940 resultados para Atherosclerotic Lesions


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) in general, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related KS (AIDS-KS) in particular, is a highly invasive and intensely angiogenic neoplasm of unknown cellular origin. We have recently established AIDS-KS cells in long term culture and reported the development of KS-like lesions in nude mice inoculated with these cells. Here, we have examined the in vitro invasiveness of basement membrane by AIDS-KS cells, as well as the effect(s) of their supernatants on the migration and invasiveness of human vascular endothelial cells. AIDS-KS cells were highly invasive in the Boyden chamber invasion assay and formed invasive, branching colonies in a 3-dimensional gel (Matrigel). Normal endothelial cells form tube-like structures on Matrigel. AIDS-KS cell-conditioned media induced endothelial cells to form invasive clusters in addition to tubes. KS-cell-conditioned media, when placed in the lower compartment of the Boyden chamber, stimulated the migration of human and bovine vascular endothelial cells across filters coated with either small amounts of collagen IV (chemotaxis) or a Matrigel barrier (invasion). Basic fibroblast growth factor could also induce endothelial cell chemotaxis and invasion in these assays. However, when antibodies to basic fibroblast growth factor were used the invasive activity induced by the AIDS-KS-cell-conditioned media was only marginally inhibited, suggesting that the large quantities of basic fibroblast growth factor-like material released by the AIDS-KS cells are not the main mediators of this effect. Specific inhibitors of laminin and collagenase IV action, which represent critical determinants of basement membrane invasion, blocked the invasiveness of the AIDS-KS cell-activated endothelial cells in these assays. These data indicate that KS cells appear to be of smooth muscle origin but secrete a potent inducer of endothelial cell chemotaxis and invasiveness which could be responsible for angiogenesis and the resulting highly vascularized lesions. These assays appear to be a model to study the invasive spread and angiogenic capacity of human AIDS-related KS and should prove useful in the identification of molecular mediators and potential inhibitors of neoplastic neovascularization.


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Muscle invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder is associated with a high frequency of metastasis, resulting in poor prognosis for patients presenting with this disease. Models that capture and demonstrate step-wise enhancement of elements of the human metastatic cascade on a similar genetic background are useful research tools. We have utilized the transitional cell carcinoma cell line TSU-Pr1 to develop an in vivo experimental model of bladder TCC metastasis. TSU-Pr1 cells were inoculated into the left cardiac ventricle of SCID mice and the development of bone metastases was monitored using high resolution X-ray. Tumor tissue from a single bone lesion was excised and cultured in vitro to generate the TSU-Pr1-B1 subline. This cycle was repeated with the TSU-Pr1-B1 cells to generate the successive subline TSU-Pr1-B2. DNA profiling and karyotype analysis confirmed the genetic relationship of these three cell lines. In vitro, the growth rate of these cell lines was not significantly different. However, following intracardiac inoculation TSU-Pr1, TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2 exhibited increasing metastatic potential with a concomitant decrease in time to the onset of radiologically detectable metastatic bone lesions. Significant elevations in the levels of mRNA expression of the matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) membrane type 1-MMP (MT1-MMP), MT2-MMP and MMP-9, and their inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-2 (TIMP-2), across the progressively metastatic cell lines, were detected by quantitative PCR. Given the role of MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 in MMP-2 activation, and the upregulation of MMP-9, these data suggest an important role for matrix remodeling, particularly basement membrane, in this progression. The TSU-Pr1-B1/B2 model holds promise for further identification of important molecules.


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We have investigated the role of bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein normally found in bone, in breast cancer progression. To explore functions for BSP in human breast cancer invasion and metastasis, the full-length BSP cDNA was transfected into the MDA-MB-231-BAG human breast cancer cell line under the control of the CMV promoter. Clones expressing BSP and vector control clones were isolated. BSP producing clones showed increased monolayer wound healing, a faster rate of stellate outgrowth in Matrigel and increased rate of invasion into a collagen matrix when compared to control clones. Clones were also examined in models of breast cancer growth and metastasis in vivo. BSP transfected clones showed an increased rate of primary tumor growth following mammary fat pad injection of nude mice. BSP transfected clones and vector control clones metastasized to soft organs and bone at a similar rate after intra-cardiac injection as determined by real-time PCR and X-ray analysis. Although these organs were targets for both BSP transfected and non-transfected cells, the size of the metastatic lesion was shown to be significantly larger for BSP expressing clones. This was determined by real-time PCR analysis for soft organs and by X-ray analysis of bone lesions. For bone this was confirmed by intra-tibial injections of cells in nude mice. We conclude that BSP acts to drive primary and secondary tumor growth of breast cancers in vivo.


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Cellular plasticity is fundamental to embryonic development. The importance of cellular transitions in development is first apparent during gastrulation when the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition transforms polarized epithelial cells into migratory mesenchymal cells that constitute the embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm. It is now widely accepted that this developmental pathway is exploited in various disease states, including cancer progression. The loss of epithelial characteristics and the acquisition of a mesenchymal-like migratory phenotype are crucial to the development of invasive carcinoma and metastasis. However, given the morphological similarities between primary tumour and metastatic lesions, it is likely that tumour cells re-activate certain epithelial properties through a mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) at the secondary site, although this is yet to be proven. MET is also an essential developmental process and has been extensively studied in kidney organogenesis and somitogenesis. In this review we describe the process of MET, highlight important mediators, and discuss their implication in the context of cancer progression.


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a relatively low grade neoplasm, classically occurring in the skin of elderly men. A more virulent and invasive form of Kaposi's sarcoma has been described in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The origin and identification of the tumor cells in these lesions is controversial. Here we have studied the behavior of cells derived from KS lesions in an in vitro assay which measures the ability of cells to invade through a reconstituted basement membrane. In agreement with previous work, KS cells obtained under selective culture conditions were invasive showing activity comparable to that of malignant tumor cells. Normal fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells did not demonstrate invasive behavior under the same experimental conditions. To characterize further the nature of the KS cells we tested the chemotactic response of cells from the most invasive line to a variety of growth factors and compared their response to those of fibroblasts, smooth muscle, and endothelial cells. These studies suggest that normal cells respond to a unique repertoire of chemotactic factors. The chemotactic response of the KS cells most closely resembled that of smooth muscle cells and was quite distinct from endothelial cells. These results indicate that the KS-derived cultures contain invasive cells with a smooth muscle cell-like phenotype.


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Metastasis, the passage of primary tumour cells throughout the body via the vascular system and their subsequent proliferation into secondary lesions in distant organs, represents a poor prognosis and therefore an understandably feared event for cancer patients. Despite considerable advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment, most deaths are the result of metastases resistant to conventional treatment [1]. Rather than being a random process, metastasis involves a series of organised steps leading to the growth of a secondary tumour. Malignant tumours stimulate the production of new vessels by the host, and this process is a prerequisite for the increase in size of a new tumour [2]. Angiogenesis, not only permits tumour expansion but also allows the entry of tumour cells into the circulation and is probably the most vital event for the metastatic process [3]. Metastasis and angiogenesis [4] have received much attention in recent years. A biological understanding of both phenomena seems to be an urgent priority towards the search for an effective prevention and treatment of tumour progression. Studies in vitro and in vivo have shown that one of the most important barriers to the passage of malignant cells is the basement membrane. The crossing of such barriers is a vital step in the formation of a metastasis [5].


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MMP-2 (gelatinase A) has been associated with the invasive potential of many cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. It is now becoming clear that the activation of this enzyme might be a key step in tumor invasion. This activation process has been shown to be a membrane-associated pathway inducible by various agents such as collagen type I, concanavalin A or TGF-β, but its physiological regulation is still largely unresolved. MT-MMP was recently discovered and described as a potential gelatinase-A activator. In the present study, we investigated the expression of MT-MMP (membrane-type metalloproteinase) in cervical cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. Comparing several in vitro-transformed cervical cell lines, previously shown to display different invasive potentials, our results showed that the ability of cells to overexpress MT-MMP mRNA following ConA induction correlated with their ability to activate gelatinase A and with a highly invasive behavior. Moreover, using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, we found a higher level of MT-MMP expression in invasive cervical carcinoma and lymphnode metastases compared to its expression in non-invasive CIN III lesions. Our in vivo observations also clearly demonstrated a cooperation between stromal and tumor cells for the production of MT-MMP. Taken together, our results clearly correlated high level MT-MMP expression with invasiveness, and thus suggested that MT-MMP might play a crucial role in cervical tumor invasion.


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Vimentin is an intermediate filament protein normally expressed in mesenchymal cells, but evidence is accumulating in the literature which suggests that the aberrant expression of vimentin in epithelial cancer cells might be related to local invasiveness and metastatic potential. Vimentin expression has previously been associated with invasive properties in an in vitro model consisting of a set of HPV-33-transformed cervical keratinocyte cell lines. In the present study, in order to emphasize those in vitro findings, the expression of vimentin has been investigated in cervical neoplasms of different grades, using immunohistochemistry. A clear association is reported between vimentin expression and metastatic progression, since vimentin was detected in all invasive carcinomas and lymph node metastases, but not in CIN III lesions. These in vivo results are compared with present and previous data obtained in vitro on cervical keratinocyte cell lines, where vimentin expression also correlated with in vitro invasiveness.


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Path integration is a process in which observers derive their location by integrating self-motion signals along their locomotion trajectory. Although the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is thought to take part in path integration, the scope of its role for path integration remains unclear. To address this issue, we administered a variety of tasks involving path integration and other related processes to a group of neurosurgical patients whose MTL was unilaterally resected as therapy for epilepsy. These patients were unimpaired relative to neurologically intact controls in many tasks that required integration of various kinds of sensory self-motion information. However, the same patients (especially those who had lesions in the right hemisphere) walked farther than the controls when attempting to walk without vision to a previewed target. Importantly, this task was unique in our test battery in that it allowed participants to form a mental representation of the target location and anticipate their upcoming walking trajectory before they began moving. Thus, these results put forth a new idea that the role of MTL structures for human path integration may stem from their participation in predicting the consequences of one's locomotor actions. The strengths of this new theoretical viewpoint are discussed.


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Homologous recombination mediated by RAD51 recombinase helps eliminate chromosomal lesions, such as DNA double-strand breaks induced by radiation or arising from injured DNA replication forks. The tumor suppressors BRCA2 and PALB2 act together to deliver RAD51 to chromosomal lesions to initiate repair. Here we document a new function of PALB2: to enhance RAD51's ability to form the D loop. We show that PALB2 binds DNA and physically interacts with RAD51. Notably, although PALB2 alone stimulates D-loop formation, it has a cooperative effect with RAD51AP1, an enhancer of RAD51. This stimulation stems from the ability of PALB2 to function with RAD51 and RAD51AP1 to assemble the synaptic complex. Our results demonstrate the multifaceted role of PALB2 in chromosome damage repair. Because PALB2 mutations can cause cancer or Fanconi anemia, our findings shed light on the mechanism of tumor suppression in humans.


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Homologous recombination catalyzed by the RAD51 recombinase is essential for maintaining genome integrity upon the induction of DNA double strand breaks and other DNA lesions. By enhancing the recombinase activity of RAD51, RAD51AP1 (RAD51-associated protein 1) serves a key role in homologous recombination-mediated chromosome damage repair. We show here that RAD51AP1 harbors two distinct DNA binding domains that are both needed for maximal protein activity under physiological conditions. We have finely mapped the two DNA binding domains in RAD51AP1 and generated mutant variants that are impaired in either or both of the DNA binding domains. Examination of these mutants reveals that both domains are indispensable for RAD51AP1 function in cells. These and other results illuminate the mechanistic basis of RAD51AP1 action in homologous DNA repair.


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By virtue of its widespread afferent projections, perirhinal cortex is thought to bind polymodal information into abstract object-level representations. Consistent with this proposal, deficits in cross-modal integration have been reported after perirhinal lesions in nonhuman primates. It is therefore surprising that imaging studies of humans have not observed perirhinal activation during visual-tactile object matching. Critically, however, these studies did not differentiate between congruent and incongruent trials. This is important because successful integration can only occur when polymodal information indicates a single object (congruent) rather than different objects (incongruent). We scanned neurologically intact individuals using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they matched shapes. We found higher perirhinal activation bilaterally for cross-modal (visual-tactile) than unimodal (visual-visual or tactile-tactile) matching, but only when visual and tactile attributes were congruent. Our results demonstrate that the human perirhinal cortex is involved in cross-modal, visual-tactile, integration and, thus, indicate a functional homology between human and monkey perirhinal cortices.


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Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of the major causes of vision loss and blindness in ageing population. Currently, there is no cure for AMD, however early detection and subsequent treatment may prevent the severe vision loss or slow the progression of the disease. AMD can be classified into two types: dry and wet AMDs. The people with macular degeneration are mostly affected by dry AMD. Early symptoms of AMD are formation of drusen and yellow pigmentation. These lesions are identified by manual inspection of fundus images by the ophthalmologists. It is a time consuming, tiresome process, and hence an automated diagnosis of AMD screening tool can aid clinicians in their diagnosis significantly. This study proposes an automated dry AMD detection system using various entropies (Shannon, Kapur, Renyi and Yager), Higher Order Spectra (HOS) bispectra features, Fractional Dimension (FD), and Gabor wavelet features extracted from greyscale fundus images. The features are ranked using t-test, Kullback–Lieber Divergence (KLD), Chernoff Bound and Bhattacharyya Distance (CBBD), Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve-based and Wilcoxon ranking methods in order to select optimum features and classified into normal and AMD classes using Naive Bayes (NB), k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN), Decision Tree (DT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated using private (Kasturba Medical Hospital, Manipal, India), Automated Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA) and STructured Analysis of the Retina (STARE) datasets. The proposed system yielded the highest average classification accuracies of 90.19%, 95.07% and 95% with 42, 54 and 38 optimal ranked features using SVM classifier for private, ARIA and STARE datasets respectively. This automated AMD detection system can be used for mass fundus image screening and aid clinicians by making better use of their expertise on selected images that require further examination.


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects the central vision and subsequently may lead to visual loss in people over 60 years of age. There is no permanent cure for AMD, but early detection and successive treatment may improve the visual acuity. AMD is mainly classified into dry and wet type; however, dry AMD is more common in aging population. AMD is characterized by drusen, yellow pigmentation, and neovascularization. These lesions are examined through visual inspection of retinal fundus images by ophthalmologists. It is laborious, time-consuming, and resource-intensive. Hence, in this study, we have proposed an automated AMD detection system using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and feature ranking strategies. The first four-order statistical moments (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis), energy, entropy, and Gini index-based features are extracted from DWT coefficients. We have used five (t test, Kullback–Lieber Divergence (KLD), Chernoff Bound and Bhattacharyya Distance, receiver operating characteristics curve-based, and Wilcoxon) feature ranking strategies to identify optimal feature set. A set of supervised classifiers namely support vector machine (SVM), decision tree, k -nearest neighbor ( k -NN), Naive Bayes, and probabilistic neural network were used to evaluate the highest performance measure using minimum number of features in classifying normal and dry AMD classes. The proposed framework obtained an average accuracy of 93.70 %, sensitivity of 91.11 %, and specificity of 96.30 % using KLD ranking and SVM classifier. We have also formulated an AMD Risk Index using selected features to classify the normal and dry AMD classes using one number. The proposed system can be used to assist the clinicians and also for mass AMD screening programs.


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Long-term inhalation studies in rodents have presented unequivocal evidence of experimental carcinogenicity of ethylene oxide, based on the formation of malignant tumors at multiple sites. However, despite a considerable body of epidemiological data only limited evidence has been obtained of its carcinogenicity in humans. Ethylene oxide is not only an important exogenous toxicant, but it is also formed from ethylene as a biological precursor. Ethylene is a normal body constituent; its endogenous formation is evidenced by exhalation in rats and in humans. Consequently, ethylene oxide must also be regarded as a physiological compound. The most abundant DNA adduct of ethylene oxide is 7-(2-hydroxyethyl)guanine (HOEtG). Open questions are the nature and role of tissue-specific factors in ethylene oxide carcinogenesis and the physiological and quantitative role of DNA repair mechanisms. The detection of remarkable individual differences in the susceptibility of humans has promoted research into genetic factors that influence the metabolism of ethylene oxide. With this background it appears that current PBPK models for trans-species extrapolation of ethylene oxide toxicity need to be refined further. For a cancer risk assessment at low levels of DNA damage, exposure-related adducts must be discussed in relation to background DNA damage as well as to inter- and intraindividual variability. In rats, subacute ethylene oxide exposures on the order of 1 ppm (1.83 mg/m3) cause DNA adduct levels (HOEtG) of the same magnitude as produced by endogenous ethylene oxide. Based on very recent studies the endogenous background levels of HOEtG in DNA of humans are comparable to those that are produced in rodents by repetitive exogenous ethylene oxide exposures of about 10 ppm (18.3 mg/m3). Experimentally, ethylene oxide has revealed only weak mutagenic effects in vivo, which are confined to higher doses. It has been concluded that long-term human occupational exposure to low airborne concentrations to ethylene oxide, at or below current occupational exposure limits of 1 ppm (1.83 mg/m3), would not produce unacceptable increased genotoxic risks. However, critical questions remain that need further discussions relating to the coherence of animal and human data of experimental data in vitro vs. in vivo and to species-specific dynamics of DNA lesions.