960 resultados para Arch of hollow cathode


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We provide a novel hollow-core holey fibre that owns a random distribution of air holes in the cladding. Our experiments demonstrate that many of the features previously attributed to photonic crystal fibres with perfect arrangement of air holes, in particular, photonic bandgap guidance, can also be obtained in the fibre. Additionally, this fibre exhibits a second guided mode with both the two-lobe patterns, and each pattern is in different colour.


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The aim of this paper is to review our recent results on the growth and optimization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and CNT/Zinc Oxide nanostructures and present and discuss their suitability for various applications such as cold cathode electron sources for use in x-ray sources and lighting. ©2010 IEEE.


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Thirteen morphometric and seven meristic characters, length-weight relationship and food and feeding habits of Otolithoides biauritus of Bombay coast (Maharashtra, India) were studied. Compared morphometric characters revealed positive allometric growth and high correlation ("r" ranging 0.898 - 0.996) between each other. Meristic characters were observed to be B sub(vii), D sub(1) 8-10, D sub(2) 27-31, P 17-20, V 5-7 and 7-10. Number of gill rackers on the first left gill arch ranged from 15 to 19. Length-weight relationship for both sexes together worked out to be W = 0.026, L super(2.646). The species is a predator, feeding mainly on motile Acetes, small fish and Loligo in order of preference.


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A novel CMOS-compatible, heavily doped drift auxiliary cathode lateral insulated gate transistor (HDD-ACLIGT) structure is analyzed using two-dimensional device simulation techniques. Simulation results indicate that low on-resistance and a fast turn-off time of less than 50 ns can be achieved by incorporating an additional n+ region which is self-aligned to the gate between the p+ auxiliary cathode and the p well, together with an extended p buried layer in an anode-shorted modified lateral insulated gate transistor (MLIGT) structure. The on-state and its transient performance are analyzed in detail. The on-state performances of the HDD-ACLIGT and the MLIGT are compared and discussed. The results indicate that the HDD-ACLIGT structure is well suited for HVICs. The device is also well suited for integration with self-aligned digital CMOS.


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This paper describes the effect of the state of the inlet boundary layer (laminar or turbulent) on the structure of the endwall flow on two different profiles of low-pressure (LP) turbine blades (solid thin and hollow thick). At present the state of the endwall boundary layer at the inlet of a real LP turbine is not known. The intention of this paper is to show that, for different designs of LP turbine, the state of the inlet boundary layer affects the performance of the blade in very different ways. The testing was completed at low speed in a linear cascade using area traversing, flow visualization and static pressure measurements. The paper shows that, for a laminar inlet boundary layer, the two profiles have a similar loss distribution and structure of endwall flow. However, for a turbulent inlet boundary layer the two profiles are shown to differ significantly in both the total loss and endwall flow structure. The pressure side separation bubble on the solid thin profile is shown to interact with the passage vortex, causing a higher endwall loss than that measured on the hollow thick profile.


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The mud crab Scylla serrata is an important commercial species found in many brackish areas in the Philippines. During spawning and hatching, the berried females migrate to the sea. Seeds for pond stocking are obtained from the wild. Because of the unpredictability of seed supply, there is a need to propagate the species artificially. Thus, spawning, larval rearing, maturation, and rematuration of the species are being studied. The first attempts at hatching S. serrata were successful with rates varying between 75% and 90%. Two out of three trials on larval rearing yielded a few megalops. The first zoeal stages were fed diatoms, rotifers, Artemia salina, and bread yeast. Overfeeding programs were implemented during the critical premolting periods to prevent weakening of the larvae and lessen cannibalism. Larval weakening during the premolt makes them susceptible to attacks by fungi like Lagenidium and ciliates like Vorticella. S. serrata larvae survived salinity levels as low as 15 ppt until the 14th day of rearing. Other larvae were able to survive in salinities of 30-32 ppt for 8 to 13 days. Zoeal molting was hastened by lowering the salinity to 25-27 ppt. Artificial broodstocking of juveniles and adult crabs has been made possible using a simple refuge system made of three-compartmented hollow blocks. This system has been helpful in minimizing fighting among crabs. Remarkable growth rates have been observed with feeds like mussel meat and trash fish. Average growth increments of 11 mm carapace length and 20 . 35 g body weight have been observed every fortnight. A newly spent spawner could gain additional weight of 22 . 5 g in only 6 days. Feeding rates of juveniles and adult crabs have been established based on the average body weight from an experiment using mussel meat. Crabs feed more at night. In another experiment, eyestalk ablation was found to be effective in inducing growth and mating. Aside from hastening the molting process, copulation is induced even among the small crabs (average carapace length = 55 mm). Natural mating lasts about 26 hr. A copulation which lasted for seven days with a break in between was observed.


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A new species of the subfamily Barbinae, Tor yingjiangensis, is recognized from Yunnan province, China. It can be distinguished from other Tor species by the following combination of characters: last simple dorsal-fin ray osseous and non-serrated; no forward directed predorsal procumbent spine; head length considerably longer than body depth; no tubercles on the snout or sides of the face; 18-20 gill rakers on the outside of first gill arch; 24-26 lateral line scales; median lobe of lower lip short, its posterior margin truncate, not extending to the vertical across the inner corners of the mouth; and the condition of the lower lip consistent in individuals of different sizes. The new species has been misidentified previously as Tor putitora (Hamilton, F. 1822. An account of the fishes found in the River Ganges and its Branches. Edinburgh & London. 405 pp), which occurs in the Ganges and Indus River basins. The new species can easily be distinguished from T. putitora by having 3-3.5 (vs. 2.5) scales from lateral line to pelvic-fin origin, shorter caudal peduncle length (13.0% vs. 17.2% of standard length), lesser body depth (26.4% vs. 24.0% of standard length) and longer caudal peduncle depth (12.0% vs. 10.9% of standard length), no longitudinal stripe present along side of body, and eyes visible in ventral view of head.


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Bamboo bats are a group of small bats with unique skull and morphology. They roost inside hollow bamboo stems in tropical and subtropical Asia and the Ambon Islands (Moluccas). We examined 53 specimens of Tylonycteris from southern and southwestern China. Comparisons of skull and external characteristics, pelage color, shapes of thumbpads and footpads, and statistical analysis of cranial measurements revealed that specimens from Damenglong, Jinghong County, Xishuang-banna, Yunnan, are distinctly different from the other two species of Tylonycteris described so far. The Yunnan specimens are the smallest in size; have dark blackish brown pelage color; and have larger upper premolars, smaller first lower premolars, and longer C-M-3. They are sympatric with the previously described species. Here we review the genus Tylonycteri and describe a new species, Tylonycteris pygmaeus, from the Yunnan material.


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In addition to the structural control of individual carbon nanotubes (CNTs), the morphological control of their assemblies is crucial to realize miniaturized CNT devices. Microgradients in the thickness of catalyst are used to enrich the variety of available self-organized morphologies of CNTs. Microtrenches were fabricated in gate/spacer/cathode trilayers using a conventional self-aligned top-down process and catalyst exhibiting a microgradient in its thickness was formed on the cathode by sputter deposition through gate slits. CNTs, including single-walled CNTs, of up to 1μm in length were grown within 5-15 s by chemical vapor deposition. The tendency of thin CNTs to aggregate caused interactions between CNTs with different growth rates, yielding various morphologies dependent on the thickness of the catalyst. The field emission properties of several types of CNT assemblies were evaluated. The ability to produce CNTs with tailored morphologies by engineering the spatial distribution of catalysts will enhance their performance in devices. © 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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An improved technique for transferring large area graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition on copper is presented. It is based on mechanical separation of the graphene/copper by H2 bubbles during H2O electrolysis, which only takes a few tens of seconds while leaving the copper cathode intact. A semi-rigid plastic frame in combination with thin polymer layer span on graphene gives a convenient way of handling- and avoiding wrinkles and holes in graphene. Optical and electrical characterizations prove the graphene quality is better than that obtained by traditional wet etching transfer. This technique appears to be highly reproducible and cost efficient. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We show that tubes of melt cast Bi-2212 used as current leads for LTS magnets can also act as efficient magnetic shields. The magnetic screening properties under an axial DC magnetic field are characterized at several temperatures below the liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). Two main shielding properties are studied and compared with those of Bi-2223, a material that has been considered in the past for bulk magnetic shields. The first property is related to the maximum magnetic flux density that can be screened, Blim; it is defined as the applied magnetic flux density below which the field attenuation measured at the centre of the shield exceeds 1000. For a cylinder of Bi-2212 with a wall thickness of 5 mm and a large ratio of length over radius, Blim is evaluated to 1 T at T = 10 K. This value largely exceeds the Blim value measured at the same temperature on similar tubes of Bi-2223. The second shielding property that is characterized is the dependence of Blim with respect to variations of the sweep rate of the applied field, dBapp/dt. This dependence is interpreted in terms of the power law E = Ec(J/Jc)^n and allows us to determine the exponent n of this E(J) characteristics for Bi-2212. The characterization of the magnetic field relaxation involves very small values of the electric field. This gives us the opportunity to experimentally determine the E(J) law in an unexplored region of small electric fields. Combining these results with transport and AC shielding measurements, we construct a piecewise E(J) law that spans over 8 orders of magnitude of the electric field.


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We review our recent exploratory investigations on mode division multiplexing using hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers (HC-PBGFs). Compared with traditional multimode fibers, HC-PBGFs have several attractive features such as ultra-low nonlinearities, low-loss transmission window around 2 μm etc. After having discussed the potential and challenges of using HC-PBGFs as transmission fibers for mode multiplexing applications, we will report a number of recent proof-of-concept results obtained in our group using direct detection receivers. The first one is the transmission of two 10.7 Gbit/s non-return to zero (NRZ) data signals over a 30 m 7-cell HC-PBGF using the offset mode launching method. In another experiment, a short piece of 19-cell HC-PBGF was used to transmit two 20 Gbit/s NRZ channels using a spatial light modulator for precise mode excitation. Bit-error-ratio (BER) performances below the forward-error-correction (FEC) threshold limit (3.3×10-3) are confirmed for both data channels when they propagate simultaneously. © 2013 IEEE.


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Carbon nanostructures have been much sought after for cold-cathode field emission applications. Herein a printing technique is reported to controllably nanostructure chemical vapor deposited graphene into vertically standing fins. The method allows for the creation of regular arrays of bilayer graphene fins, with sharp ridges that, when printed onto gold electrodes, afford a new type of field emission electron source geometry. The approach affords tunable morphologies and excellent long term and cyclic stabilities.


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The performance of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells is strongly dependent on the vertical distribution of the donor and acceptor regions within the BHJ layer. In this work, we investigate in detail the effect of the hole transport layer (HTL) physical properties and the thermal annealing on the BHJ morphology and the solar cell performance. For this purpose, we have prepared solar cells with four distinct formulations of poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) buffer layers. The samples were subjected to thermal annealing, applied either before (pre-annealing) or after (post-annealing) the cathode metal deposition. The effect of the HTL and the annealing process on the BHJ ingredient distribution - namely, poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) - has been studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy. The results revealed P3HT segregation at the top region of the films, which had a detrimental effect on all pre-annealed devices, whereas PCBM was found to accumulate at the bottom interface. This demixing process depends on the PEDOT:PSS surface energy; the more hydrophilic the surface the more profound is the vertical phase separation within the BHJ. At the same time those samples suffer from high recombination losses as evident from the analysis of the J-V measurements obtained in the dark. Our results underline the significant effect of the HTL-active and active-ETL (electron transport layer) interfacial composition that should be taken into account during the optimization of all polymer-fullerene solar cells. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The dithiophene donor-acceptor copolymers that are bridged either with carbon (C-PCPDTBT) or silicon atoms (Si-PCPDTBT) belong to a promising family of materials for use in photoactive layers for organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs). In this work, we implement the non-destructive Spectroscopic Ellipsometry technique in the near infrared to the far ultraviolet spectral region in combination with advanced theoretical modeling to investigate the vertical distribution of the C-PCPDTBT and Si-PCPDTBT polymer and fullerene ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester - PC70BM) phases in the blend, as well as the effect of the polymer-to-fullerene ratio on the distribution mechanism. It was found that the C-PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends have donor-enriched top regions and acceptor-enriched bottom regions, whereas the donor and acceptor phases are more homogeneously intermixed in the Si-PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends. We suggest that the chemical incompatibility of the two phases as expressed by the difference in their surface energy, may be a key element in promoting the segregation of the lower surface phase to the top region of the photoactive layer. We found that the increase of the photoactive layer thickness reduces the polymer enrichment at the cathode, producing a more homogeneous phase distribution of donor and acceptor in the bulk that leads to the increase of the OPV efficiency. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.