999 resultados para Aplicações móveis nativas


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The great interest observed in wireless communication systems has required the development of new configurations of microstrip antennas, because they are easily built and integrated to other microwave circuit components, which is suitable for the construction and development of planar antenna arrays and microwave integrated circuits. This work presents a new configuration of tapered microstrip antenna, which is obtained by impressing U-slots on the conducting patch combined with a transmission line matching circuit that uses an inset length. It is shown that the use of U-slots in the microstrip antenna conducting patch excites new resonating modes, that gives a multiband characteristic for the slotted microstrip antenna, that is suitable for applications in communication systems that operates several frequencies simultaneously. Up to this date, the works reported in the literature deals with the use of Uslotted microstrip rectangular antennas fed by a coaxial probe. The properties of a linear array of microstrip patch tapered antennas are also investigated. The main parameters of the U slotted tapered microstrip antennas are investigated for different sizes and locations of the slots impressed on the conducting patch. The analysis of the proposed antenna is performed by using the resonant cavity and equivalent transmission line methods, in combination with a parametric study, that is conducted by the use of the Ansoft Designer, a commercial computer aided microwave software well known by its accuracy and efficiency. The mentioned methods are used to evaluate the effect in the antennas parameters, like resonant frequency and return loss, produced by variations of the antenna structural parameters, accomplished separately or simultaneously. An experimental investigation is also developed, that consists of the design, construction and measurement of several U slotted microstrip antenna prototypes. Finally, theoretical and simulated results are presented that are in agreement with the measured ones. These results are related to the resonating modes identification and to the determination of the main characteristics of the investigated antennas, such as resonant frequency, return loss, and radiation pattern


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In this work we present a proposal to contribute to the teaching and learning of affine function in the first year of high school having as prerequisite mathematical knowledge of basic education. The proposal focuses on some properties, special cases and applications of affine functions in order to show the importance of the demonstrations while awaken student interest by showing how this function is important to solve everyday problems


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A necessidade de uma precisão e de uma aproximação dos resultados numéricos zeram com que diversas teorias surgissem: dentre elas, destacamos a Matemática Intervalar. A Matemática Intervalar surgiu na década de 60 com os trabalhos de pesquisa de Moore (MOORE, 1959) , em que ele propôs trabalhar com uma Matemática baseada na noção de intervalo real e não mais com um número como aproximação. Com isso, surgiu a necessidade de revisitar e reformular os conceitos e resultados da Matemática Clássica utilizando como base a noção de intervalo de Moore. Uma das áreas da Matem ática Clássica que tem tido muitas aplicações em engenharias e ciências é a Análises Numérica, onde um dos seus pilares é o Cálculo Integral e em particular as integrais de linha. Assim, é muito desejável se ter um cálculo integral dentro da própria Matemática Intervalar. No presente trabalho apresenta-se uma noção de Integral de Linha Intervalar baseada na extensão de integração proposta por Bedregal em (BEDREGAL; BEDREGAL, 2010). Para a fundamentação apresenta-se incialmente uma introdução sobre a pespectiva em que o trabalho foi realizado, considerando alguns aspectos histórico-evolutivos da Matemática Clássica. Os conceitos de Integrais de Linha Clássica, bem como algumas das suas aplicações mais importantes. Alguns conceitos de Matemática Intervalar necessários para o entendimento do trabalho. Para nalizar propomos uma aplicação da integral de linha em um experimênto clássico da mecânica quântica (a difração de um elétron em uma fenda) que graças ao fato de ser a Matemática Intervalar utilizada, nos dá um foco mais detalhado e mais próximo da realidade


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This study shows the results of a research developed in the coastal regions of the Maxaranguape and Touros municipalities, more specific in the mobile dune fields of the Rio Grande do Norte's eastern coast. Although the coastal zones, represent a small percentage of the earth's surface it concentrates a great part of the world's population. The Rio Grande do Norte's state coastal landscape mosaic composed by the dune fields suggest a dynamic scene of changes in the spatial and temporal arranges, with significant changes in the geometry of the sedimentary cover. Following this perspective this research has the objective to map the emerged coastal zone of the Rio Grande do Norte's eastern coast under the perspective of the time-space evolution of the mobile dune fields using geoprocessing techniques, which includes remote sensing, digital images processing and geographic information system (GIS). The results imply the issue of thematic maps: Geologic map; multitemporal evolution map of the mobile dune fields; quantification of the mobile dune fields differences map; temporal evolution of the mobile dune fields surrounds map. The El Niño episodes have directly affected the atmospheric circulation, what have enhanced the sedimentary input in the sand dune, what can justify the relative area growth between the years of 1993 and 2001. The dynamic of the landscape transition were higher than the stability of the spatial pattern of the dune and it's surrounds, as a result the Rio Grande do Norte eastern coast dune fields, specially the mobile dunes from Touros, Zumbi and Maracajau have shown a decrease on the sedimentary cover without vegetation area from 1970 to 2007. Therefore, the data acquired and the techniques used, can be, eventually applied to the mobile dune fields monitoring in order to preserve the dune ecosystems in the Rio Grande do Norte coast


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A carnitina, uma amina quaternária (3-hidroxi-4-N-trimetilamino-butirato), é sintetizada no organismo (fígado, rins e cérebro) a partir de dois aminoácidos essenciais: lisina e metionina, exigindo para sua síntese a presença de ferro, ácido ascórbico, niacina e vitamina B6. Tem função fundamental na geração de energia pela célula, pois age nas reações transferidoras de ácidos graxos livres do citosol para mitocôndrias, facilitando sua oxidação e geração de adenosina Trifosfato. A concentração orgânica de carnitina é resultado de processos metabólicos - como ingestão, biossíntese, transporte dentro e fora dos tecidos e excreção - que, quando alterados em função de diversas doenças, levam a um estado carencial de carnitina com prejuízos relacionados ao metabolismo de lipídeos. A suplementação de L-carnitina pode aumentar o fluxo sangüíneo aos músculos devido também ao seu efeito vasodilatador e antioxidante, reduzindo algumas complicações de doenças isquêmicas, como a doença arterial coronariana, e as conseqüências da neuropatia diabética. Por esse motivo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever possíveis benefícios da suplementação de carnitina nos indivíduos com necessidades especiais e susceptíveis a carências de carnitina, como os portadores de doenças renais, neuropatia diabética, síndrome da imunodefeciência adquirida e doenças cardiovasculares.


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Anthropogenic interferences in natural environments cause the breakage of spatial and competitive barriers, which may infuence the spatial distribution of species. In this study, we describe the spatial distribution of an exotic amphipod, Talitroides topitotum, in two distinct sites, a forest fragment and a plantation of native arboreal species. We analyzed possible variations in this spatial distribution in different periods of the year and verifed whether the vegetation cover and the litter layer depth may explain the distribution pattern of this species. We performed analyses of frequency distribution to determine the pattern of this species spatial distribution, as well as correlation tests to determine the effect of these two variables of habitat structure. The spatial distribution analysis revealed that T. topitotum presents aggregated distribution in both areas, indicating that this species has low environmental demands or that both areas are below a minimum environmental quality threshold. However, even with this similarity, the population in the fragmented site presented a higher index of aggregation when compared with the population of the plantation site. Corroborating previous studies, there was a negative correlation between abundance of T. topitotum and litter layer depth in the plantation site. Studies on invaded habitats can help understand how invasive species occupy new environments and the factors that can infuence their spatial distribution.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oligosaccharides participate in the formation of dietary fiber and are mainly used as prebiotic agents. This review presents ways of obtaining these sugars, which can be produced by synthesis (chemical or enzymatic), or through depolymerization of polysaccharides (physical, chemical or enzymatic). Oligosaccharides have also been used commercially as an ingredient in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, agricultural products and especially in the food industry because of their physical properties. The potential applications of oligosaccharides in several areas such as food, animal feed, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics have contributed to the increase in scientific research on these carbohydrates. The use of oligosaccharides as immuno-modulatory agents and biological response modifiers has been recently described, and their effects as anti-inflammatory and in reducing cholesterol. An overview of the various nutraceutical and biological functions of these carbohydrates in order to benefit human health is also reported.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Since the introduction of GC there has been an ongoing interest in reducing time of analysis resulting in new terms and definitions such as ultra fast gas chromatography (UF-GC). One of the most used definitions describes UF-GC as a technique that combines the employment of short narrow bore column with very fast temperature programming rates producing chromatographic peaks in the range of 50 ms and allowing separations times in 1-2 min or less. This paper summarizes the analytical approaches, the main parameters involved and the instrumentation towards UF-GC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)