990 resultados para Bohoslavsky, Ernesto


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En el presente trabajo que tiene como título “Elementos del Delito de Secuestro Extorsivo”, he abordado en su Capítulo Primero “El delito de Secuestro Extorsivo y su incidencia en la sociedad ecuatoriana”, dentro del cual, en primer lugar he analizado los orígenes del secuestro, entendiéndose como la privación de la libertad de una o más personas, con el fin de pedir o exigir “rescate”. Dentro del primer capítulo se analizó “El bien jurídico tutelado en el Secuestro Extorsivo”, estableciéndose que son dos: la libertad individual y la propiedad; sin embargo, en ciertos casos, de acuerdo a las circunstancias que rodean al hecho también pueden afectarse o vulnerarse otros bienes jurídicos, como la integridad física e incluso la vida. Como otro tema tratado dentro de este capítulo, consta “Sujetos del delito de Secuestro Extorsivo”; y que, al igual que en otros delitos tenemos al sujeto activo y al sujeto pasivo. En el Capítulo Segundo, denominado “El Secuestro Extorsivo como tipo penal independiente”, se establece que este tipo penal está tipificado como tal en el artículo 162 del Código Orgánico Integral Penal; es decir, hace su aparición como tal, en nuestra legislación, a partir de la vigencia del Cuerpo de Leyes en mención. Dentro de este capítulo consta el “Objeto del Secuestro Extorsivo”, que según la doctrina sería el “rescate” que exigen los secuestradores. Asimismo, contiene “Circunstancias agravantes del Secuestro Extorsivo”, que en general, constituyen las previstas en el segundo inciso del artículo 162 del Código Orgánico Integra Penal. En el Capítulo Tercero, se analiza “Repercusiones en la víctima del Secuestro Extorsivo”. Considerándose víctima, aquella persona que directamente ha sufrido el secuestro; y, por la forma de la comisión de la infracción quedan afectadas psicológicamente, en forma leve en ciertos casos y grave en otros; en algunos casos, incluso en forma permanente; pero asimismo, pueden sufrir repercusiones físicas y hasta pierden la vida en manos de los secuestradores. En este capítulo consta el análisis de la “Reparación integral a las víctimas”, que está previsto en el artículo 78 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador y artículos 77 y 78 del Código Orgánico Integral Penal, que tiene su fundamento en las sentencias emitidas por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.


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El tema central y alcance de la presente tesis de maestría está circunscrito al actual recurso de casación penal, contenido en los artículos 656 y 657 del Código Orgánico Integral Penal. La perspectiva teórico-metodológica utilizada ha sido de tipo documental y dogmática, recurriendo primariamente a textos legales, doctrina y jurisprudencia actualizada. El concepto principal que sigue esta tesis es que actualmente se ha disuelto la pretensión original del fin político de la casación, pues no se puede seguir pensando en términos de una teórica justicia absoluta abstracta, sino más bien en ir hacia una justicia razonable del caso concreto. Por tanto la idea que debe guiarnos es que la protección del sistema jurídico se ha ampliado a la efectiva protección de los derechos y garantías fundamentales, lo cual termina contorneando la casación penal de una manera muy diferente a la originalmente diseñada para su funcionamiento. En el capítulo primero se realiza un análisis histórico de la casación, con su "fin político o Ius constitutionis", esto es las funciones nomofiláctica y la uniformadora, y la creciente importancia del "fin procesal o Ius litigatoris" esto es la función dikelógica. Se analiza las características y principios de la casación penal. Y la llegada y desenvolvimiento de dicha institución procesal penal en nuestro país. En el capítulo segundo, se realiza un análisis de la correcta conceptualización de los conceptos de error in procedendo y error in iudicando, y dentro de éste último el error de derecho (in jure) y el error de hecho (in facto). Se resalta el tema del error de juicio in iudicando in factum, esto es la problemática del segundo inciso del Art. 656 del COIP, que bien puede ser la parte más importante de esta tesis. En el capítulo tercero se analiza la técnica de casación penal; y se hace un análisis de los titulares del recurso, de su admisión, de la audiencia pública de fundamentación; así como de la sentencia de casación.


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El estudio de los universos literarios de Jorge Icaza y José de la Cuadra toma como referencia la existencia de una heterogeneidad cultural que determina el aparecimiento de una esquisis social como fundamento de nuestras sociedades. Estos autores lograron levantar su ficción de la realidad sobre la lectura de esta heterogeneidad contradictoria y esquizofrenizante. Por ello, para analizar estas obras utilizamos un método que busca establecer un diálogo entre la tradición de la crítica literaria latinoamericana y los métodos de exploración de la psicología humanista. El texto explora la obra literaria de ambos autores como un universo ficcional, con sus espacios, tiempos, habitantes y voces, para luego analizar las obras Los Sangurimas, de José de la Cuadra, y «El nuevo San Jorge» y «Mama Pacha», de Jorge Icaza, tratando de acompañar las narraciones unas veces como lector, otras como actor de las mismas. El autor se introduce en el relato para leer a nuestra sociedad desde la ficción literaria y luego salir del mismo mediante el método que le llevó a introducirse en él. Esta lectura de las narraciones tiene por fin transformarlas: caminar con la obra literaria hacia adentro y hacia afuera por los senderos del pueblo cholo icaciano y del fundo montuvio de José de la Cuadra. Caminar con la obra, sentir con la obra, llorar con la obra y ¿salir de ella? Esta es la interrogante que queda planteada al lector.


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Second language listening has historically proved to be a difficult skill. Strategy instruction studies have sought to bring about improvements in subjects’ listening but with mixed results. This lack of success might be due to the nature of listening strategy theory and its influence on conceptualizations of listening strategy instruction. The current study, based on an initial descriptive investigation of a specific population of learners, measured the effects of strategy instruction on both the listening performance and self-efficacy of 68 lower-intermediate learners of French in England, against a comparison group. Moreover, the effects of high- and low-scaffolded interventions were compared. Results suggest that the program improved listening proficiency and learners’ confidence about listening. Implications for pedagogy and strategy theory are discussed.


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Many natural and technological applications generate time ordered sequences of networks, defined over a fixed set of nodes; for example time-stamped information about ‘who phoned who’ or ‘who came into contact with who’ arise naturally in studies of communication and the spread of disease. Concepts and algorithms for static networks do not immediately carry through to this dynamic setting. For example, suppose A and B interact in the morning, and then B and C interact in the afternoon. Information, or disease, may then pass from A to C, but not vice versa. This subtlety is lost if we simply summarize using the daily aggregate network given by the chain A-B-C. However, using a natural definition of a walk on an evolving network, we show that classic centrality measures from the static setting can be extended in a computationally convenient manner. In particular, communicability indices can be computed to summarize the ability of each node to broadcast and receive information. The computations involve basic operations in linear algebra, and the asymmetry caused by time’s arrow is captured naturally through the non-mutativity of matrix-matrix multiplication. Illustrative examples are given for both synthetic and real-world communication data sets. We also discuss the use of the new centrality measures for real-time monitoring and prediction.


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BACKGROUND: Connexins are a widespread family of membrane proteins that assemble into hexameric hemichannels, also known as connexons. Connexons regulate membrane permeability in individual cells or couple between adjacent cells to form gap junctions and thereby provide a pathway for regulated intercellular communication. We have now examined the role of connexins in platelets, blood cells that circulate in isolation, but upon tissue injury adhere to each other and the vessel wall to prevent blood loss and facilitate wound repair. METHODS AND RESULTS: We report the presence of connexins in platelets, notably connexin37, and that the formation of gap junctions within platelet thrombi is required for the control of clot retraction. Inhibition of connexin function modulated a range of platelet functional responses prior to platelet-platelet contact, and reduced laser induced thrombosis in vivo in mice. Deletion of the Cx37 gene (Gja4) in transgenic mice reduced platelet aggregation, fibrinogen binding, granule secretion and clot retraction indicating an important role for Cx37 hemichannels and gap junctions in platelet thrombus function. CONCLUSIONS: Together, these data demonstrate that platelet gap junctions and hemichannels underpin the control of haemostasis and thrombosis and represent potential therapeutic targets.


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Major outer membrane proteins (MOMPs) of Gram negative bacteria are one of the most intensively studied membrane proteins. MOMPs are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of bacterial outer membranes and in adaptation of parasites to their hosts. There is evidence to suggest a role for purified MOMP from Chlamydophila pneumoniae and corresponding MOMP-derived peptides in immune-modulation, leading to a reduced atherosclerotic phenotype in apoE−/− mice via a characteristic dampening of MHC class II activity. The work reported herein tests this hypothesis by employing a combination of homology modelling and docking to examine the detailed molecular interactions that may be responsible. A three-dimensional homology model of the C. pneumoniae MOMP was constructed based on the 14 transmembrane β-barrel crystal structure of the fatty acid transporter from Escherichia coli, which provides a plausible transport mechanism for MOMP. Ligand docking experiments were used to provide details of the possible molecular interactions driving the binding of MOMP-derived peptides to MHC class II alleles known to be strongly associated with inflammation. The docking experiments were corroborated by predictions from conventional immuno-informatic algorithms. This work supports further the use of MOMP in C. pneumoniae as a possible vaccine target and the role of MOMP-derived peptides as vaccine candidates for immune-therapy in chronic inflammation that can result in cardiovascular events.


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The presence of multiple connexins was recently demonstrated in platelets, with notable expression of Cx37. Studies with Cx37-deficient mice and connexin inhibitors established roles for hemichannels and gap junctions in platelet function. It was uncertain, however, whether Cx37 functions alone or in collaboration with other family members through heteromeric interactions in regulation of platelet function. Here we report the presence and functions of an additional platelet connexin, Cx40. Inhibition of Cx40 in human platelets or its deletion in mice reduces platelet aggregation, fibrinogen binding, granule secretion and clot retraction. The effects of the Cx37 inhibitor 37,43Gap27 on Cx40-/- mouse platelets and of the Cx40 inhibitor 40Gap27 on Cx37-/- mouse platelets revealed that each connexin is able to function independently. Inhibition or deletion of Cx40 reduces haemostatic responses in mice, indicating the physiological importance of this protein in platelets. We conclude that multiple connexins are involved in regulating platelet function, thereby contributing to haemostasis and thrombosis.


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This paper proposes a new reconstruction method for diffuse optical tomography using reduced-order models of light transport in tissue. The models, which directly map optical tissue parameters to optical flux measurements at the detector locations, are derived based on data generated by numerical simulation of a reference model. The reconstruction algorithm based on the reduced-order models is a few orders of magnitude faster than the one based on a finite element approximation on a fine mesh incorporating a priori anatomical information acquired by magnetic resonance imaging. We demonstrate the accuracy and speed of the approach using a phantom experiment and through numerical simulation of brain activation in a rat's head. The applicability of the approach for real-time monitoring of brain hemodynamics is demonstrated through a hypercapnic experiment. We show that our results agree with the expected physiological changes and with results of a similar experimental study. However, by using our approach, a three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction can be performed in ∼3  s per time point instead of the 1 to 2 h it takes when using the conventional finite element modeling approach


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Soybeans can be consumed directly as food, and in China hey are the major ingredient in food products such as tofu and soy milk, but direct consumption is small relative to their wider use in animal feed, and it is the requirement for livestock feed that drives international trade. Rapid growth of economies and population, especially in Asia, has led to increased demand for animal protein and cooking oil. This paper analyses the recent growth in supply of soybeans from North and South America to China, and considers the factors that may affect this trade in future; a contrast is made with supply from North and South America to Europe, which has not been increasing. The constraints preventing an increase in supply of soybeans to Europe are reviewed. The paper concludes with brief discussion of the factors which will affect world markets for soybeans and soybean products in future.


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Amyloid fibrils are formed by a model surfactant-like peptide (Ala)10-(His)6 containing a hexahistidine tag. This peptide undergoes a remarkable two-step self-assembly process with two distinct critical aggregation concentrations (cac’s), probed by fluorescence techniques. A micromolar range cac is ascribed to the formation of prefibrillar structures, whereas a millimolar range cac is associated with the formation of well-defined but more compact fibrils. We examine the labeling of these model tagged amyloid fibrils using Ni-NTA functionalized gold nanoparticles (Nanogold). Successful labeling is demonstrated via electron microscopy imaging. The specificity of tagging does not disrupt the β-sheet structure of the peptide fibrils. Binding of fibrils and Nanogold is found to influence the circular dichroism associated with the gold nanoparticle plasmon absorption band. These results highlight a new approach to the fabrication of functionalized amyloid fibrils and the creation of peptide/nanoparticle hybrid materials.


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For proper management of wastes and their possible recycling as raw materials, complete characterization of the materials is necessary to evaluate the main scientific aspects and potential applications. The current paper presents a detailed scientific study of different Brazilian sugar cane bagasse ashes from the cogeneration industry as alternative cementing materials (active addition) for cement manufacture. The results show that the ashes from the industrial process (filter and bottom ones) present different chemical and mineralogical compositions and pozzolanic properties as well. As a consequence of its nature, the kinetic rate constant (K) states that the pozzolanic activity is null for the bottom ash and very low for the filter ash with respect to a sugar cane bagasse ash obtained in the laboratory under controlled burning conditions (reference). The scarce pozzolanic activity showed by ashes could be related to a possible contamination of bagasse wastes (with soils) before their use as alternative combustibles. For this reason, an optimization process for these wastes is advisable, if the ashes are to be used as pozzolans. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.