986 resultados para Anisotropic magnetoresistance


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The topic of this study is about the propagation features of elastic waves in the anisotropic and nonlinear media by numerical methods with high accuracy and stability. The main achievements of this paper are as followings: Firstly, basing on the third order elastic energy formula, principle of energy conservation and circumvolved matrix method, we firstly reported the equations of non-linear elastic waves with two dimensions and three components in VTI media. Secondly, several conclusions about some numerical methods have been obtained in this paper. Namely, the minimum suitable sample stepth in space is about 1/8-1/12 of the main wavelength in order to distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion resulted from the numerical mehtod, at the same time, the higher order conventional finite difference (CFD) schemes will give little contribution to avoid the numerical solutions error accumulating with time. To get the similar accuracy with the fourth order center finite difference method, the half truncation length of SFFT should be no less than 7. The FDFCT method can present with the numerical solutions without obvious dispersion when the paprameters of FCT is suitable (we think they should be in the scope from 0.0001 to 0.07). Fortunately, the NADM method not only can reported us with the higher order accuracy solutions (higher than that of the fourth order finite difference method and lower than that of the sixth order finite difference method), but also can distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion. Thirdly, basing on the numerial and theoretical analysis, we reported such nonlinear response accumulating with time as waveform aberration, harmonic generation and resonant peak shift shown by the propagation of one- and two-dimensional non-linear elasticwaves in this paper. And then, we drew the conclusion that these nonlinear responses are controlled by the product between nonlinear strength (SN) and the amplitude of the source. At last, the modified FDFCT numerical method presented by this paper is used to model the two-dimensional non-linear elastic waves propagating in VTI media. Subsequently, the wavelet analysis and polarization are adopted to investigate and understand the numerical results. And then, we found the following principles (attention: the nonlinear strength presented by this paper is weak, the thickness of the -nonlinear media is thin (200m), the initial energy of the source is weak and the anisotropy of the media is weak too): The non-linear response shown by the elastic waves in VTI media is anisotropic too; The instantaneous main frequency sections of seismic records resulted from the media with a non-linear layer have about 1/4 to 1/2 changes of the initial main frequency of source with that resulted from the media without non-linear layer; The responses shown by the elasic waves about the anisotropy and nonlinearity have obvious mutual reformation, namely, the non-linear response will be stronger in some directions because of the anisotropy and the anisotropic strength shown by the elastic waves will be stronger when the media is nonlinear.


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It has been a difficult problem faced by seismologists for long time that how exactly to reconstruct the earth's geometric structure and distribution of physical attributes according to seismic wave's kinematical and dynamic characteristics, obtained in seismological observation. The jointing imaging of seismic reflector and anisotropy attributes in the earth interior is becoming the research hot spot. The limitation of shoot and observation system makes that the obtained seismic data are too scarce to exactly reconstruct the geological objects. It is popular that utilizing only seismic reflection traveltimes or polarizations information make inversion of the earth's velocity distribution by fixing seismic reflector configuration (vice versa), these will lead to the serious non-uniqueness reconstruction due to short of effective data, the non-uniqueness problem of reconstructing anisotropy attributes will be more serious than in isotropy media. Obviously it is not enough to restrict the media structure only by information of seismic reflection traveltimes or polarizations, which even sometimes will lead to distorted images and misinterpretation of subsurface structure. So we try to rebuild seismic reflection structure (geometry) and media anisotropic structure (physics) in the earth interior by jointing data of seismic wave kinematics and dynamics characteristics, we carry out the new experiment step by step, and the research mainly comprises of two parts: one is the reconstruction of P-wave vertical velocity and anisotropic structure(Thomsen parameter s and 8) in the transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetrical axis(VTI) by fixing geometrical structure, and the other is the simultaneous inversion of the reflector surface conformation and seismic anisotropic structure by jointing seismic reflection traveltimes and polarizations data. Simulated annealing method is used to the first research part, linear inversion based on BG theory and Simulated annealing are applied to the second one. All the research methods are checked by model experiments, then applied to the real data of the wide-angle seismic profile from Tunxi, Anhui Province, to Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. The results are as following The inversion results based on jointing seismic PP-wave or PSV-wavereflection traveltimes and polarizations data are more close to real model than themodels based simply on one of the two data respectively. It is shown that the methodwe present here can effectively reconstruct the anisotropy attributes in the earth'sinterior when seismic reflector structure is fixed.The layer thickness, P-wave vertical velocity and Thomsen anisotropicparameters {s and 8) could be resolved simultaneously by jointing inversion ofseismic reflection traveltimes and polarizations with the linear inversion methodbased on BG theory.The image of the reflector structure, P-wave vertical velocity and theanisotropy parameters in the crust could be obtained from the wide-angle seismicprofile from Tunxi (in Anhui Province), to Wenzhou (in Zhejiang Province). Theresults reveal the difference of the reflector geometrical structure and physicalattributes in the crust between Yangtze block and Cathaysia block, and attempt tounderstand the characteristics of the crustal stress field in the areas.


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We have investigated the relationship between the molecular configuration and dipole moment of some fluorinated liquid crystals (LCs). The aeornetries of the molecules were preliminarily optimized at empirical AM1 and then were further optimized at B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. The dipole moment has been calculated. It is strongly influenced by the position and number of fluorine substituents in the benzene ring of the molecule. The polarizability, mean polarizabilities, and anisotropic polarizability of the phenylbicyclohexane (PBC) fluorine substituents are also given and discussed. (c) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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How do visual form and motion processes cooperate to compute object motion when each process separately is insufficient? A 3D FORMOTION model specifies how 3D boundary representations, which separate figures from backgrounds within cortical area V2, capture motion signals at the appropriate depths in MT; how motion signals in MT disambiguate boundaries in V2 via MT-to-Vl-to-V2 feedback; how sparse feature tracking signals are amplified; and how a spatially anisotropic motion grouping process propagates across perceptual space via MT-MST feedback to integrate feature-tracking and ambiguous motion signals to determine a global object motion percept. Simulated data include: the degree of motion coherence of rotating shapes observed through apertures, the coherent vs. element motion percepts separated in depth during the chopsticks illusion, and the rigid vs. non-rigid appearance of rotating ellipses.


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How do visual form and motion processes cooperate to compute object motion when each process separately is insufficient? Consider, for example, a deer moving behind a bush. Here the partially occluded fragments of motion signals available to an observer must be coherently grouped into the motion of a single object. A 3D FORMOTION model comprises five important functional interactions involving the brain’s form and motion systems that address such situations. Because the model’s stages are analogous to areas of the primate visual system, we refer to the stages by corresponding anatomical names. In one of these functional interactions, 3D boundary representations, in which figures are separated from their backgrounds, are formed in cortical area V2. These depth-selective V2 boundaries select motion signals at the appropriate depths in MT via V2-to-MT signals. In another, motion signals in MT disambiguate locally incomplete or ambiguous boundary signals in V2 via MT-to-V1-to-V2 feedback. The third functional property concerns resolution of the aperture problem along straight moving contours by propagating the influence of unambiguous motion signals generated at contour terminators or corners. Here, sparse “feature tracking signals” from, e.g., line ends, are amplified to overwhelm numerically superior ambiguous motion signals along line segment interiors. In the fourth, a spatially anisotropic motion grouping process takes place across perceptual space via MT-MST feedback to integrate veridical feature-tracking and ambiguous motion signals to determine a global object motion percept. The fifth property uses the MT-MST feedback loop to convey an attentional priming signal from higher brain areas back to V1 and V2. The model's use of mechanisms such as divisive normalization, endstopping, cross-orientation inhibition, and longrange cooperation is described. Simulated data include: the degree of motion coherence of rotating shapes observed through apertures, the coherent vs. element motion percepts separated in depth during the chopsticks illusion, and the rigid vs. non-rigid appearance of rotating ellipses.


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Anisotropic specimens of MoS2 are obtained by pressing the microcrystalline powder into special die. This inelastic compression results in a rearrangement of the disulfide micro platelets observed by Atomic Force Microscopy and reflected in the macroscopic anisotropy in electrical conductivity in these samples. The conductivity measured parallel and perpendicular to the direction of applied pressure exhibits an anisotropy factor of ∼10 at 1 GPa. This behaviour of the conductivity as a function of applied pressure is explained as the result of the simultaneous influence of a rearrangement of the micro platelets in the solid and the change of the inter-grain distances.


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In this thesis we relate the formal description of various cold atomic systems in the energy eigenbasis, to the observable spatial mode dynamics. Herein the `spatial mode dynamics' refers to the direction of photon emission following the spontaneous emission of an excited fermion in the presence of a same species and spin ideal anisotropic Fermi sea in its internal ground state. Due to the Pauli principle, the presence of the ground state Fermi sea renders the phase space, anisotropic and only partially accessible, thereby a ecting the direction of photon emission following spontaneous emission. The spatial and energetic mode dynamics also refers to the quantum `tunneling' interaction between localised spatial modes, synonymous with double well type potentials. Here we relate the dynamics of the wavefunction in both the energetic and spatial representations. Using this approach we approximate the relationship between the spatial and energetic representations of a wavefunction spanning three spatial and energetic modes. This is extended to a process known as Spatial Adiabatic Passage, which is a technique to transport matter waves between localised spatial modes. This approach allows us to interpret the transport of matter waves as a signature of a geometric phase acquired by the one of the internal energy eigenstates of the system during the cyclical evolution. We further show that this geometric phase may be used to create spatial mode qubit and qutrit states.


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Articular cartilage possesses complex mechanical properties that provide healthy joints the ability to bear repeated loads and maintain smooth articulating surfaces over an entire lifetime. In this study, we utilized a fiber-reinforced composite scaffold designed to mimic the anisotropic, nonlinear, and viscoelastic biomechanical characteristics of native cartilage as the basis for developing functional tissue-engineered constructs. Three-dimensionally woven poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds were encapsulated with a fibrin hydrogel, seeded with human adipose-derived stem cells, and cultured for 28 days in chondrogenic culture conditions. Biomechanical testing showed that PCL-based constructs exhibited baseline compressive and shear properties similar to those of native cartilage and maintained these properties throughout the culture period, while supporting the synthesis of a collagen-rich extracellular matrix. Further, constructs displayed an equilibrium coefficient of friction similar to that of native articular cartilage (mu(eq) approximately 0.1-0.3) over the prescribed culture period. Our findings show that three-dimensionally woven PCL-fibrin composite scaffolds can be produced with cartilage-like mechanical properties, and that these engineered properties can be maintained in culture while seeded stem cells regenerate a new, functional tissue construct.


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This paper focuses on the nature of jamming, as seen in two-dimensional frictional granular systems consisting of photoelastic particles. The photoelastic technique is unique at this time, in its capability to provide detailed particle-scale information on forces and kinematic quantities such as particle displacements and rotations. These experiments first explore isotropic stress states near point J through measurements of the mean contact number per particle, Z, and the pressure, P as functions of the packing fraction, . In this case, the experiments show some but not all aspects of jamming, as expected on the basis of simulations and models that typically assume conservative, hence frictionless, forces between particles. Specifically, there is a rapid growth in Z, at a reasonable which we identify with as c. It is possible to fit Z and P, to power law expressions in - c above c, and to obtain exponents that are in agreement with simulations and models. However, the experiments differ from theory on several points, as typified by the rounding that is observed in Z and P near c. The application of shear to these same 2D granular systems leads to phenomena that are qualitatively different from the standard picture of jamming. In particular, there is a range of packing fractions below c, where the application of shear strain at constant leads to jammed stress-anisotropic states, i.e. they have a non-zero shear stress, τ. The application of shear strain to an initially isotropically compressed (hence jammed) state, does not lead to an unjammed state per se. Rather, shear strain at constant first leads to an increase of both τ and P. Additional strain leads to a succession of jammed states interspersed with relatively localized failures of the force network leading to other stress-anisotropic states that are jammed at typically somewhat lower stress. The locus of jammed states requires a state space that involves not only and τ, but also P. P, τ, and Z are all hysteretic functions of shear strain for fixed . However, we find that both P and τ are roughly linear functions of Z for strains large enough to jam the system. This implies that these shear-jammed states satisfy a Coulomb like-relation, τ = μP. © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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We introduce a class of optical media based on adiabatically modulated, dielectric-only, and potentially extremely low-loss, photonic crystals (PC). The media we describe represent a generalization of the eikonal limit of transformation optics (TO). The basis of the concept is the possibility to fit some equal frequency surfaces of certain PCs with elliptic surfaces, allowing them to mimic the dispersion relation of light in anisotropic effective media. PC cloaks and other TO devices operating at visible wavelengths can be constructed from optically transparent substances such as glasses, whose attenuation coefficient can be as small as 10 dB/km, suggesting the TO design methodology can be applied to the development of optical devices not limited by the losses inherent to metal-based, passive metamaterials.


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We introduce a new concept for the manipulation of fluid flow around three-dimensional bodies. Inspired by transformation optics, the concept is based on a mathematical idea of coordinate transformations and physically implemented with anisotropic porous media permeable to the flow of fluids. In two situations-for an impermeable object placed either in a free-flowing fluid or in a fluid-filled porous medium-we show that the object can be coated with an inhomogeneous, anisotropic permeable medium, such as to preserve the flow that would have existed in the absence of the object. The proposed fluid flow cloak eliminates downstream wake and compensates viscous drag, hinting at the possibility of novel propulsion techniques.


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Nonradiative coupling between conductive coils is a candidate mechanism for wireless energy transfer applications. In this paper we propose a power relay system based on a near-field metamaterial superlens and present a thorough theoretical analysis of this system. We use time-harmonic circuit formalism to describe all interactions between two coils attached to external circuits and a slab of anisotropic medium with homogeneous permittivity and permeability. The fields of the coils are found in the point-dipole approximation using Sommerfeld integrals which are reduced to standard special functions in the long-wavelength limit. We show that, even with a realistic magnetic loss tangent of order 0.1, the power transfer efficiency with the slab can be an order of magnitude greater than free-space efficiency when the load resistance exceeds a certain threshold value. We also find that the volume occupied by the metamaterial between the coils can be greatly compressed by employing magnetic permeability with a large anisotropy ratio. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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A Fermi gas of atoms with resonant interactions is predicted to obey universal hydrodynamics, in which the shear viscosity and other transport coefficients are universal functions of the density and temperature. At low temperatures, the viscosity has a universal quantum scale ħ n, where n is the density and ħ is Planck's constant h divided by 2π, whereas at high temperatures the natural scale is p(T)(3)/ħ(2), where p(T) is the thermal momentum. We used breathing mode damping to measure the shear viscosity at low temperature. At high temperature T, we used anisotropic expansion of the cloud to find the viscosity, which exhibits precise T(3/2) scaling. In both experiments, universal hydrodynamic equations including friction and heating were used to extract the viscosity. We estimate the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density and compare it with that of a perfect fluid.


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Transformation optics (TO) is a powerful tool for the design of electromagnetic and optical devices with novel functionality derived from the unusual properties of the transformation media. In general, the fabrication of TO media is challenging, requiring spatially varying material properties with both anisotropic electric and magnetic responses. Though metamaterials have been proposed as a path for achieving such complex media, the required properties arising from the most general transformations remain elusive, and cannot implemented by state-of-the-art fabrication techniques. Here, we propose faceted approximations of TO media of arbitrary shape in which the volume of the TO device is divided into flat metamaterial layers. These layers can be readily implemented by standard fabrication and stacking techniques. We illustrate our approximation approach for the specific example of a two-dimensional, omnidirectional "invisibility cloak", and quantify its performance using the total scattering cross section as a practical figure of merit. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Purpose – Anisotropic conductive film (ACF) is now an attractive technology for direct mounting of chips onto the substrate as an alternative to lead-free solders. However, despite its various advantages over other technologies, it also has many unresolved reliability issues. For instance, the performance of ACF assembly in high temperature applications is questionable. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of bonding temperatures on the curing of ACFs, and their mechanical and electrical performance after high temperature ageing. Design/methodology/approach – In the work presented in this paper, the curing degree of an ACF at different bonding temperatures was measured using a differential scanning calorimeter. The adhesion strength and the contact resistance of ACF bonded chip-on-flex assembly were measured before and after thermal ageing and the results were correlated with the curing degree of ACF. The ACF was an epoxy-based adhesive in which Au-Ni coated polymer particles were randomly dispersed. Findings – The results showed that higher bonding temperatures had resulted in better ACF curing and stronger adhesion. After ageing, the adhesion strength increased for the samples bonded at lower temperatures and decreased for the samples bonded at higher temperatures. ACF assemblies with higher degrees of curing showed smaller increases in contact resistance after ageing. Conduction gaps at the bump-particle and/or particle-pad interfaces were found with the help of scanning electron microscopy and are thought to be the root cause of the increase in contact resistance. Originality/value – The present study focuses on the effect of bonding temperatures on the curing of ACFs, and their adhesion strength and electrical performances after high temperature ageing. The results of this study may help the development of ACFs with higher heat resistance, so that ACFs can be considered as an alternative to lead-free solders.