978 resultados para Antigens, CD19


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A doença de Chagas causada pelo T. cruzi é transmitida, principalmente, por insetos vetores e está distribuída na Argentina, no Chile, na Venezuela e no Brasil. O cão, além de ser um importante reservatório, também é vítima da doença e a única espécie capaz de desenvolver manifestações clínicas iguais a do homem. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as alterações clínicas encontradas em quatro cães infectados naturalmente pelo T. cruzi e alertar para a possibilidade de que a ocorrência dessa enfermidade em cães de Mato Grosso do Sul possa estar sendo subestimada. Os animais foram selecionados a partir de exames sorológicos de reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), ensaio imunossorvente ligado à enzima (ELISA) e immunoblotting com antígeno secretado e excretado da forma tripomastigota do T. cruzi (TESA-blot) e submetidos a xenodiagnóstico, exame físico, radiografia torácica, eletrocardiografia, ecocardiografia e bioquímica sérica. As alterações encontradas foram aumento de ventrículo direito, presença de arritmias do tipo bloqueio átrio ventricular, sinus arrest e bloqueio de ramo direito, além de disfunção sistólica e diastólica. Três animais apresentaram hiperproteinemia e as dosagens das enzimas CK e CK-MB revelaram valores indicativos de uma miocardite ativa. Esses são os primeiros casos descritos de cães com evidências consistentes de infecção natural pelo T. cruzi em Mato Grosso do Sul e ressalta-se o alerta aos médicos veterinários para a importância clínica e o papel dessa espécie como reservatório da doença.


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Fez-se um estudo de campo sobre a competição e a dinâmica de ocupação de sítios de nodulação de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium japonicum naturalizadas ou inoculadas em sementes. O ensaio foi instalado em Latossolo Vermelho Escuro utilizando blocos ao acaso, com 8 repetições dos seguintes tratamentos: A) controle sem inoculante; B) controle sem inoculante, com adubação nitrogenada; C) inoculante com cerca de 107 rizóbios/g (8g/kg de semente); D) inoculação com cerca de 1010 rizóbios/g (8g/kg de semente). Os inoculantes foram preparados com as estirpes recomendadas na ocasião, SMS - 314 (= SEMIA 587) e SMS - 463 (= SEMIA 5019 = 29W). A identificação das estirpes formadoras dos nódulos foi realizada em amostras coletadas aos 10, 42 e 70 dias após a germinação. Realizou-se também a colheita dos grãos para avaliação da produção e de N-total. A tipificação sorológica foi feita com antissoro preparado a partir de antígenos constituídos pelas seguintes estirpes de Bradyrhizobium japonicum: SEMIA 587, SEMIA 5019 e SEMIA 5052 (= USDA 6), utilizando-se da técnica immunodot. A caracterização das estirpes dos nódulos revelou um pequeno aumento (6,2 a 8,7%), na ocorrência de nódulos formados pelas estirpes recomendadas, nas três épocas de amostragem. Houve expressiva participação da estirpe 5052 (= sorogrupo USDA 6) na formação dos nódulos. Verificou-se que as estirpes naturalizadas podem contribuir de forma diferente na formação dos nódulos durante o ciclo, dependendo da amostragem.


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Six cattle that had earlier exposure to Dermatobia hominis were infested experimentally with first-instar larvae of the parasite. Skin biopsies taken at intervals were studied in wax and in plastic sections. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used to detect the presence and localization of host immunoglobulins (Igs) G and M and antigens of first and second instar larvae of Dermatobia hominis. The larvae penetrated actively through the skin and migrated towards the subcutaneous tissues. The great numbers of eosinophils suggest that they are the most important cell in mediating damage to D.hominis larvae. The immunoglobulins bound only to dead or moulting larvae in which access to binding sites may have been altered. This could represent a morphological manifestation of a mechanism that protects larvae from the host immune response. Large amounts of soluble antigens detected along the fistulous tract may be important in the maintenance of this tract by disturbing the normal cicatrization process.


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Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are autoantibodies against enzymes present in primary granules of neutrophils and lysosomes of monocytes detected in systemic vasculitis and in other diseases, including infections, ANCA are markers of active Wegener granulomatosis, which presents some anatomo-pathologic and immune response features similar to those of leprosy. Thus, we raised the hypothesis that ANCA may be present in leprosy as markers specifically linked to the presence of vasculitis. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of ANCA in leprosy and its correlation with the clinical forms of the disease. Sera from 60 normal individuals and from 59 patients with different clinical forms of leprosy were studied. The patients were also allocated into reactional and nonreactional groups. By indirect immunofluorescence, ANCA were positive, an atypical pattern A-ANCA, in 28.8% of the patient sera. A-ANCA predominated, although not significantly (p >0,05), in the reactional groups (37.9% vs 20.0%), and in those at the lepromatous pole (41.6% vs 20.0%). There was no correlation between ANCA positivity and either disease duration, disease activity, or therapeutic regimen (p >0.05), An interesting finding was the correlation between ANCA and gender: 94.1% of ANCA-positive patients were males (p <0.01), a feature that so far has not been reported in ANCA-related diseases and for which there is no explanation at the moment. By ELISA, the sera of the lepromatous leprosy patients did not show activity against either PR3, MPO, HLE, the most common ANCA antigens. Because A-ANCA are nonspecific, this finding requires further investigation for the determination of the responsible antigen(s), in conclusion, A-ANCA are present in 28.8% of leprosy patients but are not related to vasculitis in the erythema nodosum leprosum reaction and are not a marker of a specific clinical form.


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We compared the antigenic characteristics of two thermo-dependent dimorphic fungi isolated from soil in Botucatu, an endemic area of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The soil isolates grew as cerebriform colonies at 37 degrees C (yeast form) and as cottonous colonies at 25 degrees C (mycelial form). No pathogenicity for ddY mice or hamsters were observed. In immunodiffusion test, there were precipitation bands between the 2 soil isolates and pooled PCM patient sera. There were also common precipitation bands at 21, 50 and 58 kDa between the soil isolates antigens and PCM patient sera by Western-blotting, but no gp43 kDa band. No gene for gp43 kDa protein was detected in the soil isolates by PCR. The fact that these isolates were obtained from an endemic area of PCM and there were some antigenic similarities between the soil isolates and P. brasiliensis in immunodiffusion test and Western-blotting may have some importance in epidemiological surveys done with paracoccidioidin as well interfering with the immune response of the exposed population.


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To assess human cellular immune response to paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), lymphocyte proliferative responses to purified antigens from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were determined in healthy persons previously infected by the fungus (positive donors), in healthy noninfected persons (controls), and in PCM patients. Affinity-purified gp70 and gp43, the two major antigens in humoral immune responses, were used, Both induced lymphocyte proliferation (gp43 species-specific) in positive donors but not in controls; healthy persons previously infected by Histoplasma capsulatum reacted to gp70 and not to gp43, A similar cross-reactivity in antibody response to gp70 was previously reported; however, antibody response to gp43 has been considered specific, Lymphocytes from PCM patients, who, unlike positive donors, have high levels of anti-gp43 and anti-gp70 antibodies, proliferated poorly with gp70 and gp43 but better with other stimuli, This dichotomy between humoral and cellular antigen-specific responses suggests a Th2 immune response in PCM, which may be related to failure to control the infection.


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Sera from 961 horses from Brazil were tested for antibodies against the major surface antigens SnSAG4 and NhSAG1 to determine the seroprevalence of Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora hughesi, respectively. Antibodies against SnSAG4 were detected in 669 (69.6%) of the horses, while antibodies against NhSAG1 were detected in only 24 (2.5%) of the horses. These serologic results suggest that there is a high concentration of S. neurona in the environment of Brazil, which results in marked exposure of horses to this parasite. Additionally, the data further confirm that infection with Neospora spp. is relatively uncommon in horses. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All tights reserved.


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The recent evolution of Plasmodium falciparum is at odds with the extensive polymorphism found in most genes coding for antigens. Here, we examined the patterns and putative mechanisms of sequence diversification in the merozoite surface protein-2 (MSP-2), a major malarial repetitive surface antigen. We compared the msp-2 gene sequences from closely related clones derived from sympatric parasite isolates from Brazilian Amazonia and used microsatellite typing to examine, in these same clones, the haplotype background of chromosome 2, where msp-2 is located. We found examples of msp-2 sequence rearrangements putatively created by nonreciprocal recombinational events, such as replication slippage and gene conversion, while maintaining the chromosome haplotype. We conclude that these nonreciprocal recombination events may represent a major source of antigenic diversity in MSP-2 in P falciparum populations with low rates of classical meiotic recombination. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An indirect ELISA using soluble whole cell antigen was used to screen serum samples obtained from breeder and layer flocks some of which had shown clinical or bacteriological evidence of infection with Salmonella Gallinarum or S. Pullorum. There was good correlation between Salmonella infection and the presence of serum samples showing high optical density (OD) values. Sera from seven flocks showing high values were retested using group D (0-1, 9, 12) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and g,m-H flagella as detecting antigens. Sera from six flocks produced high OD values with LPS and low values with flagella confirming infection with a non-flagellate, group D Salmonella while one produced high values with both antigens indicating mixed infection with another group D serotype.


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Objective-To develop and apply the liquid-phase blocking sandwich ELISA (BLOCKING-ELISA) for the quantification of antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) strains O-1 Campos, A(24) Cruzeiro, and C-3 Indaial.Design-Antibody quantification.Sample Population-158 water buffalo from various premises of São Paulo Stale-Brazil. The sera were collected either from systemically vaccinated or nonvaccinated animals.Procedure-The basic reagents of BLOCKING-ELISA (capture and detector antibodies, virus antigens, and conjugate) were prepared and the reaction was optimized and standardized to quantify water buffalo antibodies against FMDV. An alternative procedure based on mathematical interpolation was adopted to estimate more precisely the antibody 50% competition liters in the BLOCKING-ELISA. These titers were compared with the virus-neutralization test (VNT) titers to determine the correlation between these techniques. The percentages of agreement, cutoff points, and reproducibility also were determined.Results-The antibody liters obtained in the BLOCKING-ELISA had high positive correlation coefficients with VNT, reaching values of 0.90 for O-1 Campos and C-3 Indaial, and 0.82 for the A(24) Cruzeiro (P < 0.0005). The cutoff points obtained by use of the copositivity and conegativity curves allowed determination of high levels of agreement between BLOCKLNG-ELISA and VNT antibody titers against the 3 FMDV strains analyzed.Conclusions-The results characterized by high cor relation coefficients, levels of agreement, and reproducibility indicate that the BLOCKING-ELISA may replace the conventional VNT for detection and quantification of antibodies from water buffalo sera to FMDV.


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A total of 163 dogs with neuromuscular, respiratory and/or gastrointestinal disorders, was admitted at the Veterinary Hospital, Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil, and submitted to serology for Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Assays for T gondii included indirect haemagglutination (IHA), indirect fluorescent antibody (IFAT-Tg), immunoenzymatic (ELISA), and immunoblotting (IB-Tg). Assays for N, caninum included IFAT-Nc and immunoprecipitation (IP-Nc). Based on concordant results by three serological tests (IHA, IFAT-Tg and ELISA) for T gondii, and divergent results further confirmed by IB-Tg for reactivity to TgSAG1, the 163 sera were divided into two groups: 59 (36%) Tg-seropositive samples and 104 (64%) Tg-seronegative samples. Antibodies to Neospora were detected in 11 (6.7%) out of 163 analyzed dog sera, with 5 (3.1 %) samples reactive to both parasites (Tg+/Nc+), and 6 (3.7%) reactive only to Neospora (Tg-/Nc+). Antibodies only to T: gondii were found in 54 (33%) samples. Among the 11 Neospora-positive sera analyzed by IB-Tg, the five sera Tg+/Nc+ showed strong reactivity to Toxoplasma antigens, especially to TgSAG1 (p30). No reactivity was observed to TgSAG1 in the six samples Tg-/Nc+. By TP-Nc, two highly immunodominant antigens (29 and 35 kDa proteins) were recognized by all 11 IFAT-Nc positive sera. Our results suggest that the infection by N, caninum can be concomitantly present in dogs from this area, although less common, and therefore should be considered in the differential clinical diagnosis with T. gondii in dogs presenting neuromuscular, respiratory and/or gastrointestinal disorders. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cell-mediated and humoral immune response of rabbits to antigens from larvae of Dermatobia hominis were analyzed by leucocyte migration inhibition factor assay (MIF), immunodiffusion (ID) and passive hemagglutination (PH) test in rabbits immunized with D. hominis extract, in rabbits immunized and infested with the parasite and rabbits infested with D. hominis. Twenty rabbits were divided into five groups: Group 1, rabbits immunized with a crude antigen extract, evaluated for 40 weeks at 4 week intervals; Group 2, rabbits immunized and infested with newly hatched larvae at 14 weeks post immunization (PI) and evaluated as Group 1; Group 3, rabbits immunized, evaluated for 28 weeks at 2 week intervals; Group 4, rabbits immunized and infested at 4 weeks PI and evaluated as Group 3; Group 5, rabbits infested and evaluated for 24 weeks at 2 week intervals. Different patterns of reactivity were observed in the infested and immunized animals: immunized rabbits developed antibodies and cellular immune responses earlier and at higher levels during immunization than the infested rabbits; the infestation at 14 weeks PI, when the cell-mediated and humoral immune response began to decrease, or at 4 weeks PI when these parameters were at higher levels, elicited an anamnestic response. After the spontaneous elimination of larvae by the host, from the 4th week PI onwards, high titers of antibodies and migration inhibition indices were maintained for a long period. These results suggest that the onset of cellular and humoral immune responses after immunization may be important as a biological control of myiasis and contribute to better understanding of the immune defense mechanism of the host against D. hominis.


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Background: Thyroperoxidase is the major antigen of the thyroid microsomal antibodies (TMA) detected in autoimmune thyroid diseases. Its amino acid sequence has 44% homology with myeloperoxidase (MPO), an enzyme present in the primary granules of neutrophils and one of the major antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) antigens. The objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of cross-reactivity to MPO of TMA. Methods: We studied sera from 51 patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, all of them TMA-positive. The presence of ANCA was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence and by capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: ANCA were positive in 3.9% of the TMA-positive sera and none of them reacted with MPO. In contrast, the ANCA-positive sera revealed antielastase activity. None of the ANCA-positive cases presented clinical signs of vasculitis. However, these 2 patients had been on prolonged treatment with propylthiouracil. Conclusions: We conclude that there is no cross-reactivity to MPO of TMA in patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, possibly because of difference in the spatial configuration of the immunodominant region. The presence of ANCA in patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases without evidence of vasculitis might result from propylthiouracil-induced polyclonal activation.


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Nonculture based methods for the detection of infections caused by fungal pathogens are becoming more important tools in the management of infected patients. Detection of fungal antigens and DNA appear to be the most promising in this respect for both opportunistic and endemic mycoses. In this article we present an overview of the most recent developments in nonculture based methods and examine their value in clinical practice.


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We tested the hypothesis that a panel of antibodies to cell surface, cytoplasmic, and nuclear antigens could reliably distinguish the cells composing reactive germinal centers from those composing follicular lymphoma. Immunocytochemistry was performed on deparaffinized sections of methacarn-fixed lymph node and tonsil (15 cases of reactive hyperplasia and 14 cases of follicular lymphoma) using antibodies to the nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR5), bcl-2 protein (124), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA; 19A2), and CD45RA (MT2). In 100% of cases of reactive hyperplasia, both MT2 and 124 showed positive immunostaining of mantle zone and scattered interfollicular lymphocytes, but in all cases there was a sharply demarcated absence of immunostaining of germinal center cells. However, diffuse immunostaining of follicular centers with MT2 (64%) and 124 (93%) and scattered intervening cells were seen in follicular lymphoma. The combination of antibodies to CD45RA and bcl-2 yielded positive immunostaining of follicular center cells in 93% of follicular lymphomas. The germinal center cells of reactive hyperplasia showed >75% nuclear positivity with antibodies to PCNA, in contrast to the follicular lymphoma cells, which showed variable PCNA indices ranging from 25 to >75%. A minority of follicular lymphoma cases (29%) showed PCNA indices comparable with those seen in cases of reactive hyperplasia. Antibodies to NGFR were positive in all cases of reactive hyperplasia and in 79% of cases of follicular hyperplasia, although the immunostaining intensity was generally decreased in follicular hyperplasia. In summary, antibodies to bcl-2 appear to be superior to those to CD45RA in distinguishing reactive hyperplasia from follicular lymphoma. Reactive hyperplasia cannot be discriminated from follicular hyperplasia using antibodies to PCNA or to nerve growth factor receptor.