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The daily man-biting activity of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albimanus and An. (Kerteszia) neivai was determined in four ecologically distinct settlements of the Naya River, Department of Valle, Colombia. Differences were found among the settlements with respect to the mosquito species present, intradomiciliary and extradomiciliary biting activity and population densities.


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The authors redescribe the male and the female of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) souzalopesi Martins, Silva & Falcão, 1970. Taxonomic remarks, geographic distribution and drawings are presented.


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Chrysomya albiceps specimens were derived from colonies kept under laboratory conditions. The oviposition period, total number of eggs-mass and the weight of the eggs-mass (average/female) presented significant differences between colonies regarding the sexual ratio of 1male/1female (situation I), when compared to the other ratios (1male/3female, situation II), (1male/5female, situation III), (3male/1female, situation IV) and (5 male/1female, situation V). It was ascertained that the increase in the proportion of females, resulted in higher weight and greater number of ovipositions and lenghtening of the period of oviposition, leads to a decrease in their lifespan.


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Experiments with Squamatoides trivitattus were carried out in two different controlled temperatures (16±1°C/50-60% RH and 27±1°C/70-80% RH). The viability of larvae and pupae at 27°C was 89.82% and 92.75% respectively. Larvae did not develop at 16°C. Larval development lasted for 20±4 hr, 16±8 hr and 60±7 hr for the first, second and third instars, respectively, completing a total of 96±6 hr. The mean pupal period lasted for 15.7±1.6 days. In longevity tables for the adults, life-expectancy for 50% of the colony submitted to 16°C was of 1.78 weeks for males and 2.42 for females. At 27°C a life-expectancy of 1.15 weeks for males and 0.78 week for females was recorded. The average life-spans for males and females at 16°C were 3.5±2.0 and 3.8±2.6 weeks, respectively, and 1.9±1.2 weeks for both sexes. At 27°C, the longevity recorded was of 2.1±1.3 weeks for males and 1.7±1.1 week for females.


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An indirect estimate of consumable food and probability of acquiring food in a blowfly species, Chrysomya putoria, is presented. This alternative procedure combines three distinct models to estimate consumable food in the context of the exploitative competition experienced by immature individuals in blowfly populations. The relevant parameters are derived from data for pupal weight and survival and estimates of density-independent larval mortality in twenty different larval densities. As part of this procedure, the probability of acquiring food per unit of time and the time taken to exhaust the food supply are also calculated. The procedure employed here may be valuable for estimations in insects whose immature stages develop inside the food substrate, where it is difficult to partial out confounding effects such as separation of faeces. This procedure also has the advantage of taking into account the population dynamics of immatures living under crowded conditions, which are particularly characteristic of blowflies and other insects as well.


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The microflora associated to furuncular lesions, larvae and pupae of Dermatobia hominis, as well as the relationships between parasite, host and microflora associated, as a comprehensive microsystem, has been studied. One hundred and two furuncular myiasis due to D. hominis larvae in several breeds of cattle were studied and the following bacterial species were significant: Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, S. warneri, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Closely related, the microflora associated to 141 samples from first, second, third instar larva and both external surface and larval cavities has been studied. The representative associated microflora to the larvae were: S. aureus, B. subtilis, S. hycus and Moraxella phenylpiruvica, Moerella wisconsiensis, Proteus mirabilis and P. vulgaris, M. phenylpiruvica, M. wisconsiensis, P. mirabilis and P. rettgeri were the representative microflora associated to 64 pupae of D. hominis.


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The genus Boliviamyia gen. nov. and it’s type species fairchildi sp. nov. are described. Two new species of Esenbeckia (Esenbeckia), griseipleura sp. nov. and gracilipalpis sp. nov. are described. Esenbeckia (Esenbeckia) planaltina Fairchild is recorded from Bolivia.


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Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) is redescribed, a neotype is designated, and a very similar species, L. (N.) neivai (Pinto, 1926), is resurrected; the male and the female are redescribed. The two species can be differentiated by differences in the spermathecae, common ducts and number of cibarial horizontal teeth of the females and in the size and proportions of several structures of both sexes. The known geographical distribution of both species is given.


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A list of type specimens of 100 mosquito species deposited in the Entomological collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz is presented. It includes five holotypes belonging to the subfamily Anophelinae; 56 holotypes of Culicinae and two of Toxorhynchitinae. A lectotype is designated for Toxorhynchites fluminensis. The holotypes of six nominal species - Psorophora chiquitana, Psorophora circunflava, Psorophora melanota, Psorophora lanei, Wyeomyia brucei and Uranotaenia noctivaga - previously considered non existent or of unknown location were found in the collection.


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The adult female and male and the pupal and larval stages of Culex (Culex) interfor Dyar are described and compared with those of Cx. bidens Dyar. Available data about distribution are presented.


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Culex (Culex) maxi Dyar is described in the adult, pupal and larval stages, and the male genitalia and parts of the fourth-instar larva are illustrated. The larva is described for the first time. The paper includes a summary of available information on the taxonomy, bionomics and distribution of the species. The taxonomy and identification of the species are reviewed in light of current knowledge of the subgenus Culex in the New World.