930 resultados para AmpliSeq Custom Panel


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Energy efficiency improvement has been a key objective of China’s long-term energy policy. In this paper, we derive single-factor technical energy efficiency (abbreviated as energy efficiency) in China from multi-factor efficiency estimated by means of a translog production function and a stochastic frontier model on the basis of panel data on 29 Chinese provinces over the period 2003–2011. We find that average energy efficiency has been increasing over the research period and that the provinces with the highest energy efficiency are at the east coast and the ones with the lowest in the west, with an intermediate corridor in between. In the analysis of the determinants of energy efficiency by means of a spatial Durbin error model both factors in the own province and in first-order neighboring provinces are considered. Per capita income in the own province has a positive effect. Furthermore, foreign direct investment and population density in the own province and in neighboring provinces have positive effects, whereas the share of state-owned enterprises in Gross Provincial Product in the own province and in neighboring provinces has negative effects. From the analysis it follows that inflow of foreign direct investment and reform of state-owned enterprises are important policy handles.


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Review of ‘A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland’. The review was led by Professor Pádraig Warde of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto.  The evaluation panel was very impressed with the excellent progress in the cancer control system in Ireland since the publication of “A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland” in 2006.   Download the report here.


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A recommended minimum thickness for prestressed concrete (P/C) bridge deck panels containing 3/8-in. diameter, 270-ksi, low-relaxation, grit-impregnated, epoxy-coated prestressing strands is being evaluated by testing prototype panel specimens. As of January 1994, specimens from ten castings have been tested. The specimens in the first five castings were constructed to establish a preliminary minimum thickness for P/C panels. The specimens in the last five castings were constructed to 1) confirm the minimum panel thickness requirement, 2) measure the development length of epoxy-coated strands in specimens containing multiple strands, 3) measure the development length of uncoated strands in specimens containing multiple and single strands, 4) observe if concrete cracks form in thin panel specimens that have a raked top surface and are reinforced with welded wire fabric and either epoxy-coated or uncoated strands, 5) measure the transfer length for specimens containing a single uncoated strand, and 6) observe the seating characteristics of the grips used for uncoated strand and epoxy-coated strands. These tests have produced several initial findings. The preliminary recommended thickness for P/C panels containing grit-impregnated, epoxy-coated strands is 3 in. and the tentative development length for uncoated and coated multiple strands is approximately 45 in. and 24 in., respectively. Further tests will address confirmation of the recommended P/C panel thickness and establish the transfer and development lengths of single and multiple, uncoated and grit-impregnated epoxy-coated strands.


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Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used in bridge deck construction in Iowa and many other states. To investigate the performance of these panels at abutment or pier diaphragm locations for bridges with various skew angles, a research program involving both analytical and experimental aspects, is being conducted. This interim report presents the status of the research with respect to four tasks. Task 1 which involves a literature review and two surveys is essentially complete. Task 2 which involved field investigations of three Iowa bridges containing precast panel subdecks has been completed. Based on the findings of these investigations, future inspections are recommended to evaluate potential panel deterioration due to possible corrosion of the prestressed strands. Task 3 is the experimental program which has been established to monitor the behavior of five configurations of full scale composite deck slabs. Three dimensional test and instrumentation frameworks have been constructed to load and monitor the slab specimens. The first slab configuration representing an interior panel condition is being tested and preliminary results are presented for one of these tests in this interim report. Task 4 involves the analytical investigation of the experimental specimens. Finite element methods are being applied to analytically predict the behavior of the test specimens. The first test configuration of the interior panel condition has been analyzed for the same loads used in the laboratory, and the results are presented herein. Very good correlation between the analytical and experimental results has occurred.


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This chapter presents an exploratory study involving a group of athletic shoe enthusiasts and their feelings towards customized footwear. These "sneakerheads" demonstrate their infatuation with sneakers via activities ranging from creating catalogs of custom shoes to buying and selling rare athletic footwear online. The key characteristic these individuals share is that, for them, athletic shoes are a fundamental fashion accessory stepped in symbolism and meaning. A series of in-depth interviews utilizing the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) provide a better understanding of how issues such as art, self-expression, exclusivity, peer recognition, and counterfeit goods interact with the mass customization of symbolic products by category experts.


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On 2 July 2009, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) endorsed a draft Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats to be released for public consultation. This Scientific Report summarises the comments received through the public consultation and outlines how these were taken into account in the final opinion. EFSA had received contributions from 40 interested parties (individuals, non-governmental organisations, industry organisations, academia and national assessment bodies). The main comments which were received during the public consultation related to: the availability of more recent data, the nomenclature used, the use of a non-European food composition data base, the impact of genetic factors in modulating the absorption, metabolism and health effects of different fatty acids, the definition of “nutritionally adequate diet”, the use of Dietary Reference Values in the labelling of foods, the translation of advice into food-based dietary guidelines, nutrient goals and recommendations, certain risk management issues, and to Dietary Reference Values of fats, individual fatty acids, and cholesterol. All the public comments received that related to the remit of EFSA were assessed and the Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats has been revised taking relevant comments into consideration.


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As usage metrics continue to attain an increasingly central role in library system assessment and analysis, librarians tasked with system selection, implementation, and support are driven to identify metric approaches that simultaneously require less technical complexity and greater levels of data granularity. Such approaches allow systems librarians to present evidence-based claims of platform usage behaviors while reducing the resources necessary to collect such information, thereby representing a novel approach to real-time user analysis as well as dual benefit in active and preventative cost reduction. As part of the DSpace implementation for the MD SOAR initiative, the Consortial Library Application Support (CLAS) division has begun test implementation of the Google Tag Manager analytic system in an attempt to collect custom analytical dimensions to track author- and university-specific download behaviors. Building on the work of Conrad , CLAS seeks to demonstrate that the GTM approach to custom analytics provides both granular metadata-based usage statistics in an approach that will prove extensible for additional statistical gathering in the future. This poster will discuss the methodology used to develop these custom tag approaches, the benefits of using the GTM model, and the risks and benefits associated with further implementation.


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The main objetive of this research is to evaluate the long term relationship between energy consumption and GDP for some Latin American countries in the period 1980-2009 -- The estimation has been done through the non-stationary panel approach, using the production function in order to control other sources of GDP variation, such as capital and labor -- In addition to this, a panel unit root tests are used in order to identify the non-stationarity of these variables, followed by the application of panel cointegration test proposed by Pedroni (2004) to avoid a spurious regression (Entorf, 1997; Kao, 1999)


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Sequential panel selection methods (spsms — procedures that sequentially use conventional panel unit root tests to identify I(0)I(0) time series in panels) are increasingly used in the empirical literature. We check the reliability of spsms by using Monte Carlo simulations based on generating directly the individual asymptotic pp values to be combined into the panel unit root tests, in this way isolating the classification abilities of the procedures from the small sample properties of the underlying univariate unit root tests. The simulations consider both independent and cross-dependent individual test statistics. Results suggest that spsms may offer advantages over time series tests only under special conditions.


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El objetivo principal de este estudio es identificar algunas variables del entorno que afectan los indicadores financieros de morosidad y de liquidez en el sistema bancario costarricense, cuantificar su efecto y determinar el rezago con que dicho efecto se presenta ante cambios en algunas variables del entorno.Mediante la aplicación del enfoque de datos de panel, el estudio brinda los siguientes resultados: i) en general, se determinó para los indicadores de morosidad crediticia y de liquidez que existe una reacción similar a nivel de sistema bancario ante cambios en las variables del entorno; no obstante, entre los bancos se presentan diferencias en su comportamiento particular, las que se asocian con aspectos de capacidad empresarial, políticas internas, eficiencia operativa, experiencia y tecnología, entre otros; ii)las variables que afectan con mayor intensidad la morosidad son: la devaluación, la inflación, las nuevas colocaciones crediticias y el ritmo de la actividad económica local; iii) por su parte, las variables que impactan el indicador de liquidez son: la emisión monetaria, las tasas de interés en colones, la tasa de subasta, la tasa de indiferencia y la morosidad de los bancos; iv) además se efectuó una cuantificación porcentual sobre el impacto en ambos indicadores ante cambios en las variables relevantes, así como el rezago que mostró mayor significancia en cada una de las variables.Desde el punto de vista del Banco Central los resultados permiten identificar qué variables podrían generar problemas sistémicos en cada una de las áreas evaluadas, lo cual debe ser tomado en consideración dentro del Sistema de Indicadores de Alerta Temprana al que da seguimiento la División Económica.


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Nowadays, the development of the photovoltaic (PV) technology is consolidated as a source of renewable energy. The research in the topic of maximum improvement on the energy efficiency of the PV plants is today a major challenge. The main requirement for this purpose is to know the performance of each of the PV modules that integrate the PV field in real time. In this respect, a PLC communications based Smart Monitoring and Communications Module, which is able to monitor at PV level their operating parameters, has been developed at the University of Malaga. With this device you can check if any of the panels is suffering any type of overriding performance, due to a malfunction or partial shadowing of its surface. Since these fluctuations in electricity production from a single panel affect the overall sum of all panels that conform a string, it is necessary to isolate the problem and modify the routes of energy through alternative paths in case of PV panels array configuration.


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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un panel de hormigón prefabricado arquitectónico, que pueda ser utilizado como una alternativa de uso frente a los sistemas constructivos de cerramiento tradicional. Para ello se empleó un material nuevo y poco conocido en Ecuador denominado GRC “GlassFibreReinforcedCement”. Este es un material compuesto por una matriz de micro-hormigón de cemento Portland y fibras de vidrio álcali resistente dispersas en toda su masa. El compuesto resultante presenta una sección aproximada de 10mm con el cual se obtienen paneles de extremada ligereza y de alta resistencia a la flexión, tracción, impactos, fuego y corrosión.


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En este trabajo de investigación, se diseñó y desarrollo un panel prefabricado para aplicaciones arquitectónicas, compuesto por fibras naturales. El panel fue elaborado a partir de una mezcla de fibras vegetales de tamo de arroz y cabuya, con partículas de arena silícea, los cuales, están aglomerados con una resina de silicato de sodio. La mezcla de estos materiales tiene buenas propiedades de trabajabilidad, compactación y con la aplicación de dióxido de carbono CO2, esta mezcla se solidifica rápidamente. Esta técnica, facilita el proceso de producción en serie de los paneles prefabricados de fibras naturales. A través del moldeo con una prensa manual, se obtuvo paneles con buenas propiedades y características de resistencia, módulo de ruptura, densidad y contenido de humedad; además de tener medidas modulares, texturas de agradable aspecto superficial y criterios de reversibilidad. Los paneles también presentan favorables cualidades de aislamiento térmico y acústico. Sus aplicaciones y utilidades son para revestimiento en espacios interiores de: muros, cielo raso y tabiquería liviana o decorativa. Finalmente se generó una propuesta de instalación de los paneles, utilizando de igual forma recursos renovables y sostenibles.


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BACKGROUND: Strand specific RNAseq data is now more common in RNAseq projects. Visualizing RNAseq data has become an important matter in Analysis of sequencing data. The most widely used visualization tool is the UCSC genome browser that introduced the custom track concept that enabled researchers to simultaneously visualize gene expression at a particular locus from multiple experiments. Our objective of the software tool is to provide friendly interface for visualization of RNAseq datasets.

RESULTS: This paper introduces a visualization tool (RNASeqBrowser) that incorporates and extends the functionality of the UCSC genome browser. For example, RNASeqBrowser simultaneously displays read coverage, SNPs, InDels and raw read tracks with other BED and wiggle tracks -- all being dynamically built from the BAM file. Paired reads are also connected in the browser to enable easier identification of novel exon/intron borders and chimaeric transcripts. Strand specific RNAseq data is also supported by RNASeqBrowser that displays reads above (positive strand transcript) or below (negative strand transcripts) a central line. Finally, RNASeqBrowser was designed for ease of use for users with few bioinformatic skills, and incorporates the features of many genome browsers into one platform.

CONCLUSIONS: The features of RNASeqBrowser: (1) RNASeqBrowser integrates UCSC genome browser and NGS visualization tools such as IGV. It extends the functionality of the UCSC genome browser by adding several new types of tracks to show NGS data such as individual raw reads, SNPs and InDels. (2) RNASeqBrowser can dynamically generate RNA secondary structure. It is useful for identifying non-coding RNA such as miRNA. (3) Overlaying NGS wiggle data is helpful in displaying differential expression and is simple to implement in RNASeqBrowser. (4) NGS data accumulates a lot of raw reads. Thus, RNASeqBrowser collapses exact duplicate reads to reduce visualization space. Normal PC's can show many windows of NGS individual raw reads without much delay. (5) Multiple popup windows of individual raw reads provide users with more viewing space. This avoids existing approaches (such as IGV) which squeeze all raw reads into one window. This will be helpful for visualizing multiple datasets simultaneously. RNASeqBrowser and its manual are freely available at http://www.australianprostatecentre.org/research/software/rnaseqbrowser or http://sourceforge.net/projects/rnaseqbrowser/.