971 resultados para Calmodulin-binding Domain


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The 3' cleavage generating non-polyadenylated animal histone mRNAs depends on the base pairing between U7 snRNA and a conserved histone pre-mRNA downstream element. This interaction is enhanced by a 100 kDa zinc finger protein (ZFP100) that forms a bridge between an RNA hairpin element upstream of the processing site and the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP). The N-terminus of Lsm11, a U7-specific Sm-like protein, was shown to be crucial for histone RNA processing and to bind ZFP100. By further analysing these two functions of Lsm11, we find that Lsm11 and ZFP100 can undergo two interactions, i.e. between the Lsm11 N-terminus and the zinc finger repeats of ZFP100, and between the N-terminus of ZFP100 and the Sm domain of Lsm11, respectively. Both interactions are not specific for the two proteins in vitro, but the second interaction is sufficient for a specific recognition of the U7 snRNP by ZFP100 in cell extracts. Furthermore, clustered point mutations in three phylogenetically conserved regions of the Lsm11 N-terminus impair or abolish histone RNA processing. As these mutations have no effect on the two interactions with ZFP100, these protein regions must play other roles in histone RNA processing, e.g. by contacting the pre-mRNA or additional processing factors.


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We present the crystal structures of the SEC14-like domain of supernatant protein factor (SPF) in complex with squalene and 2,3-oxidosqualene. The structures were resolved at 1.75 Å (complex with squalene) and 1.6 Å resolution (complex with 2,3-oxidosqualene), leading in both cases to clear images of the protein/ substrate interactions. Ligand binding is facilitated by removal of the Golgi-dynamics (GOLD) C-terminal domain of SPF, which, as shown in previous structures of the apo-protein, blocked the opening of the binding pocket to the exterior. Both substrates bind into a large hydrophobic cavity, typical of such lipid-transporter family. Our structures report no specific recognition mode for the epoxide group. In fact, for both molecules, ligand affinity is dominated by hydrophobic interactions, and independent investigations by computational models or differential scanning micro-calorimetry reveal similar binding affinities for both ligands. Our findings elucidate the molecular bases of the role of SPF in sterol endo-synthesis, supporting the original hypothesis that SPF is a facilitator of substrate flow within the sterol synthetic pathway. Moreover, our results suggest that the GOLD domain acts as a regulator, as its conformational displacement must occur to favor ligand binding and release during the different synthetic steps.


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Double cyclization of short linear peptides obtained by solid phase peptide synthesis was used to prepare bridged bicyclic peptides (BBPs) corresponding to the topology of bridged bicyclic alkanes such as norbornane. Diastereomeric norbornapeptides were investigated by 1H-NMR, X-ray crystallography and CD spectroscopy and found to represent rigid globular scaffolds stabilized by intramolecular backbone hydrogen bonds with scaffold geometries determined by the chirality of amino acid residues and sharing structural features of β-turns and α-helices. Proteome profiling by capture compound mass spectrometry (CCMS) led to the discovery of the norbornapeptide 27c binding selectively to calmodulin as an example of a BBP protein binder. This and other BBPs showed high stability towards proteolytic degradation in serum.


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The bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system serves the combined uptake and phosphorylation of carbohydrates. This structurally and functionally complex system is composed of several conserved functional units that, through a cascade of phosphorylated intermediates, catalyze the transfer of the phosphate moiety from phosphoenolpyruvate to the substrate, which is bound to the integral membrane domain IIC. The wild-type glucose-specific IIC domain (wt-IIC(glc)) of Escherichia coli was cloned, overexpressed and purified for biochemical and functional characterization. Size-exclusion chromatography and scintillation-proximity binding assays showed that purified wt-IIC(glc) was homogenous and able to bind glucose. Crystallization was pursued following two different approaches: (i) reconstitution of wt-IIC(glc) into a lipid bilayer by detergent removal through dialysis, which yielded tubular 2D crystals, and (ii) vapor-diffusion crystallization of detergent-solubilized wt-IIC(glc), which yielded rhombohedral 3D crystals. Analysis of the 2D crystals by cryo-electron microscopy and the 3D crystals by X-ray diffraction indicated resolutions of better than 6Å and 4Å, respectively. Furthermore, a complete X-ray diffraction data set could be collected and processed to 3.93Å resolution. These 2D and 3D crystals of wt-IIC(glc) lay the foundation for the determination of the first structure of a bacterial glucose-specific IIC domain.


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GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain and are the target for many clinically important drugs such as the benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines act at the high-affinity binding site at the α+/γ- subunit interface. Previously, an additional low affinity binding site for diazepam located in the transmembrane (TM) domain has been described. The compound SJM-3 was recently identified in a prospective screening of ligands for the benzodiazepine binding site and investigated for its site of action. We determined the binding properties of SJM-3 at GABAA receptors recombinantly expressed in HEK-cells using radioactive ligand binding assays. Impact on function was assessed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with electrophysiological experiments using the two-electrode voltage clamp method. SJM-3 was shown to act as an antagonist at the α+/γ- site. At the same time it strongly potentiated GABA currents via the binding site for diazepam in the transmembrane domain. Mutation of a residue in M2 of the α subunit strongly reduced receptor modulation by SJM-3 and a homologous mutation in the β subunit abolished potentiation. SJM-3 acts as a more efficient modulator than diazepam at the site in the trans-membrane domain. In contrast to low concentrations of benzodiazepines, SJM-3 modulates both synaptic and extrasynaptic receptors. A detailed exploration of the membrane site may provide the basis for the design and identification of subtype-selective modulatory drugs.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are recognized as important pathogens and are particularly associated with foreign body infections. S. epidermidis accounts for approximately 75% of the infections caused by CNS. Three genes, sdrF, sdrG, and sdrH, were identified by screening a S. epidermidis genomic library with a probe encompassing the serine-aspartate dipeptide repeat-encoding region (region R) of clfA from S. aureus. SdrG has significant amino acid identity to ClfA, ClfB and other surface proteins of S. aureus. SdrG is also similar to a protein (Fbe) recently described by Nilsson, et al. (Infection and Immunity, 1998, 66:2666–73) from S. epidermidis. The N-terminal domain (A region) of SdrG was expressed as a his-tag fusion protein in E. coli. In an ELISA, this protein, rSdrG(50-597) was shown to bind specifically to fibrinogen (Fg). Western ligand blot analysis showed that SdrG binds the Bβ chain of Fg. To further characterize the rSdrG(50-597)-Fg interaction, truncates of the Fg Bβ chain were made and expressed as recombinant proteins in E. coli. SdrG was shown to bind the full-length Bβ chain (1462), as well as the N-terminal three-quarters (1-341), the N-terminal one-half (1-220) and the N-terminal one-quarter (1-95) Bβ chain constructs. rSdrG(50-597) failed to bind to the recombinant truncates that lacked the N-terminal 25 amino acid residues of this polypeptide suggesting that SdrG recognizes a site within this region of the Bβ chain. Inhibition ELISAs have shown that peptide mimetics, including β1–25, and β6–20, encompassing this 25 residue region can inhibit binding of rSdrG(50-597) to Fg coated wells. Using fluorescence polarization we were able to determine an equilibrium constant (KD) for the interaction of rSdrG(50-597) with the Fg Bβ chain peptide β1–25. The labeled peptide was shown to bind to rSdrG(50-597) with a KD of 0.14 ± 0.01μM. Because rSdrG(50-597) recognizes a site in the Fg Bβ chain close to the thrombin cleavage site, we investigated the possibility of the rSdrG(50-597) site either overlapping or lying close to this cleavage site. An ELISA showed that rSdrG(50-597) binding to thrombin-treated Fg was significantly reduced. In a clot inhibition assay rSdrG(50-597) was able to inhibit fibrin clot formation in a concentration dependent manner. Furthermore, rSdrG(50-597) was able to inhibit clot formation by preventing the release of fibrinopeptide B as determined by HPLC. To further define the interaction between rSdrG(50-597) and peptide β6–20, we utilized an alanine amino acid replacement strategy. The residues in β6–20 that appear to be important in rSdrG(50-597) binding to Fg, were confirmed by the rSdrG(273-597)-β6–20 co-crystal structure that was recently solved by our collaborators at University of Alabama-Birmingham. Additionally, rSdrG(50-597) was not able to bind to Fg from different animal species, rather it bound specifically to human Fg in an ELISA. This suggests that the sequence variation between Fg Bβ chains of different species, specifically with in the N-terminal 25 residues, affects the ability of rSdrG(50-597) binding to Fg, and this may explain why S. epidermidis is primarily a human pathogen. ^


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The Ca2+-binding protein calmodulin (CaM) is a key transducer of Ca2+ oscillations by virtue of its ability to bind Ca 2+ selectively and then interact specifically with a large number of downstream enzymes and proteins. It remains unclear whether Ca2+ -dependent signaling alone can activate the full range of Ca 2+/CaM regulated processes or whether other regulatory schemes in the cell exist that allow specific targeting of CaM to subsets of Ca 2+/CaM binding sites or regions of the cell. Here we investigate the possibility that alterations of the availability of CaM may serve as a potential cellular mechanism for regulating the activation of CaM-dependent targets. By utilizing sensitive optical techniques with high spatial and temporal resolution, we examine the intracellular dynamics of CaM signaling at a resolution previously unattainable. After optimizing and characterizing both the optical methods and fluorescently labeled probes for intracellular measurements, the diffusion of CaM in the cytoplasm of HEK293 cells was analyzed. It was discovered that the diffusion characteristics of CaM are similar to that of a comparably sized inert molecule. Independent manipulation of experimental parameters, including increases in total concentrations of CaM and intracellular Ca2+ levels, did not change the diffusion of CaM in the cytoplasm. However, changes in diffusion were seen when the concentration of Ca2+/CaM-binding targets was increased in conjunction with elevated Ca2+. This indicates that CaM is not normally limiting for the activation of Ca 2+/CaM-dependent enzymes in HEK293 cells but reveals that the ratio of CaM to CaM-dependent targets is a potential mechanism for changing CaM availability. Next we considered whether cellular compartmentalization may act to regulate concentrations of available Ca2+/CaM in hippocampal neurons. We discovered changes in diffusion parameters of CaM under elevated Ca2+ conditions in the soma, neurite and nucleus which suggest that either the composition of cytoplasm is different in these compartments and/or they are composed of unique families of CaM-binding proteins. Finally, we return to the HEK293 cell and for the first time directly show the intracellular binding of CaM and CaMKII, an important target for CaM critical for neuronal function and plasticity. Furthermore, we analyzed the complex binding stoichiometry of this molecular interaction in the basal, activated and autophosphorylated states of CaMKII and determined the impact of this binding on CaM availability in the cell. Overall these results demonstrate that regulation of CaM availability is a viable cellular mechanism for regulating the output of CaM-dependent processes and that this process is tuned to the specific functional needs of a particular cell type and subcellular compartment. ^


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Xp95 is the Xenopus ortholog of a conserved family of scaffold proteins that have in common an N-terminal Bro1 domain and a C-terminal proline rich domain (PRD). The regulation of this protein family is poorly understood. We previously showed that Xp95 undergoes a phosphorylation-dependant gel mobility shift during meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes, the only natural biological system in which post-translational modifications of this family has been demonstrated. Here we characterized Xp95 phosphorylation via two approaches. First, we tested a series of Xp95 fragments for the ability to gel-shift during oocyte maturation, and found that a fragment containing amino acids 705-786 is sufficient to cause a gel-shift. This fragment is within the N-terminal region of Xp95's PRD (N-PRD). Second, we purified phosphorylated Xp95 and by mass spectrometry found that a 5080 Da peptide which maps to N-PRD (amino acids 706-756) contains two phosphorylation sites, one of which is T745, within the conserved CIN85 binding motif. By in vitro protein interaction assays, we that T745 is critical for CIN85/Xp95 interaction, and that Xp95 phosphorylation correlates with loss of binding to CIN85. We also show that an Alix fragment (amino acids 604-789) also undergoes a gel-shift during oocyte maturation and during colcemid-induced mitotic arrest of HeLa cells. These findings indicate that Xp95/Alix is phosphorylated on the PRD during M phase induction and that the PRD phosphorylation regulates partner protein interaction. ^


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The Notch signaling pathway plays a central role in metazoan growth and patterning, and its deregulation leads to many human diseases, including cancer. It is therefore important to understand the modes of Notch signaling regulation. Recent discoveries have demonstrated that mutations in conserved endosomal pathway components such as Erupted and Vps25 can ectopically activate Notch signaling in Drosophila. Mutations in the tumor suppressor lethal giant discs (lgd) display similar but even stronger and more specific Notch activation than in the erupted and vps25 mutant animals. This Notch activation in lgd mutant tissues causes hyperplastic overgrowth of the Drosophila imaginal discs, and the eventual lethality of the animal. However, the gene that encodes Lgd, and its function in the Notch pathway have not yet been identified. ^ I have found that Lgd is a novel, conserved C2 domain protein that regulates Notch trafficking. Lgd cell-autonomously restricts Notch signaling in the Drosophila wing disc to the target cells in the D/V boundary. The function of Lgd lies at or upstream of Notch S3 activation, but Lgd doesn't affect the binding affinities between Notch and Delta. Lgd is also not required for cis-inhibition of Notch signaling by ligands. Notch accumulates on the early endosome in lgd mutant cells and signals in a ligand-independent manner, a result that has previously been seen in endosomal pathway mutants. Interestingly, Notch activation in lgd mutant cells is dependent on the endosomal protein Hrs, and Lgd activity appears to be downstream of Hrs function in endocytosis. Taken together, my data identify Lgd as a novel tumor suppressor protein that regulates Notch signaling by targeting Notch for degradation or recycling. ^


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Alternative RNA splicing plays an integral role in cell fate determination and function, especially in the cells of the brain. Errors in RNA processing contribute to diseases such as cancer, where it leads to the production of oncogenic proteins or the loss of tumor suppressors. In silica mining suggests that hundreds of splice isoforms are misexpressed in the glial cell-derived glioma. However, there is little experimental evidence of the prevalence and contribution of these changes and whether they contribute to the formation and progression of this devastating malignancy. To determine the frequency of these aberrant events, global profiling of alternative RNA splice patterns in glioma and nontumor brain was conducted using an exon array. Most splicing changes were less than 5-fold in magnitude and 14 cassette exon events were validated, including 7 previously published events. To determine the possible causes of missplicing, the differential expression levels of splicing factors in these two tissues were also analyzed. Six RNA splicing factors had greater than 2-fold changes in expression. The highest differentially expressed factor was polypyrimidine tract binding protein-1 (PTB). Evaluation by immunohistochemistry determined that this factor was elevated in both early and late stages of glioma. Glial cell-specific PTB expression in the adult brain led me to examine the role of PTB in gliomagenesis. Downregulation of PTB slowed glioma cell proliferation and migration and enhanced cell adhesion to fibronectin and vitronectin. To determine whether PTB was affecting these processes through splicing, genome-wide exon expression levels were correlated with PTB levels. Surprisingly, previously reported PTB target transcripts were insensitive to changes in PTB levels in both patient samples and PTB-depleted glioma cells. Only one validated glioma-specific splice target, RTN4/Nogo, had a significant PTB-mediated splicing change. Downregulation of PTB enhanced inclusion of its alternative exon 3, which encodes an auxiliary domain within a neurite inhibitor protein. Overexpression of this splice isoform in glioma cells slowed proliferation in a manner similar to that observed in PTB knockdown cells. In summary, aberrant expression of splicing factors such as PTB in glioma may elicit changes in splicing patterns that enhance tumorigenesis. ^


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Cells are exposed to a variety of environmental and physiological changes including temperature, pH and nutrient availability. These changes cause stress to cells, which results in protein misfolding and altered cellular protein homeostasis. How proteins fold into their three-dimensional functional structure is a fundamental biological process with important relevance to human health. Misfolded and aggregated proteins are linked to multiple neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular disease and cystic fibrosis. To combat proteotoxic stress, cells deploy an array of molecular chaperones that assist in the repair or removal of misfolded proteins. Hsp70, an evolutionarily conserved molecular chaperone, promotes protein folding and helps maintain them in a functional state. Requisite co-chaperones, including nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) strictly regulate and serve to recruit Hsp70 to distinct cellular processes or locations. In yeast and human cells, three structurally non-related cytosolic NEFs are present: Sse1 (Hsp110), Fes1 (HspBP1) and Snl1 (Bag-1). Snl1 is unique among the cytosolic NEFs as it is localized at the ER membrane with its Hsp70 binding (BAG) domain exposed to the cytosol. I discovered that Snl1 distinctly interacts with assembled ribosomes and several lines of evidence indicate that this interaction is both independent of and concurrent with binding to Hsp70 and is not dependent on membrane localization. The ribosome-binding site is identified as a short lysine-rich motif within the amino terminus of the Snl1 BAG domain distinct from the Hsp70 interaction region. In addition, I demonstrate ribosome association with the Snl1 homolog in the pathogenic fungus, Candida albicans and localize this putative NEF to a perinuclear/ER membrane, suggesting functional conservation in fungal BAG domain-containing proteins. As a first step in determining specific domain architecture in fungal BAG proteins, I present the preliminary steps of protein purification and analysis of the minimal Hsp70 binding region in in both S.cerevisiae and C. albicans Snl1. Contrary to previous in vitro evidence which showed the Fes1 NEF to interact with both cytosolic Hsp70s, Ssa and Ssb, Fes1 is shown to interact specifically with Ssa when expressed under normal cellular conditions in S. cerevisiae. This is the first reported evidence of Hsp70 binding selectivity for a cytosolic NEF, and suggests a possible mechanism to achieve specificity in Hsp70-dependent functions. Taken together, the work presented in this dissertation highlights the striking divergence among Hsp70 co-chaperones in selecting binding partners, which may correlate with their specific roles in the cell.


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Ras proteins serve as crucial signaling modulators in cell proliferation through their ability to hydrolyze GTP and exist in a GTP “on” state and GTP “off” state. There are three different human Ras isoforms: H-ras, N-ras and K-ras (4A and 4B). Although their sequence identity is very high at the catalytic domain, these isoforms differ in their ability to activate different effectors and hence different signaling pathways. Much of the previous work on this topic has attributed this difference to the hyper variable region of Ras proteins, which contains most of the sequence variance among the isoforms and encodes specificity for differential distribution in the membrane. However, we hypothesize that sequence variation on lobe II of Ras catalytic domain alters dynamics and leads to differential preference for different effectors or modulators. In this work, we used all atom molecular dynamics to analyze the dynamics in the catalytic domain of H-ras and K-ras. We have also analyzed the dynamics of a transforming mutant of H-ras and K-ras and further studied the dynamics of an effectorselective mutant of H-ras. Collectively we have determined that wild type K-ras is more dynamic than H-ras and that the structure of the effector binding loop more closely resembles that of the T35S Raf-selective mutant, possibly giving us a new view and insight into the v mode of effector specificity. Furthermore we have determined that specific mutations at the same location perturb the conformational equilibrium differently in H-ras and K-ras and that an enhanced oncogenic potential may arise from different structural perturbations for each point mutation of a specific isoform.


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Three approaches were used to examine the role of Ca$\sp{2+}$- and/or calmodulin (CaM)-regulated processes in the mammalian heat stress response. The focus of the first approach was on the major Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding protein, CaM, and involved the use of CaM antagonists that perturbed CaM-regulated processes during heat stress. The second approach involved the use of a cell line and its BPV-1 transformants that express increased basal levels of CaM, or parvalbumin--a Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding protein not normally found in these cells. The last approach used Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelators to buffer Ca$\sp{2+}$-transients.^ The principle conclusions resulting from these three experimental approaches are: (1) CaM antagonists cause a temperature-dependent potentiation of heat killing, but do not inhibit the triggering and development of thermotolerance suggesting some targets for heat killing are different from those that lead to thermotolerance; (2) Members of major HSP families (especially HSP70) can bind to CaM in a Ca$\sp{2+}$-dependent manner in vitro, and HSP have been associated with events leading to thermotolerance. But, because thermotolerance is not affected by CaM antagonists, and antagonists should interfere with HSP binding to CaM, the events leading to triggering or developing thermotolerance were not strongly dependent on HSP binding to CaM; (3) CaM antagonists can also bind to HSP70 (and possibly other HSP) suggesting an alternative mechanism for the action of these agents in heat killing may involve direct binding to other proteins, like HSP70, whose function is important for survival following heating and inhibiting their activity; and (4) The signal governing the rate of synthesis of another major HSP group, the HSP26 family, can be largely abrogated by elevated Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding proteins or Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelators without significantly reducing survival or thermotolerance suggesting if the HSP26 family is involved in either end point, it may function in (Ca$\sp{2+}$) $\sb{\rm i}$ homeostasis. ^


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Many eukaryotic promoters contain a CCAAT element at a site close ($-$80 to $-$120) to the transcription initiation site. CBF (CCAAT Binding Factor), also called NF-Y and CP1, was initially identified as a transcription factor binding to such sites in the promoters of the Type I collagen, albumin and MHC class II genes. CBF is a heteromeric transcription factor and purification and cloning of two of the subunits, CBF-A and CBF-B revealed that it was evolutionarily conserved with striking sequence identities with the yeast polypeptides HAP3 and HAP2, which are components of a CCAAT binding factor in yeast. Recombinant CBF-A and CBF-B however failed to bind to DNA containing CCAAT sequences. Biochemical experiments led to the identification of a third subunit, CBF-C which co-purified with CBF-A and complemented the DNA binding of recombinant CBF-A and CBF-B. We have recently isolated CBF-C cDNAs and have shown that bacterially expressed purified CBF-C binds to CCAAT containing DNA in the presence of recombinant CBF-A and CBF-B. Our experiments also show that a single molecule each of all the three subunits are present in the protein-DNA complex. Interestingly, CBF-C is also evolutionarily conserved and the conserved domain between CBF-C and its yeast homolog HAP5 is sufficient for CBF-C activity. Using GST-pulldown experiments we have demonstrated the existence of protein-protein interaction between CBF-A and CBF-C in the absence of CBF-B and DNA. CBF-B on other hand, requires both CBF-A and CBF-C to form a ternary complex which then binds to DNA. Mutational studies of CBF-A have revealed different domains of the protein which are involved in CBF-C interaction and CBF-B interaction. In addition, CBF-A harbors a domain which is involved in DNA recognition along with CBF-B. Dominant negative analogs of CBF-A have also substantiated our initial observation of assembly of CBF subunits. Our studies define a novel DNA binding structure of heterotrimeric CBF, where the three subunits of CBF follow a particular pathway of assembly of subunits that leads to CBF binding to DNA and activating transcription. ^


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p53 mutations are the most commonly observed genetic alterations in human cancers to date. A majority of these point mutations cluster in four evolutionarily conserved domains spanning amino acids 100-300. This region of p53 has been called its central conserved, or conformational domain. This domain of p53 is also targeted by the SV40 T antigen. Mutation, as well as interaction with SV40 T antigen results in inactivation of p53. We hypothesized that mutations and SV40 T antigen disrupt p53 function by interfering with the molecular interactions of the central conserved domain. Using a chimeric protein consisting of the central conserved domain of wild-type p53 (amino acids 115-295) and a protein A affinity tail, we isolated several cellular proteins that interact specifically with this domain of p53. These proteins range in size from 30K to 90K M$\rm\sb{r}.$ We also employed the p53 fusion protein to demonstrate that the central conserved domain of p53 possesses sequence-specific DNA-binding activity. Interestingly, the cellular proteins binding to the central conserved domain of p53 enhance the sequence-specific DNA-binding activity of full length p53. Partial purification of the individual proteins binding to the conformational domain of p53 by utilizing a sodium chloride step-gradient enabled further characterization of two proteins: (1) a 42K M$\rm\sb{r}$ protein that eluted at 0.5M NaCl, and bound DNA nonspecifically, and (2) a 35K M$\rm\sb{r}$ protein eluting into the 1.0M NaCl fraction, capable of enhancing the sequence-specific DNA-binding activity of p53. In order to determine the physiologic relevance of the molecular interactions of the conformational domain of p53, we examined the biochemical processes underlying the TNF-$\alpha$ mediated growth suppression of the NSCLC cell line H460. While growth suppression was accompanied by enhanced sequence-specific p53-DNA binding activity in TNF-$\alpha$ treated H460 nuclei, there was no increase in p53 protein levels. Furthermore, p35 was upregulated in TNF-$\alpha$ treated H460 cells, suggesting that the enhanced p53-DNA binding seen in these cells may be mediated by p35. Our studies define two novel interactions involving the central conserved domain of p53 that appear to be functionally relevant: (1) sequence-specific DNA-binding, and (2) interaction with other cellular proteins. ^