987 resultados para COASTAL MARINE-SEDIMENTS
We determined d18OCib values of live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead epibenthic foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Cibicides lobatulus, and Cibicides refulgens in surface sediment samples from the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian seas (Nordic Sea). This is the first time that a comprehensive d18OCib data set is generated and compiled from the Arctic Ocean. For comparison, we defined Atlantic Water (AW), upper Arctic Bottom Water (uABW), and Arctic Bottom Water (ABW) by their temperature/salinity characteristics and calculated mean equilibrium calcite d18Oequ from summer sea-water d18Ow and in situ temperatures. As a result, in the Arctic environment we compensate for Cibicidoides- and Cibicides-specific offsets from equilibrium calcite of -0.35 and -0.55 per mil, respectively. After this taxon-specific adjustment, mean d18OCib values plausibly reflect the density stratification of principle water masses in the Nordic Sea and Arctic Ocean. In addition, mean d18OCib from AW not only significantly differs from mean d18OCib from ABW, but also d18OCib from within AW differentiates in function of provenience and water mass age. Furthermore, in shallow waters brine-derived low d18Ow can significantly lower the d18OCib of Cibicides spp. and thus d18OCib may serve as a paleobrine indicator. There is no statistically significant difference, however, between deeper water masses mean d18OCib of the Nordic Sea, and of the Eurasian and Amerasian basins, and no influence of low-d18Ow brines is recorded in Recent uABW and ABW d18OCib of C. wuellerstorfi. This may be due to dilution of a low-d18Ow brine signal in the deep sea, and/or to preferential incorporation of relatively high-d18Ow brines from high-salinity shelves. Although our data encompass environments with seasonal sea-ice and brine formation supposed to ultimately ventilate the deep Arctic Ocean, d18OCib from uABW and ABW do not indicate negative excursions. This may challenge hypotheses that call for enhanced Arctic brine release to explain negative benthic d18O spikes in deep-sea sediments from the late Pleistocene North Atlantic Ocean.
ODP Site 1237 and sediment core RRV9702a-69PC were investigated for siliciclastic grain-size distributions and changes in geochemical composition to reconstruct southeast trade-wind variability during the past 5 Ma. Because both, working and archive halves of all ODP Site 1237 cores were completely depleted between 3.3 and 8.1 meters composite depths, (mcd), the corresponding sections of pre-site survey core RRV9702A-69PC were sampled and investigated to fill the gap.
Meroplankton was sampled at 11 stations in the southern Kara Sea and the Yenisei Estuary in September 2000. Larvae of 29 benthic taxa representing 10 higher groups were identified. Meroplankton was present at almost all stations and most depth levels. The two most abundant groups were Echinodermata (68%) and Polychaeta (26%). Echinoderms dominated total meroplankton locally due to mass occurrences of Ophiopluteus larvae. The relative group composition was highly variable and seemed to depend mainly on the local hydrographic pattern. Comparison of meroplanktonic data with the distribution of the adults revealed for Spionida and Bivalvia a 'downstream' transport of the larvae whereas for other polychaete species and Ophiuroida 'upstream' transport into the estuary occurred. The distribution and concentration of the larvae within the estuary is explained by physical barriers established by hydrographic gradients, the prevailing mixing processes and the presence of a near-bottom counter current.