957 resultados para Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act


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In 1931, Canada was the first of the copyright countries to adopt a moral rights provision, closely modeled on Article 6bis of the Berne Convention, into its legislation. But this was not the first step that Canada had taken towards the legislative protection of moral rights. Not only had certain provisions protective of the non-economic interests of authors been included in the federal Criminal Code and in the legislation of Quebec prior to 1920, but during the 1920s a sustained effort had been made to give these interests more explicit and systematic protection under the Copyright Act. The present article focuses on a series of bills put to the Canadian Parliament from 1924 onwards. Not only would they have provided increased protection for the non-economic interests of authors but they would have given a legislative definition to the term "moral right". These bills, framed in the absence of any influence from Article 6bis, provide a glimpse of what "moral rights" might have been. They support the view that Canada was moving towards the express legislative protection of these rights significantly earlier that is commonly thought.


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The performance of a strip search by a police officer is a serious interference with the liberty and dignity of an individual. However, it is considered by police to be an important part of their law enforcement armory and one that is increasingly necessary to utilise to assist in the investigation and prosecution of drug-related crimes. This article considers the troublesome issue of whether and in what circumstances the common law may extend to police the power to conduct a strip search. In addition, there is an examination of the statutes and regulations that purportedly give police in Victoria the power to strip search with particular attention given to ss 81 and 82 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Vic).


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Current legislation does not permit the administration of first line resuscitation medications by suitably qualified Division 1 registered nurses (RNs) in the absence of a medical officer. This omission by the Drugs,  Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Vic) and the Drugs, Poisons and The Controlled Substances Regulations 1995 (Vic) leaves many critical care nurses in a vulnerable legal position.

The primary aim of this study was to gauge the view of critical care nurses with respect to lobbying for change to the current legislation. In addition, the study aimed to explore and describe the educational preparation, practice perceptions and experiences of RNs working in critical care regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the administration of first line advanced life support (ALS) medications in the absence of a medical officer. It was anticipated that data collected would demonstrate some of the dilemmas associated with the initiation and administration of ALS medications for practising critical care nurses and could be used to inform controlling bodies in order for them to gain an appreciation of the issues facing critical care nurses during resuscitation.

A mailout survey was sent to all members of the Victorian Branch of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN). The results showed that the majority of nurses underwent an annual ALS assessment and had current ALS accreditation. Nurses indicated that they felt educationally prepared and were confident to manage cardiopulmonary resuscitation without a medical officer; indeed, the majority had done so. The differences in practice issues for metropolitan, regional and rural nurses were highlighted. There is therefore clear evidence to suggest that legislative amendments are appropriate and necessary, given the time critical nature of cardiopulmonary arrest. There was overwhelming support for ACCCN Vic. Ltd to lobby the Victorian government for changes to the law.


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The human body was used to illustrate an Autonomic Computing system that possesses self-knowledge, self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing, and self-protection, knowledge of its environment and user friendliness properties. Autonomic Computing was identified by IBM as one of the Grand Challenges. Many researchers and research groups have responded positively to the challenge by initiating research around one or two of the characteristics
identified by IBM as the requirements for Autonomic Computing. One of the areas that could benefit from the comprehensive approach created by the Autonomic Computing vision is parallel processing on nondedicated clusters. This paper shows a general design of services and initial implementation of a system that moves parallel processing on clusters to the computing mainstream using the Autonomic Computing vision.


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In line with the current global trend of economic and social restructuring, it has become essential to address the issue of poverty and social protection for the poorer segment of the population who are not covered by formal social protection mechanisms. Micro finance institutions (MFIs) in developing countries have been working towards poverty alleviation and enhancing social protection for the last few decades. MFI’s provision of financial assistance to the poor has been instrumental in improving the overall quality of the impoverished. Based on an in-depth qualitative study conducted across three different types of NGOs (Non Governmental Organization) in the Philippines, this study found a relationship between micro finance programs and improved social protection. The study reveals that MFIs have the ability to make a positive impact on areas such as entrepreneurship, education, housing, job security and income generation.


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Pacific Island countries (PICs) are experiencing an epidemic of obesity and consequent chronic diseases. Despite investment in the development of National Plans of Action for Nutrition (NPANs) and interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity, nutritional status appears to show little improvement. This paper presents a synthesis of the findings from two research papers that were prepared for a 2003 food safety and quality meeting in Nadi, Fiji. The findings indicate that although lifestyle behaviours might be the immediate cause of dietary imbalances, greater attention should focus on omnipresent influences of globalisation as a critical element of the nutrition transition in the Pacific. In particular, those aspects of globalisation mediated through the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements that are placing pressures on food security and fostering increased dependence on imported food of poor nutritional quality. Rapid, significant and sustainable improvements in public health in PICs require interventions that can tackle these underlying contributors to ill health. There are opportunities to explore the use of food regulatory approaches to influence the composition, availability and accessibility of food products. Within the context of the WTO Agreements the legitimacy of food regulatory approaches will depend upon the case to demonstrate the relationship between the intervention and the protection of food security and public health nutrition. The challenges in realising these opportunities are: 1) to have the capacity to construct a case, 2) meet the technical and financial demands to administer and enforce regulatory approaches, and 3) to take advantage of opportunities available and to be able to fully participate in the international policy-making process.


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To examine the influence of tan preference and skin type on sun protection behaviors of Australian adolescents.

The Australian Secondary School Alcohol and Drug Questionnaires were conducted in 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2002 among randomly selected students aged 12–-17. Schools were randomly selected from each education sector in each state. The self-administered questionnaire contained questions about tan preferences, skin type and usual SunSmart behavior (use of sunscreen, hats and covering clothing).

The routine use of SunSmart behavior was low in all survey years. There was a significant decrease over time in the proportion of students who practiced SunSmart behavior, with prevalence rates lower in 2002 than in any other survey year (males: p < 0.01 and females: p < 0.01). As desire for a tan increased, routine practice of SunSmart behaviors decreased. Across the four survey periods, male (p < 0.01) and female (p < 0.01) students who preferred no tan were significantly more likely to practice SunSmart behavior than students who preferred any sort of tan. Across the four survey years, male (p < 0.01) and female (p < 0.01) students with skin that ‘just burns’ were most likely to routinely practice SunSmart behavior.


Sun protection practices among adolescents have continued to decline significantly over time. Future educational programs require an innovative approach to modify adolescent behaviors in relation to sun exposure and sun protection.


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This paper traces the establishment of the reconstituted Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) as a result of the CLERP (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004, and its progress in developing auditing standards that are "in the public interest". The paper canvasses the composition of the AUASB, its transparency and due process, its relationship with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and the Financial Reporting Council, and its resourcing and attitude to researching issues of importance in auditing. The paper discusses methods that might be used to provide evidence of the efficacy of the reforms to auditing standard-setting.


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The study reported in this paper involves a comparison audit of local government websites in two states of Australia with county and city level government in two states of the United States of America, using the Marketing Readiness of Website Indicator (MRWI). The hypothesised more highly rated Web use in marketing by United States local government relative to Australian local government (LGA) is not supported. Californian counties, NSW and Victorian LGAs generally employ the Web in a more capable manner in marketing than Californian cities and Alabama counties and cities.


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Purpose – The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of multiple factors on the green purchase intention of customers in Australia.

Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual model is proposed and was subjected to empirical verification with the use of a survey of metropolitan and regional households in Victoria, Australia. The data were analyzed using both descriptive measures and exploratory factor analysis to identify and validate the items contributing to each component in the model. AMOS structural modeling was used to estimate the measure of respondents' overall perception of green products and their intention to purchase.

Findings – The results indicate that customers' corporate perception with respect to companies placing higher priority on profitability than on reducing pollution and regulatory protection were the significant predictors of customers' negative overall perception toward green products. The only positive contribution to customers' perception was their past experience with the product. Other factors including the perception of green products, product labels, packaging, and product ingredients did not appear to influence customers' perception. The results also indicate that customers are not tolerant of lower quality and higher prices of green products.

Research limitations/implications – The knowledge of the overall perception formation about green products and its predictors provides management with the facility to identify and implement strategies that may better influence the change of attitude by customers. Corporations can also benefit from the identification of the types of information required to enable management to influence this process of perception formation.

Originality/value – The present findings contributes to an understanding of the antecedents of green purchasing and highlight that green customers rely more on personal experience with the product than the information provided by the marketer.


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This paper examines aspects of knowledge management that are particularly important in the network of human service delivery agencies in Victoria. This network is characterised by four features: it is a cluster of networked organisations; professionals and others may act as knowledge brokers within and between organisations in the network; rapid change in both knowledge and organisation accentuates the importance of innovative knowledge and emergent organisation over and above routine instrumental knowledge within stable organisation; and consequently there is an underlying concern with dialogical rather than instrumental knowledge and its management, and particularly how it constitutes and is constituted by organisation. The paper describes the analytical tools that we consider particularly important in examining this situation – in particular, the distinction between instrumental and dialogical knowledge, and the role of knowledge brokers (and professionals as knowledge brokers). It concludes by relating this analysis to broader issues in organisation studies, and suggests paths for further examination of these issues.


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Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a problem in the farming of Atlantic salmon, and may compromise osmoregulatory, cardiovascular and respiratory functions. We examined the effects of AGD on atrial and C-type natriuretic peptide (ANP and CNP) stimulated branchial cyclic GMP formation, since natriuretic peptides (NPs) are involved in cardiovascular function and osmoregulation. NPs act via guanylyl cyclase receptors (NPR), which stimulate cGMP formation. NPR activity was measured by ANP and CNP stimulation of branchial cGMP formation, and compared between diseased and healthy salmon over an 11 day AGD infection. We also measured plasma osmolality. Osmolality increased in AGD infected salmon from an initial 355 mmol.kg-1 to 411 mmol.kg-1 at 11 days. There was no evidence that branchial cGMP formation changed in response to AGD. In all groups, CNP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase was 190% of basal rate, whereas ANP was 150% of basal. After 11 days, all groups were given a 4 h freshwater bath, the usual treatment for AGD. Another group was given a seawater to seawater transfer, to control for handling. In this group, plasma osmolality at 11 days was the same as in AGD fish. This elevation may be due to these fish experiencing disturbance for the first time in 11 days. ANP and CNP branchial NPR activity at the conclusion of the 4 h transfers was elevated in all groups compared to that at 11 days. The increased cGMP formation in the handling control suggests a NPR response to the transfer/handling stress. AGD fish demonstrated the greatest elevation in ANP and CNP guanylyl cyclase activity immediately following the bath; these values were greater than in the control groups. The AGD infected salmon, therefore, responded more emphatically to the freshwater treatment, suggesting that the NP system is involved in some aspects of AGD.


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The health field is being subjected to a dictate that policy, practice and research should be informed by evidence. The mere generation of evidence, however, does not mean that policy and practice will act upon it. Utilisation and application of research findings (often equalled with 'evidence') is a political process following rationalities that are not necessarily similar to those of researchers. In response to this issue that evidence does not naturally finds its way into policy and practice (and back into research), the concept of 'knowledge translation' is becoming increasingly popular. In this article we demonstrate that 'translation' can have different meanings, and that current perspectives (both Knowledge Translation and the Actor-Network Theory) do not reflect appropriately on actions that can be taken at the nexus between research, policy and practice in order to facilitate more integration. We have developed seven conceptual categories suggesting different action modalities. Actors and actants in this game should be aware of the complex political nature of these modalities.


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Volunteers play a vital role in modern societies by boosting the labor force within both the public and private sectors. While the factors that may lead people to volunteer have been investigated in a number of studies, the means by which volunteering contributes to the well-being of such volunteers is poorly understood. It has been suggested through studies that focus on the absence of depression in volunteers that self-esteem and sense of control may be major determinants of the increased well-being reported by volunteers. This is consistent with the homeostatic model of subjective well-being, which proposes that self-esteem, optimism, and perceived control act as buffers that mediate the relationship between environmental experience and subjective well-being (SWB). Using personal well-being as a more positive measure of well-being than absence of depression, this study further explored the possible mediating role of self-esteem, optimism, and perceived control in the relationship between volunteer status and well-being. Participants (N = 1,219) completed a 97-item survey as part of the Australian Unity Wellbeing project. Variables measured included personal well-being, self-esteem, optimism, and a number of personality and psychological adjustment factors. Analyses revealed that perceived control and optimism, but not self-esteem, mediated the relationship between volunteer status and personal well-being.


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During the 1990s, states embraced legalised gambling as a means of supplementing state revenue. But gaming machines (EGMs, pokies, VLTs, Slots) have become increasingly controversial in countries such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand, which experienced unprecedented roll-out of gaming machines in casino and community settings; alongside revenue windfalls for both governments and the gambling industry. Governments have recognised that gambling results in a range of social and economic harms and, similar to tobacco and alcohol, have introduced public policies predicated on harm minimisation. Yet despite these, gaming losses have continued to climb in most jurisdictions, along with concerns about gambling-related harms. The first part of this article discusses an emerging debate in Ontario Canada, that draws parallels between host responsibility in alcohol and gambling venues. In Canada, where government owns and operates the gaming industry, this debate prompts important questions on the role of the state, duty of care and regulation ‘in the public interest’ and on CSR, host responsibility and consumer protection. This prompts the question: Do governments owe a duty of care to gamblers?

The article then discusses three domains of accumulating research evidence to inform questions raised in the Ontario debate: evidence that visible behavioural indicators can be used with high confidence to identify problem gamblers on-site in venues as they gamble; new systems using player tracking and loyalty data that can provide management with high precision identification of problem gamblers and associated risk (for protective interventions); and research on technological design features of new generation gaming products in interaction with players, that shows how EGM machines can be the site for monitoring/protecting players. We then canvass some leading international jurisdictions on gambling policy CSR and consumer protection.

In light of this new research, we ask whether the risk of legal liability poses a tipping point for more interventionist public policy responses by both the state and industry. This includes a proactive role for the state in re-regulating the gambling industry/products; instituting new forms of gaming machine product control/protection; and reinforcing corporate social responsibility (CSR) and host responsibility obligations on gambling providers – beyond self-regulatory codes. We argue the ground is shifting, there is new evidence to inform public policy and government regulation and there are new pressures on gambling providers and regulators to avail themselves of the new technology – or risk litigation