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The homologous series of side chain liquid crystal polymers, the poly[x-(4-methoxyazobenzene- 40-oxy)alkyl methacrylate]s, has been prepared in which the length of the flexible alkyl spacer has been varied from 3 to 11 methylene units. All the polymers exhibit liquid crystalline behaviour. The propyl and butyl members show exclusively nematic behaviour. The pentyl, hexyl, octyl and decyl members show a nematic and a smectic A phase while the heptyl, nonyl and undecyl homologues exhibit only a smectic A phase. The smectic A phase has been studied using X-ray diffraction and assigned as a smectic A1 phase in which the side chains are fully overlapped and the backbones are confined to lie between the smectic layers. For the nonyl member an incommensurate smectic phase is observed. The dependence of the transition temperatures on the length of the flexible spacer is understood in terms of the average shapes of the side chains.


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The effect of high pressure homogenisation (HPH) and heat treatments on physicochemical properties and physical stability of almond and hazelnut milks was studied. Vegetable milks were obtained and homogenised by applying 62, 103 and 172 MPa (MF1, MF2 and MF3, respectively). Untreated and MF3 samples were also submitted to two different heat treatments (85 °C/30 min (LH) or 121 °C/15 min (HH)). Physical and structural properties of the products were greatly affected by heat treatments and HPH. In almond milk, homogenised samples showed a significant reduction in particle size, which turned from bimodal and polydisperse to monodisperse distributions. Particle surface charge, clarity and Whiteness Index were increased and physical stability of samples was improved, without affecting either viscosity or protein stability. Hazelnut beverages showed similar trends, but HPH notably increased their viscosity while change their rheological behaviour, which suggested changes in protein conformation. HH treatments caused an increment of particle size due to the formation oil droplet-protein body clusters, associated with protein denaturation. Samples submitted to the combined treatment MF3 and LH showed the greatest stability.


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In order to achieve a safe swallowing in patients with dysphagia, liquids must be thickened. In this work, two commercial starch based thickeners dissolved in water, whole milk, apple juice and tomato juice were studied. The thickeners were Resource®, composed of modified maize starch and Nutilis®, composed of modified maize starch and gums. They were formulated at two different concentrations corresponding to nectar- and pudding-like consistencies. Influence of composition, concentration and food matrix on rheological properties and structure of the resulting pastes were analysed. Viscoelastic measurements and microscopic observations of the thickeners dissolved in water revealed structural differences due to the presence of gums. When the thickeners were dissolved in the other food matrices significant statistical interactions were found between the matrix and the thickener-type in both the viscoelastic and flow parameters. The most relevant differences were observed for the nectar-like consistency with Nutilis® thickener in milk and apple juice. These samples had lower zero viscosity values and higher loss tangent values, that corresponded to weaker structured systems. Light microscopy images showed that the matrix formed by swollen starch granules was interrupted by the presence of gums. The structure of the matrices in pudding-like formulations became more continuous irrespectively of the matrix employed, and also differences in viscoelasticity among samples diminished. Although differences were observed in zero shear viscosity values among samples, the viscosity of the beverages at 50 s−1 – commonly used as a reference for swallowing – was similar for all samples regardless of the matrix used.


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The DNA Checkerboard method enables the simultaneous identification of distinct microorganisms in a large number of samples and employs up to 45 whole genomic DNA probes to gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial species present in subgingival biofilms. Collectively, they account for 55%-60% of the bacteria in subgingival biofilms. In this study, we present the DNA Checkerboard hybridization as an alternative method for the detection and quantitation of Candida species in oral cavities. Our results reveal that DNA Checkerboard is sensitive enough and constitutes a powerful and appropriate method for detecting and quantifying Candida species found in the oral cavity.


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To evaluate the pattern of maxillary complete denture movement during chewing for free-end removable partial dentures (RPD) wearers, compared to maxillary and mandibular complete denture wearers. Eighteen edentulous participants (group I) and 10 volunteers with bilateral posterior edentulous mandibles (group II) comprised the sample. Measures of mean denture movement and its variability were obtained by a kinesiographic instrument K6-I Diagnostic System, during the mastication of bread and a polysulphide block. Data were analysed using two-way anova (alpha = 0.05). Upper movement during chewing was significantly lower for group II, regardless of the test food. The test food did not influence the vertical or lateral position of the denture bases, but more anterior dislocation was found when polysulphide blocks were chewed. Group II presented lower intra-individual variability for the vertical axis. Vertical displacement was also more precise with bread as a test food. It can be concluded that mandibular free-end RPD wearers show smaller and more precise movements than mandibular complete denture wearers.


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Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of three complete denture biofilm indices (Prosthesis Hygiene Index; Jeganathan et al. Index; Budtz-J circle divide rgensen Index) by means of a computerised comparison method. Background: Clinical studies into denture hygiene have employed a large number of biofilm indices among their outcome variables. However, the knowledge about the validity of these indices is still scarce. Materials and methods: Sixty-two complete denture wearers were selected. The internal surfaces of the upper complete dentures were stained (5% erythrosine) and photographed. The slides were projected on paper, and the biofilm indices were applied over the photos by means of a scoring method. For the computerised method, the areas (total and biofilm-covered) were measured by dedicated software (Image Tool). In addition, to compare the results of the computerised method and Prosthetic Hygiene Index, a new scoring scale (including four and five graded) was introduced. For the Jeganathan et al. and Budtz-J circle divide rgensen indices, the original scales were used. Values for each index were compared with the computerised method by the Friedman test. Their reproducibility was measured by means of weighed kappa. Significance for both tests was set at 0.05. Results: The indices tested provided similar mean measures but they tended to overestimate biofilm coverage when compared with the computerised method (p < 0.001). Agreement between the Prosthesis Hygiene Index and the computerised method was not significant, regardless of the scale used. Jeghanathan et al. Index showed weak agreement, and consistent results were found for Budtz-Jorgensen Index (kappa = 0.19 and 0.39 respectively). Conclusion: Assessment of accuracy for the biofilm indices showed instrument bias that was similar among the tested methods. Weak inter-instrument reproducibility was found for the indices, except for the Budtz-J circle divide rgensen Index. This should be the method of choice for clinical studies when more sophisticated approaches are not possible.


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This retrospective study evaluated the epidemiology, treatment and complications of mandibular fracture associated, or not associated, with other facial fractures, when the influence of the surgeon`s skill and preference for ally rigid internal fixation (RIF) system devices was minimized. The files of 700 patients with facial trauma were available, and 126 files were chosen for review. Data were collected regarding gender, age, race, date of trauma, date of surgery, addictions, etiology, signs and symptoms, fracture area, complications, treatment performed, date of hospital discharge.. and medication. 126 patients suffered mandibular fractures associated, or not, with other maxillofacial fractures, and a total of 201 mandibular fractures were found. The incidence of mandibular fractures was more prevalent in males, in Caucasians and during the third decade of life. The most common site was the condyle, followed by the mandibular body. The therapy applied was effective in handling this type of fracture and the Success rates were comparable with other published data.


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The regular use of mouthrinses, particularly when combined with the use of air-powder polishing, could affect the appearance of tooth-colored restorations. The current study sought to evaluate the effect of NaHCO(3) powder on translucency of a microfilled composite resin immersed in different mouthrinses, at distinct evaluation periods. Eighty disk-shaped specimens of composite resin (Durafill VS, Heraeus Kulzer GmbH & Co. KG, Hanau, Germany) were prepared. The composite specimens were then randomly allocated into two groups according to the surface treatment: exposure to NaHCO(3) powder (10 seconds) or nonexposure, and they were randomly assigned into four subgroups, according to the mouthrinses employed (N = 10): Periogard (Colgate/Palmolive, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil), Cepacol (Aventis Pharma, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil), Plax (Colgate/Palmolive), and distilled water (control group). The samples were immersed for 2 minutes daily, 5 days per week, over a 4-month test period. Translucency was measured with a transmission densitometer at seven evaluation periods. Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and Tukey`s test) revealed that: distilled water presented higher translucency values (86.72%); Periogard demonstrated the lowest translucency values (72.70%); and Plax (74.05%) and Cepacol (73.32%) showed intermediate translucency values, which were statistically similar between them (p > 0.01). NaHCO(3) air-powder polishing increased the changes in translucency associated with the mouthrinses. Air-powder polishing alone had no effect on material translucency. Translucency percent was gradually decreased from 1 week of immersion up to 4 months. It may be concluded that the NaHCO(3) powder and the tested mouthrinses have affected the translucency of microfilled composite resin, according to the tested time. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE During the last decade, the demand for composite resin restorations has grown considerably, however, controversy persists regarding the effect of surface roughness on color stability.


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The purpose of this study was to compare, by mechanical in vitro testing, a 2.0-mm system made with poly-L-DL-lactide acid with an analogue titanium-based system. Mandible replicas were used as a substrate and uniformly sectioned on the left mandibular angle. The 4-hole plates were adapted and stabilized passively in the same site in both groups using four screws, 6.0 mm long. During the resistance-to-load test, the force was applied perpendicular to the occlusal plane at three different points: first molar at the plated side; first molar at the contralateral side; and between the central incisors. At 1 mm of displacement, no statistically significant difference was found. At 2 mm displacement, a statistically significant difference was observed when an unfavourable fracture was simulated and the load was applied in the contralateral first molar and when a favourable fracture was simulated and the load was applied between the central incisors. At the failure displacement, a statistically significant difference was observed only when the favourable fracture was simulated and the load was applied on the first molar at the plated side. In conclusion, despite more failure, the poly-L-DL-lactic acid-based system was effective.


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To study the impact of Amazonian forest fragmentation on the mosquito fauna, an inventory of Culicidae was conducted in the upland forest research areas of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project located 60 km north of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The culicid community was sampled monthly between February 2002 and May 2003. CDC light traps, flight interception traps, manual aspiration, and net sweeping were used to capture adult specimens along the edges and within forest fragments of different sizes (1, 10, and 100 ha), in second-growth areas surrounding the fragments and around camps. We collected 5,204 specimens, distributed in 18 genera and 160 species level taxa. A list of mosquito taxa is presented with 145 species found in the survey, including seven new records for Brazil, 16 new records for the state of Amazonas, along with the 15 morphotypes that probably represent undescribed species. No exotic species [Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse)] were found within the sampled areas. Several species collected are potential vectors of Plasmodium causing human malaria and of various arboviruses. The epidemiological and ecological implications of mosquito species found are discussed, and the results are compared with other mosquito inventories from the Amazon region.


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Species of the genus Culex Linnaeus have been incriminated as the main vectors of lymphatic filariases and are important vectors of arboviruses, including West Nile virus. Sequences corresponding to a fragment of 478 bp of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, which includes part of the barcode region, of 37 individuals of 17 species of genus Culex were generated to establish relationships among five subgenera, Culex, Phenacomyia, Melanoconion, Microculex, and Carrollia, and one species of the genus Lutzia that occurs in Brazil. Bayesian methods were employed for the phylogenetic analyses. Results of sequence comparisons showed that individuals identified as Culex dolosus, Culex mollis, and Culex imitator possess high intraspecific divergence (3.1, 2.3, and 3.5%, respectively) when using the Kimura two parameters model. These differences were associated either with distinct morphological characteristics of the male genitalia or larval and pupal stages, suggesting that these may represent species complexes. The Bayesian topology suggested that the genus and subgenus Culex are paraphyletic relative to Lutzia and Phenacomyia, respectively. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences may be a useful tool to both estimate phylogenetic relationships and identify morphologically similar species of the genus Culex.


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Background & aims: We evaluated the ability of Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002) and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) to predict malnutrition related to poor clinical outcomes. Methods: We assessed 705 patients at a public university hospital within 48 h of admission. Logistic regression and number needed to screen (NNS) were calculated to test the complementarity between the tools and their ability to predict very long length of hospital stay (VLLOS), complications, and death. Results: Of the patients screened, 27.9% were at nutritional risk (NRS+) and 38.9% were malnourished (SGA B or C). Compared to those patients not at nutritional risk, NRS+, SGA B or C patients were at increased risk for complications (p = 0.03, 0.02, and 0.003, respectively). NRS+ patients had an increased risk of death (p = 0.03), and SGA B and C patients had an increased likelihood of VLLOS (p = 0.008 and p < 0.0001, respectively). Patients who were both NRS+ and SGA C had lower estimates of NNS than patients who were NRS+ or SGA C only, though their confidence intervals did overlap. Conclusions: The concurrent application of SGA in NRS+ patients might enhance the ability to predict poor clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common cause of morbidity among children. Evidence on seasonality, especially on the frequency of viral and bacterial causative agents is scarce; such information may be useful in an era of changing climate conditions worldwide. To analyze the frequency of distinct infections, meteorological indicators and seasons in children hospitalized for CAP in Salvador, Brazil, nasopharyngeal aspirate and blood were collected from 184 patients aged < 5 y over a 21-month period. Fourteen microbes were investigated and 144 (78%) cases had the aetiology established. Significant differences were found in air temperature between spring and summer (p = 0.02) or winter (p < 0.001), summer and fall (p = 0.007) or winter (p < 0.001), fall and winter (p = 0.002), and on precipitation between spring and fall (p = 0.01). Correlations were found between: overall viral infections and relative humidity (p = 0.006; r = 0.6) or precipitation (p = 0.03; r = 0.5), parainfluenza and precipitation (p = 0.02; r = -0.5), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and air temperature (p = 0.048; r = -0.4) or precipitation (p = 0.045; r = 0.4), adenovirus and precipitation (p = 0.02; r = 0.5), pneumococcus and air temperature (p = 0.04; r = -0.4), and Chlamydia trachomatis and relative humidity (p = 0.02; r = -0.5). The frequency of parainfluenza infection was highest during spring (32.1%; p = 0.005) and that of RSV infection was highest in the fall (36.4%; p < 0.001). Correlations at regular strength were found between several microbes and meteorological indicators. Parainfluenza and RSV presented marked seasonal patterns.


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The occurrence of the insect vector (sand flies) with low rates of Leishmania infection, as well as autochthonous transmission in the absence of the natural vector in dogs, have been reported. These unexpected data suggest a hypothesis of other arthropods as a possible way of Leishmania transmission. The prevalence of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum in fleas and ticks collected from dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL), as well as parasite viability, were evaluated herein. The presence of L. (L.) infantum was assayed by PCR and ELISA in ectoparasites and biological samples from 73 dogs living in a Brazilian endemic area. As the occurrence of Leishmania DNA in ticks and fleas is expected given their blood-feeding habits, we next investigated whether parasites can remain viable inside ticks. PCR and ELISA confirmed that 83% of the dogs had CVL. Fleas and ticks (nymphs, male and female adults) were collected in 55% and 63% of the 73 dogs, respectively. Out of the 60 dogs with CVL, 80% harbored ectoparasites infected with L. (L.) infantum. The infection rates of the ectoparasites were 23% and 50% for fleas and ticks, respectively. The RNA analysis of the extract from ticks left in laboratory conditions during 7 to 10 days after removal from CVL dogs showed that parasites were alive. In addition, live parasites were also detected inside adult ticks recently molted in laboratory conditions. These findings indicate a higher infection rate of L. (L.) infantum in ticks and fleas, but they do not conclusively demonstrate whether these ticks can act as vectors of CVL, despite the fact that their rates were higher than those previously described in Lutzomyia longipalpis. The presence of viable L. (L.) infantum in ticks suggests the possible importance of dog ectoparasites in CVL dissemination.


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Empirical antibiotic use is prescribed in managing children with pneumonia worldwide. We assessed the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) in differentiating viral from bacterial pneumonia. Among 159 hospitalized children, pneumonia was diagnosed based on clinical complaints plus pulmonary infiltrate. Aetiology was investigated for 9 viruses and 4 atypical and 3 typical bacteria. PCT and IFN-alpha were measured in the serum sample collected on admission. Eight patients had bacteraemic infections, 38 had non-bacteraemic typical infections, and 19 patients had atypical bacterial infections. Viral and unknown aetiology was established in 57 (36%) and 34 (21%) cases, respectively. Three patients with bacterial infection without collected blood culture were excluded. IFN-alpha (IU/ml) was detectable in 20 (13%) cases. The difference among median PCT values of the bacteraemic (4.22; 1.56-7.56), non-bacteraemic typical bacterial (1.47; 0.24-4.07), atypical bacterial (0.18; 0.06-1.03) and only viral (0.65; 0.11-2.22) subgroups was significant (p = 0.02). PCT was >= 2 ng/ml in 52 (33%) cases. The presence of IFN-alpha was associated with PCT <2 ng/ml (90% vs. 64%, p = 0.02). The negative predictive value (95% confidence interval) of PCT >= 2 ng/ml was 95% (89-100%), 89% (78-100%), 93% (85-100%) for differentiation of bacteraemic from viral, atypical bacterial and non-bacteraemic typical bacterial infection, respectively, and 58% (49-68%) for differentiation between bacterial and viral infection. PCT may be useful in identifying bacteraemia among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. IFN-alpha was uncommonly detected.