954 resultados para Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861.
This paper describes the extraordinary difficulties met in gauging glacier streams and establishes criteria that have to be fulfilled for a correct determination of glacier run off. Discussion of the hydraulic principles of gauging in tranquil and rapid flow shows why the latter is to be favored for glacier streams.The concept of the station at Vernagtbach, the original stream bed, considerations ofproper dimensioning and characteristics of the construction of the gauging channel aredescribed in detail. A brief history is given of planning, organization and technology involved.The water level is recorded by two floats and one pneumatie gauge which together provide uninterrupted and trouble-free records. The rating curve was determined with current meters and shows an unambiguous relation between water level and discharge with little scattering of calibration values. Temporary changes of flow conditions upstream of the station do not have any noticeable effect on the water level in the channel.The discharge records of the summers 1974-1976 are presented and discussed. The maximum mean summer discharge was 1.33 m**3/s in June-September 1975; extreme mean monthly discharge was found in July 1976 with 2.51 m**3/s, the highest daily mean was 4.76 m**3/s and the maximum hourly mean was found at 7.23 m**3/s. The discharge conditions of the summers of 1974 and 1975 are very similar, while in the summer of 1976 they differed completely as far as seasonal and mean daily hydrographs are concerned: in 1975, 42 % of summer discharge was recorded in June and July compared to 76 % in 1976. The analysis of the hydrographs gives valuable clues to the mass and heat balances of the glacier.
This paper describes the participation of DAEDALUS at ImageCLEF 2011 Medical Retrieval task. We have focused on multimodal (or mixed) experiments that combine textual and visual retrieval. The main objective of our research has been to evaluate the effect on the medical retrieval process of the existence of an extended corpus that is annotated with the image type, associated to both the image itself and also to its textual description. For this purpose, an image classifier has been developed to tag each document with its class (1st level of the hierarchy: Radiology, Microscopy, Photograph, Graphic, Other) and subclass (2nd level: AN, CT, MR, etc.). For the textual-based experiments, several runs using different semantic expansion techniques have been performed. For the visual-based retrieval, different runs are defined by the corpus used in the retrieval process and the strategy for obtaining the class and/or subclass. The best results are achieved in runs that make use of the image subclass based on the classification of the sample images. Although different multimodal strategies have been submitted, none of them has shown to be able to provide results that are at least comparable to the ones achieved by the textual retrieval alone. We believe that we have been unable to find a metric for the assessment of the relevance of the results provided by the visual and textual processes
Logic programming systems which exploit and-parallelism among non-deterministic goals rely on notions of independence among those goals in order to ensure certain efficiency properties. "Non-strict" independence (NSI) is a more relaxed notion than the traditional notion of "strict" independence (SI) which still ensures the relevant efficiency properties and can allow considerable more parallelism than SI. However, all compilation technology developed to date has been based on SI, because of the intrinsic complexity of exploiting NSI. This is related to the fact that NSI cannot be determined "a priori" as SI. This paper filis this gap by developing a technique for compile-time detection and annotation of NSI. It also proposes algorithms for combined compiletime/ run-time detection, presenting novel run-time checks for this type of parallelism. Also, a transformation procedure to eliminate shared variables among parallel goals is presented, aimed at performing as much work as possible at compile-time. The approach is based on the knowledge of certain properties regarding the run-time instantiations of program variables —sharing and freeness— for which compile-time technology is available, with new approaches being currently proposed. Thus, the paper does not deal with the analysis itself, but rather with how the analysis results can be used to parallelize programs.
Visualization of program executions has been used in applications which include education and debugging. However, traditional visualization techniques often fall short of expectations or are altogether inadequate for new programming paradigms, such as Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), whose declarative and operational semantics differ in some crucial ways from those of other paradigms. In particular, traditional ideas regarding the behavior of data often cannot be lifted in a straightforward way to (C)LP from other families of programming languages. In this chapter we discuss techniques for visualizing data evolution in CLP. We briefly review some previously proposed visualization paradigms, and also propose a number of (to our knowledge) novel ones. The graphical representations have been chosen based on the perceived needs of a programmer trying to analyze the behavior and characteristics of an execution. In particular, we concéntrate on the representation of the run-time valúes of the variables, and the constraints among them. Given our interest in visualizing large executions, we also pay attention to abstraction techniques, i.e., techniques which are intended to help in reducing the complexity of the visual information.
Visualisation of program executions has been used in applications which include education and debugging. However, traditional visualisation techniques often fall short of expectations or are altogether inadequate for new programming paradigms, such as Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), whose declarative and operational semantics differ in some crucial ways from those of other paradigms. In particular, traditional ideas regarding the behaviour of data often cannot be lifted in a straightforward way to (C)LP from other families of programming languages. In this chapter we discuss techniques for visualising data evolution in CLP. We briefly review some previously proposed visualisation paradigms, and also propose a number of (to our knowledge) novel ones. The graphical representations have been chosen based on the perceived needs of a programmer trying to analyse the behaviour and characteristics of an execution. In particular, we concentrate on the representation of the run-time values of the variables, and the constraints among them. Given our interest in visualising large executions, we also pay attention to abstraction techniques, i.e., techniques which are intended to help in reducing the complexity of the visual information.
Logic programming systems which exploit and-parallelism among non-deterministic goals rely on notions of independence among those goals in order to ensure certain efficiency properties. "Non-strict" independence (NSI) is a more relaxed notion than the traditional notion of "strict" independence (SI) which still ensures the relevant efficiency properties and can allow considerable more parallelism than SI. However, all compilation technology developed to date has been based on SI, presumably because of the intrinsic complexity of exploiting NSI. This is related to the fact that NSI cannot be determined "a priori" as SI. This paper fills this gap by developing a technique for compile-time detection and annotation of NSI. It also proposes algorithms for combined compile- time/run-time detection, presenting novel run-time checks for this type of parallelism. Also, a transformation procedure to eliminate shared variables among parallel goals is presented, attempting to perform as much work as possible at compiletime. The approach is based on the knowledge of certain properties about run-time instantiations of program variables —sharing and freeness— for which compile-time technology is available, with new approaches being currently proposed.
A través de los años las estructuras de hormigón armado han ido aumentando su cuota de mercado, sustituyendo a las estructuras de fábrica de piedra o ladrillo y restándole participación a las estructuras metálicas. Uno de los primeros problemas que surgieron al ejecutar las estructuras de hormigón armado, era cómo conectar una fase de una estructura de este tipo a una fase posterior o a una modificación posterior. Hasta los años 80-90 las conexiones de una fase de una estructura de hormigón armado, con otra posterior se hacían dejando en la primera fase placas de acero con garrotas embebidas en el hormigón fresco o barras grifadas recubiertas de poliestireno expandido. Una vez endurecido el hormigón se podían conectar nuevas barras, para la siguiente fase mediante soldadura a la placa de la superficie o enderezando las barras grifadas, para embeberlas en el hormigón fresco de la fase siguiente. Estos sistemas requerían conocer la existencia y alcance de la fase posterior antes de hormigonar la fase previa. Además requerían un replanteo muy exacto y complejo de los elementos de conexión. Otro problema existente en las estructuras de hormigón era la adherencia de un hormigón fresco a un hormigón endurecido previamente, ya que la superficie de contacto de ambos hormigones suponía un punto débil, con una adherencia baja. A partir de los años 80, la industria química de la construcción experimentó un gran avance en el desarrollo de productos capaces de generar una buena adherencia sobre el hormigón endurecido. Este avance tecnológico tenía aplicación tanto en la adherencia del hormigón fresco sobre el hormigón endurecido, como en la adherencia de barras post-instaladas en agujeros de hormigón endurecido. Este sistema se denominó “anclajes adherentes de barras de acero en hormigón endurecido”. La forma genérica de ejecutarlos es hacer una perforación cilíndrica en el soporte de hormigón, con una herramienta especifica como un taladro, limpiar la perforación, llenarla del material adherente y finalmente introducir la barra de acero. Los anclajes adherentes se dividen en anclajes cementosos y anclajes químicos, siendo estos últimos los más habituales, fiables, resistentes y fáciles de ejecutar. El uso del anclaje adherente de barras de acero en hormigón endurecido se ha extendido por todo el espectro productivo, siendo muy habitual tanto en construcción de obras de hormigón armado de obra civil y edificación, como en obras industriales, instalaciones o fijación de elementos. La ejecución de un anclaje de una barra de acero en hormigón endurecido depende de numerosas variables, que en su conjunto, o de forma aislada pueden afectar de forma notable a la resistencia del anclaje. Nos referimos a variables de los anclajes, que a menudo no se consideran tales como la dirección de la perforación, la máquina de perforación y el útil de perforación utilizado, la diferencia de diámetros entre el diámetro del taladro y la barra, el tipo de material de anclaje, la limpieza del taladro, la humedad del soporte, la altura del taladro, etc. La utilización en los últimos años de los hormigones Autocompactables, añade una variable adicional, que hasta ahora apenas ha sido estudiada. En línea con lo apuntado, la presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de las condiciones de ejecución en la resistencia de los anclajes en hormigón convencional y autocompactable. Esta investigación se centra principalmente en la evaluación de la influencia de una serie de variables sobre la resistencia de los anclajes, tanto en hormigón convencional como en un hormigón autocompactable. Para este estudio ha sido necesaria la fabricación de dos soportes de hormigón sobre los cuales desarrollar los ensayos. Uno de los bloques se ha fabricado con hormigón convencional y el otro con hormigón autocompactable. En cada pieza de hormigón se han realizado 174 anclajes con barras de acero, variando los parámetros a estudiar, para obtener resultados de todas las variables consideradas. Los ensayos a realizar en ambos bloques son exactamente iguales, para poder comparar la diferencia entre un anclaje en un soporte de hormigón con vibrado convencional (HVC) y un hormigón autocompactante (HAC). De cada tipo de ensayo deseado se harán dos repeticiones en la misma pieza. El ensayo de arrancamiento de las barras se realizara con un gato hidráulico hueco, con un sistema de instrumentación de lectura y registro de datos en tiempo real. El análisis de los resultados, realizado con una potente herramienta estadística, ha permitido determinar y evaluar numéricamente la influencia de los variables consideradas en la resistencia de los anclajes realizados. Así mismo ha permitido diferenciar los resultados obtenidos en los hormigones convencionales y autocompactantes, tanto desde el punto de vista de la resistencia mecánica, como de las deformaciones sufridas en el arrancamiento. Se define la resistencia mecánica de un anclaje, como la fuerza desarrollada en la dirección de la barra, para hacer su arrancamiento del soporte. De la misma forma se considera desplazamiento, a la separación entre un punto fijo de la barra y otro del soporte, en la dirección de la barra. Dichos puntos se determinan cuando se ha terminado el anclaje, en la intersección de la superficie plana del soporte, con la barra. Las conclusiones obtenidas han permitido establecer qué variables afectan a la ejecución de los anclajes y en qué cuantía lo hacen, así como determinar la diferencia entre los anclajes en hormigón vibrado convencional y hormigón autocompactante, con resultados muy interesantes, que permiten valorar la influencia de dichas variables. Dentro de las conclusiones podemos destacar tres grupos, que denominaremos como de alta influencia, baja influencia y sin influencia. En todos los casos hay que hacer el estudio en términos de carga y de desplazamiento. Podemos considerar como de alta influencia, en términos de carga las variables de máquina de perforación y el material de anclaje. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar de alta influencia además de la máquina de perforación y el material de anclaje, el diámetro del taladro, así como la limpieza y humedad del soporte. Podemos considerar de baja influencia, en términos de carga las variables de tipo de hormigón, dirección de perforación, limpieza y humedad del soporte. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar de baja influencia el tipo de hormigón y la dirección de perforación. Podemos considerar en el apartado de “sin influencia”, en términos de carga las variables de diámetro de perforación y altura del taladro. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar como “sin influencia” la variable de altura del taladro. Podemos afirmar que las diferencias entre los valores de carga aumentan de forma muy importante en términos de desplazamiento. ABSTRACT Over the years the concrete structures have been increasing their market share, replacing the masonry structures of stone or brick and subtracting as well the participation of the metallic structures. One of the first problems encountered in the implementing of the reinforced concrete structures was connecting a phase structure of this type at a later stage or a subsequent amendment. Until the 80s and 90s the connections of one phase of a reinforced concrete structure with a subsequent first phase were done by leaving the steel plates embedded in the fresh concrete using hooks or bent bars coated with expanded polystyrene. Once the concrete had hardened new bars could be connected to the next stage by welding them to the surface plate or by straightening the bent bars to embed them in the fresh concrete of the next phase. These systems required a previous knowledge of the existence and scope of the subsequent phase before concreting the previous one. They also required a very precise and complex rethinking of the connecting elements. Another existing problem in the concrete structures was the adhesion of a fresh concrete to a previously hardened concrete, since the contact surface of both concretes leaded to a weak point with low adherence. Since the 80s, the chemicals construction industry experienced a breakthrough in the development of products that generate a good grip on the concrete. This technological advance had its application both in the grip on one hardened fresh concrete and in the adhesion of bar post-installed in holes of hardened concrete. This system was termed as adherent anchors of steel bars in hardened concrete. The generic way of executing this system is by firstly drilling a cylindrical hole in the concrete support using a specific tool such as a drill. Then, cleaning the bore and filling it with bonding material to lastly, introduce the steel bar. These adherent anchors are divided into cement and chemical anchors, the latter being the most common, reliable, durable and easy to run. The use of adhesive anchor of steel bars in hardened concrete has spread across the production spectrum turning itself into a very common solution in both construction of reinforced concrete civil engineering and construction, and industrial works, installations and fixing elements as well. The execution of an anchor of a steel bar in hardened concrete depends on numerous variables which together or as a single solution may significantly affect the strength of the anchor. We are referring to variables of anchors which are often not considered, such as the diameter difference between the rod and the bore, the drilling system, cleansing of the drill, type of anchor material, the moisture of the substrate, the direction of the drill, the drill’s height, etc. During recent years, the emergence of self-compacting concrete adds an additional variable which has hardly been studied so far. According to mentioned this thesis aims to study the main performance conditions in the resistance of conventional and self-compacting concrete anchors. This research is primarily focused on the evaluation of the influence of several variables on the strength of the anchoring, both in conventional concrete and self-compacting concrete. In order to complete this study it has been required the manufacture of two concrete supports on which to develop the tests. One of the blocks has been manufactured with conventional concrete and the other with self-compacting concrete. A total of 174 steel bar anchors have been made in each one of the concrete pieces varying the studied parameters in order to obtain results for all variables considered. The tests to be performed on both blocks are exactly the same in order to compare the difference between an anchor on a stand with vibrated concrete (HVC) and a self-compacting concrete (SCC). Each type of test required two repetitions in the same piece. The pulling test of the bars was made with a hollow jack and with an instrumentation system for reading and recording data in real time. The use of a powerful statistical tool in the analysis of the results allowed to numerically determine and evaluate the influence of the variables considered in the resistance of the anchors made. It has likewise enabled to differentiate the results obtained in the self-compacting and conventional concretes, from both the outlook of the mechanical strength and the deformations undergone by uprooting. The mechanical strength of an anchor is defined as the strength undergone in a direction of the bar to uproot it from the support. Likewise, the movement is defined as the separation between a fixed point of the bar and a fixed point from the support considering the direction of the bar. These points are only determined once the anchor is finished, with the bar, at the intersection in the flat surface of the support. The conclusions obtained have established which variables affect the execution of the anchors and in what quantity. They have also permitted to determine the difference between the anchors in vibrated concrete and selfcompacting concrete with very interesting results that also allow to assess the influence of these mentioned variables. Three groups are highlighted among the conclusions called high influence, low influence and no influence. In every case is necessary to perform the study in terms of loading and movement. In terms of loading, there are considered as high influence two variables: drilling machinery and anchorage material. In terms of movement, there are considered as high influence the drilling diameter and the cleaning and moisture of the support, besides the drilling machinery and the anchorage material. Variables such as type of concrete, drilling direction and cleaning and moisture of the support are considered of low influence in terms of load. In terms of movement, the type of concrete and the direction of the drilling are considered variables of low influence. Within the no influence section in terms of loading, there are included the diameter of the drilling and the height of the drill. In terms of loading, the height of the drill is considered as a no influence variable. We can affirm that the differences among the loading values increase significantly in terms of movement.
En este trabajo se pretende hacer un acercamiento al estudio del paisaje desde su perspectiva dual, espacial y temporal. Se propone un retorno a la geografía y la defensa del espacio como objeto de estudio al tiempo que se mantiene una lectura temporal, eventual, del paisaje. Se trata de investigar las formas en que al enfrentarse al espacio no dominado se trazan estrategias de dominación y medida. Para ello se han estudiado dos casos de estudio: la Batalla de Berlín durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el lago Salton en California. This paper aims to make an approach to the study of landscape from its dual condition in space and time. It proposes a return to the geography and defense as a study space while maintaining a temporal reading, eventually, the landscape. The research focuses on the strategies of domination and plotted as the face space. This has been studied for two case studies: the Battle of Berlin during the Second World War and the Salton lake in California
In order to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. Transport modelling literature has been increasingly aware that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users’ social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced; but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely dealt with. The overall objective of the thesis is to develop a stepped methodology that integrate diverse perspectives to evaluate the willingness to change patterns of urban mobility in Madrid, based on four steps: (1st) analysis of causal relationships between both objective and subjective personal variables, and travel behavior to capture pro-car and pro-public transport intentions; (2nd) exploring the potential influence of individual trip characteristics and social influence variables on transport mode choice; (3rd) identifying built environment dimensions on travel behavior; and (4th) exploring the potential influence on transport mode choice of extrinsic characteristics of individual trip using panel data, land use variables using spatial characteristics and social influence variables. The data used for this thesis have been collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) carried out in Madrid. Although the steps above are mainly methodological, the application to the area of Madrid allows deriving important results that can be directly used to forecast travel demand and to evaluate the benefits of specific policies that might be implemented in the area. The results demonstrated, respectively: (1st) transport policy actions are more likely to be effective when pro-car intention has been disrupted first; (2nd) the consideration of “helped” and “voluntary” users as tested here could have a positive and negative impact, respectively, on the use of public transport; (3rd) the importance of density, design, diversity and accessibility underlying dimensions responsible for land use variables; and (4th) there are clearly different types of combinations of social interactions, land use and time frame on travel behavior studies. Finally, with the objective to study the impact of demand measures to change urban mobility behavior, those previous results have been considered in a unique way, a hybrid discrete choice model has been used on a 5th step. Then it can be concluded that urban mobility behavior is not only ruled by the maximum utility criterion, but also by a strong psychological-environment concept, developed without the mediation of cognitive processes during choice, i.e., many people using public transport on their way to work do not do it for utilitarian reasons, but because no other choice is available. Regarding built environment dimensions, the more diversity place of residence, the more difficult the use of public transport or walking.
El análisis de los factores que determinan el establecimiento y supervivencia de orquídeas epífitas, incluyen: a) las condiciones microambientales de los bosques que las mantienen, b) preferencias por las características de los hospederos donde crecen, c) limitación en la dispersión de semillas, d) interacciones planta-planta, y e) asociaciones micorrízicas para la germinación y resultan esenciales para el desarrollo de estrategias para la conservación y manejo de este grupo de plantas. Este trabajo ha evaluado la importancia de estos factores en Epidendrum rhopalostele, orquídea epífita del bosque de niebla montano, a través de los análisis de los patrones espaciales de los árboles que la portan y de la propia orquídea, a escala de población, estudios de asociación y métodos moleculares. Estos últimos han consistido en el uso de marcadores AFLP para el análisis de la estructura genética de la orquídea y en la secuenciación-clonación de la región ITS para la identificación de los hongos micorrízicos asociados. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por tanto, una mejor comprensión de los factores que condicionan la presencia de orquídeas epífitas en los remanentes de bosque de niebla montano y una evaluación de las implicaciones para la conservación y mantenimiento de sus hábitats y la permanencia de sus poblaciones. El estudio fue realizado en un fragmento de bosque de niebla montano de sucesión secundaria situado al este de la Cordillera Real, en los Andes del sur de Ecuador, a 2250 m.s.n.m y caracterizado por una pendiente marcada, temperatura media anual de 20.8°C y precipitación anual de 2193 mm. En este fragmento se mapearon, identificaron y caracterizaron todos los árboles presentes con DBH > 1 cm y todos los individuos de Epidendrum rhopalostele. Así mismo se tomaron muestras de hoja para obtener ADN de todas las orquídeas registradas y muestras de raíces de individuos con flor de E. rhopalostele, uno por cada forófito, para el análisis filogenético de micorrizas. Análisis espaciales de patrones de puntos basados en la K de Ripley y la distancia al vecino más cercano fueron usados para los árboles, forófitos y la población de E. rhopalostele. Se observó que la distribución espacial de árboles y forófitos de E. rhopalostele no es aleatoria, ya que se ajusta a un proceso agregado de Poisson. De ahí se infiere una limitación en la dispersión de las semillas en el fragmento estudiado y en el establecimiento de la orquídea. El patrón de distribución de la población de E. rhopalostele en el fragmento muestra un agrupamiento a pequeña escala sugiriendo una preferencia por micro-sitios para el establecimiento de la orquídea con un kernel de dispersión de las semillas estimado de 0.4 m. Las características preferentes del micro-sitio como tipos de árboles (Clusia alata y árboles muertos), tolerancia a la sombra, corteza rugosa, distribución en los dos primeros metros sugieren una tendencia a distribuirse en el sotobosque. La existencia de una segregación espacial entre adultos y juveniles sugiere una competencia por recursos limitados condicionada por la preferencia de micro-sitio. La estructura genética de la población de E. rhopalostele analizada a través de Structure y PCoA evidencia la presencia de dos grupos genéticos coexistiendo en el fragmento y en los mismos forófitos, posiblemente por eventos de hibridización entre especies de Epidendrum simpátricas. Los resultados del análisis de autocorrelación espacial efectuados en GenAlex confirman una estructura genético-espacial a pequeña escala que es compatible con un mecanismo de dispersión de semillas a corta distancia ocasionada por gravedad o pequeñas escorrentías, frente a la dispersión a larga distancia promovida por el viento generalmente atribuida a las orquídeas. Para la identificación de los micobiontes se amplificó la región ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, y 47 secuencias fueron usadas para el análisis filogenético basado en neighborjoining, análisis bayesiano y máximum-likelihood que determinó que Epidendrum rhopalostele establece asociaciones micorrízicas con al menos dos especies diferentes de Tulasnella. Se registraron plantas que estaban asociadas con los dos clados de hongos encontrados, sugiriendo ausencia de limitación en la distribución del hongo. Con relación a las implicaciones para la conservación in situ resultado de este trabajo se recomienda la preservación de todo el fragmento de bosque así como de las interacciones existentes (polinizadores, micorrizas) a fin de conservar la diversidad genética de esta orquídea epífita. Si fuere necesaria una reintroducción se deben contemplar distancias entre los individuos en cada forófito dentro de un rango de 0.4 m. Para promover el reclutamiento y regeneración de E. rhopalostele, se recomienda que los forófitos correspondan preferentemente a árboles muertos o caídos y a especies, como Clusia alata, que posean además corteza rugosa, sean tolerantes a la sombra, y en el área del sotobosque con menor luminosidad. Además es conveniente que las orquídeas en su distribución vertical estén ubicadas en los primeros metros. En conclusión, la limitación en la dispersión, las características del micro-sitio, las interacciones intraespecíficas y con especies congenéricas simpátricas y las preferencias micorrízicas condicionan la presencia de esta orquídea epífita en este tipo de bosque. ABSTRACT The analysis of factors that determine the establishment and survival of epiphytic depends on factors such as a) microenvironmental conditions of forest, b) preference for host characteristics where orchids grow, c) seed dispersal limitation, d) plant-plant interaction, e) priority mycorrhizal associations for germination, are essential for the development of strategies for management and conservation. This work evaluated the importance of these factors in Epidendrum rhopalostele, an epiphytic orchid of montane cloud forest through the analysis of spatial patterns of host trees and the orchid, in a more specific scale, with association studies and molecular methods, including AFLPs for orchid population genetic structure and the sequencing of the ITS region for associated mycorrhizal fungi. The aim of this thesis is to understand the factors that condition the presence of epiphytic orchids in the remnants of montane cloud forest and to assess the implications for the conservation and preservation of their habitats and the persistence of the orchid populations. The study was carried out in a fragment of montane cloud forest of secondary succession on the eastern slope of Cordillera Real in the Andes of southern Ecuador, located at 2250 m a.s.l. characterized by a steep slope, mean annual temperature of 20.8°C and annual precipitation of 2193 mm. All trees with DBH > 1 cm were mapped, characterized and identified. All E. rhopalostele individuals present were counted, marked, characterized and mapped. Leaf samples of all orchid individuals were collected for DNA analysis. Root samples of flowering E. rhopalostele individuals were collected for phylogenetic analysis of mycorrhizae, one per phorophyte. Spatial point pattern analysis based on Ripley`s K function and nearest neighbor function was used for trees, phorophytes and orchid population. We observed that spatial distribution of trees and phorophytes is not random, as it adjusts to a Poisson cluster process. This suggests a limitation for seed dispersal in the study fragment that is affecting orchid establishment. Furthermore, the small-scale spatial pattern of E. rhopalostele evidences a clustering that suggests a microsite preference for orchid establishment with a dispersal kernel of 0.4 m. Microsite features such as types of trees (dead trees or Clusia alata), shade tolerance trees, rough bark, distribution in the first meters suggest a tendency to prefer the understory for their establishment. Regarding plant-plant interaction a spatial segregation between adults and juveniles was present suggesting competition for limited resources conditioned for a microsite preference. Analysis of genetic structure of E. rhopalostele population through Structure and PCoA shows two genetic groups coexisting in this fragment and in the same phorophyte, possibly as a result of hybridization between sympatric species of Epidendrum. Our results of spatial autocorrelation analysis develop in GenAlex confirm a small-scale spatial-genetic structure within the genetic groups that is compatible with a short-distance dispersal mechanism caused by gravity or water run-off, instead of the long-distance seed dispersal promoted by wind generally attributed to orchids. For mycobionts identification ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA region was amplified. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with neighborjoining, Bayesian likelihood and maximum-likelihood for 47 sequences yielded two Tulasnella clades. This orchid establishes mycorrhizal associations with at least two different Tulasnella species. In some cases both fungi clades were present in same root, suggesting no limitation in fungal distribution. Concerning the implications for in situ conservation resulting from this work, the preservation of all forest fragment and their interactions (pollinators, mycorrhiza) is recommended to conserve the genetic diversity of this species. If a reintroduction were necessary, distances between individuals in each phorophyte within a range of 0.4 m, are recommended. To promote recruitment and regeneration of E. rhopalostele it is recommended that phorophytes correspond to dead or fallen trees or species, such as Clusia alata. Trees that have rough bark and are shade tolerant are also recommended. Furthermore, regarding vertical distribution, it is also convenient that orchids are located in the first meter (in understory, area with less light). In conclusion, limitation on seed dispersal, microsite characteristics, plant-plant interactions or interaction with cogeneric sympatric species and mycorrhizal preferences conditioned the presence of this epiphytic orchid in this fragment forest.
A new ultrafiltration membrane was developed by the incorporation of binary metal oxides inside polyethersulfone. Physico-chemical characterization of the binary metal oxides demonstrated that the presence of Ti in the TiO2?ZrO2 system results in an increase of the size of the oxides, and also their dispersity. The crystalline phases of the synthesized binary metal oxides were identified as srilankite and zirconium titanium oxide. The effect of the addition of ZrO2 can be expressed in terms of the inhibition of crystal growth of anocrystalline TiO2 during the synthesis process. For photocatalytic applications the band gap of the synthesized semiconductors was determined, confirming a gradual increase (blue shift) in the band gap as the amount of Zr loading increases. Distinct distributions of binary metal oxides were found along the permeation axis for the synthesized membranes. Particles with Ti are more uniformly dispersed throughout the membrane cross-section. The physico-chemical characterization of membranes showed a strong correlation between some key membrane properties and the spatial particle distribution in the membrane structure. The proximity of metal oxide fillers to the membrane surface determines the hydrophilicity and porosity of modified membranes. Membranes incorporating binary metal oxides were found to be promising candidates for wastewater treatment by ultrafiltration, considering the observed improvement influx and anti-fouling properties of doped membranes. Multi-run fouling tests of doped membranes confirmed the stability of permeation through membranes embedded with binary TiO2?ZrO2 particles.
Este trabajo se ocupa de la construcción modular ligera de viviendas unifamiliares, más concretamente aborda el problema de la definición constructiva de las mismas, habida cuenta de lo poco conocido y publicado de este aspecto en particular. Dado que la construcción es fruto de la evolución, resulta de gran importancia el estudio de los antecedentes para comprender la situación actual, por ello para documentar como corresponde el estado de la técnica y de la investigación se estudiaron los antecedentes desde sus primeras manifestaciones a finales del siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Contrariamente a las profecías de Le Corbusier y otros, la industrialización no ha llegado a la construcción ni en la forma ni en la medida que era de esperar a principios del siglo XX. Sin embargo y a pesar del relativo “fracaso” de la industrialización en convertirse en la forma mayoritaria de producir edificios, lo cierto es que algunos sistemas altamente industrializados, como lo es la construcción modular ligera, han logrado un lugar en el mercado, que en algunos países resulta cuanto menos significativo. Delimitar el estado de la técnica y la situación actual es crucial en este trabajo, toda vez que la construcción industrializada la realizan empresas, y situarse al margen de las mismas y de su producción, nos guste o no, resulta contrario al sentido común. De este modo se han identificado y documentado ejemplos como el de EE.UU. y Japón, entre otros, que resultan muy ilustrativos tanto desde la evolución como del estado actual. Del estado de la técnica y la investigación también resulta la escasez de publicación de detalles constructivos específicos de la construcción modular ligera. Es obvio que los fabricantes intentan blindarse mediante el secreto industrial, logrando que las soluciones constructivas más interesantes queden fuertemente protegidas dentro del conocimiento reservado de la empresa. De este modo un sistema que alcanza grados de prefabricación del 95%, tan atractivo e interesante para el arquitecto queda reservado al conocimiento de unos pocos dentro de las empresas. La búsqueda de mayor información sobre estos sistemas encuentra un filón indiscutible en los proyectos de las casas del concurso Solar Decathlon. En efecto, debido a las condiciones particulares de este concurso, las casas que compiten deben ser instaladas en un plazo corto, por lo que en su mayoría recurren al método de construcción modular ligera, para lograr correctamente este objetivo. Adicionalmente todos los planos de proyecto incluidos los de detalle, así como memorias de especificaciones técnicas, quedan colgadas en la Web, a libre disposición del público. De este modo se ha considerado interesante, conveniente y útil, aprovechar como fuente documental de este trabajo, aparte de lo obtenido en el estado de la técnica y la investigación, los proyectos de las casas de los concursos 2005 y 2007, que fueron las dos últimas ediciones celebradas cuando se inició esta tesis. De modo similar a esta carencia de detalles publicados se observa igualmente una falta de investigación y de metodologías adecuadas a la misma sobre soluciones y detalles constructivos propios de la construcción modular ligera. Por eso y ante la dificultad de manejar adecuadamente una información disponible pero farragosa, este trabajo ha dedicado una parte importante de su esfuerzo a la creación de una metodología adecuada a este tipo de situación. Hay que destacar que cada proyecto puede constar fácilmente de 60 a casi 200 planos, sin contar las memorias técnicas y otros documentos, tales como galerías de imágenes, etc. Por otra parte resulta útil establecer esta metodología, no solo para esta tesis, sino para futuros trabajos de investigación sobre el tema, toda vez que con posterioridad a 2007 se han celebrado nuevas ediciones del concurso con su correspondiente volumen de información disponible. La metodología del análisis de los proyectos se basa en el diseño y creación de siete fichas tipo que resumen los aspectos fundamentales del proyecto desde el punto de vista constructivo, permitiendo de este modo su rápida visualización y comprensión sin pretender exhaustividad, ya que en caso de querer profundizar en el detalle de la información siempre está el proyecto original para ello. Tras estudiar la información obtenida de los proyectos de las casas de concurso, se contrastan y discuten los resultados para obtener conocimientos de interés para el objetivo propuesto en la tesis. Se comparan los resultados procedentes del estado de la técnica y de la investigación y se obtienen las conclusiones correspondientes. De este modo ha sido posible identificar una serie de criterios técnicos de proyecto de viviendas unifamiliares realizadas mediante construcción modular ligera, que además se organizan en varios niveles, por lo que el resultado es un conjunto de criterios como germen de una futura guía o manual. Como conclusiones fundamentales de la tesis hay que destacar las metodológicas, que habilitan la extensión de este estudio a otros trabajos y la aportación original al conocimiento con la definición de una serie de criterios técnicos de proyecto de viviendas realizadas mediante construcción modular ligera, que además de mejorar esta parte del saber constructivo serán de gran ayuda a los arquitectos de cara a la reducción de errores, que a menudo derivan en mayores costes y plazos, cuando no directamente al abandono del sistema constructivo. El trabajo de la tesis se estructura en siete capítulos a saber: Capítulo 1: Introducción, donde se explica el tema de la tesis, el objetivo principal, las limitaciones y se aportan algunas definiciones. Capítulo 2: Estado de la técnica y la investigación, dentro del cual se presentan los antecedentes desde sus inicios pasando por la primera y segunda mitad del siglo XX y finalizando con el estado actual que recorre los sistemas de EE.UU, Japón, Europa, Escandinavia, centro Europa, Francia, España y algunos ejemplos de Latinoamérica. En el estado de la investigación se presentan las publicaciones tanto en revistas científicas indexadas en el JCR, como publicaciones no indexadas en las que se muestran artículos científicos, comunicaciones a congresos, documentación sobre el concurso Solar Decathlon, libros específicos y libros genéricos sobre construcción modular ligera, tesis doctorales tanto generales como específicas sobre el concurso Solar Decathlon, documentos de idoneidad técnica, páginas Web del concurso Solar Decathlon y finalmente páginas Web de empresas de construcción modular ligera y patentes. También se expresan las conclusiones parciales del capítulo así también como la justificación y los objetivos particulares. Capítulo 3: Metodología, se expone en primer lugar el planteamiento del problema, para luego desarrollar los métodos utilizados para el estudio y clasificación del transporte y de la organización modular, la relación entre la organización modular y distribución espacial, el diseño y contenido de las fichas resumen de los 38 proyectos presentados al SD2005 y SD2007, así también como la información consultada para su realización. Se explica asimismo como se realizaron las tablas comparativas partiendo de la información de las fichas. Finalmente se expresa la manera en que se trató el estudio particular de la junta entre módulos. Capítulo 4: Discusión de resultados, dónde en primer lugar se presenta la clasificación y las estrategias del transporte así también como una clasificación de la organización modular, en segundo lugar se estudian las relaciones que existen entre el sistema modular y la organización espacial. A partir de aquí se muestra el estudio de la estructura de todas las casas del SD2005 y SD2007, según el tipo y material de las zapatas, mostrando tanto tablas cuantitativas como tablas gráficas con fotos. De la misma manera se tratan los forjados, los pilares y las vigas y las cubiertas. Se estudia además el cerramiento opaco y acristalado, la cubierta y el forjado según las capas que lo componen. En el caso de las instalaciones se estudian las que son especiales, descartando las normales en este tipo de casas, como son los paneles fotovoltaicos, placas térmicas o tubos de vacío y los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, como las baterías, presentando tablas numéricas y gráficas con fotos. El transporte se analiza según corresponda al traslado de la vivienda o al transporte de apoyo, según el tipo y la cantidad utilizado. Con respecto al montaje se diferencia en si se usó grúa o no, y en el caso de no utilizarse se muestran los métodos alternativos. Con respecto a la exploración de la organización modular se presentan la cantidad de módulos que utilizó cada casa, así como también la cuantificación de los sistemas híbridos como son elementos lineales 1D, paneles 2D. Por último se muestra el estudio detallado de la junta entre módulos 3D. Finalmente se realiza la propuesta de un conjunto de criterios técnicos de proyecto organizado en cuatro niveles: 1º nivel de criterios generales, 2º nivel sobre sistemas constructivos, 3º nivel de detalles constructivos y el 4º nivel llamado logística obras previas, transporte y montaje. Capítulo 5: Conclusiones y líneas futuras de investigación, se exponen las conclusiones generales, metodológicas, documentales y por último las de construcción modular. Finalmente se realiza una propuesta de líneas futuras de investigación. Capítulo 6: Bibliografía. Capítulo 7: Anexos, en el que se presentan todas las fichas resumen de las casas realizadas por el autor de esta tesis. Además se incluyen los casos concretos de Voisin en Francia y la TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) en EE.UU., así como referencias de manuales genéricos de construcción ligera, medidas de transporte en España e información sobre estadísticas de viviendas en la Unión Europea. ABSTRACT This paper deals with Light Modular Construction of houses, and specifically addresses the problem of the constructive definition of the same, given how little known and published this subject has been. Since building construction is the result of evolution, it is of great importance to study its background for understanding the current situation, therefore to document the state of the art and research, its history was studied from its origins dating to the end nineteenth century to our days. Contrary to the prophecies of Le Corbusier and others, industrialization has not reached the construction neither in the form nor to the extent that it was expected in the early twentieth century. However, despite the relative "failure" of industrialization to become the major form of production for buildings, the fact is that some highly industrialized systems, such as the so called Lightweight Modular Construction, have achieved a place in the market, which in some countries is at least significant. To outline the state of the art and the current situation is crucial in this work, since industrialized construction is carried out by companies, and to step away from them and their production, whether we like it or not, it is contrary to common sense. So that, several cases have been identified and documented, such as the US and Japan examples, among others, which are very illustrative both from evolution and the current status. The state of the art and research shows also a shortage of publication of specific construction details of light modular construction. Obviously, manufacturers try to shield themselves by trade secret, making the most interesting constructive solutions remain heavily protected within the reserved knowledge of the company, so a system that reaches levels of 95% prefabrication, so attractive and interesting for the architect It is reserved to the knowledge of a few people inside the companies. The search for more information on these systems finds an invaluable reef in the projects of the Solar Decathlon houses. Indeed, due to the particular conditions of this contest, houses competing must be installed in a short time, so mostly turn to modular construction methods for this purpose to achieve properly this goal. Additionally all levels of project, including detailed and technical specifications reports are published on the Web, freely available to the general public. Thus it was considered interesting, convenient and useful to take advantage as a documentary source of this work, apart from what it were obtained in the state of the art and research, the projects of the houses of the 2005 and 2007 contests, which were the last two editions already held before this thesis was started. Similar to this lack of published details it is also observed a lack of research and methodologies adapted to the solutions and construction details of lightweight modular construction. So that, and facing the difficulty of adequately manage the available but bulky information, this work has devoted a significant part of its effort to create an appropriate methodology for this type of situation. It is noteworthy that each project can easily consist of 60 to almost 200 blueprints, not including technical reports and other documents, such as photo galleries, etc. The methodology of the analysis of the projects is based on the design and creation of seven record sheets that summarize key aspects of the project from a construction point of view, thus allowing quick watching and understanding of the project, without claiming completeness, always keeping for further information the blueprints themselves. After studying the information obtained from the projects of the competition houses, the results are compared and discussed to obtain relevant knowledge according to the objective proposed in the thesis. The results from the state of the art and research are also compared and the conclusions so obtained make possible to identify a number of technical design criteria for single family homes made using lightweight modular construction, which also have been organized at various levels, so the result is a set of criteria as a seed for a future guide or manual. Among the main conclusions of the thesis must be noted the methodological ones, that enable the extension of this study to other works and are an original contribution to knowledge with the definition of a number of technical criteria for housing projects made by light modular construction, what in addition to improving this part of the constructive knowledge will be of great help for the architects to reduce errors that often result in higher costs and delays, if not in abandonment of the construction system itself. The work of the thesis is divided into seven chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction, where the topic of the thesis, the main objective, limitations and the provided definitions is explained. Chapter 2: State of the art and research, within which history is presented from the beginning through the first and second half of the twentieth century and ending with the current systems, that spans from the USA to Japan, Europe, Scandinavia, Central Europe, France, Spain and some Latin American examples. In the state of research publications are presented both on scientific journals indexed in the JCR, and non-indexed publications in which scientific articles, conference papers, information about the Solar Decathlon competition, generic and specific books on light modular construction, articles both general and specific on the Solar Decathlon competition, technical approval documents, dissertations, the Solar Decathlon Web pages and finally lightweight modular construction companies Web pages and patents. The partial conclusions of the chapter as well as the rationale and specific objectives are also expressed. Chapter 3: Methodology first of all exposes the problem statement and then develops the methods used for the study and classification of transportation and modular organization, the relationship between the modular organization and spatial distribution, design and content summary records of the 38 projects submitted to the SD2005 and SD2007, as well as information consulted for its realization. It explains equally how the comparative tables based on information from the chips were made. Finally, the way the particular study of the joint between modules is carried out is also treated. Chapter 4: Discussion, first sorting a classification of transport strategies as well as of modular organization, secondly the relationship between the modular system and the spatial organization studied is presented. From then on, the study of the structure of every house Moreover, to establish this methodology is useful not only for this thesis, but for future research on the subject, since after 2007 there have been held new editions of the contest with a corresponding volume of information available. shown in the SD2005 and SD2007 contests, depending on the type and material of the shoe, showing both quantitative tables as graphic boards with pictures is carried out. Similarly slabs, columns and beams and roofs are treated. Furthermore, the opaque and transparent façades, as well as roof and floor enclosure, according to the layers that compose them are studied. In the case of facilities there have been only addressed that which are of a special type, discarding that considered usual in this type of houses such as photovoltaic panels, thermal panels or vacuum tubes and energy storage systems such as batteries, presenting numerical and graphical tables with photos .The transportation is analyzed depending on it is used to move the house or for additional support, depending on the type and quantity of items used. Regarding assembly it has been made a difference if crane is or not used and if not, what the alternative methods are. With respect to the exploration of the modular organization, the amount of modules used in each house is presented, as well as the quantification of hybrid systems such as linear members as well as 1D, 2D panels. Finally, it has been carried out the detailed study of the joint between 3D modules. Finally it is proposed a set of technical criteria organized into four levels, 1st level of general criteria, 2nd level on building systems, 3rd level construction details and 4th level called previous works and logistics, transportation and assembly. Chapter 5: Conclusions and future research, where general, methodological, documentary and finally modular construction findings are presented. A proposal for further research is done. Chapter 6: Bibliography. Chapter 7: Annexes, in which all the record sheets of houses made by the author of this thesis are presented. Besides the specific cases of Voisin in France and TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) in the USA, as well as general reference manuals on lightweight construction, transportation dimensions in Spain, and information on housing statistics in the European Union are included.
Este estudo insere-se num relatório de estágio, referente ao grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e baseia-se numa problemática assente na análise das potencialidades do trabalho prático de orientação investigativa (TPOI). Tratase de uma pesquisa na prática profissional desenvolvida em contexto de estágio, em duas escolas do 1.º CEB do Concelho de Santarém, que teve ainda como objetivo compreender as dificuldades que se colocam durante a planificação e implementação de atividades POI. Para o efeito, utilizaram-se diferentes instrumentos de recolha de dados: observação, entrevistas e documentos escritos. Ao longo do processo de planificação/implementação/reflexão foram identificadas as principais dificuldades sentidas pela futura educadora/professora nomeadamente a preparação dos guiões e do material, a gestão da turma e as dificuldades dos alunos. Os resultados demonstraram inúmeras potencialidades do TPOI na promoção de aprendizagens ao nível dos conteúdos científicos abordados, dos processos científicos e do trabalho de grupo. Contudo, os resultados permitiram também constatar que um grau de abertura elevado das atividades nem sempre apresenta o efeito desejável nas aprendizagens dos alunos, verificando-se que as características dos alunos e uma maior familiarização com este tipo de atividade é condição essencial para promover a autonomia.