979 resultados para Carnegie libraries.
Background: Microarray transcript profiling has the potential to illuminate the molecular processes that are involved in the responses of cattle to disease challenges. This knowledge may allow the development of strategies that exploit these genes to enhance resistance to disease in an individual or animal population. Results: The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray developed in this study consists of 1480 characterised genes identified by literature searches, 31 positive and negative control elements and 5376 cDNAs derived from subtracted and normalised libraries. The cDNA libraries were produced from 'challenged' bovine epithelial and leukocyte cells. The microarray was found to have a limit of detection of 1 pg/mu g of total RNA and a mean slide-to-slide correlation co-efficient of 0.88. The profiles of differentially expressed genes from Concanavalin A ( ConA) stimulated bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined. Three distinct profiles highlighted 19 genes that were rapidly up-regulated within 30 minutes and returned to basal levels by 24 h; 76 genes that were upregulated between 2 - 8 hours and sustained high levels of expression until 24 h and 10 genes that were down-regulated. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR on selected genes was used to confirm the results from the microarray analysis. The results indicate that there is a dynamic process involving gene activation and regulatory mechanisms re-establishing homeostasis in the ConA activated lymphocytes. The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray was also used to determine the cross-species hybridisation capabilities of an ovine PBL sample. Conclusion: The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray has been developed which contains a set of well-characterised genes and anonymous cDNAs from a number of different bovine cell types. The microarray can be used to determine the gene expression profiles underlying innate immune responses in cattle and sheep.
Purpose: To identify papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)-associated transcripts, we compared the gene expression profiles of three Serial Analysis of Gene Expression libraries generated from thyroid tumors and a normal thyroid tissue. Experimental Design: Selected transcripts were validated in a panel of 57 thyroid tumors using quantitative PCR (qPCR). An independent set of 71 paraffin-embedded sections was used for validation using immunohistochemical analysis. To determine if PTC-associated gene expression could predict lymph node involvement, a separate cohort of 130 primary PTC (54 metastatic and 76 nonmetastatic) was investigated. The BRAF(V600E) mutational status was compared with qPCR data to identify genes that might be regulated by abnormal BRAF/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling. Results: We identified and validated new PTC-associated transcripts. Three genes (CST6, CXCL14, and DHRS3) are strongly associated with PTC. Immunohistochemical analysis of CXCL14 confirmed the qPCR data and showed protein expression in PTC epithelial cells. We also observed that CST6, CXCL14, DHRS3, and SPP1 were associated with PTC lymph node metastasis, with CST6, CXCL14, and SPP1 being positively correlated with metastasis and DHRS3 being negatively correlated. Finally, we found a strong correlation between CST6 and CXCL14 expression and BRAF(V600E) mutational status, suggesting that these genes may be induced subsequently to BRAF activation and therefore may be downstream in the BRAF/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway. Conclusion: CST6, CXCL14, DHRS3, and SPP1 may play a role in PTC pathogenesis and progression and are possible molecular targets for FTC therapy.
The taxane docetaxel is currently the most effective chemotherapeutic drug for the treatment of advanced breast cancer. However, a considerable proportion of breast cancer patients do not respond positively to docetaxel. The mechanisms of docetaxel resistance are poorly understood. Overexpression of ERBB2 occurs in 15-30% of breast tumors and is associated with chemoresistance to a variety of anticancer drugs. In the present study, we sought to identify genes involved in ERBB2-mediated chemoresistance to docetaxel. We generated SAGE libraries from two human mammary cell lines expressing basal (HB4a) and high (C5.2) levels of ERBB2 before and after intensive exposure to docetaxel and identified potential ERBB2 target genes implicated in a variety of cellular processes including cell proliferation, cell adhesion, apoptosis and cytoskeleton organization. Comparison of the transcriptome of the cell lines before and after docetaxel exposure revealed substantially different expression patterns. Twenty-one differentially expressed genes between HB4a and C5.2 cell lines, before and after docetaxel treatment, were further analyzed by qPCR. The alterations in the expression patterns in HB4a and C5.2 cell lines in response to docetaxel treatment observed by SAGE analysis were confirmed by qPCR for the majority of the genes analyzed. Our study provides a comprehensive view of the expression changes induced in two human mammary cells expressing different levels of ERBB2 in response to docetaxel that could contribute to the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in ERBB2-mediated chemoresistance in breast cancer.
Antibody phage display libraries are a useful tool in proteomic analyses. This study evaluated an antibody recombinant library for identification of sex-specific proteins on the sperm cell surface. The Griffin.1 library was used to produce phage antibodies capable of recognizing membrane proteins from Nelore sperm cells. After producing soluble monoclonal scFv, clones were screened on Simental sperm cells by flow cytometry and those that bound to 40-60% of cells were selected. These clones were re-analyzed using Nelore sperm cells and all clones bound to 40-60% of cells. Positive clones were submitted to a binding assay against male and female bovine leukocytes by flow cytometry and one clone preferentially bound to male cells. The results indicate that phage display antibodies are an alternative method for identification of molecules markers on sperm cells. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In highly eusocial insects, such as the honey bee, Apis mellifera, the reproductive bias has become embedded in morphological caste differences. These are most expressively denoted in ovary size, with adult queens having large ovaries consisting of 150-200 ovarioles each, while workers typically have only 1-20 ovarioles per ovary. This morphological differentiation is a result of hormonal signals triggered by the diet change in the third larval instar, which eventually generate caste-specific gene expression patterns. To reveal these we produced differential gene expression libraries by Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) for queen and worker ovaries in a developmental stage when cell death is a prominent feature in the ovarioles of workers, whereas all ovarioles are maintained and extend in length in queens. In the queen library, 48% of the gene set represented homologs of known Drosophila genes, whereas in the worker ovary, the largest set (59%) were ESTs evidencing novel genes, not even computationally predicted in the honey bee genome. Differential expression was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR for a selected gene set, denoting major differences for two queen and two worker library genes. These included two unpredicted genes located in chromosome 11 (Group11.35 and Group11.31, respectively) possibly representing long non-coding RNAs. Being candidates as modulators of ovary development, their expression and functional analysis should be a focal point for future studies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Transposon elements are important tools for gene function analysis, for example they can be used to easily create genome-wide collections of insertion mutants. Transposons may also carry sequences coding for an epitope or fluorescent marker useful for protein expression and localization analysis. We have developed three new Tn5-based transposons that incorporate a GFP (green fluorescent protein) coding sequence to generate fusion proteins in the important fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Each transposon also contains the URA3 and Kan(R) genes for yeast and bacterial selection, respectively. After in vitro transposition, the insertional allele is transferred to the chromosomal locus by homologous recombination. Transposons Tn5-CaGFP and Tn5-CaGFP-URA3:FLIP can generate C-terminal truncated GFP fusions. A URA3 flipper recycling cassette was incorporated into the transposon Th5-CaGFP-UFRA3:FLIP. After the induction of Flip recombinase to excise the marker, the heterozygous strain is transformed again in order to obtain a GFP-tagged homozygous strains. In the Tn5-CaGFP-FL transposon the markers are flanked by a rare-cutting enzyme. After in vitro transposition into a plasmid-borne target gene, the markers are eliminated by restriction digestion and religation, resulting in a construct coding for full-length GFP-fusion proteins. This transposon can generate plasmid libraries of GFP insertions in proteins where N- or C-terminal tagging may alter localization. We tested our transposon system by mutagenizing the essential septin CDC3 gene. The results indicate that the Cdc3 C-terminal extension is important for correct septin filament assembly. The transposons described here provide a new system to obtain global gene expression and protein localization data in C. albicans. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective. The relationship of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) with pericytes and fibroblasts has not been established thus far, although they share many markers of primitive marrow stromal cells and the osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation potentials. Materials and Methods. We compared MSCs from adult or fetal tissues, MSC differentiated in vitro, fibroblasts and cultures of retinal pericytes obtained either by separation with anti-CD146 or adhesion. The characterizations included morphological, immunophenotypic, gene-expression profile, and differentiation potential. Results. Osteogenic, adipocytic, and chondrocytic differentiation was demonstrated for MSC, retinal perivascular cells, and fibroblasts. Cell morphology and the phenotypes defined by 22 markers were very similar. Analysis of the global gene expression obtained by serial analysis of gene expression for 17 libraries and by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction of 39 selected genes from 31 different cell cultures, revealed similarities among MSC, retinal perivascular cells, and hepatic stellate cells. Despite this overall similarity, there was a heterogeneous expression of genes related to angiogenesis, in MSC derived from veins, artery, perivascular cells, and fibroblasts. Evaluation of typical pericyte and MSC transcripts, such as NG2, CD146, CD271, and CD140B on CD146 selected perivascular cells and MSC by real-time polymerase chain reaction confirm the relationship between these two cell types. Furthermore, the inverse correlation between fibroblast-specific protein-1 and CD146 transcripts observed on pericytes, MSC, and fibroblasts highlight their potential use as markers of this differentiation pathway. Conclusion. Our results indicate that human MSC and pericytes are similar cells located in the wall of the vasculature, where they function as cell sources for repair and tissue maintenance, whereas fibroblasts are more differentiated cells with more restricted differentiation potential. (C) 2008 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc.
To better understand the early events regulating lineage-specific hematopoietic differentiation, we analyzed the transcriptional profiles of CD34+ human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) subjected to differentiation stimulus. CD34+ cells were cultured for 12 and 40 h in liquid cultures with supplemented media favoring myeloid or erythroid commitment. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) was employed to generate four independent libraries. By analyzing the differentially expressed regulated transcripts between the un-stimulated and the stimulated CD34+ cells, we observed a set of genes that was initially up-regulated at 12 h but were then down-regulated at 40 h, exclusively after myeloid stimulus. Among those we found transcripts for NFKB2, RELB, IL1B, LTB, LTBR, TNFRSF4, TGFB1, and IKBKA. Also, the inhibitor NFKBIA (IKBA) was more expressed at 12 h. All those transcripts code for signaling proteins of the nuclear factor kappaB pathway. NFKB2 is a subunit of the NF-kappa B transcription factor that with RELB mediates the non-canonical NF-kappa B pathway. Interference RNA (RNAi) against NFKB1, NFKB2 and control RNAi were transfected into bone marrow CD34+HSPC. The percentage and the size of the myeloid colonies derived from the CD34+ cells decreased after inhibition of NFKB2. Altogether, our results indicate that NFKB2 gene has a role in the early commitment of CD34+HSPC towards the myeloid lineage. (C) 2010 International Society of Differentiation. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Denture stomatitis is a common lesion that affects denture wearers. Its multifactorial etiology seems to depend on a complex and poorly characterized biofilm. The purpose of this study was to assess the composition of the microbial biofilm obtained from complete denture wearers with and without denture stomatitis using culture-independent methods. Methods: Samples were collected from healthy denture wearers and from patients with denture stomatitis. Libraries comprising about 600 cloned 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) bacterial sequences and 192 cloned eukaryotic internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences, obtained by polymerase chain reactions, were analyzed. Results: The partial 16S rDNA sequences revealed a total of 82 bacterial species identified in healthy subjects and patients with denture stomatitis. Twenty-seven bacterial species were detected in both biofilms, 29 species were exclusively present in patients with denture stomatitis, and 26 were found only in healthy subjects. Analysis of the ITS region revealed the presence of Candida sp. in both biofilms. Conclusion: The results revealed the extent of the microbial flora, suggesting the existence of distinct biofilms in healthy subjects and in patients with denture stomatitis.
To identify novel genes involved in the molecular pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) we performed a serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) in CLL cells, and compared this with healthy B cells (nCD19(+)). We found a high level of similarity among CLL subtypes, but a comparison of CLL versus nCD19(+) libraries revealed 55 genes that were over-represented and 49 genes that were down-regulated in CLL. A gene ontology analysis revealed that TOSO, which plays a functional role upstream of Fas extrinsic apoptosis pathway, was over-expressed in CLL cells. This finding was confirmed by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in 78 CLL and 12 nCD19(+) cases (P <.001). We validated expression using flow cytometry and tissue microarray and demonstrated a 5.6-fold increase of TOSO protein in circulating CLL cells (P =.013) and lymph nodes (P =.006). Our SAGE results have demonstrated that TOSO is a novel overexpressed antiapoptotic gene in CLL.
Directed evolution techniques have been used to improve the thermal stability of the xylanase A from Bacillus subtilis (XylA). Two generations of random mutant libraries generated by error prone PCR coupled with a single generation of DNA shuffling produced a series of mutant proteins with increasing thermostability. The most Thermostable XylA variant from the third generation contained four mutations Q7H, G13R, S22P, and S179C that showed an increase in melting temperature of 20 degrees C. The thermodynamic properties Of a representative subset of nine XylA variants showing a range of thermostabilities were measured by thermal denaturation as monitored by the change in the far ultraviolet circular dichroism signal. Analysis of the data from these thermostable variants demonstrated a correlation between the decrease in the heat capacity change (Delta C(p)) with an increase in the midpoint of the transition temperature (T(m)) on transition from the native to the unfolded state. This result could not be interpreted within the context of the changes in accessible surface area of the protein on transition from the native to unfolded states. Since all the mutations are located at the surface of the protein, these results suggest that an explanation of the decrease in Delta C(p) on should include effects arising from the prot inlsolvent interface.
Tracking the reaction history is the means of choice to identify bioactive compounds in large combinatorial libraries. The authors describe two approaches to synthesis on silica beads: a) addition of a reporter dye tag during each synthesis step (see Figure), which attaches itself to the bead by colloidal forces, and b) encapsulating arrays of fluorescent dyes into the beads to encode them uniquely, for recognition with a flow cytometer after each reaction step.
Rapid access to genetic information is central to the revolution presently occurring in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly In relation to novel drug target identification and drug development. Genetic variation, gene expression, gene function and gene structure are just some of the important research areas requiring efficient methods of DNA screening. Here, we highlight state-of-the-art techniques and devices for gene screening that promise cheaper and higher-throughput yields than currently achieved with DNA microarrays. We include an overview of existing and proposed bead-based strategies designed to dramatically increase the number of probes that can be interrogated in one assay. We focus, in particular, on the issue of encoding and/or decoding (bar-coding) large bead-based libraries for HTS.
Little is known of the mechanisms whereby the mammalian indifferent gonad develops into a testis or ovary. In XY individuals, Sry, the mammalian testis-determining gene, is expressed in the pre-Sertoli cells, which then differentiate into Sertoli cells. Other cell types, which include the germ cells, the steroidogenic cells and the connective tissue cells, must then be instructed to develop in a male-specific manner. Although some genes involved in sex-determination and differentiation processes have been identified, we know little of how they interact and cooperate to orchestrate the development of a testis or ovary. We have initiated an expression-screening program designed to identify additional genes, known or novel, which play a role in these processes. This approach is based on our belief that many of the genes we seek will be expressed in a sex-specific manner during the period of sex-determination and differentiation. Most of the genes identified previously are transcription factors and so we aim, in particular, to find genes involved in cell-to-cell communication, signal transduction, and transcriptional regulation, downstream of the differentiation of Sertoli cells. We have used a suppression subtractive-hybridization method to generate male- and female-enriched probes and libraries. Clones are validated as being sex-specific in their expression patterns by array screening and in situ hybridization. Here we report on our progress to date and the general applicability of the approach for studies in other systems. J. Exp. Zool. 290:517-522, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Corymbia variegata (spotted gum) is an important commercial hardwood timber species in Australia. Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from C. variegata, with 3-5 alleles amplified in three individuals examined. Cross-species amplification in Corymbia was successful for all primer pairs, while 10 loci (71%) were successfully transferred to at least one species in the closely related genus Eucalyptus.