949 resultados para Biomarker stratification


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肉质小半灌木盐节木(Halocnemum strobilaceum)、里海盐爪爪(Kalidium capsicum)和盐爪爪(Kalidium foliatum)是中国西北盐生荒漠中分布的重要优势种植物。本文对生长在新疆盐漠环境中的三种植物种子的萌发生态学进行了研究。研究内容包括:(1)光照、温度对种子萌发的影响;(2)NaCl盐度对种子萌发和恢复、幼苗生长和恢复的影响;以及(3)低温层积处理对三种盐生植物种子休眠打破和耐盐性影响。 新成熟的盐节木、里海盐爪爪和盐爪爪种子都具有非深度生理休眠,它们分别需要经过4,4和8周的低温层积处理打破休眠。打破休眠的种子萌发的最适光温条件分别是25-30°C和光照(盐节木);15-30°C,光照或黑暗(里海盐爪爪);25°C和黑暗(盐爪爪)。 三种盐生植物的种子萌发对NaCl盐度胁迫有相似的响应,即低浓度不抑制萌发,高于一定浓度后,种子萌发随盐度的升高而逐渐降低,直至种子萌发被完全抑制。但是,开始抑制和完全抑制三种植物种子萌发的NaCl盐度是不同的。三种植物种子萌发受到抑制的起始浓度和种子萌发完全被抑制的盐度分别是:0.4和2.0 M(盐节木),0.2和0.6 M(里海盐爪爪),0.2和1.0 M(盐爪爪)。将未萌发的种子转入用蒸馏水饱和的滤纸上继续萌发,三种盐生植物的种子均有可恢复萌发的能力,经4.0 M NaCl处理后的种子,萌发恢复率都高于80%。三种植物的种子在蒸馏水中的总萌发率(在初始盐溶液中萌发的种子数与在蒸馏水中恢复萌发的种子数之和占所有供试种子数的百分率)高于各盐度条件下的种子总萌发率(在初始盐溶液中萌发的种子数与在蒸馏水中恢复萌发的种子数之和占所有供试种子数的百分率)。 盐节木和里海盐爪爪的种子萌发出的幼苗的早期生长对NaCl盐度胁迫有相似的响应,即随着盐度的升高,胚根的伸长逐渐降低;但是低盐度(≤0.4 M)不影响、甚至促进盐节木胚根的伸长,而各个盐度的NaCl均抑制里海盐爪爪的胚根伸长。盐节木的胚根生长较慢,在蒸馏水中培养24 h 后的根长< 1mm。低盐(0.2 M)促进胚根的伸长,但随盐度的继续升高(≥ 0.6 M),胚根伸长逐渐受到抑制,当盐度 ≥ 2.0 M NaCl时,盐节木胚根伸长完全停止。里海盐爪爪的胚根伸长快速,在蒸馏水中培养12 h后的平均根长为5 cm。低盐并不促进里海盐爪爪胚根的伸长,随盐度升高,胚根伸长逐渐受抑制。当盐度 ≥ 1.0 M NaCl时,里海盐爪爪的胚根伸长完全停止。但当转入蒸馏水中时,两种植物的胚根都可以继续伸长,伸长的能力随预处理盐溶液浓度的升高而降低,经 ≥ 4.0 M NaCl 预处理的盐节木胚根完全丧失继续伸长的能力;经0.6 M NaCl 预处理的里海盐爪爪胚根无法继续伸长。 低温层积处理对三种盐生植物的种子在NaCl溶液中的萌发均有显著促进作用。低温层积后,种子萌发可以发生的盐度范围提高;相同浓度NaCl溶液中,低温层积后的种子的萌发率和萌发速率都显著高于未经低温层积处理的种子。 实验结果表明三种盐生植物在种子萌发和早期幼苗生长阶段对盐生生境具有适应性。种子和幼苗早期在高盐分胁迫下保持的萌发恢复能力和胚根伸长生长的恢复能力是对盐生环境的特殊适应对策。这种适应对策有助于这三种植物在新疆的盐漠环境中得以成功的生存和繁衍。


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干旱区和半干旱区生长的植物具有复杂的生存机制,以确保其能够在特定的环境中生存和发展。植物在干旱的荒漠条件下的生存,与其特殊的种子萌发机制密切相关,这种机制能够确保植物在合适的时间与地点进行种子萌发与幼苗生长发育。在植物的生活史中,种子对极端环境具有最大的忍耐力,而萌发的幼苗对环境胁迫的忍耐程度最小。在干旱区生长的植物往往具有特殊的萌发机制使萌发出的幼苗能够度过对外界的敏感期,对于植物的生存具有重要意义。 毛乌素沙地是我国的四大沙地之一,该地区具有水分短缺,蒸发强烈,风沙剧烈和生境异质性高的特征。本文假设生长在这种极端环境中的植物也发展出了“适时适地”的种子萌发和幼苗生长的适应对策。为了验证以上的假设,本文选取毛乌素沙地不同生境中生长的两种优势固沙禾草——流动沙丘上生长的沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)和固定沙丘上生长的赖草(Leymus secalinus)为研究材料,通过野外调查、温室控制实验和实验室控制实验的方法,从生理生态学的角度探讨这两种植物的种子萌发和幼苗生长过程对沙丘环境的适应对策,主要对比它们在种子休眠、萌发和幼苗早期生长过程中对沙丘生境适应性的异同点。研究结果表明: (1)新成熟的沙鞭和赖草的种子为适应冬季低温而发展出生理性的内生休眠——非深度生理休眠。沙鞭和赖草的种子分别需要经过4周和8周的低温层积处理(3-5ºC)来完全打破休眠。另外,划破种皮或者部分切除胚乳也能够促进种子的萌发,这进一步证明两种植物的种子具有非深度生理休眠。然而,切除胚乳在不同程度上影响它们的幼苗生长。由非深度生理休眠、温度和损伤种皮/胚乳调节的部分萌发机制能够确保两种植物的种子即使在条件适宜的情况下只有部分种子萌发,从而分散植物生存的风险性。 (2)毛乌素沙地的小量降水(无法触发萌发)使种子经常遭受湿润-干燥的交替胁迫过程。种子先在湿润条件下吸涨1d或者2d,然后在室温下干燥0-8天。尽管在经历反复吸涨和自然干燥脱水后仍能够保持萌发能力,沙鞭和赖草种子的萌发特性却发生了不同的变化:和各自的对照相比,沙鞭种子萌发率相同而萌发速率降低;赖草种子的萌发率和萌发速率都降低,部分种子进入休眠状态。沙鞭和赖草萌发出的幼苗可能由于没有后续降雨或者因沙蚀而遭受干燥胁迫,但是其幼苗在生长早期能够忍耐一定程度的干燥,再次湿润后部分幼苗能够恢复生长。沙鞭和赖草幼苗的耐干燥的“极限点”不同:当幼根长度为1 mm时,它们的幼苗忍耐干燥的时间分别是60d和30d;当幼根长度为4 mm时,它们的幼苗忍耐干燥的时间分别是14d和7d。沙鞭和赖草的种子和生长早期的幼苗的耐干燥性特性可能是它们对降雨量和降雨时间都不可预测的沙地生境的生存策略之一。 (3)不同的沙埋深度影响沙鞭和赖草的种子萌发和出苗。这两种植物的种子萌发和出苗都需1-2 cm的浅层沙埋。随着沙埋深度的增加,两种植物的种子萌发率和出苗率逐渐降低,强迫休眠率逐渐升高;萌发率与出苗率和沙埋深度呈负相关关系而休眠率和沙埋深度呈正相关关系。但是,沙鞭种子出苗的最大沙埋深度是8 cm,而赖草的则为4 cm。因强迫休眠而没有萌发的种子对维持一个长期的土壤种子库来说具有生态学优势,这些种子暴露在合适的萌发土壤深度时具有生长出幼苗的潜能。 (4)沙鞭和赖草的种子都具有大小的差异性,种子大小对沙鞭和赖草的种子在不同沙埋深度的出苗具有不同的影响。沙鞭的三种不同大小种子的平均质量分别为小,4.489 ± 0.012 mg (4 – 4.9 mg);中,5.457 ± 0.012 mg (5 – 5.9 mg)和大,6.415 ± 0.011 mg (6 – 6.9 mg)。赖草的两种不同大小种子的平均质量分别为小,3.083 ± 0.026 mg (3 – 3.5 mg)和大3.955 ± 0.028 mg (3.6 – 4.0 mg)。在相同的沙埋深度下,两种植物的大种子的出苗率都显著高于小种子。和小种子相比,两种植物的大种子由于贮藏更多的能量,所以在相同深度的沙埋中具有出苗率更高的生态优势,而大量小种子在沙埋中不能萌发,可以作为种子库保存在沙层中,这样就分散了一次性大量萌发给植物带来的冒险性。 (5)沙鞭和赖草的幼苗在生长过程中会遭受沙埋,其幼苗忍耐沙埋的能力与沙埋的相对深度(沙埋比例)和幼苗年龄有关。沙鞭和赖草幼苗的耐沙埋能力不同:沙鞭的2周龄幼苗可以忍耐达到株高100%的沙埋,而其1周龄幼苗只能忍耐75%的沙埋。赖草的1周龄和2周龄幼苗都只能忍耐75%的沙埋。沙埋之后,沙鞭和赖草幼苗的生物量,根/茎比以及根和茎的长度都受到不同程度的影响。赖草幼苗不能忍耐完全沙埋可能是限制它在流动沙丘上分布的一个原因。 (6)降雨量和降雨频率能够不同程度地影响沙鞭和赖草在不同沙层的萌发和出苗。这两种植物的种子萌发和出苗需要的最小降雨量不同:在一次浇水相当于5 mm降雨量后,沙鞭和赖草种子的萌发率都超过50%;但是使沙鞭和赖草的出苗率能够达到50%的降雨量分别为10 mm和15 mm。沙埋中的沙鞭和赖草种子的出苗对降雨的响应具有以下特征:两种植物种子的出苗随降雨量或者降雨频率的增加而增加;沙鞭的出苗率受到降雨量和降雨频率的显著影响,但是二者交互作用的影响不显著;赖草的出苗率受到降雨量、降雨频率以及二者交互作用的显著影响。 由非深度生理休眠,种子大小,干燥-湿润循环,沙埋和降雨调节的种子萌发和出苗机制确保了自然条件下沙鞭和赖草每次只有少量种子萌发和出苗,从而分散了两种植物在沙丘上的生存风险。 根据沙鞭和赖草在沙丘上的种子萌发和幼苗生长特性,本文为毛乌素沙地通过植物固沙恢复受损的沙地生态系统的种子飞播实践提出了几点建议。


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Spatio-temporal variations in the physicochemical and biological parameters in the Morlaix estuary on the Brittany coast of France were studied. Hydrographically, the estuary can be classified into 3 segments: the upper estuary where stratification always persists, the lower estuary where vertical homogeneity is permanent, and a middle estuary where there is a regular oscillation of stratification and homogeneity during every tidal cycle, stratification being associated with slack waters and homogeneity, with ebb and flood. Nitrogen pollution in the estuary is very intense.


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The “oxidase reaction” (using p-amino-dimethyl-aniline oxalate as the reagent) has been used to distinguish oxidase-negative from oxidase-positive bacteria from the sea, when grown on membrane filters. By this means, it has been shown (a) that under conditions of stable stratification of the sea as in the tropics, a relationship exists between the percentage incidence of oxidase negative bacteria in the flora and the depth of the water; (b) that the maximum value for this percentage incidence (100) is reached at or immediately below the upper limit of the oxygen minimum layer; (c) that this percentage value (expressed as Oxⁿvalues) may be used to demonstrate the movements of water masses during upwelling. Such upwelling as indicated by theoretical findings and by temperature determinations along two transects off the west coast of Ceylon during the north east monsoon, has been confirmed by the distribution of Oxⁿvalues at these transects.


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Under stable conditions of stratification of the sea, evidence of generic differences of the associated bacterial flora of the water masses has been obtained, between surface and sub-surface water. Gram negative rods, especially pseudomonads and achromobacters were more frequent at the surface. The fermentative and oxidase negative flora was more frequent in sub-surface water. The surface water in general had a greater variety of bacterial types while the sub-surface water had a flora with a greater range of biochemical activity. These results are discussed in relation to the hydrological condition of the water masses and the bacterial flora of freshly caught fish.


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本文以中国极危种大花黄牡丹种子为研究材料,对其种子生物学、休眠与萌发特性进行研究,采用变温层积和激素处理解除种子休眠,并通过生物抑制物测试、胚培养、激素含量动态变化的测定,研究种子休眠的原因,从根本上解决了大花黄牡丹迁地保护过程中种子繁殖的技术难题,并初步探讨了大花黄牡丹致濒因素与种子休眠及萌发特性的关系,结果表明: 1.大花黄牡丹种子饱实度高,活力强,种皮较坚硬,但不存在吸水障碍,干燥条件下易因失水而丧失活力。迁地保护冷室中盆播18个月方可出苗,出苗率约4%;变温层积实验表明该种具有典型的下胚轴休眠和上胚轴生长抑制。 2.胚组织培养表明:带胚乳和种皮的胚不能萌发,剥除种皮和胚乳后,胚根可萌发,胚芽不生长,GA3处理上胚轴可促进生长,说明种皮和胚乳是导致大花黄牡丹种子下胚轴休眠的关键因素,而上胚轴生长抑制与胚本身关系更密切。 3.抑制物质提取实验表明:大花黄牡丹种子胚乳、种皮、胚等各部位的浸提液均存在抑制小白菜种子萌发的物质,且抑制作用依次增强,说明胚乳和胚是其下胚轴休眠的主要原因。经过暖层积(15 ℃/90 d)种子(未解除上胚轴生长抑制)的胚根、子叶、胚轴浸提液对小白菜和已解除休眠的大花黄牡丹种子的萌发均有不同程度的抑制作用,并依次减弱,说明种胚本身的抑制物质是导致生理休眠的主要原因。 4.变温层积处理和外源激素实验表明:新鲜种子采收后15 ℃暖层积3个月生根率可达85%,下胚轴休眠解除对温度要求严格,高于或低于15 ℃及变温条件均不利于下胚轴萌发;暖层积90d、根长大于6 cm种子再经过60~80 d/ 5 ℃冷层积,即可有效解除大花黄牡丹种子上胚轴的生长抑制,出芽率达80%,最终出苗率68%。不同浓度GA3及不同处理时间促进上胚轴伸长实验结果显示,GA3 400 mg/L浸种根长大于1.5 cm的种子2 h,出芽率可达100%,可以完全解除上胚轴的生长抑制作用。 5.休眠萌发过程中种子各部位内源激素含量动态变化分析结果说明,初始状态脱落酸含量高是导致大花黄牡丹种子下胚轴休眠、上胚轴生长抑制的主要原因之一,且上胚轴抑制与子叶、下胚轴和根的脱落酸含量密切相关;同时认为种子各部位初始生长素含量水平低是导致其休眠的另一个主要原因;变温层积过程中胚各部位脱落酸含量的急剧下降和生长素的迅速升高是解除休眠的关键;同时发现赤霉素在解除休眠和促进萌发过程中起着重要的促进作用,外源GA3能够有效地打破上胚轴的深度休眠。玉米素核苷在休眠与萌发进程中变化趋势与生长素和赤霉素相似,说明其对种子胚根和上胚轴的萌发和生长具有一定的促进作用。


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The deep crab Geryon quinquedens was the objective of an exploratory fishing operation with long lines of baited traps along the slope of southern Mozambique and was caught between 250 and 850 m. Data were analysed from the start of the operation in May, 1979 until March, 1980. The availability of the resource is discussed on the basis of catch rates. Size composition of the catches shows the bigger size of the males and suggests a stratification of the resource by area. Females dominate in shallower waters whereas the interval at which the sex-ratio equals one is identified at 400-450 m. Reproduction is discussed in connection with recruitment and an hypothesis is advanced for an exponential growth rate of about 10 mm per month.


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Hydrographic data collected from east coast of India during 1994 monsoon period revealed that these waters are highly characterized by upwelling especially in the coastal waters with more intensity in the southern part of the region. However, the near surface salinity stratification consequent to high fresh water inflow into the bay was absent in the present study. Oil sardines are directly influenced by hydrographic parameters such as salinity and temperature and stratification of these parameters are the major reasons for non-availability/migration of oil sardine from this region in the earlier years. Considering the recent topographical change in the east coast coupled with hydrological stability an attempt has been made in this paper to give reasonable justification to the reported bumper catches of oil sardines from 1994 on wards in the east coast of India.


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Mitochondrial disease currently received an increasing concern. However, the case-control design commonly adopted in this field is vulnerable to genetic background, population stratification and poor data quality. Although the phylogenetic analysis could


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Many types of oceanic physical phenomena have a wide range in both space and time. In general, simplified models, such as shallow water model, are used to describe these oceanic motions. The shallow water equations are widely applied in various oceanic and atmospheric extents. By using the two-layer shallow water equations, the stratification effects can be considered too. In this research, the sixth-order combined compact method is investigated and numerically implemented as a high-order method to solve the two-layer shallow water equations. The second-order centered, fourth-order compact and sixth-order super compact finite difference methods are also used to spatial differencing of the equations. The first part of the present work is devoted to accuracy assessment of the sixth-order super compact finite difference method (SCFDM) and the sixth-order combined compact finite difference method (CCFDM) for spatial differencing of the linearized two-layer shallow water equations on the Arakawa's A-E and Randall's Z numerical grids. Two general discrete dispersion relations on different numerical grids, for inertia-gravity and Rossby waves, are derived. These general relations can be used for evaluation of the performance of any desired numerical scheme. For both inertia-gravity and Rossby waves, minimum error generally occurs on Z grid using either the sixth-order SCFDM or CCFDM methods. For the Randall's Z grid, the sixth-order CCFDM exhibits a substantial improvement , for the frequency of the barotropic and baroclinic modes of the linear inertia-gravity waves of the two layer shallow water model, over the sixth-order SCFDM. For the Rossby waves, the sixth-order SCFDM shows improvement, for the barotropic and baroclinic modes, over the sixth-order CCFDM method except on Arakawa's C grid. In the second part of the present work, the sixth-order CCFDM method is used to solve the one-layer and two-layer shallow water equations in their nonlinear form. In one-layer model with periodic boundaries, the performance of the methods for mass conservation is compared. The results show high accuracy of the sixth-order CCFDM method to simulate a complex flow field. Furthermore, to evaluate the performance of the method in a non-periodic domain the sixth-order CCFDM is applied to spatial differencing of vorticity-divergence-mass representation of one-layer shallow water equations to solve a wind-driven current problem with no-slip boundary conditions. The results show good agreement with published works. Finally, the performance of different schemes for spatial differencing of two-layer shallow water equations on Z grid with periodic boundaries is investigated. Results illustrate the high accuracy of combined compact method.


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Biochemical ecotoxicology and biomarkers using are a new sciences that are used for biomonitoring in aquatic environment. Biomonitoring plays a vital role in strategies to identify, assess, and control contaminants. On the other hands in recent year's attention to polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals increased in aquatic environments because of their carcinogenic and mutagenic properties combined with their nearly ubiquitous distribution in depositional environments by oil pollution or industrial waste waters. The present research aimed to assess PAHs and Ni, V levels in surface sediments and bivalves (Anodonta cygnea)and the effects of PAHs and heavy metals (Ni,V) on the hemocyte of the Anodonta cygnea were investigated in 2 stations (Mahrozeh, Selke in Anzali Lagoon, North of Iran). Samples were collected during at 2 different periods of the year, Dry and rain seasons, (June & September) and to confirm our first observations, Cage station is added. The bivalves hemocytes were monitored for membrane injury by NRR methods (neutral red retention assay). Heavy metal (Ni, V) concentrations were determined by Atomic Absorption in Anodonta cygnea and the sediments in Anzali Lagoon. The vanadium concentration in bivalves and sediments was ND(not detect )-0.4231 μg/g and 1.4381-306.9603 μg/g dry weight respectively. Nickel concentration in bivalves and sediments was 0.0231-1.3351, 0.4024-19.3561 μg/g dry weight respectively. PAHs concentrations were determined by GC-Mass in Anodonta cygnea and the sediments. Average concentration of PAHs is 115-373.788 ng/g dry weight in bivalves and average concentration of PAHs is 34.85-1339.839 ng/g dry weight in sediments. Bioaccumulation sediments factor(BASF) is high about PAHs (>1) and BASF is low for Ni, V (<1) . Internal Damage mechanisms of bivalves hemocytes (cell mortality, dye leakage, decreased membrane stability, are observed (Lowe Methods). Statistical analysis was used to explore the relationship between altered cellular and above contaminants. There are power and negative correlations between PAHs and NRR method for hemocytes in Anodonta cygnea (P<0.0005), but good correlation is not observed between Ni, V and NRR method for hemocytes in every time. This research indicates that the NRR assay is a useful screening technique able to discriminate polluted sites and at first we announce that Anodonta cygnea hemocytes are efficient biomarker for PAHs pollutants in fresh water.


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Phytoplankton productivity is the common and important factor being considered in determining the overall status of a given body of water. This is because they are found at the base of an energy or food chain, being the basic source of primary food in a given aquatic system. Hence, information on their contribution is essential in indicating how much biomass energy will be available to all other living resources in the system. Though the primary productivity of shallow lakes is characterized by mixed populations of phytoplankton and submersed aquatic vegetation in the open water. Lake Choghakhor, is a shallow lake, located in Chaharmahal-Bakhtiyari Province. This lake is the most important ecosystem in the region especially for waterfowl populations, has a recreational value and supports tourism and fisheries. During last decade Choghakhor has been influenced by some man-made impacts such as water level fluctuation, agricultural discharge and fish (Cyprinids) introduction causing a serious problem in its trophic states. So water quality for physical, chemical and biological was monitored in five sampling stations, from April 2003 to March 2004. As biological parameters we studied phytoplankton, epiphytic algae, and zooplankton and macrobenthose community structure. Chlorophyll a content for phytoplankton and epiphytes was measured to estimate production of these groups (biomass over time). Also we determined biomasses of submersed macrophytes and macrobenthose and primary production of phytoplankton (dark and light bottles technique) to estimate fish production. The results of this study showed Lake Choghakhor did not undergo stable thermal and oxygen stratification, and the lake water was mixed throughout the study (the lake mixing regime is polymictic). Now submerged plants especially Myriophyllum spicatum has covered almost the entire lake and dense macrophyte beds (Polygonom amphibium), located on the east southern end of the lake appear to act as a sink for these nutrients. Lake Choghakhor appeared to be in a macrophyte dominated clear water state with low TP (annual mean: 24± 15μg.l-1) and chlorophyll a (annual mean: 3±1.28μg.l-1) concentrations and very high Secchi depth. The grazing pressure of dominant pelagic filtering zooplankton Daphnia longespina did not seem to be significant in determining the low phytoplankton crop expressed as chlorophyll a. We expect that sequestering of nutrients by submerged plants and associated epiphytes are the dominant stabilizing mechanisms suppressing the phytoplankton crop of Lake Choghakhor.


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Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world (69000km2) by surface area, but it is the shallowest (69m maximum depth) of the African Great Lakes. It is situated across the equator at an altitude of 1240m and lies in a shallow basin between two uplifted ridges of the eastern and western rift valleys (Beadle 1974). Despite their tropical locations, African lakes exhibit considerable seasonality related to the alteration of warm, wet and cool, dry seasons and the accompanying changes in lucustrine stratification and mixing (Tailing, 1965; 1966; Melack 1979; Hecky& Fee 1981; Hecky& Kling,1981; 1987; Bootsma 1993; Mugidde 1992; 1993). Phytoplankton productivity, biomass and species composition change seasonally in response to variations in light environment and nutrient availability which accompany changes in mixed layer depth and erosion or stabilization of the metalimnion / hypolimnion (Spigel & Coulter 1996; Hecky et al., 1991; Tailing 1987). Over longer, millennial time scales, the phytoplankton communities of the African Great Lakes have responded to variability in the EastAfrican climate (Johnson 1996; Haberyan& Hecky, 1986) which also alters the same ecological factors (Kilham et al., 1986). Recently, over the last few decades, changes in external and or internal factors in Lake Victoria and its basin have had a profound inlluence on the planktic community of this lake (Hecky, 1993; Lipiatou et al., 1996). The lake has experienced 2-10x increases in chlorophyll and 2x increase in primary productivity since Tailing's observations in the early 1960s (Mugidde 1992, 1993). In addition to observed changes in the lake nutrient chemistry (Hecky & Mungoma, 1990; Hecky & Bugenyi 1992; Hecky 1993; Bootsma & Hecky 1993), the deep waters previouslyoxygenated to the sediment surface through most of the year are now regularly anoxic(Hecky et al., 1994).


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This paper analyzes the forced response of swirl-stabilized lean-premixed flames to high-amplitude acoustic forcing in a laboratory-scale stratified burner operated with CH4 and air at atmospheric pressure. The double-swirler, double-channel annular burner was specially designed to generate high-amplitude acoustic velocity oscillations and a radial equivalence ratio gradient at the inlet of the combustion chamber. Temporal oscillations of equivalence ratio along the axial direction are dissipated over a long distance, and therefore the effects of time-varying fuel/air ratio on the response are not considered in the present investigation. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a constant temperature anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrow-band OH*/CH* interference filters. Time-averaged and phase-synchronized CH* chemiluminescence intensities were measured using an intensified CCD camera. The measurements show that flame stabilization mechanisms vary depending on equivalence ratio gradients for a constant global equivalence ratio (φg=0.60). Under uniformly premixed conditions, an enveloped M-shaped flame is observed. In contrast, under stratified conditions, a dihedral V-flame and a toroidal detached flame develop in the outer stream and inner stream fuel enrichment cases, respectively. The modification of the stabilization mechanism has a significant impact on the nonlinear response of stratified flames to high-amplitude acoustic forcing (u'/U∼0.45 and f=60, 160Hz). Outer stream enrichment tends to improve the flame's stiffness with respect to incident acoustic/vortical disturbances, whereas inner stream stratification tends to enhance the nonlinear flame dynamics, as manifested by the complex interaction between the swirl flame and large-scale coherent vortices with different length scales and shedding points. It was found that the behavior of the measured flame describing functions (FDF), which depend on radial fuel stratification, are well correlated with previous measurements of the intensity of self-excited combustion instabilities in the stratified swirl burner. The results presented in this paper provide insight into the impact of nonuniform reactant stoichiometry on combustion instabilities, its effect on flame location and the interaction with unsteady flow structures. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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The vertical temperature profile is a poor indicator of sratification in most tropical lake. Data from Lake Bunyonyi, Uganda, showed, however, that the density profile highlighted discontinuity layers whieh were not obvious from the temperature profile, It is suggested that the vertical density profile and the region of maximum discontinuity, the pycnocline, could be adopted as a useful index of stratification especially in tropical lakes.