910 resultados para Avascular necrosis


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The family of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) can be subdivided into two major functional groups based on their roles in cell cycle and/or transcriptional control. CDK9 is the catalytic subunit of positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb). CDK9 is the kinase of the TAK complex (Tat-associated kinase complex), and binds to Tat protein of HIV, suggesting a possible role for CDK9 in AIDS progression. CDK9 complexed with its regulatory partner cyclin T1, serves as a cellular mediator of the transactivation function of the HIV Tat protein. P-TEFb is responsible for the phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA Pol II, resulting in stimulation of transcription. Furthermore, the complexes containing CDK9 induce the differentiation in distinct tissue. The CDK9/cyclin T1 complex is expressed at higher level in more differentiated primary neuroectodermal and neuroblastoma tumors, showing a correlation between the kinase expression and tumor differentiation grade. This may have clinical and therapeutical implications for these tumor types. Among the CDK inhibitors two have shown to be effective against CDK9: Roscovitine and Flavopiridol. These two inhibitors prevented the replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 by blocking Tat transactivation of the HIV type 1 promoter. These compounds inhibit CDKs by binding to the catalytic domain in place of ATP, preventing transfer of a phosphate group to the substrate. More sensitive therapeutic agents of CDK9 can be designed, and structural studies can add information in the understanding of this kinase. The major features related to CDK9 inhibition will be reviewed in this article.


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The Millard Research Laboratory is interested in the cytotoxic mechanisms of the bifunctional alkylators diepoxybutane (DEB), epichlorohydrin (ECH), and (1-chloroethenyl) oxirane (COX). Studies performed in the laboratory examine the dual nature of these DNA cross-linking compounds that can act as carcinogens or anti-cancer agents. The mechanisms through which these compounds induce cell death are explored in this study. Cells either undergo cell death due to necrosis or apoptosis. HL-60 cells were treated with varying concentrations of DEB, ECH, or COX. A caspase 3/7 assay was used to test for induction of apoptosis in the treated cells at varying incubation times. It was concluded that DEB induces apoptosis in HL-60 cells treated with 100 μM for 24 hours. Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was then used to explore the changes in gene expression of various genes involved in apoptosis signaling. The results were inconclusive as to specific genes involved in DEB induced apoptosis, but the data does suggest that apoptosis is induced by a mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis signaling pathway.


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O transplante hepático é o tratamento de escolha para uma série de doenças terminais agudas e crônicas do fígado. Contudo, sua oferta tem sido restringida pela falta de doadores, o que tem provocado o aumento do número de pacientes em lista de espera. A escassez de órgãos condiciona a aceitação para transplante de enxertos provindos de doadores sem as melhores condições para tal – os chamados doadores marginais. O dano de isquemia/reperfusão (IR) é resultado dos fatores perioperatórios inerentes ao procedimento, incluindo as condições do doador. Quanto pior o doador, pior o órgão transplantado, e maior a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de disfunção primária do enxerto (DPE). DPE comumente é definida pela elevação das enzimas hepáticas. As aminotransferases, entretanto, podem alterar-se por outras complicações que não a lesão de isquemia/reperfusão. A histologia hepática, por sua vez, pode fornecer informações acerca da IR. Com o objetivo de estimar a extensão histológica do dano de preservação (necrose hepatocelular e neutrofilia sinusoidal), correlacioná-la a variáveis bioquímicas (índice de reperfusão: AST + ALT + LDH / 3) e avaliar a sua influência no período pós-operatório imediato (até 7 dias), foi realizado um estudo transversal com análise sistemática de 55 pacientes adultos que receberam seu primeiro enxerto hepático entre Setembro de 1996 e Dezembro de 1999. Foram comparados os fatores de risco relacionados ao doador, ao receptor, ao procedimento cirúrgico e ao período pós-operatório e analisadas as biópsias feitas antes e imediatamente após o procedimento cirúrgico. Houve dano de preservação em todos os pacientes estudados tanto por critérios anatomopatológicos quanto por critérios bioquímicos. Houve associação significativa entre os achados bioquímicos e histológicos (p=0,04; coeficiente gamma=0,49). A extensão da necrose hepatocitária parece ser o dado anatomopatológico isolado que melhor se relaciona ao índice de reperfusão (p=0,05; coeficiente gamma=0,48). Houve associação entre DPE e a histologia hepática (p=0,02). O índice bioquímico associou-se à DPE (p=0,001) e à incidência de insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) (p<0,0001). A mortalidade inicial foi maior nos pacientes com índice de reperfusão grave (p=0,002). O índice de reperfusão foi um fator de risco independente para a função do enxerto (p=0,004) e IRA (0,04). A sobrevida atuarial em 1 ano foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com dano de preservação grave (p=0,003). A análise da biópsia de reperfusão é capaz de detectar o dano de preservação sofrido pelo enxerto e se correlaciona às variáveis bioquímicas em sua estimativa.


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Introdução: Níveis de fator de necrose tumoral–alfa (TNF-α), N-peptídeo do pró-colágeno III (PIIINP) e metaloproteinase de matriz –1 (MMP-1), marcadores biológicos de remodelamento ventricular, estão elevados em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC), talvez refletindo elevadas pressões de enchimento. A correlação destes marcadores com variáveis clínicas e hemodinâmicas permanece pouco compreendida, particularmente no contexto ambulatorial da IC. Objetivo: Avaliar níveis séricos de marcadores biológicos de remodelamento ventricular em pacientes com IC, comparando tratamento guiado por ecocardiografia (ECO), buscando redução de pressões de enchimento, versus tratamento convencional (CLÍNICO), baseado em sinais e sintomas. Métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado. Pacientes estáveis com IC e fração de ejeção menor do que 40% foram alocados entre os grupos de tratamento e submetidos a ecocardiograma e coletas de sangue no início do estudo e em 180 dias. TNF-α e MMP- 1 foram medidos por ELISA, e PIIINP, por radioimunoensaio. Resultados: Incluiu-se 80 pacientes, com 59 ± 15 anos e fração de ejeção de 26 ± 7%; 25% isquêmicos e 52% masculinos. Houve redução dos marcadores biológicos intragrupos, não havendo diferença entre os tratamentos. No grupo CLÍNICO, os níveis de TNF-α, MMP-1 e PIIINP apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os momentos basal e final (respectivamente, 3,11 ± 2,90 versus 1,24 ± 0,60 pg/mL p < 0,0003; 2,66 ± 1,00 versus 1,16 ± 0,40 ng/mL p < 0,0001; 6,12 ± 2,60 versus 3,89 ± 1,60 μg/L p < 0,0001). De maneira semelhante, tal diferença também foi observada no grupo ECO para os três marcadores (respectivamente, 3,90 ± 4,90 versus 1,40 ± 1,30 pg/mL p < 0,0001; 2,50 ± 0,90 versus 1,09 ± 0,40 ng/mL p < 0,0001; 6,09 ± 2,60 versus 3,50 ± 1,30 μg/L p<0,0001). Ao final da intervenção, no entanto, não foi observada diferença significativa dos valores de TNF-α , MMP-1 e PIIINP entre os dois grupos de tratamento (p = 0,7; p = 0,8; e p = 0,2; respectivamente). A combinação dos valores basais das variáveis biológicas gerou um escore que se associou significativamente com o comportamento final das pressões atrial direita e sistólica da artéria pulmonar. Pacientes com marcadores biológicos basais no quartil 75% mantiveram níveis superiores de pressões atrial direita (13 mmHg; p = 0,034) e sistólica de artéria pulmonar (60 mmHg; p = 0,007) ao final do seguimento. Conclusão: Independente do tratamento alocado, houve redução dos níveis de marcadores biológicos ao final do seguimento; no entanto, níveis basais mais elevados destes marcadores foram preditores de menor redução das pressões em átrio direito e sistólica da artéria pulmonar. Os dados sugerem que indicativos de intenso processo de remodelamento ventricular se associam à progressão da IC e a pressões de enchimento elevadas.


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To evaluate the effect of sildenafil, administered prior to renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), by scintigraphy and histopathological evaluation in rats. Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided randomly into two groups. They received 0.1 ml of 99mTechnetium-etilenodicisteine intravenous, and a baseline (initial) renal scintigraphy was performed. The rats underwent 60 minutes of ischemia by left renal artery clamping. The right kidney was not manipulated. The sildenafil group (n=12) received orally 1 mg/kg of sildenafil suspension 60 minutes before ischemia. Treatment with saline 0.9% in the control group (n=12). Half of the rats was assessed after 24 hours and half after seven days I/R, with new renal scintigraphy to study differential function. After euthanasia, kidneys were removed and subjected to histopathological examination. For statistical evaluation, Student t and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Results: In the control group rats, the left kidneys had significant functional deficit, seven days after I/R, whose scintigraphic pattern was consistent with acute tubular necrosis, compared with the initial scintigraphy (p<0.05). Sildenafil treatment resulted in better differential function of the left kidneys 24h after reperfusion, compared with controls. Histopathologically, the left kidney of control rats (24 hours after I/R) showed a higher degree of cellular necrosis when compared with the sildenafil treated rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: Sildenafil had a protective effect in rat kidneys subjected to normothermic I/R, demonstrated by scintigraphy and histomorphometry


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In this study, a BCR-ABL expressing human chronic myelogenous leukaemia cell line (K562) was used to investigate the antitumoral potential of a novel lectin (CvL) purified from the marine sponge Cliona varians. CvL inhibited the growth of K562 cells with an IC50 value of 70 g/ml, but was ineffective to normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes in the same range of concentrations tested (180 g/ml). Cell death occurred after 72 h of exposure to the lectin and with sign of apoptosis as analysed by DAPI staining. Investigation of the possible effectors of this process showed that cell death occurred in the presence of Bcl-2 and Bax expression, and involved a caspase-independent pathway. Confocal fluorescence microscopy indicated a major role for the lysosomal protease cathepsin B in mediating cell death. Accordingly, pre-incubation of K562 cells with the cathepsin inhibitor L-trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane (E-64) abolished the cytotoxic effect of CvL. Furthermore, we found upregulation of tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and down-modulation of p65 subunit of nuclear factor kappa B (NFB) expression in CvL-treated cells. These effects were accompanied by increased levels of p21 and downmodulation of pRb, suggesting that CvL is capable of cell cycle arrest. Collectively, these findings suggest that cathepsin B acts as death mediator in CvL-induced cytotoxicity possibly in a still uncharacterized connection with the membrane death receptor pathway


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Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide, was the first compound used as an anticoagulant and antithrombotic agent. Due to their structural characteristics, also has great potential anti-inflammatory, though such use is limited in inflammation because of their marked effects on coagulation. The occurrence of heparin-like compounds that exhibit anticoagulant activity decreased in aquatic invertebrates, such as crab Goniopsis cruentata, sparked interest for the study of such compounds as anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential modulator of heparin-like compound extracted from Goniopsis cruentata in inflammatory events, coagulation, and to evaluate some aspects of its structure. The heparin-type compound had a high degree of N-sulphation in its structure, being able to reduce leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity at lower doses compared to heparin and diclofenac sodium (anti-inflammatory commercial). Furthermore, it was also able to inhibit the production of nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor alpha by activated macrophages, inhibited the activation of the enzyme neutrophil elastase in low concentrations and showed a lower anticoagulant effect in high doses as compared to porcine mucosal heparin. Because of these observations, the compound extracted from crab Goniopsis cruentata can be used as a structural model for future anti-inflammatory agents


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Shrimp farming is one of the activities that contribute most to the growth of global aquaculture. However, this business has undergone significant economic losses due to the onset of viral diseases such as Infectious Myonecrosis (IMN). The IMN is already widespread throughout Northeastern Brazil and affects other countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and China. The main symptom of disease is myonecrosis, which consists of necrosis of striated muscles of the abdomen and cephalothorax of shrimp. The IMN is caused by infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), a non-enveloped virus which has protrusions along its capsid. The viral genome consists of a single molecule of double-stranded RNA and has two Open Reading Frames (ORFs). The ORF1 encodes the major capsid protein (MCP) and a potential RNA binding protein (RBP). ORF2 encodes a probable RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and classifies IMNV in Totiviridae family. Thus, the objective of this research was study the IMNV complete genome and encoded proteins in order to develop a system differentiate virus isolates based on polymorphisms presence. The phylogenetic relationship among some totivirus was investigated and showed a new group to IMNV within Totiviridae family. Two new genomes were sequenced, analyzed and compared to two other genomes already deposited in GenBank. The new genomes were more similar to each other than those already described. Conserved and variable regions of the genome were identified through similarity graphs and alignments using the four IMNV sequences. This analyze allowed mapping of polymorphic sites and revealed that the most variable region of the genome is in the first half of ORF1, which coincides with the regions that possibly encode the viral protrusion, while the most stable regions of the genome were found in conserved domains of proteins that interact with RNA. Moreover, secondary structures were predicted for all proteins using various softwares and protein structural models were calculated using threading and ab initio modeling approaches. From these analyses was possible to observe that the IMNV proteins have motifs and shapes similar to proteins of other totiviruses and new possible protein functions have been proposed. The genome and proteins study was essential for development of a PCR-based detection system able to discriminate the four IMNV isolates based on the presence of polymorphic sites


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Mammography is a diagnostic imaging method in which interpretation depends on knowledge of radiological aspects as well as the clinical exam and pathophysiology of breast diseases. In this work a mammography phantom was developed to be used for training in the operation of mammographic x-ray equipment, image quality evaluation, self-examination and clinical examination of palpation. Polyurethane was used for the production of the phantoms for its physical and chemical properties and because it is one of the components normally used in prostheses. According to the range of flexibility of the polyurethane, it was possible to simulate breasts with higher or lower amount of adipose tissue. Pathologies such as areolar necrosis and tissue rejection due to surgery reconstruction after partial mastectomy were also simulated. Calcifications and nodules were simulated using the following materials: polyethylene, poly (methyl methacrylate), polyamide, polyurethane and poly (dimethyl silicone). Among these, polyethylene was able to simulate characteristics of calcification as well as breast nodules. The results from mammographic techniques used in this paper for the evaluation of the phantoms are in agreement with data found in the literature. The image analyses of four phantoms indicated significant similarities with the human skin texture and the female breast parenchyma. It was possible to detect in the radiographic images produced regions of high and low radiographic optical density, which are characteristic of breasts with regions of different amount of adipose tissue. The stiffnesses of breast phantoms were adjusted according to the formulation of the polyurethane which enabled the production of phantoms with distinct radiographic features and texture similar to human female breast parenchyma. Clinical palpation exam of the phantoms developed in this work indicated characteristics similar to human breast in skin texture, areolar region and parenchyma


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The shrimp farming industry is the most profitable area of the aquaculture at Rio Grande do Norte (RN) state, which is one of the largest producers in Brazil. However the infections that affect the shrimp cause major economic losses. The infection is a result of the interaction between the shrimp, the environment and pathogen. The change of these factors may lead to a condition of stress and susceptibility to opportunistic infections. One of these infections caused by Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) is widely distributed in several countries and affects a wide range of hosts. To optimize conditions for production of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, the more species cultivated in Brazil, it is necessary to understand the effects of environmental factors in the susceptibility of this species to infections. The aim of this study was to determine the IHHNV prevalence and to investigate the influence of environmental factors as salinity, temperature, stocking density, dissolved oxygen and rainfall in the IHHNV incidence in L. vannamei grown in farms, in the RN state. To determine the IHHNV prevalence were used 1089 samples of L. vannamei collected in seven farms. To perform the study about the influence of environmental factors, 525 samples of L. vannamei shrimp were collected in eight farms located in regions of low (0-1 ), medium (21-30 ) and high (38-57 ) salinity, using extensive (≤15 shrimp/m2 ), semi-intensive (18-33 shrimp/m2) or intensive (>36 shrimp/m2) stocking density systems. The IHHNV infection was determined in pleopod and hemolymph using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The environmental factors were recorded during the collection of animals, using a refractometer to measure the salinity and a multi-parameter meter to measure the temperature and concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. The IHHNV prevalence in RN was 43% (468 infected shrimp out of 1089), varying on different farms. On the seven farms studied, IHHNV prevalence ranged from 18.6% to 54.8%. The infection rates in the shrimp cultured in low, medium and high salinity were respectively 43.10% (125/290), 31.2% (15/48) and 24.6% (46/187) and was significantly higher in shrimp grown in low salinity (P<0.001). The infection rates in ponds of extensive, semi-intensive and intensive systems were respectively, 28.7%, 28.28% and 47.84%, and was significantly higher in high stocking densities (P<0.001). This study indicated a high IHHNV prevalence and a significant effect of salinity and stocking density, but not of the temperature, rainfall and dissolved oxygen on the IHHNV infection rate in the L. vannamei shrimp cultured in the northeastern Brazil


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The main problem faced by the shrimp industry are the infectious diseases. The hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis infection (IHHN) is one of the major cause of disease in the cultured shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Environmental changes involving water quality, oxygen concentration, salinity, temperature, stocking density, presence of pathogens, among others, triggering a stressing condition for the cultured shrimp, weakening them and allowing the outbreak of diseases. The stress on the animal leads to a change in the molecules immune response components, which can be used as indicators of shrimp health. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of salinity, stocking density and IHHNV infection on the L. vannamei shrimp. The immune parameters used to check the shrimp health were the total hemocytes counts (THC), the agglutinating activity (AA) and the clotting time (CT) of the serum of shrimp. These parameters were analyzed in healthy and IHHNV-infected shrimp, grown in low (0-0.5 ), medium (19-24 ) and high (> 38 ) salinity, and extensive (7-12 cam.m-2), semi-intensive (15-25 cam.m-2) and intensive (33-45 cam.m -2) stocking density. The IHHNV infection rate was significantly higher in low salinity (P<0.005) and intensive density (P<0.005), both stressful conditions for L. vannamei. Low salinity significantly increased THC (P<0.05) and decreased and CT (P<0.05) in healthy and infected shrimp, but AA (P<0.05) significantly decreased in healthy shrimp at medium salinity. Culture intensification did not affect the THC, AA and CT of healthy and infected shrimp (P>0.05). The IHHNV infection did not affect any immune parameters of shrimp cultured at different salinities and stocking densities. It is necessary to emphasize that this study was conducted in shrimp grown in ponds, where several environmental factors are acting simultaneously. Thus, further studies are needed about the influence of other environmental factors on the immune parameters of shrimp cultured in pond


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A estimativa do diâmetro de lesões de cancro cítrico é uma das principais técnicas usadas na avaliação da interação entre isolados x genótipos, na avaliação da resistência varietal e no estudo de aspectos epidemiológicos. No entanto, inexistem informações a respeito do tamanho da amostra para uma adequada quantificação da doença, considerando o diâmetro de lesões. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação do número de amostras para mensurar o diâmetro médio de lesões de cancro cítrico. Foram considerados como fontes de variação três genótipos do hospedeiro, dois métodos de inoculação de Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri e dois avaliadores. As avaliações dos diâmetros foram realizadas considerando ou não o halo amarelo ao redor do tecido necrosado, quando presente. Estimativas do diâmetro de lesões com erros na média inferiores a 3% são impraticáveis em razão do tamanho excessivo da amostra (mais que quarenta lesões/planta). Menores erros na média ocorreram nas estimativas considerando somente o tecido necrosado. Estimativas precisas do diâmetro de lesões, com erros na média inferiores a 10%, podem ser obtidas com tamanhos de amostras entre cinco e quinze lesões/planta, independentemente do genótipo e da idade das lesões.