923 resultados para Bone And Bones
Although loosening of cemented glenoid components is one of the major complications of total shoulder arthroplasty, there is little information about factors affecting initial fixation of these components in the scapular neck. This study was performed to assess the characteristics of structural fixation of pegged glenoid components, if inserted with two different recommended cementing techniques. Six fresh-frozen shoulder specimens and two types of glenoid components were used. The glenoids were prepared according to the instructions and with the instrumentation of the manufacturer. In 3 specimens, the bone cement was inserted into the peg receiving holes (n = 12) and applied to the back surface of the glenoid component with a syringe. In the other 3 specimens, the cement was inserted into the holes (n = 15) by use of pure finger pressure: no cement was applied on the backside of the component. Micro-computed tomography scans with a resolution of 36 microm showed an intact cement mantle around all 12 pegs (100%) when a syringe was used. An incomplete cement plug was found in 7 of 15 pegs (47%) when the finger-pressure technique was used. Cement penetration into the cancellous bone was deeper in osteopenic bone. Application of bone cement on the backside of the glenoid prosthesis improved seating by filling out small spaces between bone and polyethylene resulting from irregularities after reaming or local cement extrusion from a drill hole. The fixation of a pegged glenoid component is better if the holes are filled with cement under pressure by use of a syringe and if cement is applied to the back of the glenoid component than if cement is inserted with pure finger pressure and no cement is applied to the back surface of the component.
BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested that tenotomy and repair of the subscapularis tendon carried out for anterior approaches to the shoulder can be followed by failure of the tendon repair and by changes resulting in permanent loss of subscapularis function. We hypothesized that release of the subscapularis with use of a superficial osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity followed by repair of the two opposing bone surfaces would lead to consistent bone-to-bone healing, which would be possible to monitor radiographically, and would lead to satisfactory clinical and structural outcomes. METHODS: Thirty-nine shoulders in thirty-six consecutive patients who, at an average age of fifty-seven years, had undergone total shoulder replacement through an anterior approach involving an osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity were evaluated at an average of thirty-nine months. Assessment included a standardized interview and physical examination, scoring according to the system described by Constant and Murley, and imaging with conventional radiography and computed tomography to assess healing of the osteotomy site and changes in the subscapularis. RESULTS: The osteotomized tuberosity fragment healed in an anatomical position in all shoulders, and no cuff tendon ruptures were observed. At the time of follow-up, thirty-three (89%) of thirty-seven shoulders evaluated with a belly-press test had a negative result and twenty-seven (75%) of thirty-six shoulders evaluated with a lift-off test had an unequivocally normal result. Fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle increased after the operation (p < 0.0001) and was at least stage two in eleven (32%) of thirty-four shoulders. The fatty infiltration had progressed by one stage in eight (24%) of the thirty-four shoulders, by two stages in five shoulders (15%), and by three stages in two shoulders (6%). CONCLUSIONS: Osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity provides an easy anterior approach for total shoulder replacement and is followed by consistent bone-to-bone healing, which can be monitored, and good subscapularis function. In the presence of documented anatomical healing of the osteotomy site, postoperative fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle remains unexplained and needs to be investigated further as it is associated with a poorer clinical outcome.
BACKGROUND: In a previous study, twenty consecutive patients with a rerupture of the rotator cuff, as documented with magnetic resonance imaging, were found to have significantly less pain and better function and strength, compared with the preoperative state, at 3.2 years postoperatively. It was the purpose of this study to determine the clinical and structural outcomes of these reruptures in the same twenty patients after a longer period of follow-up. METHODS: At a mean of 7.6 years postoperatively, the twenty patients were reexamined clinically and with standard radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging with use of the same clinical, radiographic, and magnetic resonance imaging criteria as were utilized in the review at 3.2 years. The mean age at the time of final follow-up was sixty-six years. RESULTS: Nineteen of the twenty patients continued to be either very satisfied or satisfied with the outcome. The relative Constant score averaged 88% and was not significantly different from the score at 3.2 years, which averaged 83%. The mean scores for pain, function, and strength also had not changed significantly. Overall, the twenty reruptures had not increased in size, and eight of them had healed structurally at the time of the 7.6-year follow-up. Seven of these eight reruptures had been of the supraspinatus tendon only, and seven had been smaller than 400 mm(2) at 3.2 years. Twelve reruptures persisted, and five were larger than the preoperative tear. Fatty infiltration of the infraspinatus muscle progressed significantly (p = 0.015) and the acromiohumeral distance decreased significantly (p = 0.006) between the two follow-up periods. Neither fatty infiltration of the supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles nor glenohumeral osteoarthritis progressed significantly. CONCLUSIONS: At an average of 7.6 years, the clinical outcomes after structural failure of rotator cuff repairs remained significantly improved over the preoperative state in terms of pain, function, strength, and patient satisfaction. Overall, the reruptures that had been present at 3.2 years did not increase in size. We also found that reruptures of the supraspinatus that had been smaller than 400 mm(2) had the potential to heal.
BACKGROUND: Persistent hyperparathyroidism after renal transplantation affects bone and allografts. Cinacalcet, a calcimimetic, reduces serum calcium and PTH in renal transplant recipients with persistent hyperparathyroidism. Here, we address the question whether this effect of cinacalcet persists after withdrawal. METHODS: Therefore, cinacalcet was stopped after 12 months treatment in 10 stable renal transplant patients. Serum calcium, phosphate, PTH, creatinine and cystatin C were monitored for 3 months. RESULTS: Serum calcium, normalized in nine patients before cessation of cinacalcet (2.32 +/- 0.05mmol/l, mean +/- SEM), increased after 3 months of discontinuation by 0.17 +/- 0.04mmol/l, P < 0.05, but remained within the normal range in eight patients. Compared with the time point of cessation, PTH remained unchanged or decreased further after 3 months without therapy in six patients. Measurements of cystatin C suggested an improvement of the glomerular filtration rate after cessation in 9 out of 10 patients (1.55 +/- 0.09 vs 1.33 +/- 0.12 mg/l, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: First, a beneficial effect of cinacalcet beyond the duration of a 12-month therapy appears to be present in some patients and second, the previously suspected influence of cinacalcet therapy on renal function is reversible. Thus, it is reasonable to consider a trial of cinacalcet cessation to identify these patients. The optimal time point for such a discontinuation is unknown. The present observations are preliminary. They clearly require a prospective randomized trial for definitive confirmation.
BACKGROUND: Recent advances in the understanding of the anatomy and function of the acetabular labrum suggest that it is important for normal joint function. We found no available data regarding whether labral refixation after treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement affects the clinical and radiographic results. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and radiographic results of fifty-two patients (sixty hips) with femoro-acetabular impingement who underwent arthrotomy and surgical dislocation of the hip to allow trimming of the acetabular rim and femoral osteochondroplasty. In the first twenty-five hips, the torn labrum was resected (Group 1); in the next thirty-five hips, the intact portion of the labrum was reattached to the acetabular rim (Group 2). At one and two years postoperatively, the Merle d'Aubigné clinical score and the Tönnis arthrosis classification system were used to compare the two groups. RESULTS: At one year postoperatively, both groups showed a significant improvement in their clinical scores (mainly pain reduction) compared with their preoperative values (p = 0.0003 for Group 1 and p < 0.0001 for Group 2). At two years postoperatively, 28% of the hips in Group 1 (labral resection) had an excellent result, 48% had a good result, 20% had a moderate result, and 4% had a poor result. In contrast, in Group 2 (labral reattachment), 80% of the hips had an excellent result, 14% had a good result, and 6% had a moderate result. Comparison of the clinical scores between the two groups revealed significantly better outcomes for Group 2 at one year (p = 0.0001) and at two years (p = 0.01). Radiographic signs of osteoarthritis were significantly more prevalent in Group 1 than in Group 2 at one year (p = 0.02) and at two years (p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: Patients treated with labral refixation recovered earlier and had superior clinical and radiographic results when compared with patients who had undergone resection of a torn labrum. Although the results must be considered preliminary, we now recommend refixation of the intact portion of the labrum after trimming of the acetabular rim during surgical treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement.
BACKGROUND: International registries with large, heterogeneous patient populations provide excellent research opportunities for studying factors that influence treatment outcomes after total hip arthroplasty. In the present study, we used a European multinational database to investigate whether there is an association between three functional variables (preoperative pain, mobility, and motion) and functional outcome. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study on preoperative and follow-up clinical data that were prospectively entered into the International Documentation and Evaluation System European hip registry between 1967 and 2002. The inclusion criteria for this study were an age of more than twenty years, an underlying diagnosis of osteoarthritis, and a Charnley class-A functional designation at the time of surgery. A total of 12,925 patients (13,766 total hip arthroplasties) who met these criteria were entered into the analysis. Three functional variables (pain, mobility, and motion) that were assessed preoperatively were evaluated postoperatively at various follow-up examinations for a maximum of ten years. RESULTS: Six thousand four hundred and one patients could walk longer than ten minutes preoperatively; of these, 57.1% had a walking capacity of more than sixty minutes at the time of the most recent follow-up. In comparison, 6896 patients had a preoperative walking capacity of less than ten minutes and only 38.9% of these patients could walk more than sixty minutes at the time of the most recent follow-up. The difference was significant (p < 0.01). Similarly, 10,375 patients had a preoperative hip flexion range of >70 degrees ; of these, 74.7% had a flexion range of >90 degrees at the time of the most recent follow-up. In comparison, 2793 patients had a preoperative hip flexion range of <70 degrees and only 62.6% of these patients had a flexion range of >90 degrees at the time of the most recent follow-up. The difference was also significant (p < 0.01). Lasting, complete, or almost complete pain relief was achieved by >80% of the patients following total hip arthroplasty regardless of their preoperative categorization of pain. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with poor preoperative walking capacity and hip flexion are less likely to achieve an optimal outcome with regard to walking and motion. In contrast, there is no correlation between the preoperative pain level and pain alleviation, which is generally good and long-lasting after total hip arthroplasty.
A cavovarus foot deformity was simulated in cadaver specimens by inserting metallic wedges of 15 degrees and 30 degrees dorsally into the first tarsometatarsal joint. Sensors in the ankle joint recorded static tibiotalar pressure distribution at physiological load. The peak pressure increased significantly from neutral alignment to the 30 degrees cavus deformity, and the centre of force migrated medially. The anterior migration of the centre of force was significant for both the 15 degrees (repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), p = 0.021) and the 30 degrees (repeated measures ANOVA, p = 0.007) cavus deformity. Differences in ligament laxity did not influence the peak pressure. These findings support the hypothesis that the cavovarus foot deformity causes an increase in anteromedial ankle joint pressure leading to anteromedial arthrosis in the long term, even in the absence of lateral hindfoot instability.
Maternal-fetal calcium (Ca(2+)) transport is crucial for fetal Ca(2+) homeostasis and bone mineralization. In this study, the physiological significance of the transient receptor potential, vanilloid 6 (TRPV6) Ca(2+) channel in maternal-fetal Ca(2+) transport was investigated using Trpv6 knockout mice. The Ca(2+) concentration in fetal blood and amniotic fluid was significantly lower in Trpv6 knockout fetuses than in wildtypes. The transport activity of radioactive Ca(2+) ((45)Ca) from mother to fetuses was 40% lower in Trpv6 knockout fetuses than in wildtypes. The ash weight was also lower in Trpv6 knockout fetuses compared with wildtype fetuses. TRPV6 mRNA and protein were mainly localized in intraplacental yolk sac and the visceral layer of extraplacental yolk sac, which are thought to be the places for maternal-fetal Ca(2+) transport in mice. These expression sites were co-localized with calbindin D(9K) in the yolk sac. In wildtype mice, placental TRPV6 mRNA increased 14-fold during the last 4 days of gestation, which coincides with fetal bone mineralization. These results provide the first in vivo evidence that TRPV6 is involved in maternal-fetal Ca(2+) transport. We propose that TRPV6 functions as a Ca(2+) entry pathway, which is critical for fetal Ca(2+) homeostasis.
BACKGROUND: Percutaneous Kirschner wire fixation represents the classic treatment for displaced supracondylar humeral fractures in childhood. This type of treatment first requires satisfactory reduction of the fracture. Failure to achieve a satisfactory reduction or inadequate stabilization can result in instability of the fracture fragments, which can result in either an unsatisfactory cosmetic or functional outcome. In our experience, these problems can be overcome with the use of a small lateral external fixator. METHODS: Between 1999 and 2005, thirty-one of 170 Gartland type-III supracondylar humeral fractures were treated with a lateral external fixator. The outcome of treatment was analyzed with regard to limb alignment, elbow movement, cosmetic appearance, and patient satisfaction. RESULTS: In twenty-eight of the thirty-one patients, a satisfactory reduction was achieved with closed methods. All children except one had a normal or good range of movement. The cosmetic result was excellent in all cases. All of the children and their parents stated that they would choose this treatment again. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a small lateral external fixator seems to be a safe alternative for the treatment of displaced supracondylar fractures of the humerus when a closed reduction appears to be unattainable by means of manipulation alone or when sufficient stability is not achieved with standard methods of Kirschner wire fixation.
Velopharyngeal insufficiency in cleft patients with muscular insufficiency detected by nasendoscopy is commonly treated by secondary radical intravelar veloplasty, in which the palatal muscles are reoriented and positioned backwards. The dead space between the retro-displaced musculature and the posterior borders of the palatal bone remains problematic. Postoperatively, the surgically achieved lengthening of the soft palate often diminishes due to scar tissue formation in the dead space, leading to reattachment of the reoriented muscles to the palatal bone and to decreased mobility of the soft palate. To avoid this, the dead space should be restored by a structure imitating the function of the missing palatal aponeurosis. The entire dead space was covered using a double layer of autogenous fascia lata harvested from the lateral thigh, which should allow sufficient and permanent sliding of the retro-positioned musculature. A clinical case of a 9-year-old boy who underwent the operation is reported. Postoperatively, marked functional improvements were observable in speech assessment, nasendoscopy and nasometry. The case reported here suggests that the restoration of the dead space may be beneficial for effective secondary palatal repair. Fascia lata seems to be a suitable graft for this purpose.
PURPOSE: To assess the literature on accuracy and clinical performance of computer technology applications in surgical implant dentistry. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Electronic and manual literature searches were conducted to collect information about (1) the accuracy and (2) clinical performance of computer-assisted implant systems. Meta-regression analysis was performed for summarizing the accuracy studies. Failure/complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson regression models to obtain summary estimates of 12-month proportions. RESULTS: Twenty-nine different image guidance systems were included. From 2,827 articles, 13 clinical and 19 accuracy studies were included in this systematic review. The meta-analysis of the accuracy (19 clinical and preclinical studies) revealed a total mean error of 0.74 mm (maximum of 4.5 mm) at the entry point in the bone and 0.85 mm at the apex (maximum of 7.1 mm). For the 5 included clinical studies (total of 506 implants) using computer-assisted implant dentistry, the mean failure rate was 3.36% (0% to 8.45%) after an observation period of at least 12 months. In 4.6% of the treated cases, intraoperative complications were reported; these included limited interocclusal distances to perform guided implant placement, limited primary implant stability, or need for additional grafting procedures. CONCLUSION: Differing levels and quantity of evidence were available for computer-assisted implant placement, revealing high implant survival rates after only 12 months of observation in different indications and a reasonable level of accuracy. However, future long-term clinical data are necessary to identify clinical indications and to justify additional radiation doses, effort, and costs associated with computer-assisted implant surgery.
Bone strength benefits after long-term retirement from elite gymnastics in terms of bone geometry and volumetric BMD were studied by comparing retired female gymnasts to moderately active age-matched women. In a cross-sectional study, 30 retired female gymnasts were compared with 30 age-matched moderately active controls. Bone geometric and densitometric parameters were measured by pQCT at the distal epiphyses and shafts of the tibia, femur, radius, and humerus. Muscle cross-sectional areas were assessed from the shaft scans. Independent t-tests were conducted on bone and muscle variables to detect differences between the two groups. The gymnasts had retired for a mean of 6.1 +/- 0.4 yr and were engaged in
Recent studies have indicated that parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) may have important actions in lactation, affecting the mammary gland, and also calcium metabolism in the newborn and the mother. However, there are as yet no longitudinal studies to support the notion of an endocrine role of this peptide during nursing. We studied a group of 12 nursing mothers, mean age 32 years, after they had been nursing for an average of 7 weeks (B) and also 4 months after stopping nursing (A). It was assumed that changes occurring between A and B correspond to the effect of lactation. Blood was assayed for prolactin (PRL), PTHrP (two-site immunoradiometric assay with sheep antibody against PTHrP(1-40), and goat antibody against PTHrP(60-72), detection limit 0.3 pmol/l), intact PTH (iPTH), ionized calcium (Ca2+), 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), alkaline phosphatase (alkP), as well as for creatinine (Cr), protein, phosphorus (P), and total calcium (Ca). Fasting 2-h urine samples were analyzed for Ca excretion (CaE) and renal phosphate threshold (TmP/GFR). PRL was significantly higher during lactation than after weaning (39 +/- 10 vs. 13 +/- 9 micrograms/l; p = 0.018) and so was PTHrP (2.8 +/- 0.35 vs. 0.52 +/- 0.04 pmol/l; p = 0.002), values during lactation being above the normal limit (1.3 pmol/l) in all 12 mothers. There was a significant correlation between PRL and PTHrP during lactation (r = 0.8, p = 0.002). Whole blood Ca2+ did not significantly change from A (1.20 +/- 0.02 mmol/l) to B (1.22 +/- 0.02, mmol/l), whereas total Ca corrected for protein (2.18 +/- 0.02 mmol/l) or uncorrected (2.18 +/- 0.02 mmol/l) significantly rose during lactation (2.31 +/- 0.02 mmol/l, p = 0.003 and 2.37 +/- 0.03 mmol/l, p = 0.002, respectively). Conversely, iPTH decreased during lactation (3.47 +/- 0.38 vs. 2.11 +/- 0.35 pmol/l, A vs. B, p = 0.02). Serum-levels of 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 did not significantly change from A to B (23 +/- 2.3 vs. 24 +/- 1.9 ng/ml and 29.5 +/- 6.0 vs. 21.9 +/- 1.8 pg/ml, respectively). Both TmP/GFR and P were higher during lactation than after weaning (1.15 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.86 +/- 0.05 mmol/l GF, p = 0.003 and 1.25 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.96 +/- 0.05 mmol/l, p = 0.002, respectively) as was alkP (74.0 +/- 7.1 vs. 52.6 +/- 6.9 U/l, p = 0.003). CaE did not differ between A and B (0.015 +/- 0.003 vs. 0.017 +/- 0.003 mmol/l GF, A vs. B, NS). We conclude that lactation is accompanied by an increase in serum PRL. This is associated with a release of PTHrP into the maternal blood circulation. A rise in total plasma Ca ensues, probably in part by increased bone turnover as suggested by the elevation of alkP. PTH secretion falls, with a subsequent rise of TmP/GFR and plasma P despite high plasma levels of PTHrP.
Meningioma is the most frequently observed primary brain tumour in cats. Usually, it is associated with an intracranial expansion with consequent brain compression, oedema and brain herniation. Typical features of feline intracranial meningiomas are hyperostosis of the adjacent bone and intratumoral mineralisation. We describe a 13-year-old male neutered cat with a 1-year history of behavioural change. At clinical and neurological examination the cat showed signs consistent with right-sided forebrain lesion. Magnetic resonance images showed a right-sided extra-axial contrast enhancing mass in the region of the frontotemporal lobe. The overlying bone of the calvarium showed a marked defect with extracranial expansion of the tissue. Surgery was performed and the tumour could be exposed by a right-sided temporal approach. After extension of the bony defect the mass could be removed properly. The cat recovered well from surgery and a 12-month follow-up showed no persistent neurological deficits. Histopathological assessment of the tumour revealed a transitional grade 1 meningioma. Despite osteolysis and extracranial expansion of the tumour differentials should include menigioma in feline intracranial neoplasms.