995 resultados para Asp, Petter: EG:s sanktionsrätt
Background: The anti-TNFα agent Infliximab (IFX) is used for the treatment of moderate to severe inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with insufficient response to conventional immunomodulator therapy. IFX maintenance therapy is expensive and it is unknown if indirect costs (eg. by loss of work productivity) can be reduced by this therapy. Goal: to evaluate the direct and indirect costs of an IBD patient cohort under maintenance IFX compared to a cohort under "conventional" immunomodulator therapy. Methods: Direct and indirect costs of an IBD cohort under IFX and a reference cohort (similar disease activity and location) under conventional immunomodulator therapy (Azathioprine, or 6-MP, or MTX) were retrospectively evaluated over 12 months (January to December 2008). Results: 54 IFX-patients (24f/30m, 37 CD, 10 UC, 7 IC) and 71 non-IFX-patients (38f/33m, 56 CD, 12 UC, 3 IC) were included. IFX patients were younger than non-IFX patients (36 vs. 47 years, P = 0.0003). The mean duration of inpatient stay in hospital (23 in IFX vs. 21 days for non-IFX, P = 0.909) and the hospitalization costs (7,692 in IFX vs. 4,179 SFr for non-IFX, P = 0.4540) did not differ. IFX-patients had significantly more frequently specialist outpatient consultations (8 vs. 4, P < 0.001) and outpatient-related costs (3,633 vs. 2,186 SFr, P <0.001). Total costs for all diagnostic procedures (blood work, endoscopies, radiology) were higher in the IFXcohort (2,265 vs. 1,164 SFr, P < 0.001). Sixty-five percent of IFX-patients had a 100% job employment compared to 80% in the non-IFX cohort (P = 0.001). Conclusions: The direct and indirect costs of maintenance IFX-treated IBD patients are higher compared to IBD patients under conventional immunomodulators. Care should be taken not only to judge the costs as the IFX treated population may represent a cohort with more aggressive disease phenotype, furthermore, quality of life aspects were not assessed.
A presença de gradiente textural é comum e marcante em Argissolos. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a mineralogia das partículas envolvidas no processo de formação de gradiente textural em um solo subtropical do Rio Grande do Sul. Amostras de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico abrúptico, material parental sedimentar, foram coletadas em duas trincheiras localizadas em distintas posições no relevo da área do departamento de solos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. No perfil 1, sob campo nativo e posicionado na meia encosta de uma colina com 9 % declividade, amostras foram coletadas nos horizontes A1, A2, AB e Bt. No perfil 2, sob vegetação espontânea e localizado no topo plano da colina, amostras foram coletadas nos horizontes A1, A2, E e Bt. Atributos químicos foram avaliados sobre a fração de solo menor que 2 mm. Amostras de argila dispersa em NaOH, após serem extraídas, foram submetidas à difração laser, discriminando a distribuição do tamanho de partícula envolvida no processo. A fração menor que 0,2 μm foi extraída, saturada com Ca2+ e submetida à difração de raios X sob os seguintes tratamentos: normal, à temperatura ambiente (N); depois de saturada com etilenoglicol (EG), depois de aquecida a 300 e 550 ºC. Os difratogramas de raios X (N) foram submetidos à modelagem matemática com DecompRX. Ambos os perfis apresentaram gradiente textural. Os teores de argila no horizonte Bt foram 2,9 e 4,4 vezes maiores no perfil 1 e 2 que nos seus respectivos horizontes mais arenosos. Os diagramas de difração laser mostraram enriquecimento no horizonte Bt em partículas de tamanho modal de 0,09 e 0,2 μm. A mineralogia dessa fração apresentou incremento nos horizontes Bt de interestratificados caulinita-esmectita (C-E) em detrimento das fases vermiculita hidróxi-Al entrecamada (VHE) e ilita-esmectita (I-E). Dessa forma, infere-se que o gradiente textural observado no solo está associado ao processo de migração de C-E com partículas de tamanho modal de 0,09 e 0,2 μm. Entretanto, o perfil 2 apresenta indícios de descontinuidade litológica, indicando que o processo de migração de partículas não é o único responsável pela formação de gradiente textural.
RESUME: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse Les canaux sodiques ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) participent à la signalisation neuronale dans les systèmes nerveux périphérique et central. Ces canaux non voltage dépendants sont impliqués dans l'apprentissage, l'expression de la peur, la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et la douleur. Les bases moléculaires sous-tendant leur activité ne sont pas encore totalement comprises. Ces canaux sont activés par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire et régulés, entre autres, par des ions tels que le Ca2+, le Zn2+ et le CI". La cristallisation de ASIC inactivé a été publiée. Le canal est un trimére de sous-unités identiques ou homologues. Chaque sous-unité a été décrite en analogie à un avant bras, un poignet et une main constituée d'un pouce, d'un doigt, d'une articulation, une boule β et une paume. Nous avons appliqué une approche bioinformatique systématique pour identifier les pH senseurs putatifs de ASICIa. Le rôle des pH senseurs putatifs a été testé par mutagénèse dirigée et des modifications chimiques combinées à une analyse fonctionnelle afin de comprendre comment les variations de ρ H ouvrent ces canaux. Les pH senseurs sont des acides aspartiques et glutamiques éparpillés sur la boucle extracellulaire suggérant que les changements de pH contrôlent l'activation et l'inactivation de ASIC en (dé)protonant ces résidus en divers endroits de la protéine. Par exemple lors de l'activation, la protonation des résidus à l'interface entre le pouce, la boule β et le doigt d'une même sous-unité induit un mouvement du pouce vers la bouie β et le doigt. De même lors de l'inactivation du canal les paumes des trois sous-unités formant une cavité se rapprochent. D'après notre approche bioinformatique, aucune histidine n'est impliquée dans la détection des variations de pH extracellulaire c'est-à-dire qu'aucune histidine ne serait un pH-senseur. Deux histidines de ASIC2a lient le Zn2+ et modifient l'affinité apparente du canal pour les protons. Une seule des deux est conservée parmi tous les ASICs, hASICIa H163. Elle forme un réseau de liaison hydrogène avec ses voisins conservés. L'étude détaillée de ce domaine, Pinterzone, montre son importance dans l'expression fonctionnelle des canaux. La perturbation de ce réseau par l'introduction d'un résidu hydrophobe (cystéine) par mutagénèse dirigée diminue l'expression du canal à la membrane plasmique. La modification des cystéines introduites par des réactifs spécifiques aux groupements sulfhydryle inhibe les canaux mutés en diminuant leur probabilité d'ouverture. Ces travaux décrivent les effets de l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire sur les canaux ASICs. ABSTRACT: Study of pH-dependent activation and inactivation of ASIC channels Benoîte BARGETON, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1G05 Lausanne, Switzerland The ASIC (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) sodium channels are involved in neuronal signaling in the central and peripheral nervous system. These non-voltage-gated channels are involved in learning, the expression of fear, neurodegeneration after ischemia and pain sensation. The molecular bases underlying their activity are not yet fully understood. ASICs are activated by extracellular acidification and regulated, eg by ions such as Ca2+, the Zn2+ and CI". The crystallization of inactivated ASIC has been published. The channel is a trimer of identical or homologous subunits. Each subunit has been described in analogy to a forearm, wrist and hand consisting of a thumb, a finger, a knuckle, a β-ball and a palm. We applied a systematic computational approach to identify putative pH sensor(s) of ASICIa. The role of putative pH sensors has been tested by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification combined with functional analysis in order to understand how changes in pH open these channels. The pH sensors are aspartic and glutamic acids distributed throughout the extracellular loop, suggesting that changes in pH control activation and inactivation of ASIC by protonation / deprotonation of many residues in different parts of the protein. During activation the protonation of various residues at the interface between the finger, the thumb and the β-ball induces the movement of the thumb toward the finger and the β-ball. During inactivation of the channel the palms of the three subunits forming a cavity approach each other. No histidine has been shown to be involved in extracellular pH changes detection, i.e. no histidine is a pH- sensor. Two histidines of ASIC2 bind Zn2+ and alter the apparent affinity of channel for protons. Only one of the two His is conserved among all ASICs, hASICIa H163. This residue is part of a network of hydrogen bonding with its conserved neighbors. The detailed study of this area, the interzone, shows its importance in the functional expression of ASICs. Disturbance of this network by the introduction of hydrophobic residues decreases the cell surface channel expression. Chemical modification of the introduced cysteines by thiol reactive compounds inhibits the mutated channels by a reduction of their open probability. These studies describe the effects of extracellular acidification on ASICs. RESUME GRAND PUBLIC: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse La transmission synaptique est un processus chimique entre deux neurones impliquant des neurotransmetteurs et leurs récepteurs. Un dysfonctionnement de certains types de synapses est à l'origine de beaucoup de troubles nerveux, tels que certaine forme d'épilepsie et de l'attention. Les récepteurs des neurotransmetteurs sont de très bonnes cibles thérapeutiques dans de nombreuses neuropathologies. Les canaux ASICs sont impliqués dans la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et les bloquer pourraient permettre aux patients d'avoir moins de séquelles. Les canaux ASICs sont des détecteurs de l'acidité qui apparaît lors de situations pathologiques comme l'ischémie et l'inflammation. Ces canaux sont également impliqués dans des douleurs. Cibler spécifiquement ces canaux permettrait d'avoir de nouveaux outils thérapeutiques car à l'heure actuelle l'inhibiteur de choix, l'amiloride, bloque beaucoup d'autres canaux empêchant son utilisation pour bloquer les ASICs. C'est pourquoi il faut connaître et comprendre les bases moléculaires du fonctionnement de ces récepteurs. Les ASICs formés de trois sous-unités détectent les variations de l'acidité puis s'ouvrent transitoirement pour laisser entrer des ions chargés positivement dans la cellule ce qui active la signalisation neuronale. Afin de comprendre les bases moléculaires de l'activité des ASICs nous avons déterminé les sites de liaison des protons (pH-senseurs), ligands naturels des ASICs et décrit une zone importante pour l'expression fonctionnelle de ces canaux. Grâce à une validation systématique de résultats obtenus en collaboration avec l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, nous avons décrit les pH-senseurs de ASICIa. Ces résultats, combinés à ceux d'autres groupes de recherche, nous ont permis de mieux comprendre comment les ASICs sont ouverts par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire. Une seconde étude souligne le rôle structural crucial d'une région conservée parmi tous les canaux ASICs : y toucher c'est diminuer l'activité de la protéine. Ce domaine permet l'harmonisation des changements dus à l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire au sein d'une même sous-unité c'est-à-dire qu'elle participe à l'induction de l'inactivation due à l'activation du canal Cette étude décrit donc quelle région de la protéine atteindre pour la bloquer efficacement en faisant une cible thérapeutique de choix.
La mort subite d'origine cardiaque chez les sportifs : les Recommandations de Lausanne Résumé Objectifs : Cette étude collecte les données de la littérature scientifique concernant la mort subite d'origine cardiaque chez les sportifs et a pour but d'aboutir à un protocole d'investigation de préparticipation globalement acceptable, approuvé par la conférence de consensus du Comité International Olympique(CIO), et recommandé par ce dernier. Données cliniques : La mort subite chez les athlètes de moins de 35 ans, engagés dans des sports de compétition,. est un évènement bien connu, dont l'incidence est plus élevée (~2/100000/an) que chez les non-athlètes (2,5 :1). La cause est cardiovasculaire dans plus de 90% des cas. Méthodes : Une revue systématique de la littérature a mis en évidence les causes de mort subite d'origine cardiaque, le sexe, l'âge, les maladies cardiaques sous-jacentes et le type de sport, ainsi que les protocoles d'investigation de préparticipation utilisés. Les méthodes nécessaires pour détecter des anomalies cardiaques préexistantes sont discutées pour formuler un protocole d'investigation de préparticipation pour la commission médicale du CIO. (http://www.olympic.org/uk/organisation/commissions/medical/full_ story_ uk.asp?id=1182) Résultats: 1101 cas de mort subite d'origine cardiaque ont été rapportés (1966-2004) chez des athlètes de moins de 35 ans, 50% présentant des anomalies cardiaques congénitales et des cardiomyopathies et 10% une athérosclérose à début précoce. 40% des athlètes avaient moins de 18 ans, 33% moins de 16 ans ; le rapport femme/homme était de 1/9. La mort subite d'origine cardiaque était reportée dans presque tous les sports ; ceux impliqués le plus fréquemment étaient le football(30%), le basketball(25%), et la course à pied(15%). Les tests de préparticipation étaient de qualité et de contenu variables. La conférence de consensus du CIO a accepté les «Recommandations de Lausanne » proposées, basées sur cette recherche et des opinions d'experts. (http://multimedia.olympic.org/pdf/en_report_886.pdf) Conclusions : La mort subite d'origine cardiaque touche plus souvent qu'attendu les jeunes athlètes et est principalement due à des anomalies cardiaques congénitales préexistantes. Les atteintes athérosclérotiques précoces forment une autre cause importante de décès chez les jeunes adultes. L'acceptation par le CIO de «Recommandations de Lausanne » a permis d'aboutir à un protocole d'investigation de préparticipation globalement acceptable .
Plaque formation in vaccinia virus is inhibited by the compound N1-isonicotinoyl-N2-3-methyl-4-chlorobenzoylhydrazine (IMCBH). We have isolated a mutant virus that forms wild-type plaques in the presence of the drug. Comparison of wild-type and mutant virus showed that both viruses produced similar amounts of infectious intracellular naked virus in the presence of the drug. In contrast to the mutant, no extracellular enveloped virus was obtained from IMCBH-treated cells infected with wild-type virus. Marker rescue experiments were used to map the mutation conferring IMCBH resistance to the mutant virus. The map position coincided with that of the gene encoding the viral envelope antigen of M(r) 37,000. Sequence analysis of both wild-type and mutant genes showed a single nucleotide change (G to T) in the mutant gene. In the deduced amino acid sequence, the mutation changes the codon for an acidic Asp residue in the wild-type gene to one for a polar noncharged Tyr residue in the mutant.
PURPOSE: To investigate the prognostic value of various cytogenetic components of a complex karyotype in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cytogenetics and overall survival (OS) were analyzed in 1,975 AML patients age 15 to 60 years. RESULTS: Besides AML with normal cytogenetics (CN) and core binding factor (CBF) abnormalities, we distinguished 733 patients with cytogenetic abnormalities. Among the latter subgroup, loss of a single chromosome (n = 109) conferred negative prognostic impact (4-year OS, 12%; poor outcome). Loss of chromosome 7 was most common, but outcome of AML patients with single monosomy -7 (n = 63; 4-year OS, 13%) and other single autosomal monosomies (n = 46; 4-year OS, 12%) did not differ. Structural chromosomal abnormalities influenced prognosis only in association with a single autosomal monosomy (4-year OS, 4% for very poor v 24% for poor). We derived a monosomal karyotype (MK) as a predictor for very poor prognosis of AML that refers to two or more distinct autosomal chromosome monosomies (n = 116; 4-year OS, 3%) or one single autosomal monosomy in the presence of structural abnormalities (n = 68; 4-year OS, 4%). In direct comparisons, MK provides significantly better prognostic prediction than the traditionally defined complex karyotype, which considers any three or more or five or more clonal cytogenetic abnormalities, and also than various individual specific cytogenetic abnormalities (eg, del[5q], inv[3]/t[3;3]) associated with very poor outcome. CONCLUSION: MK enables (in addition to CN and CBF) the prognostic classification of two new aggregates of cytogenetically abnormal AML, the unfavorable risk MK-negative category (4-year OS, 26% +/- 2%) and the highly unfavorable risk MK-positive category (4-year OS, 4% +/- 1%).
As plantas de cobertura em sistema de plantio direto pode contribuir na formação de palhada e ciclagem de nutrientes para as culturas em sucessão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de matéria seca e ciclagem de nutrientes por plantas de cobertura semeadas em safrinha no desempenho do arroz de terras altas e da soja semeados em rotação, em sistemas plantio direto e preparo convencional, em Latossolo Vermelho do município de Rio Verde, Goiás. O estudo foi realizado no período de abril de 2008 a abril de 2010. Utilizou-se o delineamento em faixas com fatorial 2 x 5 com quatro repetições. Nas faixas horizontais foram testados os dois sistemas de manejo do solo (plantio direto e convencional) e nas faixas verticais, as plantas de cobertura. As avaliações de matéria seca, taxa de cobertura do solo e ciclagem de nutrientes foram realizadas apenas nos tratamentos plantio direto, em que as parcelas foram subdivididas em seis épocas de coletas de matéria seca após a dessecação das plantas de cobertura, o que ocorreu aos 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias a partir da dessecação de manejo das plantas de cobertura, perfazendo um fatorial 5 x 6. As plantas de cobertura, semeadas em safrinha, foram as seguintes: Brachiaria brizantha, B. ruziziensis, Pennisetum glaucum e B. ruziziensis + Cajanus cajan e o pousio. Avaliaram-se a produção de matéria seca, a taxa de cobertura do solo, o acúmulo e liberação de nutrientes pelas plantas de cobertura e a produtividade do arroz na safra 2008/09 e da soja na safra 2009/10, semeados em rotação. As espécies B. ruziziensis e B. ruziziensis + C. cajan destacaram-se na produção de matéria seca, taxa de cobertura do solo e acúmulo de nutrientes no final do período de entressafra. Os nutrientes com mais acúmulos nas matérias secas foram N e K, e as maiores taxas de liberação no solo foram observadas nos elementos K e P. As maiores produtividades de arroz sob plantio direto foram obtidas sobre palhadas de P. glaucum e B. ruziziensis, enquanto a cultura da soja não apresentou diferenças em sua produtividade nos tratamentos estudados.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The DRAGON score predicts functional outcome in the hyperacute phase of intravenous thrombolysis treatment of ischemic stroke patients. We aimed to validate the score in a large multicenter cohort in anterior and posterior circulation. METHODS: Prospectively collected data of consecutive ischemic stroke patients who received intravenous thrombolysis in 12 stroke centers were merged (n=5471). We excluded patients lacking data necessary to calculate the score and patients with missing 3-month modified Rankin scale scores. The final cohort comprised 4519 eligible patients. We assessed the performance of the DRAGON score with area under the receiver operating characteristic curve in the whole cohort for both good (modified Rankin scale score, 0-2) and miserable (modified Rankin scale score, 5-6) outcomes. RESULTS: Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.84 (0.82-0.85) for miserable outcome and 0.82 (0.80-0.83) for good outcome. Proportions of patients with good outcome were 96%, 93%, 78%, and 0% for 0 to 1, 2, 3, and 8 to 10 score points, respectively. Proportions of patients with miserable outcome were 0%, 2%, 4%, 89%, and 97% for 0 to 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 to 10 points, respectively. When tested separately for anterior and posterior circulation, there was no difference in performance (P=0.55); areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve were 0.84 (0.83-0.86) and 0.82 (0.78-0.87), respectively. No sex-related difference in performance was observed (P=0.25). CONCLUSIONS: The DRAGON score showed very good performance in the large merged cohort in both anterior and posterior circulation strokes. The DRAGON score provides rapid estimation of patient prognosis and supports clinical decision-making in the hyperacute phase of stroke care (eg, when invasive add-on strategies are considered).
Anti-doping authorities have high expectations of the athlete steroidal passport (ASP) for anabolic-androgenic steroids misuse detection. However, it is still limited to the monitoring of known well-established compounds and might greatly benefit from the discovery of new relevant biomarkers candidates. In this context, steroidomics opens the way to the untargeted simultaneous evaluation of a high number of compounds. Analytical platforms associating the performance of ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and the high mass-resolving power of quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometers are particularly adapted for such purpose. An untargeted steroidomic approach was proposed to analyse urine samples from a clinical trial for the discovery of relevant biomarkers of testosterone undecanoate oral intake. Automatic peak detection was performed and a filter of reference steroid metabolites mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) values was applied to the raw data to ensure the selection of a subset of steroid-related features. Chemometric tools were applied for the filtering and the analysis of UHPLC-QTOF-MS(E) data. Time kinetics could be assessed with N-way projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (N-PLS-DA) and a detection window was confirmed. Orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (O-PLS-DA) classification models were evaluated in a second step to assess the predictive power of both known metabolites and unknown compounds. A shared and unique structure plot (SUS-plot) analysis was performed to select the most promising unknown candidates and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were computed to assess specificity criteria applied in routine doping control. This approach underlined the pertinence to monitor both glucuronide and sulphate steroid conjugates and include them in the athletes passport, while promising biomarkers were also highlighted.