Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent n-heptane sprays autoigniting at high pressure (P=24bar) and intermediate air temperature (Tair=1000K) have been performed to investigate the physical mechanisms present under conditions where low-temperature chemistry is expected to be important. The initial turbulence in the carrier gas, the global equivalence ratio in the spray region, and the initial droplet size distribution of the spray were varied. Results show that spray ignition exhibits a spotty nature, with several kernels developing independently in those regions where the mixture fraction is close to its most reactive value ξMR (as determined from homogeneous reactor calculations) and the scalar dissipation rate is low. Turbulence reduces the ignition delay time as it promotes mixing between air and the fuel vapor, eventually resulting in lower values of scalar dissipation. High values of the global equivalence ratio are responsible for a larger number of ignition kernels, due to the higher probability of finding regions where ξ=ξMR. Spray polydispersity results in the occurrence of ignition over a wider range of mixture fraction values. This is a consequence of the inhomogeneities in the mixing field that characterize these sprays, where poorly mixed rich spots are seen to alternate with leaner ones which are well-mixed. The DNS simulations presented in this work have also been used to assess the applicability of the Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) method to the simulation of spray combustion. CMC is found to be a valid method for capturing spray autoignition, although care should be taken in the modelling of the unclosed terms appearing in the CMC equations. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.
A one-dimensional model for crevice HC post-flame oxidation is used to calculate and understand the effect of operating parameters and fuel type (propane and isooctane) on the extent of crevice hydrocarbon and the product distribution in the post flame environment. The calculations show that the main parameters controlling oxidation are: bulk burned gas temperatures, wall temperatures, turbulent diffusivity, and fuel oxidation rates. Calculated extents of oxidation agree well with experimental values, and the sensitivities to operating conditions (wall temperatures, equivalence ratio, fuel type) are reasonably well captured. Whereas the bulk gas temperatures largely determine the extent of oxidation, the hydrocarbon product distribution is not very much affected by the burned gas temperatures, but mostly by diffusion rates. Uncertainties in both turbulent diffusion rates as well as in mechanisms are an important factor limiting the predictive capabilities of the model. However, it seems well suited to sensitivity calculations about a baseline. Copyright © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
The present paper proposes a unified geometric framework for coordinated motion on Lie groups. It first gives a general problem formulation and analyzes ensuing conditions for coordinated motion. Then, it introduces a precise method to design control laws in fully actuated and underactuated settings with simple integrator dynamics. It thereby shows that coordination can be studied in a systematic way once the Lie group geometry of the configuration space is well characterized. Applying the proposed general methodology to particular examples allows to retrieve control laws that have been proposed in the literature on intuitive grounds. A link with Brockett's double bracket flows is also made. The concepts are illustrated on SO(3), SE(2) and SE(3). © 2010 IEEE.
Several recent control applications consider the coordination of subsystems through local interaction. Often the interaction has a symmetry in state space, e.g. invariance with respect to a uniform translation of all subsystem values. The present paper shows that in presence of such symmetry, fundamental properties can be highlighted by viewing the distributed system as the discrete approximation of a partial differential equation. An important fact is that the symmetry on the state space differs from the popular spatial invariance property, which is not necessary for the present results. The relevance of the viewpoint is illustrated on two examples: (i) ill-conditioning of interaction matrices in coordination/consensus problems and (ii) the string instability issue. ©2009 IEEE.
The paper overviews recent and ongoing efforts by the authors to develop a design methodology to stabilize isolated relative equilibria in a kinematic model of identical particles moving in the plane at unit speed. Isolated relative equilibria correspond to either parallel motion of all particles with fixed relative spacing or to circular motion of all particles about the same center with fixed relative headings. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
There is strong evidence that the transport processes in the buffer region of wall-bounded turbulence are common across various flow configurations, even in the embryonic turbulence in transition (Park et al., Phys. Fl. 24). We use this premise to develop off-wall boundary conditions for turbulent simulations. Boundary conditions are constructed from DNS databases using periodic minimal flow units and reduced order modeling. The DNS data was taken from a channel at Reτ=400 and a zero-pressure gradient transitional boundary layer (Sayadi et al., submitted to J. Fluid Mech.). Both types of boundary conditions were first tested on a DNS of the core of the channel flow with the aim of extending their application to LES and to spatially evolving flows.
Superhydrophobic surfaces are shown to be effective for surface drag reduction under laminar regime by both experiments and simulations (see for example, Ou and Rothstein, Phys. Fluids 17:103606, 2005). However, such drag reduction for fully developed turbulent flow maintaining the Cassie-Baxter state remains an open problem due to high shear rates and flow unsteadiness of turbulent boundary layer. Our work aims to develop an understanding of mechanisms leading to interface breaking and loss of gas pockets due to interactions with turbulent boundary layers. We take advantage of direct numerical simulation of turbulence with slip and no-slip patterned boundary conditions mimicking the superhydrophobic surface. In addition, we capture the dynamics of gas-water interface, by deriving a proper linearized boundary condition taking into account the surface tension of the interface and kinematic matching of interface deformation and normal velocity conditions on the wall. We will show results from our simulations predicting the dynamical behavior of gas pocket interfaces over a wide range of dimensionless surface tensions.
Physical models are widely used in the study of geotechnical earthquake engineering phenomena, and the comparison of modelling results to observations from field reconnaissance provides a transparent means of evaluating the design of our physical models. This paper compares centrifuge tests of pile groups in laterally spreading slopes with the response of piled bridge abutments in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. We show that the model foundation's fixity conditions strongly affect the success with which the mechanism of response of the real abutments is replicated in the tests. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.