999 resultados para Axiomatic Characterization


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Serine repeat antigen 5 (SERA5) is an abundant antigen of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and is the most strongly expressed member of the nine-gene SERA family. It appears to be essential for the maintenance of the erythrocytic cycle, unlike a number of other members of this family, and has been implicated in parasite egress and/or erythrocyte invasion. All SERA proteins possess a central domain that has homology to papain except in the case of SERA5 (and some other SERAs), where the active site cysteine has been replaced with a serine. To investigate if this domain retains catalytic activity, we expressed, purified, and refolded a recombinant form of the SERA5 enzyme domain. This protein possessed chymotrypsin-like proteolytic activity as it processed substrates downstream of aromatic residues, and its activity was reversed by the serine protease inhibitor 3,4-diisocoumarin. Although all Plasmodium SERA enzyme domain sequences share considerable homology, phylogenetic studies revealed two distinct clusters across the genus, separated according to whether they possess an active site serine or cysteine. All Plasmodia appear to have at least one member of each group. Consistent with separate biological roles for members of these two clusters, molecular modeling studies revealed that SERA5 and SERA6 enzyme domains have dramatically different surface properties, although both have a characteristic papain-like fold, catalytic cleft, and an appropriately positioned catalytic triad. This study provides impetus for the examination of SERA5 as a target for antimalarial drug design.


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A total of 106 women with vaginitis in Nicaragua were studied. The positive rate for the identification of Candida species was 41% (44 positive cultures out of 106 women with vaginitis). The sensitivity of microscopic examination of wet mount with the potassium hydroxide (KOH) was 61% and 70% with Gram's stain when using the culture of vaginal fluid as gold standard for diagnosis of candidiasis. Among the 44 positives cultures, isolated species of yeast from vaginal swabs were C. albicans (59%), C. tropicalis (23%), C. glabrata (14%) and C. krusei (4%). This study reports the first characterization of 26 C. albicans stocks from Nicaragua by the random amplified polymorphic DNA method. The genetic analysis in this small C. albicans population showed the existence of linkage disequilibrium, which is consistent with the hypothesis that C. albicans undergoes a clonal propagation.


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In Colombia, five Biomphalaria planorbid species are known: B. kuhniana, B. straminea, B. peregrina, B. canonica and B. oligoza(var. B. philippiana). Among them, B. straminea is intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni and B. peregrina has been found to be experimentally susceptible to this parasite. B. straminea is commonly confused with B. kuhniana and they have been clustered together with B. intermedia in the complex named B. straminea. The difficulties involved in the specific identification, based on morphological data, have motivated the use of new techniques as auxiliary tools in cases of inconclusive morphological identification of such planorbid. In the present study, five Biomphalaria populations from the Colombian Amazon region and from Interandian Valleys were morphologically identified and characterized by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment lenght polymorphism directed at the internal transcribed spacer region of the rRNA gene, followed by digestion of the generated fragment with restriction enzymes (DdeI, AluI, RsaI, MvaI and HaeIII). Known profiles of the Brazilian species B. straminea, B. peregrina, B. kuhniana, B. intermedia and B. amazonica, besides B. kuhniana from Colombia, were used for comparison. The five populations under study were morphologically and molecularly identified as B. kuhniana and B. amazonica.


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Clone CL B5 of Trypanosoma cruzi is a beta-galactosidase expressing organism that was genetically transfected to be used for in vitro pharmacological screening. Biological parameters were determined, evaluating growth kinetics of epimastigotes, metacyclogenesis, infectivity to mammalian cell lines, parasitemia kinetics in mice and sensibility to nifurtimox and benznidazole. Differences in relation to other strains and CL parental strain were found, the most important being the incapability to produce death to mice in spite of the high inoculum used. However, it possesses the required features to be used for in vitro drug screening. Data obtained demonstrate that heterogeneity of T. cruzi appears even among clones of the same strain, and that these differences found do not prevent the use of clone CL B5 for the purpose that was engineered.


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his paper proposes a structural investigation of the Turtle Mountain anticline (Alberta, Canada) to better understand the role of the different tectonic features on the development of both local and large scale rock slope instabilities occurring in Turtle Mountain. The study area is investigated by combining remote methods with detailed field surveys. In particular, the benefit of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for ductile and brittle tectonic structure interpretations is illustrated. The proposed tectonic interpretation allows the characterization of the fracturing pattern, the fold geometry and the role of these tectonic features in rock slope instability development. Ten discontinuity sets are identified in the study area, their local variations permitting the differentiation of the study zone into 20 homogenous structural domains. The anticline is described as an eastern verging fold that displays considerable geometry differences along its axis and developed by both flexural slip and tangential longitudinal strain folding mechanisms. Moreover, the origins of the discontinuity sets are determined according to the tectonic phases affecting the region (pre-folding, folding, post-folding). The localization and interpretation of kinematics of the different instabilities revealed the importance of considering the discrete brittle planes of weakness, which largely control the kinematic release of the local instabilities, and also the rock mass damage induced by large tectonic structures (fold hinge, thrust).


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Severe schistosomiasis is a rare event in Venezuela nowadays, after a successful national campaign by the Schistosomiasis Control Program. Unfortunately, this program has practically disappeared, and snail surveillance in field is not a priority, anymore. Thus, schistosomiasis has become a neglected disease in this country. However, surveys in different populations from the endemic area have shown particular epidemiological features described herein. In five communities we evaluated 2,175 persons and searched for the presence of Biomphalaria glabrata snails. Some markers were used for classifying schistosomiasis foci: mean age of the persons with Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the stools, serological tests, presence of B. glabrata snails, and intensity of infection. Places without B. glabrata snails and with few schistosomiasis cases were defined as "past transmission sites"; a site with abundant snails but few cases was defined as "potential risk"; "new transmission" foci were characterized by the presence of infected snails and young people passing eggs in the stools. A "re-emergent" focus has shared these last features, showing in addition a place where schistosomiasis had been reported before. Recent evidences of active transmission with the increasing dispersion of B. glabrata snails, point out the necessity for the re-establishment of the Schistosomiasis Control Program in Venezuela.


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In the last decade microsatellites have become one of the most useful genetic markers used in a large number of organisms due to their abundance and high level of polymorphism. Microsatellites have been used for individual identification, paternity tests, forensic studies and population genetics. Data on microsatellite abundance comes preferentially from microsatellite enriched libraries and DNA sequence databases. We have conducted a search in GenBank of more than 16,000 Schistosoma mansoni ESTs and 42,000 BAC sequences. In addition, we obtained 300 sequences from CA and AT microsatellite enriched genomic libraries. The sequences were searched for simple repeats using the RepeatMasker software. Of 16,022 ESTs, we detected 481 (3%) sequences that contained 622 microsatellites (434 perfect, 164 imperfect and 24 compounds). Of the 481 ESTs, 194 were grouped in 63 clusters containing 2 to 15 ESTs per cluster. Polymorphisms were observed in 16 clusters. The 287 remaining ESTs were orphan sequences. Of the 42,017 BAC end sequences, 1,598 (3.8%) contained microsatellites (2,335 perfect, 287 imperfect and 79 compounds). The 1,598 BAC end sequences 80 were grouped into 17 clusters containing 3 to 17 BAC end sequences per cluster. Microsatellites were present in 67 out of 300 sequences from microsatellite enriched libraries (55 perfect, 38 imperfect and 15 compounds). From all of the observed loci 55 were selected for having the longest perfect repeats and flanking regions that allowed the design of primers for PCR amplification. Additionally we describe two new polymorphic microsatellite loci.


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The human nuclear protein RbAp48 is a member of the tryptophan/aspartate (WD) repeat family, which binds to the retinoblastoma (Rb) protein. It also corresponds to the smallest subunit of the chromatin assembly factor and is able to bind to the helix 1 of histone H4, taking it to the DNA in replication. A cDNA homologous to the human gene RbAp48 was isolated from a Schistosoma mansoni adult worm library and named SmRbAp48. The full length sequence of SmRbAp48 cDNA is 1036 bp long, encoding a protein of 308 amino acids. The transcript of SmRbAp48 was detected in egg, cercariae and schistosomulum stages. The protein shows 84% similarity with the human RbAp48, possessing four WD repeats on its C-terminus. A hypothetical tridimensional structure for the SmRbAp48 C-terminal domain was constructed by computational molecular modeling using the b-subunit of the G protein as a model. To further verify a possible interaction between SmRbAp48 and S. mansoni histone H4, the histone H4 gene was amplified from adult worm genomic DNA using degenerated primers. The gene fragment of SmH4 is 294 bp long, encoding a protein of 98 amino acids which is 100% identical to histone H4 from Drosophila melanogaster.


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Sm8 is a major tegumental antigen of Schistosoma mansoni. The partial cDNA was isolated and analyzed. Sequence analysis revealed transmembrane compatible hydrophobic domains and a putative leucine zipper pattern. The mRNA and the protein are predominantly expressed in adult worms.


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Sm14 was the first fatty acid-binding protein homologue identified in helminths. Thereafter, members of the same family were identified in several helminth species, with high aminoacid sequence homology between them. In addition, immune crossprotection was also reported against Fasciola hepatica infection, in animals previously immunized with the Schistosoma mansoni vaccine candidate, r-Sm14. In the present study, data on preliminary sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis of nine different helminth extracts focusing the identification of Sm14 related proteins, is reported. Out of these, three extracts - Ascaris suum (males and females), Echinostoma paraensei, and Taenia saginata - presented components that comigrated with Sm14 in SDS-PAGE, and that were recognized by anti-rSm14 policlonal serum, in Western blotting tests.


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La majorité des organelles d'une cellule adaptent leur nombre et leur taille pendant les processus de division cellulaire, de trafic vésiculaire ou suite à des changements environnementaux par des processus de fusion et de fragmentation membranaires. Ceci est valable notamment pour le golgi, les mitochondries, les péroxisomes et les lysosomes. La vacuole est le compartiment terminal de la voie endocytaire dans la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae\ elle correspond aux lysosomes des cellules mammifères. Suite à un choc hyperosmotique, la vacuole se fragmente en plusieurs petites vésicules. Durant ce projet, cette fragmentation a été étudiée en utilisant la technique de microscopie confocale in vivo. J'ai observé que la division de la vacuole se produit d'une façon asymétrique. La première minute après le choc osmotique, les vacuoles rétrécissent et forment des longues invaginations tubulaires. Cette phase est dépendante de la protéine Vps1, un membre de la famille des protéines apparentées à la dynamine, ainsi que d'un gradient transmembranaire de protons. Pendant les 10-15 minutes qui suivent, des vésicules se détachent dans les régions où l'on observe les invaginations pendant la phase initiale. Cette deuxième phase qui mène à la fission des nouveaux compartiments vacuolaires dépend de la production du lipide PI(3,5)P2 par la protéine Fab1. J'ai établi la suite des événements du processus de fragmentation des vacuoles et propose la possibilité d'un rôle régulateur de la protéine kinase cycline-dépendante Pho85.¦En outre, j'ai tenté d'éclaircir plus spécifiquement le rôle de Vps1 pendant la fusion et fission des vacuoles. J'ai trouvé que tous les deux processus sont dépendants de l'activité GTPase de cette protéine. De plus l'association avec la membrane vacuolaire paraît régulée par le cycle d'hydrolyse du GTP. Vps1 peut lier la membrane sans la présence d'un autre facteur protéinique, ce qui permet de conclure à une interaction directe avec des lipides de la membrane. Cette interaction est au moins partiellement effectuée par le domaine GTPase, ce qui est une nouveauté pour un membre de cette famille de protéines. Une deuxième partie de Vps1, nommée insert B, est impliquée dans la liaison à la vacuole, soit par interaction directe avec la membrane, soit par régulation du domaine GTPase. En assumant que Vps1 détienne deux régions capables de liaison aux membranes, je conclus qu'elle pourrait fonctionner comme facteur de « tethering » lors de la fusion des vacuoles.¦-¦La cellule contient plusieurs sous-unités, appelées organelles, possédant chacune une fonction spécifique. Dépendant des processus qui s'y déroulent à l'intérieur, un environnement chimique spécifique est requis. Pour maintenir ces différentes conditions, les organelles sont séparées par des membranes. Lors de la division cellulaire ou en adaptation à des changements de milieu, les organelles doivent être capables de modifier leur morphologie. Cette adaptation a souvent lieu par fusion ou division des organelles. Le même principe est valable pour la vacuole dans la levure. La vacuole est une organelle qui sert principalement au stockage des aliments et à la dégradation des différents composants cellulaires. Alors que la fusion des vacuoles est un processus déjà bien décrit, la fragmentation des vacuoles a jusqu'ici été peu étudiée. Elle peut être induit par un choc osmotique: à cause de la concentration de sel élevé dans le milieu, le cytosol de la levure perd de l'eau. Par un flux d'eau de la vacuole au cytosol, la cellule est capable d'équilibrer celui-ci. Quand la vacuole perd du volume, elle doit réadapter le rapport entre surface membranaire et volume, ce qui se fait efficacement par une fragmentation d'une grande vacuole en plusieurs petites vésicules. Comment ce processus se déroule d'un point de vue morphologique n'a pas été décrit jusqu'à présent. En analysant la fragmentation vacuolaire par microscopie, j'ai trouvé que celle-ci se déroule en deux phases. Pendant la première minute suivant le choc osmotique, les vacuoles rétrécissent et forment des longues invaginations tubulaires. Cette phase dépend de la protéine Vps1, un membre de la famille des protéines apparentées à la dynamine, ainsi que du gradient transmembranaire de protons. Ce gradient s'établit par une pompe membranaire, la V-ATPase, qui transporte des protons dans la vacuole en utilisant l'énergie libérée par hydrolyse d'ATP. Après cette phase initiale, la formation de nouvelles vésicules vacuolaires dépend de la synthèse du lipide PI(3,5)P2.¦Dans la deuxième partie de l'étude, j'ai tenté de décrire comment Vps1 lie la membrane pour effectuer un remodelage de la vacuole. Vps1 est nécessaire pour la fusion et la fragmentation des vacuoles. J'ai découvert que tous les deux processus dépendent de sa capacité d'hydrolyser du GTP. Ainsi l'association avec la membrane est couplée au cycle d'hydrolyse du GTP. Vps1 peut lier la membrane sans la présence d'une autre protéine, et interagit donc très probablement avec les lipides de la membrane. Deux parties différentes de la protéine sont impliquées dans la liaison, dont une, inattendue, le domaine GTPase.¦-¦Numerous organelles undergo membrane fission and fusion events during cell division, vesicular traffic, or in response to changes in environmental conditions. Examples include Golgi (Acharya et al., 1998) mitochondria (Bleazard et al., 1999) peroxisomes (Kuravi et al., 2006) and lysosomes (Ward et al., 1997). In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the vacuole is the terminal component of the endocytic pathway and corresponds to lysosomes in mammalian cells. Yeast vacuoles fragment into multiple small vesicles in response to a hypertonic shock. This rapid and homogeneous reaction can serve as a model to study the requirements of the fragmentation process. Here, I investigated osmotically induced fragmentation by time-lapse microscopy. I observe that the small fragmentation products originate directly from the large central vacuole by asymmetric scission rather than by consecutive equal divisions and that fragmentation occurs in two distinct phases. During the first minute, vacuoles shrink and generate deep invaginations, leaving behind tubular structures. This phase requires the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1 and the vacuolar proton gradient. In the subsequent 10-15 minutes, vesicles pinch off from the tubular structures in a polarized fashion, directly generating fragmentation products of the final size. This phase depends on the production of phosphatidylinositol- 3,5-bisphosphate by the Fab1 complex. I suggest a possible regulation of vacuole fragmentation by the CDK Pho85. Based on my microscopy study I established a sequential involvement of the different fission factors.¦In addition to the morphological description of vacuole fragmentation I more specifically aimed to shed some light on the role of Vps1 in vacuole fragmentation and fusion. I find that both functions are dependent on the GTPase activity of the protein and that also the membrane association of the dynamin-like protein is coupled to the GTPase cycle. I found that Vps1 has the capacity for direct lipid binding on the vacuole and that this lipid binding is at least partially mediated through residues in the GTPase domain, a complete novelty for a dynamin family member. A second stretch located in the region of insert Β has also membrane-binding activity or regulates the association with the vacuole through the GTPase domain. Under the assumption of two membrane-binding regions I speculate on Vps1 as a possible tethering factor for vacuole fusion.


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Antigenic characterization of Anaplasma marginale isolates, by identifying conserved and variable epitopes of major surface proteins (MSP), is an important tool for vaccine development against this rickettsia. The B cell epitopes of A. marginale isolates from three microregions of the State of Pernambuco and one from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, were characterized by indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT) and Western blot (WB) with 15 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The epitope recognized by MAb ANA22B1 (MSP-1a) was conserved by IFAT and WB (73-81 kDa). MSP-2 epitopes recognized by MAbs ANAO58A2 and ANAO70A2 were conserved by IFAT, while ANAO50A2 and ANA66A2 epitopes were polymorphic; in the WB, the MAbs ANAO50A2 and ANAO70A2 identified bands of 45 kDa only in the Pernambuco-Mata isolate. None of the isolates reacted with MAb ANAR75C2 (MSP-3). The MSP-4 epitope recognized by MAb ANAR76A1 was conserved by IFAT, as well as the MSP-5 epitope recognized by MAb ANAF16C1 by IFAT and WB (16 kDa). The MAbs ANAR17A6, ANAR83B3, ANAR94C1, ANAO24D5 and ANAR19A6 identified conserved epitopes by IFAT. MSP-1, MSP-2 and MSP-4, which previously showed partial protection in experimental trials, are also potential immunogens to be employed in Brazil, due to the B cell epitope conservation.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan responsible for Chagas disease, employs distinct strategies to invade mammalian host cells. In the present work we investigated the participation of calcium ions on the invasion process using primary cultures of embryonic mice cardiomyocytes which exhibit spontaneous contraction in vitro. Using Fura 2-AM we found that T. cruzi was able to induce a sustained increase in basal intracellular Ca2+ level in heart muscle cells (HMC), the response being associated or not with Ca2+ transient peaks. Assays performed with both Y and CL strains indicated that the changes in intracellular Ca2+ started after parasites contacted with the cardiomyocytes and the evoked response was higher than the Ca2+ signal associated to the spontaneous contractions. The possible role of the extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ levels on T. cruzi invasion process was evaluated using the extracellular Ca2+ chelator EGTA alone or in association with the calcium ionophore A23187. Significant dose dependent inhibition of the invasion levels were found when intracellular calcium release was prevented by the association of EGTA +A23187 in calcium free medium. Dose response experiments indicated that EGTA 2.5 mM to 5 mM decreased the invasion level by 15.2 to 35.1% while A23187 (0.5 µM) alone did not induce significant effects (17%); treatment of the cultures with the protease inhibitor leupeptin did not affect the endocytic index, thus arguing against the involvement of leupeptin sensitive proteases in the invasion of HMC.