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The androgen receptor (AR) is required for prostate cancer (PCa) survival and progression, and ablation of AR activity is the first line of therapeutic intervention for disseminated disease. While initially effective, recurrent tumors ultimately arise for which there is no durable cure. Despite the dependence of PCa on AR activity throughout the course of disease, delineation of the AR-dependent transcriptional network that governs disease progression remains elusive, and the function of AR in mitotically active cells is not well understood. Analyzing AR activity as a function of cell cycle revealed an unexpected and highly expanded repertoire of AR-regulated gene networks in actively cycling cells. New AR functions segregated into two major clusters: those that are specific to cycling cells and retained throughout the mitotic cell cycle ('Cell Cycle Common'), versus those that were specifically enriched in a subset of cell cycle phases ('Phase Restricted'). Further analyses identified previously unrecognized AR functions in major pathways associated with clinical PCa progression. Illustrating the impact of these unmasked AR-driven pathways, dihydroceramide desaturase 1 was identified as an AR-regulated gene in mitotically active cells that promoted pro-metastatic phenotypes, and in advanced PCa proved to be highly associated with development of metastases, recurrence after therapeutic intervention and reduced overall survival. Taken together, these findings delineate AR function in mitotically active tumor cells, thus providing critical insight into the molecular basis by which AR promotes development of lethal PCa and nominate new avenues for therapeutic intervention.


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Who financed the great expansion of the Victorian equity market, and what attracted them to invest? Using data on 453 firm-years and over 172,000 shareholders, we find that the largest providers of capital were rentiers, men with no formal occupation who relied on investment income. We also see a substantial growth in women investors as time progressed. In terms of clientele effects, we find that rentiers invested in large firms, whilst businessmen were the venture capitalists of young, regional enterprises. Women and the middle classes preferred safe investments, whilst financiers and institutional investors were speculators in foreign companies. Our results may help to explain the growth of new types of assets catering for particular clienteles, and the development of managerial policies on dividends and share issues. 


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Les transplanteurs ont actuellement trois options lorsqu’ils doivent choisir une source de cellules pour la greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques soit le sang de cordon, la moelle osseuse ou le sang périphérique mobilisé. Les cellules souches hématopoïétiques retrouvées dans le sang des adultes sains pourraient toutefois être une autre option intéressante pour la transplantation. Les résultats de cette présente étude, récemment publié dans la revue Cytotherapy, montrent le potentiel des cellules CD34+ trappées dans les chambres de leucoréduction à générer les différentes lignées cellulaires retrouvées dans le sang. Un système de culture in vitro en milieu sans sérum et en condition hypoxique a été mis a point. La différenciation des cellules dans l’hématopoïèse durant la culture a été caractérisée par analyse multiparamétrique du phénotype avec SPADE. L’expansion a généré une grande hétérogénéité populationnelle mais principalement des progéniteurs engagés vers l’érythropoïèse et la mégacaryopoïèse.


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In the recent past one of the main concern of research in the field of Hypercomplex Function Theory in Clifford Algebras was the development of a variety of new tools for a deeper understanding about its true elementary roots in the Function Theory of one Complex Variable. Therefore the study of the space of monogenic (Clifford holomorphic) functions by its stratification via homogeneous monogenic polynomials is a useful tool. In this paper we consider the structure of those polynomials of four real variables with binomial expansion. This allows a complete characterization of sequences of 4D generalized monogenic Appell polynomials by three different types of polynomials. A particularly important case is that of monogenic polynomials which are simply isomorphic to the integer powers of one complex variable and therefore also called pseudo-complex powers.


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Les changements climatiques récents ont mené à l’expansion de la répartition de plusieurs espèces méridionales, mais ont aussi causé l’extinction locale d’espèces se retrouvant à la limite de leur tolérance environnementale. Ces populations en expansion peuvent favoriser différentes stratégies d’histoire de vie en répondant à différents facteurs limitants. Dans cette thèse, je vise à déterminer et quantifier l’effet du climat et des évènements extrêmes sur le cycle de vie complet d’une espèce en expansion (le dindon sauvage) pour comprendre les changements au niveau populationnel ainsi que les mécanismes impliqués dans l’expansion de la distribution d’une espèce. J’ai défini les évènements extrêmes de pluie, d’épaisseur de neige au sol et de température, comme un évènement dont la fréquence est plus rare que le 10e et 90e percentile. En utilisant l’approche « Measure-Understand-Predict » (MUP), j’ai tout d’abord suivi trois populations le long d’un gradient latitudinal de sévérité hivernale pour mesurer l’effet de variables météorologiques sur la dynamique des populations. La survie des dindons sauvages diminuait drastiquement lorsque l’accumulation de neige au sol dépassait 30 cm pour une période de 10 jours et diminuait également avec la température. Au printemps, la persistance de la neige affectait négativement le taux d’initiation de la nidification et l’augmentation de la pluie diminuait la survie des nids. Dans une deuxième étape, j’ai examiné l’impact des évènements climatiques extrêmes et des processus démographiques impliqués dans l’expansion du dindon, liés à la théorie des histoires de vie pour comprendre la relation entre la dynamique de ces populations en expansions avec le climat. J’ai démontré que la fréquence des évènements extrêmes hivernaux et, d’une façon moins importante, les évènements extrêmes estivaux limitaient l’expansion nordique des dindons sauvages. J’ai appuyé, à l’aide de données empiriques et de modélisation, les hypothèses de la théorie classique des invasions biologiques en montrant que les populations en établissement priorisaient les paramètres reproducteurs tandis que la survie adulte était le paramètre démographique affectant le plus la dynamique des populations bien établies. De plus, les populations les plus au nord étaient composées d’individus plus jeunes ayant une espérance de vie plus faible, mais avaient un potentiel d’accroissement plus élevé que les populations établies, comme le suggère cette théorie. Finalement, j’ai projeté l’impact de la récolte sur la dynamique des populations de même que le taux de croissance de cette espèce en utilisant les conditions climatiques futures projetées par les modèles de l’IPCC. Les populations en établissement avaient un taux de récolte potentiel plus élevé, mais la proportion de mâles adultes, possédant des caractéristiques recherchées par les chasseurs, diminuait plus rapidement que dans les populations établies. Dans le futur, la fréquence des évènements extrêmes de pluie devrait augmenter tandis que la fréquence des évènements extrêmes de température hivernale et d’accumulation de neige au sol devraient diminuer après 2060, limitant probablement l’expansion nordique du dindon sauvage jusqu’en 2100. Cette thèse améliore notre compréhension des effets météorologiques et du climat sur l’expansion de la répartition des espèces ainsi que les mécanismes démographiques impliqués, et nous a permis de prédire la probabilité de l’expansion nordique de la répartition du dindon sauvage en réponse aux changements climatiques.


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The effort to create a colony of African Americans on the west coast of Africa was one of the most celebrated and influential movements in the United States during the first half of the 19th century. While historians have often viewed African colonization through the lens of domestic anti-slavery politics, colonization grew from an imperial impulse which promised to transform the identities of black colonists and indigenous Africans by helping them to build a democratic nation from the foundation of a settler colony. By proposing that persons of African descent could eventually become self-governing subjects, the liberal framework behind colonization offered the possibility of black citizenship rights, but only within racially homogenous nation-states, which some proponents of colonization imagined might lead to a “United States of Africa.” This dissertation examines how the notion of expanding democratic ideals through the export of racial nationhood was crucial to the appeal of colonization. It reveals how colonization surfaced in several crucial debates about race, citizenship, and empire in the antebellum United States by examining discussions about African Americans’ revolutionary claims to political rights, the bounds of US territorial expansion, the removal of native populations in North America, and the racialization of national citizenship, both at home and abroad. By examining African colonization from these perspectives, this dissertation argues that the United States’ efforts to construct a liberal democracy defined by white racial identity were directly connected to the nation’s emerging identity as a defender and exporter of political liberty throughout the world.


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International audience


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Internationalization and moving to new markets can create many opportunities for small businesses across the globe, but also presents a number of new challenges they will face, which may influence their competitive advantage in the global market -- Present paper aims to provide an internationalization guide for SMEs from Curaçao -- Also the determinants that can impact internationalization will be discussed -- In this paper, three widely researched internationalization models form the basis of the theoretical perspectives of this paper; the traditional Uppsala model, the Network model and the Linkage, Leverage and Learning model


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A life of piracy offered marginal men a profession with a degree of autonomy, despite the brand of “outlaw” and the fear of prosecution. At various times throughout history, governments and crowned heads suspended much of their piracy prosecution, licensing men to work as “privateers” for the state, supplementing naval forces. This practice has a long history, but in sixteenth-century England, Elizabeth I (1558-1603) significantly altered this tradition. Recognizing her own weakness in effectively prosecuting these men and the profit they could contribute to the government, Elizabeth began incorporating pirates into the English naval corps in peacetime—not just in war. This practice increased English naval resources, income, and presence in the emerging Atlantic World, but also increased conflict with the powerful Spanish empire. By 1605, making peace with Spain, James VI/I (1603-1625) retracted Elizabeth’s privateering promotion, prompting an emigration of English seamen to the American outposts they had developed in the previous century. Now exiles, no longer beholden to the Crown, seamen reverted back to piracy. The Carolinas and Jamaica served as bases for these rover communities. In 1650, the revolutionary leader Oliver Cromwell (1649-1658) once again recognized the merits of such policies. Determined to demonstrate his authority and solidify his rule, Cromwell offered citizenship and state support to Caribbean exiles in exchange for their aiding of his navy in the taking of Spanish Jamaica. Official chartering of Port Royal, Jamaica served as reward for these men’s efforts and as the culmination of a century-long cycle of piracy legislation, creating one of England’s most lucrative colonies in the middle of a traditionally Spanish Caribbean empire. Through legal and diplomatic records, correspondence, and naval and demographic records from England and Spain, this dissertation explores early modern piracy/privateering policy and its impact on the development of the Atlantic World. European disputes and imperial competition converged in these piracy debates with significant consequences for the definitions of criminality and citizenship and for the development of Atlantic empire.


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Objectives: To investigate opposition to standardised tobacco packaging in the UK. To increase understanding of how transnational corporations are adapting to changes in their access to policymakers precipitated by Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Design: Case study web-based documentary analysis, using NVivo V.10. Examination of relationships between opponents of standardised packaging and transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) and of the volume, nature, transparency and timing of their activities. Setting: UK standardised packaging policy debate 2011-2013. Participants: Organisations selected on basis of opposition to, or facilitation thereof, standardised tobacco packaging in the UK; 422 associated documents. Results: Excluding tobacco manufacturing and packaging companies (n=12), 109 organisations were involved in opposing standardised packaging, 82 (75%) of which had a financial relationship with 1 or more TTC. These 82 organisations (43 actively opposing the measure, 39 facilitating opposition) were responsible for 60% of the 404 activities identified, including the majority of public communications and research production. TTCs were directly responsible for 28% of total activities, predominantly direct lobbying, but also financially underwrote third party research, communication, mass recruitment and lobbying. Active organisations rarely reported any financial relationship with TTCs when undertaking opposition activities. Conclusions: The multifaceted opposition to standardised packaging was primarily undertaken by third parties with financial relationships with major tobacco manufacturers. Low levels of transparency regarding these links created a misleading impression of diverse and widespread opposition. Countries should strengthen implementation of Article 5.3 of the FCTC by systematically requiring conflict of interest declarations from all organisations participating in political or media debates on tobacco control.


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Le journalisme informatique est une pratique émergente qui consiste en l’emploi de méthodes et d’outils empruntés au domaine de l’informatique dans la cueillette, le traitement, l’analyse ou la présentation en ligne de l’information, dans le respect des valeurs fondamentales du journalisme (Diakopoulos, 2010). Cette recherche caractérise le journalisme informatique tel qu’il se pratique au Québec en 2015 au moyen d’une série d’entrevues semi-dirigées avec 30 participants : des praticiens, bien sûr, mais aussi des responsables des principales entreprises de presse où le journalisme informatique est pratiqué ou a été pratiqué, ainsi que des professionnels de l’informatique afin d’avoir un point de vue extérieur. Elle met notamment en relief deux attitudes à l’égard de cette pratique, attitudes qui s’expriment par un travail-frontière. Il y a, d’une part, les tenants d’une ségrégation entre le journalisme et l’informatique, et, d’autre part, les partisans d’une hybridation entre les deux disciplines. Pour ces derniers, le journalisme informatique occupe un territoire professionnel distinct, à la frontière du journalisme et de l’informatique. Cette recherche décrit de façon détaillée les motivations, les compétences et les activités des journalistes informatiques québécois et fait valoir qu’ils participent à une certaine « re-professionnalisation » du journalisme. Mots-clés : journalisme; informatique; technologie; journalisme informatique; journalisme de données; datajournalisme; journalisme assisté par ordinateur; professionnalisme; identité professionnelle; compétences professionnelles; travail-frontière; innovation en journalisme; Canada; Québec


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A partir de la dinámica evolutiva de la economía de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones y el establecimiento de estándares mínimos de velocidad en distintos contextos regulatorios a nivel mundial, en particular en Colombia, en el presente artículo se presentan diversas aproximaciones empíricas para evaluar los efectos reales que conlleva el establecimiento de definiciones de servicios de banda ancha en el mercado de Internet fijo. Con base en los datos disponibles para Colombia sobre los planes de servicios de Internet fijo ofrecidos durante el periodo 2006-2012, se estima para los segmentos residencial y corporativo el proceso de difusión logístico modificado y el modelo de interacción estratégica para identificar los impactos generados sobre la masificación del servicio a nivel municipal y sobre las decisiones estratégicas que adoptan los operadores, respectivamente. Respecto a los resultados, se encuentra, por una parte, que las dos medidas regulatorias establecidas en Colombia en 2008 y 2010 presentan efectos significativos y positivos sobre el desplazamiento y el crecimiento de los procesos de difusión a nivel municipal. Por otra parte, se observa sustituibilidad estratégica en las decisiones de oferta de velocidad de descarga por parte de los operadores corporativos mientras que, a partir del análisis de distanciamiento de la velocidad ofrecida respecto al estándar mínimo de banda ancha, se demuestra que los proveedores de servicios residenciales tienden a agrupar sus decisiones de velocidad alrededor de los niveles establecidos por regulación.


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Although on a local scale Iberian lynx distribution is determined by the availability of prey rabbits, recent modelling analyses have uncovered broad-scale disagreements between these two species’ distribution trends. These analyses showed also that the lynx had become restricted to only a fraction of the rabbit’s genetic diversity, and that this could be jeopardising its survival in the face of environmental hazards and uncertainty. In the present paper, a follow-up was carried out through the building of lynx and rabbit distribution models based on the most recent Spanish mammal atlas. Environmental favourability values for lynx and rabbit were positively correlated within the lynx’s current distribution area, but they were negatively correlated within the total Spanish area where lynx used to occur in the 1980’s. Environmental favourability for rabbits was significantly higher where lynx maintains reproductive populations than where it recently disappeared, indicating that rabbit favourability plays an important role and can be a good predictor of lynx persistence. The lynx and rabbit models were extrapolated to predict favourable areas for both species in Spain as well as in Portugal, on the original scale of the distribution data (10x10 km) and on a 100 times finer spatial resolution (1x1 km). The lynx and rabbit models were also combined through fuzzy logic to forecast the potential for lynx occurrence incorporating information on favourable areas for its main prey. Several areas are proposed as favourable for lynx expansion or re-introduction,