992 resultados para Anti-Atlas Chain


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White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is one of the most significant viral pathogens causing high mortality and economic damage in shrimp aquaculture. Although intensive efforts were undertaken to detect and characterize WSSV infection in shrimp during the last decade, we still lack methods either to prevent or cure white spot disease. Most of the studies on neutralizing antibodies from sera have been performed using in vivo assays. For the first time, we report use of an in vitro screening method to obtain a neutralizing scFv antibody against WSSV from a previously constructed anti-WSSV single chain fragment variable region (scFv) antibody phage display library. From clones that were positive for WSSV by ELISA, 1 neutralizing scFv antibody was identified using an in vitro screening method based on shrimp primary lymphoid cell cultures. The availability of a neutralizing antibody against the virus should accelerate identification of infection-related genes and the host cell receptor, and may also enable new approaches to the prevention and cure of white spot disease.


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To study the immunologic function of bursin, we analyzed the effects of anti-bursin monoclonal antibody (mAb) on the immunosuppression in ducks (Cherry Valley duck) by injecting various doses of the anti-bursin mAb into 13-d duck embryos. After hatch, cell-mediated immune activity and humoral responses were studied using lymphocyte proliferation test, tube agglutination test, and indirect enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay to detect anti-Escherichia coli antibodies and antibodies to Riemerella anatipester, respectively. Simultaneously, relative weights (BW-adjusted) of bursa of Fabricius (BF), spleen, and thymus were determined. Additionally, the morphology of BF, spleen, and thymus was examined at various ages using conventional histology. Follicle morphology of BF was analyzed by image analysis. The results indicated that anti-bursin mAb markedly decreased duck lymphocyte proliferation, the antibody-producing ability to bacteria, as well as the relative BF weight. Moreover, the anti-bursin mAb hindered the development of BF follicles.


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Immunological methods have been developed for the diagnosis of Myxobolus rotundus but their use has been limited for the prevention and therapy of this serious parasitic pathogen. Phage display antibody libraries are a powerful technique for the development of antibodies to molecules of interest and have advantages over traditional hybridroma approaches. In the present study, four antigen fractions related to M. rotundus were prepared and a combined phage display single-chain antibody fragments (ScFv) library was constructed against this parasite. Preliminary analysis indicated that a combined antibody library of about 2.08 X 10(5) individual clones and high diversity was generated. After four rounds of screening (bio-panning) against soluble spore protein prepared from lysed, intact, mature M rotundus spores, a strain monoclonal phage display ScFv, termed pCAN-6H9, with better affinity, was isolated. The pCAN-6H9 gene fragment was sequenced and analysed. The specificity of pCAN-6H9 was further demonstrated by dot-blot. In competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, both the original and enriched phage-displayed ScFv repertoire showed significant inhibition of mouse anti-M rotundus serum binding to coated antigen, while the inhibition rate of monoclonal pCAN-6H9 phage particles was only 11.83%.


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Immunoglobulin light chain cDNA sequences of a perciform fish, the mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi were amplified from head kidney mRNA by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and RACE methods using degenerated primer and gene specific ones. In cDNA sequences of the VL region, nucleotide exchanges were present mainly within CDRs, although a lesser degree of variability was also found in FRs. Moreover, the length of CDRI and CDR3 in the mandarin fish is shorter than in most other fish species. In the middle of S. chuatsi CL region, a microsatellite sequence (AGC)(6-8) was found, which is also present in another perciform species, the spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor). The comparison of amino acid sequence of the mandarin fish CL domain with those of other vertebrates showed the highest degree of similarity of 94.5% to the spotted wolffish, while the similarity with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Ig L1 (62.7%) and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Ig LG (55.9%) isotypes is also higher. However, there is only 50% identity in the VL regions between the mandarin fish and the wolffish. The sequence similarity of the mandarin fish CL domain with those of higher vertebrate did not readily allow it to be classified as kappa or lambda isotype. The phylogenetic analyses also demonstrated that the CL genes of the mandarin fish and most other teleost fish cluster as a separate branch out of the mammal kappa and lambda branches. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An antibody phage display library against White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) was constructed. After four rounds of panning against WSSV, 192 out of 480 clones displayed WSSV binding activity. One of the positive clones, designated A1, had relatively higher activity specifically binding to WSSV A1-soluble, single-chain fragment variable (scFv) antibody has an affinity constant (K-aff) of 2.02 +/- 0.42 x 10(9) M-1. Dot blot assays showed that A1-soluble scFv could detect WSSV directly from shrimp hemolymph after 24-h feeding infection by WSSV. A1 scFv has potential for the development of a cheap, simple and sensitive diagnostic kit for WSSV in the field. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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New approaches of making single chain Fv antibodies against O-6-methyl-2'-deoxyguanosine (O(6)MdG) have been demonstrated by using the phage antibody display system. Using O(6)MdG as an antigen, 21 positive clones were identified by ELISA from this library, one of which, designated H3, specifically binds to O(6)MdG with high affinity. The H3 scFv antibody has an affinity constant (K-aff) of 5.94 x 10(11)(mol/L)(-1). H3 scFv has been successfully used to detect O-6 MdG in DNA hydrolyses from yeast or E. coli cells treated with a DNA methylating agent. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the selection of a specific scFv against DNA adducts. The results demonstrate the potential applications of the phage display technology for the detection of DNA lesions caused by mutagens and carcinogens.


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A rapid, sensitive and highly specific detection method for grass carp hemorrhagic virus (GCHV) based on a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) has been developed. Two pairs of PCR primers were synthesized according to the cloned cDNA sequences of the GCHV-861 strain. For each primer combination, only one specific major product was obtained when amplification was performed by using the genomic dsRNA of GCHV-861 strain. The lengths of their expected products were 320 and 223 bp, respectively. No products were obtained when nucleic acids other than GCHV-861 genomic RNA were used as RT-PCR templates. To assess the sensitivity of the method, dilutions of purified GCHV-861 dsRNA total genome (0.01 pg up to 1000 pg) were amplified and quantities of as little as 0.1 pg of purified dsRNA were detectable when the amplification product was analyzed by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis. This technique could detect GCHV-861 not only in infected cell culture fluids, but also in infected grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus and rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus with or without hemorrhagic symptoms. The results show that the RT-PCR amplification method is useful for the direct detection of GCHV.


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The effects of estradiol (E(2)) on growth hormone (GH) production was investigated in gonad-intact female goldfish. It was first necessary to generate a specific antibody for use in immunocytochemistry, Western, and dot-blot analyses of GH production. To accomplish this, grass carp GH (gcGH) cDNA was cloned by the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and expressed in Echerichia coli and a specific polyclonal antibody to recombinant gcGH was generated in the rabbit. In Western blot, the anti-gcGH antibody specifically immunoreacted with recombinant gcGH, purified natural common carp GH, and with a single 21.5-kDa GH form from pituitary extracts of grass carp, common carp, goldfish, and zebrafish but not salmon, trout, or tilapia. Intraperitoneal injection of the recombinant gcGH enhanced the growth rates of juvenile common carp demonstrating biological activity of this GH preparation. Electron microscopic studies showed that the anti-gcGH-I antibody specifically reacted with GH localized in the secretory granules of the goldfish somatotroph. Using anti-gcGH-I in a dot-blot assay, it was found that in vivo implantation of solid silastic pellets containing E(2) (100 mu g/g body weight for 5 days) increased pituitary GH content by 150% in female goldfish. In a second, independent study employing a previously characterized anticommon carp GH antibody for radioimmunoassay, it was found that E(2) increased pituitary GH content by 170% and serum GH levels by approximately 350%. The E(2)-induced hypersecretion of GH and increase in pituitary GH levels was not associated with changes in steady-state pituitary GH mRNA levels, suggesting that this sex steroid may enhance GH synthesis at the posttranscriptional or translational level. Previous observations indicate that GH can stimulate ovarian E(2) production. The present results show that E(2) can in turn stimulate GH production, indicating the existence of a novel pituitary GH-ovarian feedback system in goldfish. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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Using the transfer matrix renormalization group (TMRG) method, we study the connection between the first derivative of the thermal average of driving-term Hamiltonian (DTADH) and the trace of quantum critical behaviors at finite temperatures. Connecting with the exact diagonalization method, we give the phase diagrams and analyze the properties of each phase for both the ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic frustrated J(3) anisotropy diamond chain models. The finite-temperature scaling behaviors near the critical regions are also investigated. Further, we show the critical behaviors driven by external magnetic field, analyze the formation of the 1/3 magnetic plateau and the influence of different interactions on those critical points for both the ferrimagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic distorted diamond chains.


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By means of the second derivative of the ground-state and first-excited energy, the quantum phase transitions (QPTs) for the distorted diamond chain (DDC) with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic frustrated interactions and the trimerized case are investigated, respectively. Our results show the plentiful quantum phases owing to the spin interaction competitions in the model. Meanwhile, by using the transfer-matrix renormalization-group technique, we study the two-site thermal entanglement of the DDC model in the thermodynamic limit for a further understanding of the QPTs.


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We study quantum teleportation via a two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ, chain under an inhomogeneous magnetic field. We first consider entanglement teleportation, and then focus on the teleportation fidelity under different conditions. The effects of anisotropy and the magnetic field, both uniform and inhomogeneous, are discussed. We also find that, though entanglement teleportation does require an entangled quantum channel, a nonzero critical value of minimum entanglement is not always necessary.


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The thermodynamic properties of the spin-1/2 diamond quantum Heisenberg chain model have been investigated by means of the transfer matrix renormalization group (TMRG) method. Considering different crystal structures, by changing the interactions among different spins and the external magnetic fields, we first investigate the magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, and specific heat of the distorted diamond chain as a model of ferrimagnetic spin systems. The susceptibility and the specific heat show different features for different ferromagnetic (F) and antiferromagnetic (AF) interactions and different magnetic fields. A 1/3 magnetization plateau is observed at low temperature in a magnetization curve. Then, we discuss the theoretical mechanism of the double-peak structure of the magnetic susceptibility and the three-peak structure of the specific heat of the compound Cu-3(CO3)(2)(OH)(2), on which an elegant measurement was performed by Kikuchi [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 227201 (2005)]. Our computed results are consistent with the main characteristics of the experimental data. Meanwhile, we find that the double-peak structure of susceptibility can be found in several different kinds of spin interactions in the diamond chain. Moreover, a three-peak behavior is observed in the TMRG results of magnetic susceptibility. In addition, we perform calculations relevant for some experiments and explain the characteristics of these materials. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the disentanglement evolution of two spin qubits which interact with a general XY spin-chain environment. The dynamical process of the disentanglement is numerically and analytically investigated in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition (QPT) of the spin chain in both weak and strong coupling cases. We find that the disentanglement of the two spin qubits may be greatly enhanced by the quantum critical behavior of the environmental spin chain. We give a detailed analysis to facilitate the understanding of the QPT-enhanced decaying behavior of the coherence factor. Furthermore, the scaling behavior in the disentanglement dynamics is also revealed and analyzed.


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We study the optimal teleportation based on Bell measurements via the thermal states of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXX chain in the presence of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) anisotropic antisymmetric interaction and obtain an optimal unitary transformation. The explicit expressions of the output state and the teleportation fidelity are presented and compared with those of the standard protocol. It is shown that in this protocol the teleportation fidelity is always larger and the unit fidelity is achieved at zero temperature. The DM interaction can enhance the teleportation fidelity at finite temperatures, as opposed to the effect of the interaction in the standard protocol. Cases with other types of anisotropies are also discussed. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009