900 resultados para Artificial retinas
In the last decade, the aquatic eddy correlation (EC) technique has proven to be a powerful approach for non-invasive measurements of oxygen fluxes across the sediment water interface. Fundamental to the EC approach is the correlation of turbulent velocity and oxygen concentration fluctuations measured with high frequencies in the same sampling volume. Oxygen concentrations are commonly measured with fast responding electrochemical microsensors. However, due to their own oxygen consumption, electrochemical microsensors are sensitive to changes of the diffusive boundary layer surrounding the probe and thus to changes in the ambient flow velocity. The so-called stirring sensitivity of microsensors constitutes an inherent correlation of flow velocity and oxygen sensing and thus an artificial flux which can confound the benthic flux determination. To assess the artificial flux we measured the correlation between the turbulent flow velocity and the signal of oxygen microsensors in a sealed annular flume without any oxygen sinks and sources. Experiments revealed significant correlations, even for sensors designed to have low stirring sensitivities of ~0.7%. The artificial fluxes depended on ambient flow conditions and, counter intuitively, increased at higher velocities because of the nonlinear contribution of turbulent velocity fluctuations. The measured artificial fluxes ranged from 2 - 70 mmol m**-2 d**-1 for weak and very strong turbulent flow, respectively. Further, the stirring sensitivity depended on the sensor orientation towards the flow. Optical microsensors (optodes) that should not exhibit a stirring sensitivity were tested in parallel and did not show any significant correlation between O2 signals and turbulent flow. In conclusion, EC data obtained with electrochemical sensors can be affected by artificial flux and we recommend using optical microsensors in future EC-studies. Flume experiments were conducted in February 2013 at the Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau Landau. Experiments were performed in a closed oval-shaped acrylic glass flume with cross-sectional width of 4 cm and height of 10 cm and total length of 54 cm. The fluid flow was induced by a propeller driven by a motor and mean flow velocities of up to 20 cm s-1 were generated by applying voltages between 0 V and 4 V DC. The flume was completely sealed with an acrylic glass cover. Oxygen sensors were inserted through rubber seal fittings and allowed positioning the sensors with inclinations to the main flow direction of ~60°, ~95° and ~135°. A Clark type electrochemical O2 microsensor with a low stirring sensitivity (0.7%) was tested and a fast-responding needle-type O2 optode (PyroScience GmbH, Germany) was used as reference as optodes should not be stirring sensitive. Instantaneous three-dimensional flow velocities were measured at 7.4 Hz using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV). The velocity at the sensor tip was extracted. The correlation of the fluctuating O2 sensor signals and the fluctuating velocities was quantified with a cross-correlation analysis. A significant cross-correlation is equivalent to a significant artificial flux. For a total of 18 experiments the flow velocity was adjusted between 1.7 and 19.2 cm s**-1, and 3 different orientations of the electrochemical sensor were tested with inclination angles of ~60°, ~95° and ~135° with respect to the main flow direction. In experiments 16-18, wavelike flow was induced, whereas in all other experiments the motor was driven by constant voltages. In 7 experiments, O2 was additionally measured by optodes. Although performed simultaneously with the electrochemical sensor, optode measurements are listed as separate experiments (denoted by the attached 'op' in the filename), because the velocity time series was extracted at the optode tip, located at a different position in the flume.
The dataset contains raw data (quantification cycle) for a study which determined the most suitable hepatic reference genes for normalisation of qPCR data orginating from adult (entire reproductive season) Atlantic salmon (14 days) exposed to 14 and 22 degrees C. These results will be useful for anyone wanting to study the effects of climate change/elevated temperature on reproductive physiology of fish (and perhaphs other vertebrates). In addition, a target gene (vitellogenin) has normalised using an inappropriate and an 'ideal' reference gene to demonstrate the consequences of using an unstable reference gene for normalisation. For the adult experiment, maiden and repeat adult females were held at the Salmon Enterprises of Tasmania (SALTAS) Wayatinah Hatchery (Tasmania, Australia) at ambient temperature and photoperiod in either 200 (maidens) or 50 (repeats) m3 circular tanks at stocking densities of 12-18, and 24-36 kg m-3 for maidens and repeats, respectively, until transfered to the experimental tanks.
Land-based aquaculture facilities often utilize additional bicarbonate sources such as commercial sea salts that are designed to boost alkalinity in order to buffer seawater against reductions in pH. Despite these preventative measures, many facilities are likely to face occasional reductions in pH and corresponding reductions in carbonate saturation states due to the accumulation of metabolic waste products. We investigated the impact of reduced carbonate saturation states (Omega Ca, Omega Ar) on embryonic developmental rates, larval developmental rates, and echinoplutei skeletal morphometrics in the common edible sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus under high alkalinity conditions. Commercial artificial seawater was bubbled with a mixture of air and CO2 gas to reduce the carbonate saturation state. Rates of embryonic and larval development were significantly delayed in both the low and extreme low carbonate saturation state groups relative to the control at a given time. Although symmetry of overall skeletal body lengths was not affected, allometric relationships were significantly different between treatment groups. Larvae reared under ambient conditions had significantly greater postoral arm and overall body lengths relative to body lengths than larvae grown under extreme low carbonate saturation state conditions, indicating that extreme changes in the carbonate system affected not only developmental rates but also larval skeletal shape. Reduced rates of embryonic development and delayed and altered larval skeletal growth are likely to negatively impact larval culturing of L. variegatus in land-based, intensive culture situations where calcite and aragonite saturation states are lowered by the accumulation of metabolic waste products.