996 resultados para Angelus Silesius, 1624-1677.


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The design of oral health has as its most important to bring knowledge, prevention and treatment for the population of municipalities that have this important means of promoting health in general. These programs are based on socio-educational projects, such as tooth brushing, educational lectures, projects, preventive and, fluoride use, application of sealants in pits and even the prevention of oral cancer. In the area of healing, the centers of dental specialties (CEO) associated with the PSF are responsible for implementing treatment of periodontal diseases, trauma, restoration of teeth affected by dental caries, prosthesis design for functional rehabilitation of the patient, biopsies of oral lesions , among other specialties. This study aims to evaluate the students of the Graduate Program in Dentistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Araçatuba, in order to coordinate a program to promote health in their communities. The result based on parameters in the OMS showed that the majority of graduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry Araçatuba acquired knowledge to a reasonable oral health program in their city as a coordinator.


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The etiology of TMD in children and adolescents is considered multifactorial and has been related to parafunctional habits.The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of parafunctional habits in elementary school students of “Colégio Ipê de Assis” (Assis, SP - Brazil). In the present research was administered questionnaire (15 questions) proposed by the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of TMD, School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, UNESP. The sample was composed of 80 elementary school students of the “Colégio Ipê de Assis” (Assis, SP - Brazil). The project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the School of Dentistry of Araçatuba/ UNESP. All parents and responsible of the students received instruction about the research and preservation of identity and provide clarification if in doubt. Beyond that, they were requested to sign the informed consent in order to facilitate the participation of students. Females comprised 47,5% and males 52,5%, with age ranging from 10 to 14. The students were classified into two groups as follows: Group I-female, Group II- male. In addition, brazilian students from Groups I and II were classified according to type of oral habits presented. All students presented a parafunctional habit. Among the parafunctional habits chewing gum was the most common in both groups (72.2%, Group I and 78.5%, Group II) followed by resting chin on hand for both genders (69,5% for Group I and 67% for Group II). Tongue biting (5%) was less founded in Group II and stomach sleeping in Group I. The results obtained show the necessity of carring out preventive programs. Beside, resources of Health should increase preventive treatments.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This in vitro study evaluated the demineralization around restorations class V made on the buccal and lingual surfaces of teeth when using different restorative materials. Thirty extracted teeth were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=10) according to the restorative material: Group I - Fuji II LC (GC America Inc., Alsip, Illinois, USA), Group II - Tetric (Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and Group III - Chelon Fil (3M/ESPE., Seefeld, Germany). The teeth were submitted to a pH-cycling model associated to a thermocycling model. Sections were made and the specimens were analyzed under a polarized light microscopy as for the presence of demineralization. Measurements were performed and the results were subjected to statistical analysis using Anova and Tukey´s Test (α=0.05). Mean values of demineralization depth (µm) according to each positions showed that the demineralization was significantly reduced when Chelon Fil (Group III) was used for all depths, when compared to fluoridated resin materials. Also, it was verified that non-fluoridated resin material, composite resin Tetric, had the lowest inhibitory effect on the development of demineralization.


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Biomaterials such as membrane barriers and/or bone grafts are often used to enhance periapical new bone formation. A combination of apical surgery and these biomaterials is one of the latest treatment options for avoiding tooth extraction. In case of periapical lesions, guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is attempted to improve the self-regenerative healing process by excluding undesired proliferation of the gingival connective tissue or migration of the oral epithelial cells into osseous defects. In many cases, GTR is necessary for achieving periodontal tissue healing. This report describes the healing process after surgery in a challenging case with a long-term followup. In this case report, endodontic surgery was followed by retrograde sealing with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in the maxillary right central incisor and left lateral incisor. Apicectomy was performed in the maxillary left central incisor and a 1-mm filling was removed. The bone defect was filled with an anorganic bone graft and covered with a decalcified cortical osseous membrane. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed. After 13 years of follow-up, the patient showed no clinical signs or symptoms associated with the lesion and radiographic examination showed progressive resolution of radiolucency. In conclusion, the combination of apical surgery and regenerative techniques can successfully help the treatment of periapical lesions of endodontic origin and is suitable for the management of challenging cases


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A case report of a patient who presents as chief complaint presence of stained restorations in the anterior teeth. After analysis and discussion of the clinical therapeutic approaches to be adopted, it was observed the presence of type class IV restorations on teeth 11 and 21, due to an oblique coronal fracture in the past. But the patient was not satisfied with the aesthetic result, then where was planned the realization of the removal of the restorations, for subsequently be used direct restorative materials for the correction of form, function and esthetics. The final result showed that the restorations were able to return the form, function and aesthetic dental, thereby evidencing the proven development of restorative dentistry in the solution of aesthetic problems.


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of thermocycling on the color variation of three different composite resins . We studied was Resin Enamel on 3 levels : ( Esthetic X , Opallis and Venus ) ; Resin Dentin in three levels : ( Esthetic X , Opallis and Venus ) and Thermocycling on level 1 : ( 3,000 cycles ) ; variable was the change of color gauged by spectrophotometry . 60 specimens , subdivided into 6 groups were made : GI - Esthetic X Enamel ; GII - Esthetic X dentin ; GIII - Opallis Enamel ; GIV - Opallis dentin ; GV - Enamel and GVI Venus - Venus dentin . The specimens were prepared with a matrix to standardize samples . The inserts of incrementally resins and polymerized with a halogen light Ultralux unit ( Dabi Atlante , Brazil ) with a power of 450mW / cm ² . After fabrication , underwent color reading with a UV Visible Spectrophotometer reflection , UV -2450 ( Shimadzu , Kyoto , Japan ) , with the changes calculated by the system CIE L * a * b * . Then isolates were stored in artificial saliva at 35 ° C ± 2 ° C during 3 months containers being subjected to the effects of thermal cycling for 3000 cycles over the range of 5C to 55C . Again subjected to chromatic evaluation. For the analysis of the results of color change of the studied resins was applied ANOVA two factors at 5 % . The results showed a statistically equal resins enamel GI and GV ( p = 0.79 ) ; the same was not observed for GI and G III resins , where the color change was higher for resin G III ( p = 0.0000002 ) . The same was observed between G III and GV , where the resin enamel G III showed a statistically superior to the color change ( p = 0.0000005 ) Average . Resins to dentin was there a statistical equality between the materials studied . We conclude that the resins studied change in color and resin enamel G III was the most suffered major color changes after aging by thermocycling .


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Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, clinicamente, a efetividade de dois agentes clareadores aplicados sobre a superfície dentária durante 45 minutos, sem troca do gel. Foram selecionados 10 pacientes de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, e a arcada superior dos pacientes foi dividida em duas hemiarcadas (n = 10): na hemiarcada direita (HD), foi aplicado o peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (PH) Clàriant Office (Angelus); e, na hemiarcada esquerda (HE), o PH 38% Opalescence Boost (Ultradent). Foram realizadas duas sessões clínicas, de 45 minutos cada, com intervalo de uma semana entre as sessões. Inicialmente, ao tratamento clareador, os pacientes receberam profilaxia, moldagem para guia de mensuração de cor com silicone de condensação e avaliação de cor por meio de um aparelho espectrofotômetro Vita Easyshade (Vita Zhanfabrik, Alemanha). Após 14 dias do término do tratamento clareador, foi realizada a mensuração final da cor dos dentes. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t e de Tukey (p < 0,05). Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as hemiarcadas quanto à efetividade do clareamento (p = 0,146) e nem quanto à sensibilidade. Pode-se concluir que a aplicação dos materiais avaliados sem troca do gel, por 45 minutos, foi eficaz em promover o clareamento de dentes vitais e com baixa sensibilidade dentária.


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Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi investigar os efeitos da nova formulação do Cimento Portland (CPM) comparando-o ao MTA Angelus na viabilidade celular e liberação de IL-1b e IL-6 em fibroblastos de rato. Métodos: tubos de polietileno preenchidos com os materiais estudados foram colocados em placas de cultura celular de 24 poços com fibroblastos de rato. Tubos vazios foram utilizados como controle. Após 24 horas, ensaio MTT foi utilizado para avaliar a viabilidade celular. Para o ensaio de citocinas, fibroblastos de ratos foram incubados em placas de fundo plano de 24 poços com discos dos materiais no fundo, ou sem material, como controle. Após 24 horas, o meio de cultura foi coletado para a avaliação das citocinas pelo ELISA. Resultados: o CPM e MTA Angelus não inibiram a viabilidade celular. Ambos os materiais induziram liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b e a quantidade foi estatisticamente significativa se comparada ao grupo controle. Conclusão: ambos os materiais não foram citotóxicos em cultura de fibroblastos e induziram a liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b.


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Introdução: o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a resposta do tecido subcutâneo de ratos a implantes de tubos de polietileno com cimento Portland modificado (CPM) (EGEO S.R.L., Buenos Aires, Argentina) comparado com o MTA Angelus® (Angelus, Londrina/PR). Métodos: esses materiais foram colocados em tubos de polietileno e implantados no tecido conjuntivo dorsal de ratos Wistar por 7, 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias. Os espécimes foram preparados e corados com hematoxilina e eosina ou Von Kossa, ou não corados por luz polarizada. Foram realizadas avaliações quantitativas e qualitativas das reações. Resultados: ambos os materiais causaram reações moderadas em 7 dias, decaindo com o tempo. O MTA Angelus causou reações leves em 15 dias, decaindo com o tempo. A resposta foi similar ao controle em 30, 60 e 90 dias com CPM e MTA Angelus. Foram observadas mineralização e granulações birrefringentes à luz polarizada em ambos os materiais. Conclusões: foi possível concluir que o CPM e o MTA Angelus foram biocompatíveis em modelo de rato e estimularam a mineralização.


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This study aimed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of two bleaching agents without changing the whitening gel during the clinic session 1X45minutos. 10 patients were selected according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion and upper arch of the patients were divided into two quadrants (n: 10), G1: gel clareador Clàriant Office (hidrogênio35 Angellus) peroxide% (PH) in superior right side (LD) and the gel WhitenessHp Blue (FGM) PH 35% on the superior left side (LE. 2 clinical sessions were accomplished, 45 minutes each, with an interval of one week between sessions. At first the bleaching treatment patients received prophylaxis, molding to guide measurement of color with condensation silicon and the color evaluation through the apparel spectrophotometer VITA Easyshade (Vita Zhanfabrik, Alemanhã). 14 days after the end of the bleaching treatment was performed the measurement final color of the teeth. The patients reported sensitivity in scale 0-4. The result showed that through T Test comparing quadrants presented no statistical differences (p>0,05) in relation to coloration and dental sensibility. It can be concluded that the materials evaluated are effective for bleaching vital teeth with low tooth sensibility.


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Objective: This confocal microscopy study evaluated the cement/dentin and cement/post interfaces along theroot canalwallswhenfiberglasspostswerebonded to dentin using different types of cements. Material & Methods: Thirty endodontically treated premolars were divided into 3 groups according to the adhesive materials used in the bonding procedure: Prime & Bond 2.1/Self Cure + Enforce, RelyX Unicem and RelyX Luting. Rhodamine B dye was incorporated in the luting materials for the cementation of the fiber glass posts (Exacto, Angelus) to dentin. Three transversal slices (apical, middle and coronal) were examined under confocal laser scanning microscopy. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kappa, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunnet tests, in a significance level of 5%. Results: The Prime & Bond 2.1/Self Cure + Enforce presented a uniform formation of tags in the dentin but gaps in the cement/dentin interface. The RelyX Unicem and RelyX Luting presented an adhesive interface with a fewer amount of gaps, but showed shorter tag formation than the Enforce system. All cements presented the same pattern of bubbles inside the cements. The RelyX Luting presented a greater amount of cracks inside the cement in comparison with the other cements in the coronal third, while no difference was observed between RelyX Unicem and Enforce. The RelyX Luting showed the lowest quantity of cement penetration into the post. Conclusion: In general, the quality of bonding interfaces of fiber posts luted to root canals was affected by both location and type of cement.


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Rotational panoramic radiograpy is a widely used procedure for examination of the jaws. Then, the aim of this study was analyse the mandibular growth from images obtained on panoramic radiographs of male and female children with chronological age between 7-10 years old. Craniometrics points were identifyed and linear measurements obtained from mandibular body and ramus. The results showed an increase in mandibular body lenght and mandibular ramus height in both sexes. Statistically significant correlation was found between the total mandibular lenght (from codilion to mental) and mandibular body lenght (from gonion to mental), in male and female children.


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The sialolithiasis is characterized by the formation of calcified structure called sialolith within the salivary ductal system. Although its etiology is unknown, it is believed that is from the deposition of calcium salts around an accumulation of organic leftovers in the lumen of the duct or be resulted by chronic sialadenitis and partial obstruction. In this study, the authors describe a case of a male patient, 46 years old, brown, who presented the complaint “pain under the tongue.” The presence of a hardened nodule located in the left sublingual fold was observed through intra-oral exam. Current considerations about treatment, clinical and radiographic characteristics were addressed in this work.


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Neoplasm, tumor or cancer generic synonymies are used to designate a group of diseases that affect any part of the body.Their main common feature is the abnormal cell proliferation, usually rapid, uncontrolled and unrestrained. According to World HealthOrganization (WHO) cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. In 2005, a total of 58 million deaths, 7.6 million (or 13%) of all of them were cancer. Among the factors that favor its development, the tobacco is considered one of the main villains. Therefore, this article, we will discuss the basics and updates about oral cancer and tobacco consumption.