908 resultados para Baishui Jiang


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Increases in the low-field mass-specific magnetic susceptibility (chi), dropstones and the terrigenous sediment component from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 882 (~45°N) have been interpreted to indicate a major onset of ice-rafting to the sub-Arctic northwest Pacific Ocean during marine isotope stage (MIS) G6 (from ~2.75 Ma). In contrast, studies of the terrigenous content of sediments cored downwind of ODP Site 882 indicate that dust and disseminated volcanic ash deposition in the sub-Arctic Pacific increased markedly during MIS G6. To investigate the relative contribution of dust, volcanic ash and ice rafting to the Pliocene chi increase, we present new high-resolution environmental magnetic and ice-rafted debris records from ODP Sites 882 and 885. Our results demonstrate that the chi increase at both sites across MIS G6 is predominantly controlled by a previously overlooked mixture of aeolian dust and volcanic ash. Our findings call into question the reliability of chi as a proxy for ice-rafting to the North Pacific. They also highlight a previously undocumented link between iron fertilisation and biogeochemical cycling in the North Pacific at a key stage during intensification of late Pliocene northern hemisphere glaciation.


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The hatching process of the Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai was prolonged at a pH of 7.6 and pH 7.3, and the embryonic developmental success was reduced. The hatching rate at pH 7.3 was significantly (10.8%) lower than that of the control (pH 8.2). The malformation rates at pH 7.9 and pH 8.2 were less than 20% but were 53.8% and 77.3% at pH 7.6 and pH 7.3, respectively. When newly hatched larvae were incubated for 48 h at pH 7.3, only 2.7% of the larvae settled, while more than 70% of the larvae completed settlement in the other three pH treatments. However, most 24 h old larvae could complete metamorphosis in all four pH treatments. Overall, a 0.3-unit reduction in water pH will produce no negative effect on the early development of the Pacific abalone, but further reduction in pH to the values predicted for seawater by the end of this century will have strong detrimental effects.


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A high-resolution study of palaeoceanographic changes off North Iceland during the time period 8600-5200 cal year BP is based on benthic and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. The core material (MD99-2275) was obtained from about 440 m water depth on the eastern part of the North Icelandic shelf. Changes in the faunal composition are interpreted to be mainly caused by variations in the strength of the relatively warm, high-salinity Irminger Current and the cold East Icelandic Current, which have been shown to be linked to the climatic changes in the North Atlantic region. Environmental proxies at that site are particularly sensitive to palaeoceanographic changes due to its position close to the marine Polar Front. Benthic assemblages show that relatively cold conditions prevailed at the base of the record. An increase in the influence of Atlantic water masses at the sea floor is seen at around 8400 cal year BP, whereas the surface waters were relatively warm already at 8600 cal year BP. The warming was interrupted by a cold event at around 8100-8000 cal year BP, registered both in the bottom and surface waters and correlated with the so-called 8.2 kyr cooling event. Both the benthic and the planktonic faunal compositions indicate that the Irminger Current had maximum influence in the area between 8000 and about 7300 cal year BP, followed by a gradually decreasing influence through the remaining part of the studied time interval. It is suggested that the contribution of Atlantic water masses from the east and north-east to the Arctic Surface waters off North Iceland increased after around 7000 cal year BP, and that this was further intensified after 6200 cal year BP. At present, the Arctic Surface Water north of Iceland consists of Polar waters, intermittently with direct influence from the East Greenland Current, mixed with Atlantic waters derived from the eastern part of the Nordic Seas. A comparison of the mean values of selected environmental proxies in the interval 8600-5200 cal year BP with the upper part of the same core shows that the water masses north of Iceland were considerably warmer during the Holocene thermal maximum than during the last 2000 cal year. In general, results from core MD99-2275 are in accordance with other marine records from the North Icelandic shelf and the northern North Atlantic region, although a detailed comparison on a centennial time scale is hampered by problems with spatial as well as temporal changes in the marine reservoir ages in the region.


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To investigate the geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Dingji Mine of the Huainan Coalfield, Anhui province, China, 416 borehole samples of coal, one parting, two floor and two roof mudstones were collected from 9 minable coal seams in 24 boreholes drilled during exploration. The abundances of 47 elements in each sample were determined by various instruments. The boron concentration in the coals suggests that marine influence decreased from coal seam 1 to 13-1. The geometric means of the elements Sn, Bi, Sb, and B are higher than the average for the corresponding elements in the coals from China, the U.S., and world. The enrichment of certain elements in the Shanxi or Upper Shihezi Formations is related to their depositional environment. The roof, floor and parting samples have higher contents of some elements than coal seams. The mineral matters in the coals from the Dingji Mine were found to consist mainly of granular quartz, clay minerals, and carbonate minerals. The elements are classified into two groups based on their stratigraphic distribution from coal seam 1 to 13-1, and the characteristics of each group are discussed. Based on the correlation coefficients of elemental concentrations with ash yield, four groups of elements with different affinities were identified.


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Ocean acidification represents a key threat to the recruitment of scleractinian corals. Here, we investigated the effect of increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) on the early development of Pocillopora damicornis by rearing the recruits for 12 days at 3 pCO2 levels (446, 896 and 1681 µatm). Results showed that increased pCO2 exerted minor effects on symbiont density and maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), while significantly enhanced the relative electron transport through photosystem II (PSII) of Symbiodinium. Notably, calcification and biomass of recruits decreased sharply by 34% and 24% respectively in 896 µatm, and tended to remain constant as pCO2 was raised from 896 to 1681 µatm. Furthermore, recruits in 1681 ?atm, with comparable surface area as those in 896 µatm, produced fewer buds. These findings indicated that juvenile P. damicornis under high pCO2 would enhance electron transport rate and suppress asexual budding to favor skeletal and tissue growths, which are more critical for their persistence and survival in a high pCO2 environment. This work suggested the physiological plasticity of juvenile corals under short-term exposure to elevated pCO2.


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We evaluated the effect of pH on larval development in larval Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and blood cockle ( Arca inflata Reeve). The larvae were reared at pH 8.2 (control), 7.9, 7.6, or 7.3 beginning 30 min or 24 h post fertilization. Exposure to lower pH during early embryonic development inhibited larval shell formation in both species. Compared with the control, larvae took longer to reach the D-veliger stage when reared under pH 7.6 and 7.3. Exposure to lower pH immediately after fertilization resulted in significantly delayed shell formation in the Pacific oyster larvae at pH 7.3 and blood cockle larvae at pH 7.6 and 7.3. However, when exposure was delayed until 24 h post fertilization, shell formation was only inhibited in blood cockle larvae reared at pH 7.3. Thus, the early embryonic stages were more sensitive to acidified conditions. Our results suggest that ocean acidification will have an adverse effect on embryonic development in bivalves. Although the effects appear subtle, they may accumulate and lead to subsequent issues during later larval development.