969 resultados para Antibacterial


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The alpha-defensin antimicrobial peptide family is defined by a unique tridisulfide array. To test whether this invariant structural feature determines alpha-defensin bactericidal activity, mouse cryptdin-4 (Crp4) tertiary structure was disrupted by pairs of site-directed Ala for Cys substitutions. In a series of Crp4 disulfide variants whose cysteine connectivities were confirmed using NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, mutagenesis did not induce loss of function. To the contrary, the in vitro bactericidal activities of several Crp4 disulfide variants were equivalent to or greater than those of native Crp4. Mouse Paneth cell alpha-defensins require the proteolytic activation of precursors by matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7), prompting an analysis of the relative sensitivities of native and mutant Crp4 and proCrp4 molecules to degradation by MMP-7. Although native Crp4 and the alpha-defensin moiety of proCrp4 resisted proteolysis completely, all disulfide variants were degraded extensively by MMP-7. Crp4 bactericidal activity was eliminated by MMP-7 cleavage. Thus, rather than determining alpha-defensin bactericidal activity, the Crp4 disulfide arrangement confers essential protection from degradation by this critical activating proteinase.


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Pyrrhacoricin is a naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide from the European fire bug Pyrrhocoris apterus. It has submicromolar activity against a range of Gram-negative bacterial strains and has created recent interest as a lead for the development of novel antibiotic compounds. In this study, we have used NMR spectroscopy to determine the solution structures of pyrrhocoricin and a synthetic macrocyclic derivative that has improved in vivo pharmaceutical properties. Native pyrrhocoricin is largely disordered in solution, but there is evidence of a subpopulation with ordered turn regions over residues 2-5, 4-7, and 16-19. The macrocyclic derivative incorporates a nine amino acid linker joining the N- and C-termini, which does not adversely affect the antimicrobial potency but leads to a broader spectrum of activity. The NMR data suggest that the turn conformations in the cyclic derivative are similar to those in the native form, thus implicating them in the biological function. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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An artificial diet incorporating insect cells originally developed for Trichogramma australicum Girault (Hymenoptera: Tricho-grammatidae) was successfully used to rear Trichogramm pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). To refine the diet, individual components were removed. Chicken egg yolk and the insect cells were identified as the most important components for T. pretiosum development. Their removal resulted in few pupae and no adults. Removal of Grace's insect medium, a common component of artificial diets, was found to markedly improve the development of T pretiosum, producing 60% larva to pupa transition and 19% pupa to adult transition. There was no significant difference in T pretiosum development on diets in which milk powder, malt powder or infant formula were interchanged, despite differences in nutrient composition. The use of yeast extract resulted in significantly higher survival to the adult stage when compared with yeast hydrolysate enzymatic and a combination of yeast extract and yeast hydrolysate enzymatic. Comparison of four antimicrobial agents showed the antibacterial agent Gentamycin and the antifungal agent Nystatin had the least detrimental effect on T pretiosum development. The use of insect cell line diets has the potential to simplify artificial diet production and significantly reduce T pretiosum production costs in Australia compared to diets using insect hemolymph or the use of natural or factitious hosts. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The clinical usefulness of hemodialysis catheters is limited by increased infectious morbidity and mortality. Topical antiseptic agents, such as mupirocin, are effective at reducing this risk but have been reported to select for antibiotic-resistant strains. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy and the safety of exit-site application of a standardized antibacterial honey versus mupirocin in preventing catheter-associated infections. A randomized, controlled trial was performed comparing the effect of thrice-weekly exit-site application of Medihoney versus mupirocin on infection rates in patients who were receiving hemodialysis via tunneled, cuffed central venous catheters. A total of 101 patients were enrolled. The incidences of catheter-associated bacteremias in honey-treated (n = 51) and mupirocin-treated (n = 50) patients were comparable (0.97 versus 0.85 episodes per 1000 catheter-days, respectively; NS). On Cox proportional hazards model analysis, the use of honey was not significantly associated with bacteremia-free survival (unadjusted hazard ratio, 0.94; 95% confidence interval, 0.27 to 3.24; P = 0.92). No exit-site infections occurred. During the study period, 2% of staphylococcal isolates within the hospital were mupirocin resistant. Thrice-weekly application of standardized antibacterial honey to hemodialysis catheter exit sites was safe, cheap, and effective and resulted in a comparable rate of catheter-associated infection to that obtained with mupirocin (although the study was not adequately powered to assess therapeutic equivalence). The effectiveness of honey against antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and its low likelihood of selecting for further resistant strains suggest that this agent may represent a satisfactory alternative means of chemoprophylaxis in patients with central venous catheters.


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) melt processed disks and solvent cast films were modified by graft co-polyinerization with acrylic acid (AAc) in methanol solution at ambient temperature using gamma irradiation (dose rate of 4.5 kGy/h). To assess the presence of carboxylic acid groups on the surface, reaction with pentafluorophenol was performed prior to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. The grafting yield for all samples increased with monomer concentration (2-15%), and for the solvent cast films, it also increased with dose (2-9 kGy). However, the grafting yield of the melt processed disks was largely independent of the radiation dose (2-8 kGy). Toluidine blue was used to stain the modified materials facilitating, visual information about the extent of carboxylic acid functionalization and depth penetration of the grafted copolymer. Covalent linking of glucosamine to the functionalized surface was achieved using carbodimide chemistry verifying that the modified substrates are suitable for biomolecule attachment.


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Biological and chemical pro ling of an Australian strain of the fungus Aspergillus unilateralis (MST-F8675), isolated from a soil sample collected near Mount Isa, Queensland, revealed a complex array of metabolites displaying broad chemotherapeutic properties. Noteworthy among these metabolites were a unique series of highly modified dipeptides aspergillazines A-E, incorporating a selection of unprecedented and yet biosynthetically related heterocyclic systems. Co-occurring with the aspergillazines was the recently described marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide A (cf. penicillazine), whereas re-fermentation of A. unilateralis in NaCl (1%) enriched media resulted in co-production of the only other known example of this structure class, the marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide B. Further investigation of A. unilateralis returned the known terrestrial fungal metabolite viridicatumtoxin as the cytotoxic and antibacterial principle, together with E-2-decenedioic acid, ferulic acid, (7E,7'E)-5,5'-diferulic acid and (7E,7'E)-8,5'-diferulic acid. The aromatic diacids have previously been reported from the chemical and enzymatic (esterase) treatment of plant cell wall material, with their isolation from A. unilateralis being their first apparent reported occurrence as natural products. Structures for all metabolites were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis and, where appropriate, comparison to literature data and/or authentic samples.


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The new isoprenylated diketopiperazine roquefortine E (6) has been isolated from an Australian soil isolate of the ascomycete Gymnoascus reessii. The known fungal metabolite roquefortine C (1) was also recovered as the major antibacterial principle, and all structures were assigned by detailed spectroscopic analysis.


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Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a clinical reaction pattern that is induced, in over 90% of cases, by systemic drugs (most frequently antibacterial drugs). This is the first reported case of AGEP caused by the herbal remedy Ginkgo biloba.


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Carbohydrates have been proven as valuable scaffolds to display pharmocophores and the resulting molecules have demonstrated useful biological activity towards various targets including the somatostatin receptors (SSTR), integrins, HIV-1 protease, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP), and as RNA binders. Carbohydrate-based compounds have also shown antibacterial and herbicidal activity.


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A T cell antigen receptor (TCR) transmembrane sequence derived peptide (CP) has been shown to inhibit T cell activation both in vitro and in vivo at the membrane level of the receptor signal transduction. To examine the effect of sugar or lipid conjugations on CP function, we linked CP to 1-aminoglucosesuccinate (GS), N-myristate (MYR), mono-di-tripalmitate (LP1, LP2, or LP3), and a lipoamino acid (LA) and examined the effects of these compounds on T cell activation in vitro and by using a rat model of adjuvant-induced arthritis, in vivo. In vitro, antigen presentation results demonstrated that lipid conjugation enhanced CP's ability to lower IL-2 production from 56.99% +/- 15.69 S.D. observed with CP, to 12.08% +/- 3.34 S.D. observed with LA. The sugar conjugate GS resulted in only a mild loss of in vitro activity compared to CP (82.95% +/- 14.96 S.D.). In vivo, lipid conjugation retarded the progression of adjuvant-induced arthritis by approximately 50%, whereas the sugar. conjugated CP, GS, almost completely inhibited the progression of arthritis. This study demonstrates that hydrophobic peptide activity is markedly enhanced in vitro and in vivo by conjugation to lipids or sugars. This may have practical applications in drug delivery and bioavailability of hydrophobic peptides. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Amine functionalities were introduced onto the surface of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) films by applying radio frequency ammonia plasma treatment and wet ethylenediamine treatment. The modified surfaces were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for chemical composition and Raman microspectroscopy for the spatial distribution of the chemical moieties. The relative amount of amine functionalities introduced onto the PHBV surface was determined by exposing the treated films to the vapor of trifluoromethylbenzaldehyde (TFBA) prior to XPS analysis. The highest amount of amino groups on the PHBV surface could be introduced by use of ammonia plasma at short treatment times of 5 and 10 s, but no effect of plasma power within the range of 2.5-20 W was observed. Ethylenediamine treatment yielded fewer surface amino groups, and in addition an increase in crystallinity as well as degradation of PHBV was evident from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Raman maps showed that the coverage of amino groups on the PHBV surfaces was patchy with large areas having no amine functionalities.


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There is a growing interest in “medical gasses” for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a member of the family of gasotransmitters, is in fact increasingly being recognized as an important signaling molecule, but its precise role in the regulation of the inflammatory response is still not clear. For this reason, the aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate the effects of H2S on the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as MCP-1, by using an in vitro model composed by both primary monocytes-derived macrophages cultures and the human monocytic cell line U937 infected with Mycoplasma fermentans, a well-known pro-inflammatory agent. In our experiments, we observed a marked increase in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in infected cells. In particular, MCP-1 was induced both at the RNA and at the protein level. To test the effects of H2S on infected cells, we treated the cells with two different H2S donors (NaHS and GYY4137), showing that both H2S treatments had anti-inflammatory effects in Mycoplasma-infected cells: the levels of MCP-1, both mRNA expression and protein production, were reduced. Our subsequent studies aimed at understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects, focused on two specific molecular pathways, both involved in inflammation: the NF-κB and the Nrf2 pathway. After treatment with pharmacological inhibitors, we demonstrated that Mycoplasma fermentans induces MCP-1 expression through the TLR-NF-κB pathway with the nuclear translocation of its subunits, while treatment with H2S completely blocked the nuclear translocation of NF-κB heterodimer p65/p50. Then, once infected cells were treated with H2S donors, we observed an increased protective effect of Nrf2 and also a decrease in ROS production. These results highlight the importance of H2S in reducing the inflammatory process caused by Mycoplasma fermentans. To this regard, it should be noted that several projects are currently ongoing to develop H2S-releasing compounds as candidate drugs capable of alleviating cell deterioration and to reduce the rate of decline in organ function. In the second part of this study, we investigated the role of Mycoplasma infection in cellular transformation. Infectious agents are involved in the etiology of many different cancers and a number of studies are still investigating the role of microbiota in tumor development. Mycoplasma has been associated with some human cancers, such as prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in HIV-seropositive people, and its potential causative role and molecular mechanisms involved are being actively investigated. To this regard, in vitro studies demonstrated that, upon infection, Mycoplasma suppresses the transcriptional activity of p53, key protein in the cancer suppression. As a consequence, infected cells were less susceptible to apoptosis and proliferated more than the uninfected cells. The mechanism(s) responsible for the Mycoplasma-induced inhibitory effect on p53 were not determined. Aim of the second part of this thesis was to better understand the tumorigenic role of the microorganism, by investigating more in details the effect(s) of Mycoplasma on p53 activity in an adenocarcinoma HCT116 cell line. Treatment of Mycoplasma-infected cells with 5FU or with Nutlin, two molecules that induce p53 activity, resulted in cellular proliferation comparable to untreated controls. These results suggested that Mycoplasma infection inhibited p53 activity. Immunoprecipitation of p53 with specific antibodies, and subsequent Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) assays, allowed us to identify several Mycoplasma-specific proteins interacting with p53, such as DnaK, a prokaryotic heat shock protein and stress inducible chaperones. In cells transfected with DnaK we observed i) reduced p53 protein levels; ii) reduced activity and expression of p21, Bax and PUMA, iii) a marked increase in cells leaving G1 phase. Taken together, these data show an interaction between the human p53 and the Mycoplasma protein DnaK, with the consequent decreased p53 activity and decreased capability to respond to DNA damage and prevent cell proliferation. Our data indicate that Mycoplasma could be involved in cancer formation and the mechanism(s) has the potential to be a target for cancer diagnosis and treatment(s).


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One of the main problems with the use of synthetic polymers as biomaterials is the invasion of micro-organisms causing infection. A study of the properties of polymeric antibacterial agents, in particular polyhexamethylene biguanide, has revealed that the essential components for the design of a novel polymeric antibacterial are a balance between hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity coupled with sites of cationicity. The effect of cation incorporation on the physical properties of hydrogels has been investigated. Hydrogel systems copolymerised with either N-vinyl imidazole or dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate have been characterised in terms of their water binding, mechanical and surface properties. It has been concluded that the incorporation of these monomers does not adversely affect the properties of such hydrogels and that these materials are potential candidates for further development for use in biomedical applications. It has been reported that hydro gels with ionic character may increase the deposition of biological material onto the hydrogel surface when it is in contact with body fluids. An investigation into the deposition characteristics of hydrogels containing the potentially cationic monomers has been carried out, using specific protein adsorption and in vitro spoilation techniques. The results suggest that at low levels of cationicity, the deposition of positively charged proteins is reduced without adversely affecting the uptake of the other proteins. The gross deposition characteristics were found to be comparable to some commercially available contact lens materials. A preliminary investigation into the development of novel antibacterial polymers has been completed and some novel methods of bacterial inhibition discussed. These methods include development of an hydrogel whose potential application is as a catheter coating.