989 resultados para BASE EXCISION-REPAIR


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OBJECTIVES: Jean Cruveilhier has always been described as a pioneer in pathological anatomy. Almost nothing has been reported concerning his exceptional methodology allying pre-mortem clinical description and syndromic classification of neurological and neurosurgical diseases, and post-mortem meticulous dissections. Cruveilhier's methodology announced the birth of the anatomoclinical method built up by Jean-Martin Charcot and the neurological French school during the 19th century. The aim of our work is to extract the quintessence of Cruveilhier's contributions to skull base pathology through his cogent clinical descriptions coupled with exceptional lithographs of anterior skull base, suprasellar and cerebello-pontine angle tumors. METHODS: We reviewed the masterwork of Jean Cruveilhier on pathological anatomy and we selected the chapters dedicated to central nervous system pathologies, mainly skull base diseases. A systematic review was performed on Pubmed/Medline and Google Scholar using the keywords "Jean Cruveilhier", "Skull base pathology", "Anatomoclinical method". RESULTS: Among his descriptions, Cruveilhier dedicated large chapters to neurosurgical diseases including brain tumors, cerebrovascular pathologies, malformations of the central nervous system, hydrocephalus, brain infections and spinal cord compressions. CONCLUSION: This work emphasizes on the role of Jean Cruveilhier in the birth of the anatomoclinical method particularly in neuroscience during a 19th century rich of epistemological evolutions toward an evidence-based medicine, through the prism of Cruveilhier's contribution to skull base pathology.


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The Oman Mountains provide some of the best sections of Permian and Triassic sediments from ocean sea floor to base-of-slope environments related to the distal South Tethyan margin. The central part of the range exposes the Buday'ah section of oceanic sediments in the so-called "Hawasina allochtons". The locality of Wadi Maqam in the north-western part of the Oman Mountains is among places where the thick Permian-Triassic base-of-slope sediments is exposed (Baud et al., 2001). Overlying 400 m of middle Permian limestones and dolomites, the upper Permian sediments consist of 50 m of ≈ 10 cm thick beds of cherts and dolomites rich in sponge spicules. The top of the Permian units is well bioturbated lime mudstone-wackestone, devoid of cherts and dated as late Changhsingian (Krystyn in Richoz et al., 2005). The boundary yellow shales are overlain by very thinly bedded, laminated microbial platy lime mudstone with H. parvus. The dramatic loss of the burrowing infauna indicates the appearance of oxygen-poor water. These Induan sediments are about 25 m thick and show at the top the first calcirudites, commonly clast-supported (edge-wise conglomerates), and are characterized by tabular clasts representing the sub- in situ reworking of the laminated, platy calcilutite. The very thick Smithian overlying litho-unit (up to 900 m) marks the onset on the base-of-slope of a deep-marine basin in which carbonate submarine fan deposits developed This very thick unit consists essentially of platy limestones, calcarenites and calcirudites. It comprises mainly grey-beige calcilutite, laminated and flaggy, interbedded with sparse beds of fine-grained calcarenite in cm beds. Channelized beds of intraformational calcirudite are also part of this succession which constitutes the greater part of the outcrop available. During the Spathian to Anisian, the sedimentation changes to terrigenous mudstone and siltstone that ended with Ladinian radiolarites.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de utilização de Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner, 1983 e T. pretiosum Riley, 1879 como agentes de controle de Ecdytolopha aurantiana (Lima, 1927) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), importante praga da citricultura paulista. Foram realizados estudos de biologia em diferentes temperaturas, exigências térmicas e capacidade de parasitismo, visando fornecer subsídios a programas de controle biológico com estes parasitóides. A razão sexual não foi afetada pelas temperaturas estudadas (18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30 e 32ºC), porém, a longevidade de fêmeas das duas espécies foi maior a 22 e 25ºC. Para a porcentagem de emergência e longevidade de fêmeas, a temperatura que tendeu a ser mais adequada foi a de 25ºC. A duração do período ovo-adulto para as duas espécies foi inversamente relacionada com o aumento da temperatura, sendo as exigências térmicas dessas espécies muito próximas, em torno de 108 GD. O hospedeiro natural, E. aurantiana, ou o alternativo, Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller, 1879) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), não afetaram o número de ovos parasitados por fêmea de Trichogramma. Porém, a porcentagem de parasitismo e o número de adultos emergidos por ovo, quando provenientes de ovos de E. aurantiana, foram maiores do que os criados sobre ovos de A. kuehniella. A porcentagem de emergência foi, no entanto, maior quando os parasitóides foram provenientes de ovos de A. kuehniella. As duas espécies de Trichogramma estudadas poderão ser testadas em campo para controle do bicho-furão-dos-citros, havendo uma indicação de que as exigências térmicas também podem servir como um bom parâmetro para seleção de espécies e/ou linhagens de Trichogramma, aliadas ao estudo de capacidade de parasitismo.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: New Iowa “Foreclosure Hotline”


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Prevent Home Repair Scams and Disputes


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A diabetes constitui um grave problema a escala mundial e atingi milhares de pessoas. A gravidade do problema de saúde que a diabetes constitui está relacionada com a sua crescente incidência e elevada prevalência, também, com a elevada mortalidade que lhe está associada. Plantas medicinais têm emergido como um tópico de grande interesse no tratamento da diabetes. Muitas plantas têm sido estudadas e reconhecidas como tendo propriedades hipoglicemiantes. O objectivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão dos estudos realizados sobre o potencial das plantas popularmente utilizadas no tratamento da diabetes e suas complicações, assim como ressaltar aquelas cuja eficácia já se encontra cientificamente documentada e exemplificar algumas formulações a base de plantas existente no mercado. Para a realização desta monografia foram consultados vários artigos científicos e de revisão, alguns sites da internet e livros na área da, patologia, farmacologia, farmacognosia e fitoquímica Vários estudos farmacológicos comprovam que a maioria das plantas usadas na medicina popular como antidiabético apresentam actividade hipoglicemiante e que exibem nas suas constituições grupos químicos que podem ser usados como modelos para novos agentes. Apesar da clara evidência do potencial das plantas, são precisos mais estudos no sentido de identificar os constituintes activos e o mecanismo pela qual elas exercem essa acção


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Este trabalho de dissertação foca o sistema criptográfico de McEliece. Este é um sistema criptográfico de chave pública que tira partido do facto do problema de descodificação de um código linear geral ser NP-completo. Mais especificamente, este sistema criptográfico usa um código de Goppa sobre um corpo finito como chave privada, para o qual existe um algoritmo de descodificação eficiente, e um código linear geral, derivado do código Goppa anterior, como chave pública. Assim, neste trabalho, começa-se por analisar alguns resultados sobre corpos finitos, necessários ao longo desta dissertação. Posteriormente, estudam-se os códigos lineares sobre corpos finitos, em particular os códigos de Goppa, apresentando-se um algoritmo de descodificação para estes códigos. Em seguida, é apresentada uma descrição detalhada do sistema criptográfico de McEliece e são analisados alguns ataques a este sistema criptográfico. Por fim, é ainda analisada a sua aplicação na segurança de assinaturas digitais.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Take the Scare Out of Auto Repair!


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Take the Scare Out of Auto Repair!


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INTRODUCTION: The management of large lesions of the skull base, such as vestibular schwannomas (VS) is challenging. Microsurgery remains the main treatment option. Combined approaches (planned subtotal resection followed by gamma knife surgery (GKS) for residual tumor long-term control) are being increasingly considered to reduce the risk of neurological deficits following complete resection. The current study aims to prospectively evaluate the safety-efficacy of combined approach in patients with large VS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present our experience with planned subtotal resection followed by gamma knife surgery (GKS) in a consecutive a series of 20 patients with large vestibular schwannomas, treated between 2009 and 2014 in Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Clinical and radiological data and audiograms were prospectively collected for all patients, before and after surgery, before and after GKS, at regular intervals, in dedicated case-report forms. Additionally, for GKS, dose-planning parameters were registered. RESULTS: Twenty patients (6 males and 14 females) with large VS had been treated by this approach. The mean age at the time of surgery was 51.6years (range 34.4-73.4). The mean presurgical diameter was 36.7 (range 26.1-45). The mean presurgical tumor volume was 15.9cm(3) (range 534.9). Three patients (15%) needed a second surgical intervention because of high volume of the tumor remnant considered too large for a safe GKS. The mean follow-up after surgery was 27.2months (range 6-61.3). The timing of GKS was decided on the basis of the residual tumor shape and size following surgery. The mean duration between surgery and GKS was 7.6months (range 413.9, median 6months). The mean tumor volume at the time of GKS was 4.1cm(3) (range 0.5-12.8). The mean prescription isodose volume was 6.3cm(3) (range 0.8-15.5). The mean number of isocenters was 20.4 (range 11-31) and the mean marginal prescription dose was 11.7Gy (range 11-12). We did not have any major complications in our series. Postoperative status showed normal facial nerve function (House-Brackmann grade I) in all patients. Six patients with useful pre-operative hearing (GR class 1) underwent surgery with the aim to preserve cochlear nerve function; of these patients, 5 (83.3%) of them remained in GR class 1 and one (16.7%) lost hearing (GR class 5). Two patients having GR class 3 at baseline remained in the same GR class, but the tonal audiometry improved in one of them during follow-up. Eleven patients (57.8%) were in GR class 5 preoperatively; one patient improved hearing after surgery, passing to GR class 3 postoperatively. Following GKS, there were no new neurological deficits, with facial and hearing function remaining identical to that after surgery. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that planned subtotal resection followed by GKS has an excellent clinical outcome with respect to retaining facial and cochlear nerve function. This represents a paradigm shift of the treatment goals from a complete tumor excision perspective to that of a surgery designed to preserve neural functions. As long-term results emerge, this approach of a combined treatment (microsurgery and GKS) will most probably become the standard of care in the management of large vestibular schwanomma.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Advance Fee Loans and Credit Repair Schemes


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Este artigo visa analisar a recente intervenção anglo- -americana no Iraque a partir da sua conexão com o Direito Internacional e com a política internacional. Defenderei que do ponto de vista jurídico, a ‘operação liberdade iraquiana’ assenta em bases muito frágeis. A razão disso é que nem o amparo dos Estados Unidos na legítima defesa preventiva, nem o britânico na ideia de autorização implícita do Conselho de Segurança têm respaldo nas normas que regulamentam o uso da força nas relações internacionais. A melhor justificação jurídica, no entanto, o direito à intervenção humanitária unilateral, que, sem dúvida se adequaria à situação reinante no Iraque, somente foi utilizada secundariamente, ainda que tenha servido para aplacar as condenações internacionais. De qualquer modo, submeto a tese de que, mesmo a subsistirem dúvidas, quanto à legalidade da intervenção, ela justifica-se do ponto de vista da necessidade política, já que Estados liberais não devem esperar serem atingidos para tomar medidas contra agressores contumazes e tão pouco tolerar regimes tirânicos que oprimem o seu próprio povo.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Prevent Home Repair Scams and Disputes