927 resultados para Angular kinematics
[ES]Por lo tanto el objetivo de este trabajo es resolver el problema de posición de un manipulador paralelo analizando los movimientos parásitos y la influencia de los mismos sobre el problema. Para ello inicialmente se realizará un modelo del manipulador en un programa de CAD. Posteriormente se resolverán las ecuaciones de posición y se implementará esta resolución en un programa de cálculo como MATLAB. Finalmente se compararán los resultados obtenidos con un manipulador de características similares pero una configuración ligeramente distinta.
[ES]Este Trabajo Fin de Grado está enmarcado dentro de un proyecto del grupo de investigación CompMech. El proyecto consiste en el diseño y construcción de un mecanismo de cinemática paralela para ensayos dinámicos. Este trabajo fin de grado engloba las tareas necesarias para el estudio del espacio de trabajo del mecanismo y la determinación de las dimensiones más apropiadas desde consideraciones cinemáticas. Se partirá de tres posibles mecanismos, de los que más adelante se seleccionará uno con el que terminar el ciclo de diseño. Para ello el primer paso es el análisis cinemático de los mecanismos. Se resolverán los problemas de posición y de velocidades, que serán los necesarios para el posterior estudio del espacio de trabajo. La resolución de estos problemas se programará en un programa Matlab. Después se obtendrán los espacios de trabajo de cada uno de los mecanismos, así como las posiciones singulares dentro del mismo, y su variación ante variaciones en las dimensiones. Será también de interés determinar las regiones del espacio de trabajo en las que más fácil es efectuar el movimiento del mecanismo. Conocidos los espacios de trabajo de cada mecanismo y su variabilidad con cambios en las dimensiones, se elegirá el mecanismo más apropiado para continuar con el ciclo de diseño. Para la elección se tendrán también en cuenta consideraciones adicionales aportadas por otros miembros del grupo.
In view of recent interest in the Cl37 (ʋ solar’e-)Ar37 reaction cross section, information on some aspects of mass 37 nuclei has been obtained using the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 and Cl35 (He3, p) Ar37 reactions. Ar37 levels have been found at 0, 1.41, 1.62, 2.22, 2.50, 2.80, 3.17, 3.27, 3.53, 3.61, 3.71, (3.75), (3.90), 3.94, 4.02, (4.21), 4.28, 4.32, 4.40, 4.45, 4.58, 4.63, 4.74, 4.89, 4.98, 5.05, 5.10, 5.13, 5.21, 5.35, 5.41, 5.44, 5.54, 5.58, 5.67, 5.77, and 5.85 MeV (the underlined values correspond to previously tabulated levels). The nuclear temperature calculated from the Ar37 level density is 1.4 MeV. Angular distributions of the lowest six levels with the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 reaction at Ed = 10 MeV indicate a dominant direct interaction mechanism and the inapplicability of the 2I + 1 rule of the statistical model. Comparison of the spectra obtained with the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 and Cl35 (He3, p) Ar37 reactions leads to the suggestion that the 5.13-MeV level is the T = 3/2 Cl37 ground state analog. The ground state Q-value of the Ca40 (p, ∝) K37 reaction has been measured: -5179 ± 9 keV. This value implies a K37 mass excess of -24804 ± 10 keV. Description of a NMR magnetometer and a sixteen-detector array used in conjunction with a 61-cm double-focusing magnetic spectrometer are included in appendices.
[ES]Este documento presenta una teoría de análisis cinemático capaz de unificar posición/orientación describiendo el movimiento de la herramienta de un robot mediante un cuaternión dual que envuelve traslación y rotación. Se desarrolla la cinemática directa de dos robots, uno redundante y otro no redundante a fin de evaluar la validez del método en ambos casos. Por último, se comparan los resultados de dicha teoría con los resultados que ofrece la conocida teoría de las matrices de transformación homogéneas.
[ES]El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado: SIMULACIÓN DEL ROBOT DELTA MEDIANTE MATLAB trata sobre el robot Delta. El objetivo principal del trabajo es servir de base para futuros proyectos. Incluye información sobre los robots Delta, así como de sus aplicaciones. Este tipo de robots tienen numerosas aplicaciones y beneficios gracias a las numerosas características favorables que se mencionan a lo largo del trabajo, como lo es por ejemplo la gran velocidad a la que se puede mover. En el trabajo se verán las resoluciones de los problemas cinemáticos: directo e inverso. Además, se podrán describir trayectorias tomando como base los anteriores problemas cinemáticos. Finalmente, es especialmente interesante la introducción de los interpoladores en la generación de trayectorias y los beneficios que ello trae consigo.
[ES]El uso de maquinaria en la industria es algo muy habitual en la actualidad. Dicha maquinaria necesita una serie de mecanismos para realizar una acción deseada, y en función de esa acción, se hará uso de un mecanismo u otro. Este informe representa el estudio y análisis cinemático que se ha llevado a cabo para la posterior clasificación de mecanismos planos que tengan un grado de libertad con aplicación industrial. Para todo ello se ha partido de un previo conocimiento de la materia que se ha ido complementando con diferentes fuentes de información especializadas. La clasificación de los mecanismos que se va a realizar en este trabajo no es más que una de las muchas posibilidades que hay a la hora de clasificarlos ya que se han hecho bastantes intentos para realizar clasificaciones de mecanismos, pero dada la complejidad de la tarea no se ha llegado a una clasificación general unificada. La línea de trabajo que se presenta aquí consiste en el análisis cinemático de diferentes mecanismos para la posterior creación de un prototipo de uno de ellos. La estructura de los contenidos que se desarrollan a continuación es la siguiente: En primer lugar se ha realizado una búsqueda de mecanismos que cumplan la condición de ser mecanismos planos que tengan un grado de libertad y que tengan utilidad demostrada. En segundo lugar se han recopilado los resultados cinemáticos del mecanismo, construcciones gráficas de los elementos que lo componen y se añadirán animaciones de cada mecanismo, haciendo después una valoración en función de los resultados obtenidos de los mismos. En tercer lugar se han clasificado en diferentes grupos dependiendo de su función o aplicación. En cuarto lugar, se ha realizado un prototipo de uno de los mecanismos para comprobar su funcionamiento.
The Q values and 0o cross sections of (He3, n) reactions forming seven proton-rich nuclei have been measured with accuracies varying from 6 to 18 keV. The Q values (in keV) are: Si26 (85), S30 (-573), Ar34 (-759), Ti42 (-2865), Cr48 (5550), Ni56 (4513) and Zn60 (818). At least one excited state was found for all but Ti42. The first four nuclei complete isotopic spin triplets; the results obtained agree well with charge-symmetry predictions. The last three, all multiples of the α particle, are important in the α and e-process theories of nucleo-synthesis in stars. The energy available for β decay of these three was found by magnetic spectrometer measurements of the (He3, p) Q values of reactions leading to V48, Co56, and Cu60. Many excited states were seen: V48 (3), Co56 (15), Cu60 (23). The first two states of S30 are probably 0+ and 2+ from (He3, n) angular distribution measurements. Two NaI γ-ray measurements are described: the decay of Ar34 (measured Ƭ1/2 = 1.2 ± 0.3s) and the prompt γ-ray spectrum from Fe54(He3, nγ)Ni56. Possible collective structure in Ni56 and Ca40, both doubly magic, is discussed.
The (He3, n) neutron energy and yield measurements utilized neutron-induced nuclear reactions in a silicon semiconductor detector. Cross sections for the most important detection processes, Si28 (n, α) Mg25 and Si28 (n, p) Al28, are presented for reactions leading to the first four states of both residual nuclei for neutron energies from 7.3 to 16.4 MeV. Resolution and pulse-height anomalies associated with recoil Mg25 and Al28 ions are discussed. The 0o cross section for Be9 (α, n) C12, used to provide calibration neutrons, has been measured with a stilbene spectrometer for no (5.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 12 MeV), n1 (4.3 ≤ Eα ≤ 12.0 MeV) and n2 (6.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 10.1 MeV). Resonances seen in the no yield may correspond to nine new levels in C13.
This paper summarized the recent research results of Changhe Zhou's group of Information Optics Lab in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM). The first is about the Talbot self-imaging research. We have found the symmetry rule, the regular-rearranged neighboring phase difference rule and the prime-number decamping rule, which is briefly summarized in a recent educational publication of Optics and Photonics News, pp.46-50, November 2004. The second is about four novel microoptical gratings designed and fabricated in SIOM. The third is about the design and fabrication of novel supperresolution phase plates for beam shaping and possible use in optical storage. The fourth is to develop novel femtosecond laser information processing techniques by incorporating microoptical elements, for example, use of a pair of reflective Dammann gratings for splitting the femtosecond laser pulses. The most attractive feature of this approach is that the conventional beam splitter is avoided. The conventional beam splitter would introduce the unequal dispersion due to the broadband spectrum of ultrashort laser pulses, which will affect the splitting result. We implemented the Dammann splitting apparatus by using two-layered reflective Dammann gratings, which generates the almost same array without angular dispersion. We believe that our device is highly interesting for splitting femtosecond laser pulses.
Precise measurements of the total reaction cross section for 3He(3He,2p)4He He have been made in the range of center-of-mass energies between 1100 keV and 80 keV. A differentially pumped gas target modified to operate with a limited quantity of the target gas was employed to minimize the uncertainties in the primary energy and energy straggle. Beam integration inside the target gas was carried out by a calorimetric device which measures the total energy spent in a heat sink rather than the total charge in a Faraday cup. Proton energy spectra have been obtained using a counter telescope consisting of a gas proportional counter and a surface barrier detector and angular distributions of these protons have been measured at seven bombarding energies. Cross section factors, S(E), have been calculated from the total cross sections and fitted to a linear function of energy over different ranges of energy. For Ecm < 500 keV
S(Ecm) = S0 + S1 Ecm
where S0 = (5.0 +0.6-0.4) MeV - barns and S1 = (-1.8 ± 0.5) barns.
Yields were measured for 235U sputtered from UF4 by 16O, 19F, and 35Cl over the energy range ~.12 to 1.5 MeV/ amu sing a charge equilibrated beam in the stripped beam arrangement for all the incident ions and in the transmission arrangement for 19F and 35Cl. In addition, yields were measured for 19F incident in a wide range of discrete charge states. The angular dependence of all the measured yields were consistent with cosʋ. The stripped beam and transmission data were well fit by the form (Az2eqln(BƐ)/Ɛ)4 (where Ɛ was the ion energy in MeV/amu and zeq(Ɛ) was taken from Zeigler(80). The fitted values of B for the various sets of data were consistent with a constant B0, equal to 36.3 ± 2.7, independent of incident ion. The fitted values of A show no consistent variation with incident ion although a difference can be noted between the stripped beam and transmission values, the transmission values being higher.
The incident charge data were well fit by the assumptions that the sputtering yield depended locally on a power of the incident ion charge and that the sputtering from the surface is exponentially correlated to conditions in the bulk. The equilibrated sputtering yields derived from these data are in agreement with the stripped beam yields.
In addition, to aid in the understanding of these data, the data of Hakansson(80,81a,81b) were examined and contrasted with the UF4 results. The thermal models of Seiberling(80) and Watson(81) were discussed and compared to the data.
Cross sections for the reaction 12C(α,γ)16O have been measured for a range of center-of-mass alpha particle energies extending from 1.72 MeV to 2.94 MeV. Two 8"x5" NaI (Tℓ) crystals were used to detect gamma rays; time-of-flight technique was employed to suppress cosmic ray background and background due to neutrons arising mainly from the 13C(α,n)16O reaction. Angular distributions were measured at center-of-mass alpha energies of 2.18, 2.42, 2.56 and 2.83 MeV. Upper limits were placed on the amount of radiation cascading through the 6.92 or 7.12-MeV states in 16O. By means of theoretical fits to the measured electric dipole component of the total cross section, in which interference between the 1¯ states in 16O at 7.12 MeV and at 9.60 MeV is taken into account, it is possible to extract the dimensionless, reduced-alpha-width of the 7.12-MeV state in 16O. A three-level R-matrix parameterization of the data yields the width Θα,F2 = 0.14+0.10-0.08. A "hybrid" R-matrix-optical-model parameterization yields Θα,F2 = 0.11+0.11-0.07. This quantity is of crucial importance in determining the abundances of 12C and 16O at the end of helium burning in stars.
We have measured sputtering yields and angular distributions of sputtered atoms from both the solid and liquid phases of gallium, indium, and the gallium-indium eutectic alloy. This was done by Rutherford backscattering analysis of graphite collector foils. The solid eutectic target shows a predominance of indium crystallites on its surface which have to be sputtered away before the composition of the sputtered atoms equals the bulk target composition. The size of the crystallites depends upon the conditions under which the alloy is frozen. The sputtering of the liquid eutectic alloy by 15 keV Ar+ results in a ratio of indium to gallium sputtering yields which is 28 times greater than would be expected from the target stoichiometry. Furthermore, the angular distribution of gallium is much more sharply peaked about the normal to the target surface than the indium distribution. When the incident Ar+ energy is increased to 25 keV, the gallium distribution broadens to the same shape as the indium distribution. With the exception of the sharp gallium distribution taken from the liquid eutectic at 15 keV, all angular distributions from liquid targets fit a cos2 θ function. An ion-scattering-spectroscopy analysis of the liquid eutectic alloy reveals a surface layer of almost pure indium. A thermodynamic explanation for this highly segregated layer is discussed. The liquid eutectic alloy provides us with a unique target system which allows us to estimate the fraction of sputtered material which comes from the first monolayer of the surface.
The (He3, n) reactions on B11, N15, O16, and O18 targets have been studied using a pulsed-beam time-of-flight spectrometer. Special emphasis was placed upon the determination of the excitation energies and properties of states with T = 1 (in Ne18), T = 3/2 (in N13 and F17) and T = 2 (in Ne20). The identification of the T = 3/2 and T = 2 levels is based on the structure of these states as revealed by intensities and shapes of angular distributions. The reactions are interpreted in terms of double stripping theory. Angular distributions have been compared with plane and distorted wave stripping theories. Results for the four reactions are summarized below:
1) O16 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 13.5 MeV and two previously unreported levels in Ne18 were observed at Ex = 4.55 ± .015 MeV (Γ = 70 ± 30 keV) and Ex = 5.14 ± .018 MeV (Γ = 100 ± 40 keV).
2) B11 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 13.5 MeV. Three T = 3/2 levels in N13 have been identified at Ex = 15.068 ± .008 MeV (Γ ˂ 15 keV), Ex = 18.44 ± .04, and Ex 18.98 ± .02 MeV (Γ = 40 ± 20 keV).
3) N15 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 11.88 MeV. T = 3/2 levels in F17 have been identified at Ex = 11.195 ± .007 MeV (Γ ˂ 20 keV), Ex = 12.540 ± .010 MeV (Γ ˂ 25 keV), and Ex = 13.095 ± .009 MeV (Γ ˂ 25 keV).
4) O18 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 9.0 MeV. The excitation energy of the lowest T = 2 level in Ne20 has been found to be 16.730 ± .006 MeV (Γ ˂ 20 keV).
Angular distributions of the transitions leading to the above higher isospin states are well described by double stripping theory. Analog correspondences are established by comparing the present results with recent studies (t, p) and (He3, p) reactions on the same targets.
A área estudada está inserida no Domínio Transversal da Província Borborema. As unidades litoestratigráficas que compõem o embasamento paleoproterozócio (riaciano) são representadas por rochas ortoderivadas dos Complexos Salgadinho e Cabaceiras. Esses complexos foram individualizados de acordo com as suas diferenças composicionais, texturais e/ou geocronológicas. As rochas metassedimentares de idade paleoproterozóica (Orosiriano) foram interpretadas como constituintes do Complexo Sertânia. O magmatismo no estateriano é caracterizado por ortognaisses sienogranítcos da Suíte Carnoió-Caturité e por metanortositos do Complexo Metanortosítico Boqueirão. As unidades litoestratigráficas do Neoproterozóico são representadas por sucessões metassedimentares Criogenianas do Complexo Surubim e ortognaisses granodioríticos e sienograníticos do início do Ediacarano, denominados de Complexo Sumé e Ortognaisse Riacho de Santo Antônio, respectivamente. O magmatismo granítico do Ediacarano foi caracterizado pelo alojamento dos Plutons Inácio Pereira e Marinho. Os dados geocronológicos (U-Pb em zircão) obtidos indicam, no mínimo, o desenvolvimento de três eventos tectono-magmáticos. As idades de 2042 + 11Ma e 1996 + 13Ma obtidas nos ortoanfibolitos do Complexo Cabaceiras foram interpretadas como a idade de cristalização do protólito e metamorfismo, respectivamente. A idade de 1638 + 13Ma proveniente de hornblenda ortognaisse sienogranítico da Suíte Carnoió-Caturité foi interpretada como a idade de cristalização do protólito, marcando um evento magmático Estateriano de afinidade anorogênica. A idade de 550 + 3.1Ma encontrada em monzogranito porfirítico do Pluton Marinho é um registro do último evento magmático no final do Ediacarano, associado ao estágio tardio de desenvolvimento da Zona de Cisalhamento Coxixola. Os dados estruturais permitiram a individualização de três fases de deformação dúcteis, individualizadas como D1, D2 e D3. A fase D1 foi responsável pela geração de uma foliação S1, observada somente na charneira de dobras F2. O evento D2 é assinalado por uma tectônica contracional com transporte para NNW, observado a partir de bandas de cisalhamento assimétricas e dobras de arrasto em cortes paralelos a lineação de estiramento (L2x). Zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis de geometria e cinemática distintas desenvolveram-se durante a fase D3. As zonas de Cisalhamento Boa Vista, Carnoió e Congo estão orientadas na direção NE-SW e exibem cinemática sinistral em cortes paralelos à lineação de estiramento (L3x). As terminações meridionais dessas zonas de cisalhamento estão conectadas com a Zona de Cisalhamento Coxixola. Essa zona de cisalhamento, de direção WSW-ENE e cinemática destral, atravessa toda a área de estudo, com uma espessura média de rochas miloníticas de 300m. A Zona de Cisalhamento Inácio Pereira ocorre na porção leste da área de estudo, orientada na direção WNW-ESE. A análise geométrica e cinemática dessa zona de cisalhamento sugere uma evolução deformacional através de regime transpressivo oblíquo sinistral. O padrão anastomosado final resultante do desenvolvimento de todas as zonas de cisalhamento da área é relacionado à evolução estrutural de um sistema de zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis conjugadas.
Described in this thesis are measurements made of the thick-target neutron yield from the reaction 13C(α, n)16O. The yield was determined for laboratory bombarding energies between 0.475 and 0.700 MeV, using a stilbene crystal neutron detector and pulse-shape discrimination to eliminate gamma rays. Stellar temperatures between 2.5 and 4.5 x 108 oK are involved in this energy region. From the neutron yield was extracted the astrophysical cross-section factor S(E), which was found to fit a linear function: S(E) = [(5.48 ± 1.77) + (12.05 ± 3.91)E] x 105 MeV-barns, center-of-mass system. The stellar rate of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction if calculated, and discussed with reference to helium burning and neutron production in the core of a giant star.
Results are also presented of measurements carried out on the reaction 9Be(α, n)12C, taken with a thin Be target. The bombarding energy-range covered was from 0.340 to 0.680 MeV, with excitation curves for the ground- and first excited-state neutrons being reported. Some angular distributions were also measured. Resonances were found at bombarding energies of ELAB = 0.520 MeV (ECM = 0.360 MeV, Γ ~ 55 keV CM, ωγ = 3.79 eV CM) and ELAB = 0.600 MeV (ECM = 0.415 MeV, Γ ˂ 4 keV CM, ωγ = 0.88 eV CM). The astrophysical rate of the 9Be(α, n)12C reaction due to these resonances is calculated.