996 resultados para Asesores de empresas
O propósito primeiro desta dissertação foi o de mostrar, por meio de um estudo de caso, o da ACEPLAC, a aplicação do conceito de motivação como fator de criatividade e incremento de produção, em empresas de médio porte, sustentado por um modelo de gestão e de projetos de recompensa. Buscou-se justificar tal modelo pela observação sistemática dos esforços de trabalho, que se mostraram capazes de manter a motivação organizacional, apesar de sua volatilidade e voluntariedade. O método visava a trazer a experiência no campo concreto para o campo do conhecimento. Para isto, dividiu-se o longo processo em passos distintos, em que a obtenção de um arcabouço teórico sobre o complexo fenômeno que representa a motivação para o trabalho revelou-se o inequívoco ponto de partida. O estudo das várias características desse fenômeno e das inúmeras contribuições apresentadas desde Elton Mayo e Mary Follet até os dias atuais permitiu a construção de instrumental seguro para a análise crítica da realidade observada. Fez-se a opção de desenvolver a análise por meio do estudo de caso selecionado, uma vez que se pretendia ligar as abordagens teóricas à prática de modelos eficazes. O objetivo foi sinalizar para executivos e gerentes de empresas de médio porte aspectos relevantes para sua constituição e operacionalização, criando, assim, um panorama sobre a temática capaz de gerar novas alternativas para a tomada de decisão relativa ao assunto. Esse modelo é significativo porque conseguiu reduzir os aspectos voláteis e maximizar a voluntariedade dos empregados. O referido caso é rico em experiências, decisões e exemplos que podem ser adaptados e levados a outras empresas do mesmo porte. A análise criteriosa de todo o material de pesquisa levantado possibilitou a confirmação da afirmativa inicial, a qual priorizava a motivação como fator de criatividade e incremento de produção nas empresas de médio porte. Essas conclusões culminaram com a implantação do referido modelo, em maio de 1994, na Acesita Placas S/A - ACEPLAC.
In the past, the changes made in organizations were from decisions made by senior administrators and were implemented through authority and power. This sort of change doesn¿t work today because at a time when knowledge is one of the main tools for development, senior administrators need the participation of employees who directly handle strategic information for the company, having the necessary data for the conception, planning and execution of changes. Companies have begun to realize that the use of their own competent staff is the way to implement faster and more efficient strategic maneuvers. Which means, for a successful change, the whole process has to involve their employees. They have to develop efficient methods, such as, techniques for analysis, problem solution, team work, system modeling, change in attitudes and behavior, and management of the organizations culture. These methods define the professional profile of those responsible for the change. Today, each administrator must have the necessary qualifications, knowledge, and competence to identify the need for an organizational change and its introduction. In truth, each administrator is responsible for the structural change in his area and the standardization of his services.
The increasing of afluence demands the companies to be competitive and have a deep knowledge about the area wich they are participating. Through the search of management and produtive information, and the analisys of internal and external information, the company could identify strong and weak points , threats and oportunities, alowing the obtaince of competitive advantages. This research shows the result of a close search study about the usage of strategic planning and management technics, setting in evidence the necessity of micro and small furniture companies and furniture supply chain, represented in this case by sub-contract companies. Still looking to accentuate the importance that this study will represent to the setorial development, specially to the furniture companies wich have a big importance due to the report of small utilization of management technics in the sub-contract companies. Through analisys, it was possible to find out some common caracteristics in all 171 conmpanies evaluated, wich are showing likely 'sinalization', such as: - lower level os scholarship (96,5% elementary school, 3% until high school, 0,5% university/college graduration); - external market from Brazilian MPE¿s (5% export products to Mercosul and just 1% export products to Latin America, absenting exportations to other markets); - carefree with modern technics of management, certificates ISO 9000, 14000, MRP, CQT, among others; - carefree with strategic planning; - lower utilization of operacionl procedures, rules and function description; - ignoring the participating of market; - lower utilization of human resources index as a management form; - Small utilization of costs tabs (31%), with a small informatization level (8%) and apllying with non-management form; - low utilization of quality statistics (4%), re-working index (9%), among others. In syntesis, the basis expose that the great marjority of companies don¿t have knowledge about planning and the modern technics of management.
The Strategic Planning is the managerial process that it makes possible to establish one heading for being followed by the company, with views to obtain an optimization level in this relationship with the external atmosphere. In the small company¿s improvement the general performance of the results and the use of resources, however it is still little known and used. These organizations need administration tools to be capable to promote the business growth and to guarantee the survival more and more in this market competitive. This way, it is done necessary to approach the strategic planning in a complex less way and the objective of this research is to provide larger knowledge regarding the Strategic Planning in the personal computer and small companies, to verify the limitations in the implantation, to analyze the reasons for the low effectiveness of the use in companies of this load and to identify the consultants interviewees close to the best way to implant it. The understanding of these limitations aids the small intrepreneur and the consultant in the implantation of the strategic planning as increment of competitiveness as this use provides reflections, guidelines for the activities of the organization, as well as it makes possible adaptation and answer capacity to the changes of the market.
Nowadays, the free software has been presented as an alternative to the acquisition structure of proprietors¿ software licenses, being adopted by a large number of companies. This study presents the analysis, through a case study, of a project of proprietors¿ software migration for free platforms. The main purpose was to identify decisive factors of success in the adoption of free softwares for private companies. For this, was used the single case methodology of study, presented by Yin (2005). The theoretical referential approaches issues related to the definitions and the historic of the free software, the resistance to information systems and the change resistance. The idea is to look for the fundamentals to support the researchers understanding of the situations observed in the field. The data found at this research was analyzed using a meta-frame, which has as the main point the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Information Technology, developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). Also, to complete this meta-frame, were used the Technology Acceptance Model, proposed by Davis (1989), and Interaction¿s Model of system and context of Use, developed by Markus (1983). The researche¿s result has been gotten by the analysis of documentation, interviews, questionnaires, direct observation and participant observation, that made possible the obtaining of valuable group of data on the researched subject. The result of this research allow the establishment of subsidies for the planning and development of project of proprietors¿ softwares migration for free softwares.
Esta dissertação analisa as transformações ocorridas na indústria editorial de livros no Brasil frente à abertura da economia iniciada em 1990 até a atualidade. São utilizados três conjuntos de determinantes da globalização sugeridos pela teoria (tecnológico, político e econômico) como dimensões de análise. A partir de dados bibliográficos, documentais e entrevistas com empresários e dirigentes de entidades representativas da indústria concluiu-se que estes determinantes apontados pela teoria realmente implicaram em transformações significativas na indústria editorial brasileira e revelaram-se critérios úteis para avaliação do impacto da globalização não só na indústria em geral, como também em setores industriais específicos.
This work focuses on the implications of accumulation of technological competences for improvement of operational performance indicators. This relationship is examined in two mechanical industry firms in Caxias do Sul-RS, in the period 1985-2000. Based on a comparative case study, this work finds its ground in both qualitative and quantitative empirical evidences, collected in different sources in the firms, which are being studied. The examination of accumulation of technological competences is done through a structure of analysis existing in literature, which is specifically adapted to the mechanical industry. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of typical operational indicators pertaining to mechanical industry. Studies of this nature are already found, mainly in Latin American literature, since the eighties. But, the application of these analytic structures in industrializing firms in Brazil is found only in the nineties. This work shows that within a unique enterprise group there is a different accumulation of technological competences, and it demonstrates that this process is not automatic. Moreover, it contributes to explain not only the differences between both firms, in terms of operational performance at some points in time, but also, how both firms got to (or did not get to) improve their performance indicators along time. This conclusion is not different from that of previous studies, but it derives from a study made in a specific industry (mechanical), which has not yet been studied in the south of Brazil.
The motivation of this study is based on the expectation of understanding, at least in part, the reason why the brazilian academic production ¿ which is among the largest if compared to the developing countries, has not been translated in a useful way into concrete technology transference for the production sector. The supposition that different cultures and subcultures, in terms of values, behavior, practices among organizations and groups of selected actors involved in that process,- which is the central problem of this study, and peculiar to the technology context, has elected that relationship process the object of this research this study theoretical fundaments rely on culture and technology to analyze the subcultures which manifest themselves through the typified groups of researchers, in the public organizations, small scale employers, acting on technology based companies in the private sector (ebts) and mediators. Who also act in the process the preliminary step was the case study. Several qualitative methods an procedures were used. And the investigation has advanced toward interacting interviews, at the end added by the focal group method. The conclusions reject the existence of incompatibility among the subject groups points of view, however, points out some divergent values, the presence of mutual stereotypes and also confirms the supposition that the research platform is strongly influenced by the financial factor. Although, the study reveals that the presence of common objectives which lay behind the cited divergences make possible to present a core of practical suggestions to implement the studied relationships for the benefit of the production sector as well. The peculiarities perceived while dealing with that singular context suggest futures research to clarify possible new and obscure areas in that complex relationships.
A função social da empresa e, a finalidade do instituto da falência, são analisadas perante os reais interesses da coletividade na preservação dos empreendimentos que, embora bons irradiadores de beneficios sociais e econômicos à comunidade, enfrentam dificuldades financeiras. Diversas formas de como conduzir a gestão administrativa da empresa, enquanto beneficiária da proteção legal, são contempladas e, sugerida a adoção de uma gestão reconstrutiva, focada na recuperação da empresa enquanto beneficio ao conjunto da coletividade.
Evolution is present in world dynamics. And it is just in such transformational environment where companies have been encapsulated. In an economy of knowledge, physical assets alone are unable to provide profits to meet shareholders' demands. Now there comes an invisible component with the purpose of defining strategies and impelling results: Intangible Assets. Banking financing systems, however, have not kept pace with this knowledge revolution and its resulting new income generation techniques. Credit analysis methods for most financing agents would not employ any intangible parameters in their methodology of study as yet. This paper seeks to discuss the importance of intangible assets by focusing their role of influencial factor in decisions to finance technology-based companies. By studying the credit risk classification system employed by FINEP, Brazil's Federal Agency for innovation development, we wished to suggest indicators for intangibles which might be put to use in the Financiadora.
Este trabalho investigou a implementação de Estratégias de Internacionalização de Empresas instaladas na Região de Curitiba com o objetivo de descobrir como diferentes empresas aumentam seu envolvimento fora de sua base. Para responder a esta questão, considerou-se a literatura sobre Estratégia Empresarial, Processos de Internacionalização de Empresas e Aprendizagem Organizacional, de fonna a construir hipótese orientadora para a pesquisa. Investigou-se a existência de Processos de Aprendizagem Organizacional sustentando o Processo de Internacionalização das Empresas. A pesquisa de campo utilizou o método qualitativo, observacional, tendo a entrevista como ferramenta, identificando as trajetórias de internacionalização das empresas. Em cada uma destas, buscou projetos cujas taxas de crescimento do seu comprometimento com o ambiente externo fossem altas. Explorou as soluções adotadas para as dificuldades geradas pelas incertezas encontradas na implementação desses projetos, com o objetivo de verificar a presença de Processos de Aprendizagem Organizacional. Como resultado da investigação em sete empresas diferentes, com estratégias diferentes, em diferentes estágios de internacionalização, com projetos de naturezas diversas, este estudo concluiu pela existência de um fenômeno comum: em cem por cento das empresas pesquisadas, as altas taxas de crescimento de seu envolvimento fora de suas bases, foram sustentados por uma acentuada dinâmica de Aprendizagem Organizacional. Esta constatação resgata os conceitos da Universidade de Uppsala e introduz a abordagem sistêmica da Aprendizagem Organizacional no estudo do Processo de Internacionalização de Empresas, proporcionando explicação para as Born Global e para a internacionalização através dos network.
NEVES, Hélio Ramiro Marques. Os fluxos internacionais de capitais para investimentos em portfólio no mercado financeiro doméstico: uma análise do caso brasileiro de 1994 a 2000. 2004. f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão Empresarial) ¿ Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, 2000. This paper analyses the effect of International capital flows and their behavior for emergent countries, focused in Brazilian financial market. It considers that capital flows had dramatically increased, however their impact, proposals on changes in international market and capital controls has not been clear. Considering capital flows In comparison to portfolio investments and to direct investments, this paper, also aims to discuss and highlight questions whether the concepts that capital flows generally associated to portfolio investments are frequently connected with incidence of crises meanwhile the second have been associated with growth in some countries.
This work focuses on the implications of technological-organizational competences for improvement of performance indicators. This relationship is examined during 1984 to 2005 in three small companies that operate in Rio de Janeiro within adventure tourism, more specifically, within tandem flights on hang-gliding. Based on a comparative case study grounded in both qualitative and quantitative empirical evidences collected in a detailed field search, this study is supported by an existing metric available in literature and adapted to adventure tourism segment. The metric to measure competences is based on four techno-organizational function: (i) product; (ii) sales & marketing; (iii) infra-structure & operational process; (iv) managing systems. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of typical indicators used by this segment to evaluate results. This dissertation contributes to deepening the understanding of how techno-organizational competences affect the competitive performance of companies in this sector of adventure tourism.
According to Bourdieu (1994), there are social camps where the economic logic works upside down. Therefore, the expression ¿family business¿ is paradoxical because inside it resides two distinct and, sometimes, antagonistic logics: the business logic, whose goal is the profit, and the family logic, which aims at the common welfare. That is why one must consider the symbolical exchanges influences on the social relations more than in any other kind of company. Based on these concepts, this research presents an overview of the small and medium brazilian family business universe.
A participação no comércio internacional passou a ser indispensável para a sobrevivência das empresas. A necessidade de disponibilizar produtos com qualidade e competitividade em novos mercados faz com que as organizações utilizem todos os recursos da logística internacional. Neste contexto, com a criação de Centros de Distribuições internacionais, as empresas terão a possibilidade de incrementar suas vendas e satisfazer seus clientes. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica de temas como logística, armazenagem, distribuição e marketing, este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar quais as variáveis que intervém no sucesso ou no fracasso da internacionalização das empresas, quando da implantação de um Centro de Distribuição no exterior. Este estudo analisa o caso da Eletrônica Selenium, que iniciou seu processo de internacionalização através da criação de um Centro de Distribuição na costa leste do Estados Unidos da América. A implantação de um novo Centro de Distribuição, na costa oeste americana, é fundamental para a continuação do sucesso de internacionalização da empresa. Este processo está trazendo resultados positivos para a empresa, como maior agilidade para atender à demanda, aumento de seus lucros e da participação no mercado, compensando os custos relativos a esta operação, podendo-se já observar um aumento no volume de vendas de aproximadamente 50%, bem como uma redução no prazo de reabastecimento dos clientes de seis para três dias.