989 resultados para CRYSTALLIZATION


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Nanocompósitos de poliamida 6 (PA6) e montmorilonita modificada com sal de amônio quaternário têm sido estudados, visando melhorar as propriedades térmicas e mecânicas. De fato os efeitos da nano-escala e da interação carga-matriz resultam em maior módulo de elasticidade e resistência à tração, porém a deformação é reduzida. Assim, nesse trabalho, optou-se por adicionar elastômeros, terpolímero de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM) e terpolímero de etileno-propileno-dieno modificado com anidrido maleico (EPDM-MA), ao sistema PA 6/argila organofílica para recuperar os valores de deformação. Foi utilizada montmorilonita modificada com cloreto de dimetildioctadecil amônio. A intercalação por fusão foi realizada em câmara interna de mistura. Além das propriedades mecânicas, térmicas e reológicas, foram investigadas as modificações na cristalinidade da fase PA-6 em função da adição da argila modificada, EPDM e EPDM-MA, detectando-se as variações no grau de cristalinidade e nas temperaturas de fusão e cristalização. Os difratogramas de raios-x revelaram ocorrência de intercalação/esfoliação e também modificação da forma cristalina da PA 6, indicando a formação do cristal gama


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Neste trabalho foram investigados os comportamentos térmico e mecânico e as características morfológicas de amostras de policarbonato de bisfenol-A (PC) com cristalinidade induzida por exposição ao vapor de solvente. A técnica de indução de cristalização foi empregada em três amostras de policarbonato de bisfenol-A de diferentes massas molares. Filmes vazados a partir de soluções de PC em clorofórmio e amostras moldadas por compressão foram expostos a um ambiente contendo vapor de acetona. Os filmes foram expostos por diferentes períodos de tempo e analisados em equipamentos de Calorimetria Diferencial de Varredura, Microscopia Óptica com luz polarizada e Espectroscopia na Região do Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier, para caracterizar a indução de cristalinidade. A indução de cristalinidade foi confirmada e a fase cristalina apresentou estrutura esferulítica. As amostras de maior massa molar mostraram maior teor de cristalinidade. O desempenho mecânico das amostras cristalinas de policarbonato mostrou diferenças, com a mudança de seu comportamento mecânico de dúctil para frágil, independente da massa molar


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A área estudada está inserida no Domínio Transversal da Província Borborema. As unidades litoestratigráficas que compõem o embasamento paleoproterozócio (riaciano) são representadas por rochas ortoderivadas dos Complexos Salgadinho e Cabaceiras. Esses complexos foram individualizados de acordo com as suas diferenças composicionais, texturais e/ou geocronológicas. As rochas metassedimentares de idade paleoproterozóica (Orosiriano) foram interpretadas como constituintes do Complexo Sertânia. O magmatismo no estateriano é caracterizado por ortognaisses sienogranítcos da Suíte Carnoió-Caturité e por metanortositos do Complexo Metanortosítico Boqueirão. As unidades litoestratigráficas do Neoproterozóico são representadas por sucessões metassedimentares Criogenianas do Complexo Surubim e ortognaisses granodioríticos e sienograníticos do início do Ediacarano, denominados de Complexo Sumé e Ortognaisse Riacho de Santo Antônio, respectivamente. O magmatismo granítico do Ediacarano foi caracterizado pelo alojamento dos Plutons Inácio Pereira e Marinho. Os dados geocronológicos (U-Pb em zircão) obtidos indicam, no mínimo, o desenvolvimento de três eventos tectono-magmáticos. As idades de 2042 + 11Ma e 1996 + 13Ma obtidas nos ortoanfibolitos do Complexo Cabaceiras foram interpretadas como a idade de cristalização do protólito e metamorfismo, respectivamente. A idade de 1638 + 13Ma proveniente de hornblenda ortognaisse sienogranítico da Suíte Carnoió-Caturité foi interpretada como a idade de cristalização do protólito, marcando um evento magmático Estateriano de afinidade anorogênica. A idade de 550 + 3.1Ma encontrada em monzogranito porfirítico do Pluton Marinho é um registro do último evento magmático no final do Ediacarano, associado ao estágio tardio de desenvolvimento da Zona de Cisalhamento Coxixola. Os dados estruturais permitiram a individualização de três fases de deformação dúcteis, individualizadas como D1, D2 e D3. A fase D1 foi responsável pela geração de uma foliação S1, observada somente na charneira de dobras F2. O evento D2 é assinalado por uma tectônica contracional com transporte para NNW, observado a partir de bandas de cisalhamento assimétricas e dobras de arrasto em cortes paralelos a lineação de estiramento (L2x). Zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis de geometria e cinemática distintas desenvolveram-se durante a fase D3. As zonas de Cisalhamento Boa Vista, Carnoió e Congo estão orientadas na direção NE-SW e exibem cinemática sinistral em cortes paralelos à lineação de estiramento (L3x). As terminações meridionais dessas zonas de cisalhamento estão conectadas com a Zona de Cisalhamento Coxixola. Essa zona de cisalhamento, de direção WSW-ENE e cinemática destral, atravessa toda a área de estudo, com uma espessura média de rochas miloníticas de 300m. A Zona de Cisalhamento Inácio Pereira ocorre na porção leste da área de estudo, orientada na direção WNW-ESE. A análise geométrica e cinemática dessa zona de cisalhamento sugere uma evolução deformacional através de regime transpressivo oblíquo sinistral. O padrão anastomosado final resultante do desenvolvimento de todas as zonas de cisalhamento da área é relacionado à evolução estrutural de um sistema de zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis conjugadas.


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Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease. HD has no cure, and patients pass away 10-20 years after the onset of symptoms. The causal mutation for HD is a trinucleotide repeat expansion in exon 1 of the huntingtin gene that leads to a polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat expansion in the N-terminal region of the huntingtin protein. Interestingly, there is a threshold of 37 polyQ repeats under which little or no disease exists; and above which, patients invariably show symptoms of HD. The huntingtin protein is a 350 kDa protein with unclear function. As the polyQ stretch expands, its propensity to aggregate increases with polyQ length. Models for polyQ toxicity include formation of aggregates that recruit and sequester essential cellular proteins, or altered function producing improper interactions between mutant huntingtin and other proteins. In both models, soluble expanded polyQ may be an intermediate state that can be targeted by potential therapeutics.

In the first study described herein, the conformation of soluble, expanded polyQ was determined to be linear and extended using equilibrium gel filtration and small-angle X-ray scattering. While attempts to purify and crystallize domains of the huntingtin protein were unsuccessful, the aggregation of huntingtin exon 1 was investigated using other biochemical techniques including dynamic light scattering, turbidity analysis, Congo red staining, and thioflavin T fluorescence. Chapter 4 describes crystallization experiments sent to the International Space Station and determination of the X-ray crystal structure of the anti-polyQ Fab MW1. In the final study, multimeric fibronectin type III (FN3) domain proteins were engineered to bind with high avidity to expanded polyQ tracts in mutant huntingtin exon 1. Surface plasmon resonance was used to observe binding of monomeric and multimeric FN3 proteins with huntingtin.


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Photovoltaic energy conversion represents a economically viable technology for realizing collection of the largest energy resource known to the Earth -- the sun. Energy conversion efficiency is the most leveraging factor in the price of energy derived from this process. This thesis focuses on two routes for high efficiency, low cost devices: first, to use Group IV semiconductor alloy wire array bottom cells and epitaxially grown Group III-V compound semiconductor alloy top cells in a tandem configuration, and second, GaP growth on planar Si for heterojunction and tandem cell applications.

Metal catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid grown microwire arrays are an intriguing alternative for wafer-free Si and SiGe materials which can be removed as flexible membranes. Selected area Cu-catalyzed vapor-liquid solid growth of SiGe microwires is achieved using chlorosilane and chlorogermane precursors. The composition can be tuned up to 12% Ge with a simultaneous decrease in the growth rate from 7 to 1 μm/min-1. Significant changes to the morphology were observed, including tapering and faceting on the sidewalls and along the lengths of the wires. Characterization of axial and radial cross sections with transmission electron microscopy revealed no evidence of defects at facet corners and edges, and the tapering is shown to be due to in-situ removal of catalyst material during growth. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy reveal a Ge-rich crystal at the tip of the wires, strongly suggesting that the Ge incorporation is limited by the crystallization rate.

Tandem Ga1-xInxP/Si microwire array solar cells are a route towards a high efficiency, low cost, flexible, wafer-free solar technology. Realizing tandem Group III-V compound semiconductor/Si wire array devices requires optimization of materials growth and device performance. GaP and Ga1-xInxP layers were grown heteroepitaxially with metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on Si microwire array substrates. The layer morphology and crystalline quality have been studied with scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and they provide a baseline for the growth and characterization of a full device stack. Ultimately, the complexity of the substrates and the prevalence of defects resulted in material without detectable photoluminescence, unsuitable for optoelectronic applications.

Coupled full-field optical and device physics simulations of a Ga0.51In0.49P/Si wire array tandem are used to predict device performance. A 500 nm thick, highly doped "buffer" layer between the bottom cell and tunnel junction is assumed to harbor a high density of lattice mismatch and heteroepitaxial defects. Under simulated AM1.5G illumination, the device structure explored in this work has a simulated efficiency of 23.84% with realistic top cell SRH lifetimes and surface recombination velocities. The relative insensitivity to surface recombination is likely due to optical generation further away from the free surfaces and interfaces of the device structure.

Finally, GaP has been grown free of antiphase domains on Si (112) oriented substrates using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Low temperature pulsed nucleation is followed by high temperature continuous growth, yielding smooth, specular thin films. Atomic force microscopy topography mapping showed very smooth surfaces (4-6 Å RMS roughness) with small depressions in the surface. Thin films (~ 50 nm) were pseudomorphic, as confirmed by high resolution x-ray diffraction reciprocal space mapping, and 200 nm thick films showed full relaxation. Transmission electron microscopy showed no evidence of antiphase domain formation, but there is a population of microtwin and stacking fault defects.


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I report the solubility and diffusivity of water in lunar basalt and an iron-free basaltic analogue at 1 atm and 1350 °C. Such parameters are critical for understanding the degassing histories of lunar pyroclastic glasses. Solubility experiments have been conducted over a range of fO2 conditions from three log units below to five log units above the iron-wüstite buffer (IW) and over a range of pH2/pH2O from 0.03 to 24. Quenched experimental glasses were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) and were found to contain up to ~420 ppm water. Results demonstrate that, under the conditions of our experiments: (1) hydroxyl is the only H-bearing species detected by FTIR; (2) the solubility of water is proportional to the square root of pH2O in the furnace atmosphere and is independent of fO2 and pH2/pH2O; (3) the solubility of water is very similar in both melt compositions; (4) the concentration of H2 in our iron-free experiments is <3 ppm, even at oxygen fugacities as low as IW-2.3 and pH2/pH2O as high as 24; and (5) SIMS analyses of water in iron-rich glasses equilibrated under variable fO2 conditions can be strongly influenced by matrix effects, even when the concentrations of water in the glasses are low. Our results can be used to constrain the entrapment pressure of the lunar melt inclusions of Hauri et al. (2011).

Diffusion experiments were conducted over a range of fO2 conditions from IW-2.2 to IW+6.7 and over a range of pH2/pH2O from nominally zero to ~10. The water concentrations measured in our quenched experimental glasses by SIMS and FTIR vary from a few ppm to ~430 ppm. Water concentration gradients are well described by models in which the diffusivity of water (D*water) is assumed to be constant. The relationship between D*water and water concentration is well described by a modified speciation model (Ni et al. 2012) in which both molecular water and hydroxyl are allowed to diffuse. The success of this modified speciation model for describing our results suggests that we have resolved the diffusivity of hydroxyl in basaltic melt for the first time. Best-fit values of D*water for our experiments on lunar basalt vary within a factor of ~2 over a range of pH2/pH2O from 0.007 to 9.7, a range of fO2 from IW-2.2 to IW+4.9, and a water concentration range from ~80 ppm to ~280 ppm. The relative insensitivity of our best-fit values of D*water to variations in pH2 suggests that H2 diffusion was not significant during degassing of the lunar glasses of Saal et al. (2008). D*water during dehydration and hydration in H2/CO2 gas mixtures are approximately the same, which supports an equilibrium boundary condition for these experiments. However, dehydration experiments into CO2 and CO/CO2 gas mixtures leave some scope for the importance of kinetics during dehydration into H-free environments. The value of D*water chosen by Saal et al. (2008) for modeling the diffusive degassing of the lunar volcanic glasses is within a factor of three of our measured value in our lunar basaltic melt at 1350 °C.

In Chapter 4 of this thesis, I document significant zonation in major, minor, trace, and volatile elements in naturally glassy olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Siqueiros Fracture Zone and the Galapagos Islands. Components with a higher concentration in the host olivine than in the melt (MgO, FeO, Cr2O3, and MnO) are depleted at the edges of the zoned melt inclusions relative to their centers, whereas except for CaO, H2O, and F, components with a lower concentration in the host olivine than in the melt (Al2O3, SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, S, and Cl) are enriched near the melt inclusion edges. This zonation is due to formation of an olivine-depleted boundary layer in the adjacent melt in response to cooling and crystallization of olivine on the walls of the melt inclusions concurrent with diffusive propagation of the boundary layer toward the inclusion center.

Concentration profiles of some components in the melt inclusions exhibit multicomponent diffusion effects such as uphill diffusion (CaO, FeO) or slowing of the diffusion of typically rapidly diffusing components (Na2O, K2O) by coupling to slow diffusing components such as SiO2 and Al2O3. Concentrations of H2O and F decrease towards the edges of some of the Siqueiros melt inclusions, suggesting either that these components have been lost from the inclusions into the host olivine late in their cooling histories and/or that these components are exhibiting multicomponent diffusion effects.

A model has been developed of the time-dependent evolution of MgO concentration profiles in melt inclusions due to simultaneous depletion of MgO at the inclusion walls due to olivine growth and diffusion of MgO in the melt inclusions in response to this depletion. Observed concentration profiles were fit to this model to constrain their thermal histories. Cooling rates determined by a single-stage linear cooling model are 150–13,000 °C hr-1 from the liquidus down to ~1000 °C, consistent with previously determined cooling rates for basaltic glasses; compositional trends with melt inclusion size observed in the Siqueiros melt inclusions are described well by this simple single-stage linear cooling model. Despite the overall success of the modeling of MgO concentration profiles using a single-stage cooling history, MgO concentration profiles in some melt inclusions are better fit by a two-stage cooling history with a slower-cooling first stage followed by a faster-cooling second stage; the inferred total duration of cooling from the liquidus down to ~1000 °C is 40 s to just over one hour.

Based on our observations and models, compositions of zoned melt inclusions (even if measured at the centers of the inclusions) will typically have been diffusively fractionated relative to the initially trapped melt; for such inclusions, the initial composition cannot be simply reconstructed based on olivine-addition calculations, so caution should be exercised in application of such reconstructions to correct for post-entrapment crystallization of olivine on inclusion walls. Off-center analyses of a melt inclusion can also give results significantly fractionated relative to simple olivine crystallization.

All melt inclusions from the Siqueiros and Galapagos sample suites exhibit zoning profiles, and this feature may be nearly universal in glassy, olivine-hosted inclusions. If so, zoning profiles in melt inclusions could be widely useful to constrain late-stage syneruptive processes and as natural diffusion experiments.


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O tema abordado nesta dissertação de mestrado é a petrogênese dos diabásios do Eocretáceo que integram o Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar na região de Angra dos Reis (RJ). Estes diques intrudem rochas do Terreno Ocidental e do Arco Magmático Rio Negro, inserindo-se no contexto geodinâmico de fragmentação do Gondwana no Cretáceo Inferior. Essas intrusões são subverticais e orientam-se preferencialmente a N039E. Intrusões retilíneas são as mais observadas em campo. Os diabásios são compostos, essencialmente, por plagioclásio e clinopiroxênios (augita e pigeonita). Quartzo, minerais opacos, apatita e olivina ocorrem como minerais acessórios. A composição mineral secundária é marcada pela presença de biotita, uralita e saussurita. Os diabásios estudados compreendem uma série transicional com afinidade toleítica. Os estudos petrológicos revelam a existência de cinco suítes de alto-TiO2, tendo sido as mesmas discriminadas com base nas razões La/Yb de amostras com o mesmo teor de MgO. Destas, apenas a suíte 2 têm quantidade mínima de amostras para avaliação de processos evolutivos. O resultado da modelagem petrogenética aponta que o processo evolutivo mais provável para a geração dos diabásios da suíte 2 é cristalização fracionada sem mudança na assembleia fracionante. As amostras representativas dos líquidos parentais das cinco suítes apresentam razões La/Nb e La/Yb maiores que a unidade, típicas de derivação de fonte enriquecida, que, em várias províncias basálticas continentais, tem sido associada à fusão exclusiva do manto litosférico subcontinental ou a sua participação em processos de mistura de fontes. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita exclusivamente com base nos teores de elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais das cinco suítes discriminadas na área de estudo. Os modelos indicam que todas as cinco suítes estudadas estão relacionadas a fontes harzburgíticas com granada residual. A suíte 5 da área de estudo não pode ser associada à mesma fonte mantélica geradora das suítes 1, 2, 3 e 4 que, por sua vez, se originaram por diferentes quantidades de fusão parcial (respectivamente, 44%, 35%, 31% e 25%) de uma mesma fonte. Cabe ressaltar que a ocorrência de duas suítes, com razões La/Yb muito distintas, porém geograficamente muito próximas, sugere que processos de heterogeneidade mantélica, tipicamente laterais, devem também ocorrer verticalmente.


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Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pela indústria do petróleo é reduzir o impacto causado pela cristalização indesejável de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos de elevada massa molar em tubulações e equipamentos de produção. A cristalização de parafinas em petróleo é normalmente detectada através da determinação da temperatura inicial de aparecimento de cristais (TIAC), que pode ser estimada através de modelagem termodinâmica com base na composição do petróleo. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: estudar os principais modelos termodinâmicos adotados para descrever a precipitação de parafinas; verificar a validade desses modelos para os petróleos brasileiros e determinar qual modelo é o mais adequado para esses óleos. Para tanto, três formas de cálculo da razão entre as fugacidades das fases sólida e líquida e cinco modelos para calcular os coeficientes de atividade dos componentes em cada fase são aplicados aos dados de composição de vinte e três petróleos brasileiros. Os resultados mostram que o modelo ideal de múltiplas fases sólidas e o modelo de Escobar-Remolina geram valores bastante abaixo da TIAC experimental. Para os modelos de única fase sólida ideal, de Won e de Coutinho, foi possível observar que: a) a grande maioria dos erros é negativa; b) que estes se distribuem melhor em torno de zero quando se utiliza a correlação de Coutinho para o cálculo dos valores de i; c) os valores de erro médio para os modelos de Coutinho, de Won e ideal com única fase sólida se equivalem, qualquer que seja o modelo utilizado para o cálculo de i, exceto para o caso em que todos os compostos presentes na fase líquida podem precipitar; d) os valores obtidos através do modelo de Coutinho apresentam erro sistemático em relação ao modelo ideal de única fase sólida; e) as diferentes formas de se calcular a razão entre as fugacidades da fase sólida e líquida (i) influenciam fortemente a capacidade preditiva dos modelos, o que não era esperado; f) o perfil do primeiro cristal formado nos petróleos é influenciado pelas moléculas mais pesadas presentes nos resíduos, o que mostra a necessidade de se desenvolver metodologias precisas e robustas de caracterização de resíduos; g) a inclusão de uma estimativa para a composição dos resíduos efetivamente melhorou o desempenho dos modelos em petróleos médio; h) em petróleos pesados, houve um aumento do erro de previsão da TIAC devido à pouca ou nenhuma quantidade de parafinas nos resíduos desses óleos. A necessidade de uma melhor caracterização dos resíduos de petróleos é corroborada pelo fato da TIAC calculada pelos modelos ser, via de regra, mais baixa que a TIAC experimental e pela melhora no desempenho dos modelos quando se estimou a composição dos resíduos, em petróleos médios


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The refractive indices of crystalline phase-change films are usually obtained by thermal-induced crystallization. However, this is not accurate, because the crystallization of phase-change film in rewritable optical disks is laser induced. In this study, we use the initializer to crystallize the phase-change films. The dependence of the refractive index n and the extinction coefficient k of the phase-change films on the initialization conditions are studied. Remarkable changes of the refractive indices (especially k) are found when the initialization laser power density is 6.63 mW/mum(2) and the initialization velocity is 4.0 m/s. At the same time, the structure changes of the phase-change films are also studied. This dependence is explained by the structure change of the films. These results are significant in improving the accuracy of optical design and the thermal simulation of phase-change optical disks, as well as in the study of phase-change optical disks at shorter wavelengths. (C) 2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The single-layer and multilayer Sb-rich AgInSbTe films were irradiated by a single femtosecond laser pulse with the duration of 120 fs. The morphological feature resulting from the laser irradiation have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and atom force microscopy. For the single-layer film, the center of the irradiated spot is a dark depression and the border is a bright protrusion; however, for the multilayer film, the center morphology changes from a depression to a protrusion as the energy increases. The crystallization threshold fluence of the single-layer and the multilayer films is 46.36 mJ/cm(2), 63.74 mJ/cm(2), respectively.


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A new composition content quaternary-alloy-based phase change thin film, Sb-rich AgInSbTe, has been prepared by DC-magnetron sputtering on a K9 glass substrate. After the film has been subsequently annealed at 200degreesC for 30 min, it becomes a crystalline thin film. The diffraction peak of antimony (Sb) are observed by shallow (0.5 degree) x-ray diffraction in the quaternary alloy thin film. The analyses of the measurement from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) show that the crystallization temperature of the phase change thin film is about 190degreesC and increases with the heating rate. By Kissinger plot, the activation energy for crystallization is determined to be 3.05eV. The reflectivity, refractive index and extinction coefficient of the crystalline and amorphous phase change thin films are presented. The optical absorption coefficient of the phase change thin films as a function of photon energy is obtained from the extinction coefficient. The optical band gaps of the amorphous and crystallization phase change thin films are 0.265eV and 1.127eV, respectively.


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The morphology of materials resulting from laser irradiation of the single-layer and the multilayer amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films using 120 fs pulses at 800 nm was observed using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. For the single-layer film, the center of the irradiated spot is depression and the border is protrusion, however, for the multilayer film, the center morphology changes from a depression to a protrusion as the increase of the energy. The crystallization threshold fluence of the single-layer and the multilayer film is 22 and 23 mJ/cm(2), respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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With light illumination from an Ar ion laser, the photoinduced changes in vacuum evaporated amorphous GeSe2 films; were investigated with the X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared absorption (IR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmitting electron microscope (TEM) and transmittance spectra analysis. It was observed that the optical transmittance edges of films shifted to shorter wavelength according to annealing and light illumination and the shift in well-annealed films could be recovered by annealing at 200 degrees C for 1 h in Ar air. The magnitude of shift increased with the increase of the intensity of illumination light and the illumination time. By sides, photoinduced crystallization was also observed in the exposed regions of GeSe2 films and more of it was observed with stronger intensity of illumination light.