910 resultados para Caesarean section
Students are shown working in the drafting section of the Air Conditioning Department of the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph that has some damage around the edges.
Several students are shown working in a section of the Television Laboratory at the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph with some damage due to writing in red ink along the long edges.
A section of the Sign Painting Department is shown with students working at tables. A variety of signs can be seen hanging around the room including one for a Holiday Inn, an American Meat Market, and one for a Laundrette. Black and white photograph with slight damage from a tear.
Bakgrund: Amning är av stor betydelse för det nyfödda barnet och mamma, både ur närings- och trygghetsaspekter. Tidigare studier om sambandet mellan förlossningssätt och amning visar motstridiga resultat; vissa studier indikerar att sectio påverkar amningen negativt medan andra studier inte visar på något samband.Syftet: Att undersöka huruvida det finns demografiska och hälsorelaterade skillnader hos mammor gällande förlossningssätt samt om förlossningssätt påverkar amningsdurationen upp till två månaders ålder.Metod: Studien har en populationsbaserad kohortdesign och omfattar n= 35250 mamma-barn par i Örebro- och Uppsala län, där barnet fötts åren 1993-2001. Statistiska analyser har genomförts med Chi-square test, binär logistisk regressionsanalys och multivariat logistik regressionsanalys.Resultat: Visade att mammor som förlösts med sectio ammade i lägre utsträckning vid två månaders ålder i jämförelse med mammor som förlösts vaginalt. Många riskfaktorer identifierades för en ökad risk att förlösas med sectio: län, hälsofaktorer hos mamma och barn, paritet, mammans ålder, rökning samt socioekonomiska faktorer. Resultatet kan hjälpa barnmorskan i hennes profession, genom att kunskap erhålls om dessa samband. Barnmorskan kan därmed identifiera riskfaktorer, arbeta förebyggande och underlätta initieringen av amning.Konklusion: Barnmorskor kan med hjälp av denna studie öka medvetenheten hos vårdpersonal angående sectioförlösta mammors behov av extra stöd vid initiering av amning.
In Their Footsteps and In Their Words: Colby explores the first 50 years, from Jeremiah Chaplin to the Civil War.
This article describes analyzing Interlibrary Loan data to help inform collection management decision and offers guidance for formulating policies for discerning borrowed titles indicative of gaps in the library from special-interest pursuits beyond the scope of the university curriculum.
Essa tese se propõe fazer uma comparação entre duas técnicas alternativas para estudo de impactos marginais de variáveis sócio-econômicas sobre as taxas de crescimento per-capita de grupos de países durante período de 1965 1985: regressão em sistemas de equações com dados em seções transversais, usada por Barro Sala-i-Martin (1995), entre outros, e a regressão em painel com coeficientes individuais. Tentaremos mostrar que os resultados associados certas variáveis são bastante diferentes procuraremos entender algumas causas dessas diferenças. Além disso, estaremos preocupados em avaliar como os resultados são afetados ao alterarmos conjunto de países estudado, em particular quando tomamos grupos de países com uma série de características semelhantes.
We use a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) to estimate the impact of monetary policy shocks on the cross-section of stock returns. Our FAVAR combines unobserved factors extracted from a large set of nancial and macroeconomic indicators with the Federal Funds rate. We nd that monetary policy shocks have heterogeneous e ects on the crosssection of stock returns. These e ects are very well explained by the degree of external nance dependence, as well as by other sectoral characteristics.
Neste trabalho testa-se inicialmente se fundos com gestão ativa apresentam alfa (excesso de retorno) em relação aos índices de referência de fundos passivos. Simulações via bootstrap visam indicar se o excesso de retorno apresentado pode ser atribuído apenas à sorte. Com esta metodologia concluiu-se que a carteira agregada de fundos de investimentos de ação com gestão ativa no Brasil não apresenta excesso de retorno em relação aos principais índices da bolsa brasileira, quando líquidos de taxas e despesas. As simulações de bootstrap sugerem que uma quantidade maior de fundos apresenta retornos ajustados ao benchmark do que o esperado pelo efeito da aleatoriedade nos resultados.
We investigated the 2PA absorption spectrum of a family of perylene tetracarboxylic derivatives ( PTCDs): bis( benzimidazo) perylene ( AzoPTCD), bis( benzimidazo) thioperylene ( Monothio BZP), n-pentylimidobenzimidazoperylene ( PazoPTCD), and bis( n-butylimido) perylene ( BuPTCD). These compounds present extremely high two-photon absorption, which makes them attractive for applications in photonics devices. The two-photon absorption cross-section spectra of perylene derivatives obtained via Z-scan technique were fitted by means of a sum-over-states ( SOS) model, which described with accuracy the different regions of the 2PA cross-section spectra. Frontier molecular orbital calculations show that all molecules present similar features, indicating that nonlinear optical properties in PTCDs are mainly determined by the central portion of the molecule, with minimal effect from the lateral side groups. In general, our results pointed out that the differences in the 2PA cross-sections among the compounds are mainly due to the nonlinearity resonance enhancement.
A method has been developed to obtain quantitative information about grain size and shape from fractured surfaces of ceramic materials. One elaborated a routine to split intergranular and transgranular grains facets of ceramic fracture surfaces by digital image processing. A commercial ceramic (ALCOA A-16, Al2O3-1.5% of CrO) was used to test the proposed method. Microstructural measurements of grain shape and size taken from fracture surfaces have been compared through descriptive statistics of distributions, with the corresponding measurements from polished and etched surfaces. The agreement between results, with the expected bias on grain size values from fractures, obtained for both types of surfaces allowed to infer that this new technique can be used to extract the relevant microstructural information from fractured surfaces, thus minimising the time consuming steps of sample preparation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.