the transformation to a full-flagged industry continues to be undetermined by certain critical factors. Feasible development strategies may be sought in increasing all stakeholders' capacity in the formulation of policies, plans and regulations, a complete separation of aquaculture from the capture fisheries in administrative structure and policy; the adoption of precautionary approach; provision of economic incentives to enhance private investments and increase output,respectively


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Oramiriukwa one of the rivers in the Imo River drainage basin runs approximately a 14.0km course from its headwaters in Abba Isu (Nwangele LGA) and discharge into Otamiri River. Based on the fish catches of local fishermen using a variety of fishing gear in a sampling station in Emekuku (Owerri LGA), a total of 17 families of fish consisting of 27 species were identified in the river. In the January sample the most numerically abundant species were Tilapia zilli (12.5%). Calamoichthys calabaricus (8.7%) and T. guineensis (8.6%). In the July samples the most numerically abundant species were Mastacemblus loenbergii (9.2%). T. zilli (7.2%) and Hemichromis fasciatus (6.6%). The Shannon Weiner Diversity index for Oranmiriukwa River was high (1.305) implying a relatively diversified and equilibrated fish community


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To obtain accurate information from a structural tool it is necessary to have an understanding of the physical principles which govern the interaction between the probe and the sample under investigation. In this thesis a detailed study of the physical basis for Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy is presented. A single scattering formalism of EXAFS is introduced which allows a rigorous treatment of the central atom potential. A final state interaction formalism of EXAFS is also discussed. Multiple scattering processes are shown to be significant for systems of certain geometries. The standard single scattering EXAFS analysis produces erroneous results if the data contain a large multiple scattering contribution. The effect of thermal vibrations on such multiple scattering paths is also discussed. From symmetry considerations it is shown that only certain normal modes contribute to the Debye-Waller factor for a particular scattering path. Furthermore, changes in the scattering angles induced by thermal vibrations produces additional EXAFS components called modification factors. These factors are shown to be small for most systems.

A study of the physical basis for the determination of structural information from EXAFS data is also presented. An objective method of determining the background absorption and the threshold energy is discussed and involves Gaussian functions. In addition, a scheme to determine the nature of the scattering atom in EXAFS experiments is introduced. This scheme is based on the fact that the phase intercept is a measure of the type of scattering atom. A method to determine bond distances is also discussed and does not require the use of model compounds or calculated phase shifts. The physical basis for this method is the absence of a linear term in the scattering phases. Therefore, it is possible to separate these phases from the linear term containing the distance information in the total phase.


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A review article looking at the type of information requirements commonly shared by scientists and their use of traditional information services. Areas covered include primary requirements of IFE (Institute of Freshwater Ecology) staff, pure versus applied research, informal and personal sources of information, and traditional library and information services. It goes on to describe how research into information systems and technology may improve the wider accessibility and use of information to the scientific community. Technologies covered include online databases, telecommunications, gateways, expert systems, optical technology and applications of CDROM.


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Hair cells from the bull frog's sacculus, a vestibular organ responding to substrate-borne vibration, possess electrically resonant membrane properties which maximize the sensitivity of each cell to a particular frequency of mechanical input. The electrical resonance of these cells and its underlying ionic basis were studied by applying gigohm-seal recording techniques to solitary hair cells enzymatically dissociated from the sacculus. The contribution of electrical resonance to frequency selectivity was assessed from microelectrode recordings from hair cells in an excised preparation of the sacculus.

Electrical resonance in the hair cell is demonstrated by damped membrane-potential oscillations in response to extrinsic current pulses applied through the recording pipette. This response is analyzed as that of a damped harmonic oscillator. Oscillation frequency rises with membrane depolarization, from 80-160 Hz at resting potential to asymptotic values of 200-250 Hz. The sharpness of electrical tuning, denoted by the electrical quality factor, Qe, is a bell-shaped function of membrane voltage, reaching a maximum value around eight at a membrane potential slightly positive to the resting potential.

In whole cells, three time-variant ionic currents are activated at voltages more positive than -60 to -50 mV; these are identified as a voltage-dependent, non-inactivating Ca current (Ica), a voltage-dependent, transient K current (Ia), and a Ca-dependent K current (Ic). The C channel is identified in excised, inside-out membrane patches on the basis of its large conductance (130-200 pS), its selective permeability to Kover Na or Cl, and its activation by internal Ca ions and membrane depolarization. Analysis of open- and closed-lifetime distributions suggests that the C channel can assume at least two open and three closed kinetic states.

Exposing hair cells to external solutions that inhibit the Ca or C conductances degrades the electrical resonance properties measured under current-clamp conditions, while blocking the A conductance has no significant effect, providing evidence that only the Ca and C conductances participate in the resonance mechanism. To test the sufficiency of these two conductances to account for electrical resonance, a mathematical model is developed that describes Ica, Ic, and intracellular Ca concentration during voltage-clamp steps. Ica activation is approximated by a third-order Hodgkin-Huxley kinetic scheme. Ca entering the cell is assumed to be confined to a small submembrane compartment which contains an excess of Ca buffer; Ca leaves this space with first-order kinetics. The Ca- and voltage-dependent activation of C channels is described by a five-state kinetic scheme suggested by the results of single-channel observations. Parameter values in the model are adjusted to fit the waveforms of Ica and Ic evoked by a series of voltage-clamp steps in a single cell. Having been thus constrained, the model correctly predicts the character of voltage oscillations produced by current-clamp steps, including the dependencies of oscillation frequency and Qe on membrane voltage. The model shows quantitatively how the Ca and C conductances interact, via changes in intracellular Ca concentration, to produce electrical resonance in a vertebrate hair cell.


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Versova, one of the 23 fishing villages in the district of Greater Bombay, is a major fishing centre. During the last three decades mechanisation of fishing boats received a tremendous boost in the state specially in and around Bombay resulting in higher income and gainful employment to fishermen. Indigenous construction of fishing boats at Versova contributes to the marine fisheries development. Inspite of certain constraints in construction activities, training of artisans in boat construction would ultimately help in the economic growth of the village.


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Recent studies examining adaptation to unexpected changes in the mechanical environment highlight the use of position error in the adaptation process. However, force information is also available. In this chapter, we examine adaptation processes in three separate studies where the mechanical environment was changed intermittently. We compare the expected consequences of using position error and force information in the changes to motor commands following a change in the mechanical environment. In general, our results support the use of position error over force information and are consistent with current computational models of motor learning. However, in situations where the change in the mechanical environment eliminates position error the central nervous system does not necessarily respond as would be predicted by these models. We suggest that it is necessary to take into account the statistics of prior experience to account for our observations. Another deficiency in these models is the absence of a mechanism for modulating limb mechanical impedance during adaptation. We propose a relatively simple computational model based on reflex responses to perturbations which is capable of accounting for iterative changes in temporal patterns of muscle co-activation.