968 resultados para Amino acid specificity


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The gene encoding 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase (MHPCO; EC was cloned by using an oligonucleotide probe corresponding to the N terminus of the enzyme to screen a DNA library of Pseudomonas sp. MA-1. The gene encodes for a protein of 379 amino acid residues corresponding to a molecular mass of 41.7 kDa, the same as that previously estimated for MHPCO. MHPCO was expressed in Escherichia coli and found to have the same properties as the native enzyme from Pseudomonas sp. MA-1. This study shows that MHPCO is a homotetrameric protein with one flavin adenine dinucleotide bound per subunit. Sequence comparison of the enzyme with other hydroxylases reveals regions that are conserved among aromatic flavoprotein hydroxylases.


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The structural basis of species specificity of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or “mad cow disease” and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in humans, has been investigated using the refined NMR structure of the C-terminal domain of the mouse prion protein with residues 121–231. A database search for mammalian prion proteins yielded 23 different sequences for the fragment 124–226, which display a high degree of sequence identity and show relevant amino acid substitutions in only 18 of the 103 positions. Except for a unique isolated negative surface charge in the bovine protein, the amino acid differences are clustered in three distinct regions of the three-dimensional structure of the cellular form of the prion protein. Two of these regions represent potential species-dependent surface recognition sites for protein–protein interactions, which have independently been implicated from in vitro and in vivo studies of prion protein transformation. The third region consists of a cluster of interior hydrophobic side chains that may affect prion protein transformation at later stages, after initial conformational changes in the cellular protein.


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Self-incompatibility in Brassica is controlled by a single multi-allelic locus (S locus), which contains at least two highly polymorphic genes expressed in the stigma: an S glycoprotein gene (SLG) and an S receptor kinase gene (SRK). The putative ligand-binding domain of SRK exhibits high homology to the secretory protein SLG, and it is believed that SLG and SRK form an active receptor kinase complex with a self-pollen ligand, which leads to the rejection of self-pollen. Here, we report 31 novel SLG sequences of Brassica oleracea and Brassica campestris. Sequence comparisons of a large number of SLG alleles and SLG-related genes revealed the following points. (i) The striking sequence similarity observed in an inter-specific comparison (95.6% identity between SLG14 of B. oleracea and SLG25 of B. campestris in deduced amino acid sequence) suggests that SLG diversification predates speciation. (ii) A perfect match of the sequences in hypervariable regions, which are thought to determine S specificity in an intra-specific comparison (SLG8 and SLG46 of B. campestris) and the observation that the hypervariable regions of SLG and SRK of the same S haplotype were not necessarily highly similar suggests that SLG and SRK bind different sites of the pollen ligand and that they together determine S specificity. (iii) Comparison of the hypervariable regions of SLG alleles suggests that intragenic recombination, together with point mutations, has contributed to the generation of the high level of sequence variation in SLG alleles. Models for the evolution of SLG/SRK are presented.


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The hsd genes of Mycoplasma pulmonis encode restriction and modification enzymes exhibiting a high degree of sequence similarity to the type I enzymes of enteric bacteria. The S subunits of type I systems dictate the DNA sequence specificity of the holoenzyme and are required for both the restriction and the modification reactions. The M. pulmonis chromosome has two hsd loci, both of which contain two hsdS genes each and are complex, site-specific DNA inversion systems. Embedded within the coding region of each hsdS gene are a minimum of three sites at which DNA inversions occur to generate extensive amino acid sequence variations in the predicted S subunits. We show that the polymorphic hsdS genes produced by gene rearrangement encode a family of functional S subunits with differing DNA sequence specificities. In addition to creating polymorphisms in hsdS sequences, DNA inversions regulate the phase-variable production of restriction activity because the other genes required for restriction activity (hsdR and hsdM) are expressed only from loci that are oriented appropriately in the chromosome relative to the hsd promoter. These data cast doubt on the prevailing paradigms that restriction systems are either selfish or function to confer protection from invasion by foreign DNA.


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The 67-amino acid cytoplasmic tail of the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CD-MPR) contains a signal(s) that prevents the receptor from entering lysosomes where it would be degraded. To identify the key residues required for proper endosomal sorting, we analyzed the intracellular distribution of mutant forms of the receptor by Percoll density gradients. A receptor with a Trp19 → Ala substitution in the cytoplasmic tail was highly missorted to lysosomes whereas receptors with either Phe18 → Ala or Phe13 → Ala mutations were partially defective in avoiding transport to lysosomes. Analysis of double and triple mutants confirmed the key role of Trp19 for sorting of the CD-MPR in endosomes, with Phe18, Phe13, and several neighboring residues contributing to this function. The addition of the Phe18-Trp19 motif of the CD-MPR to the cytoplasmic tail of the lysosomal membrane protein Lamp1 was sufficient to partially impair its delivery to lysosomes. Replacing Phe18 and Trp19 with other aromatic amino acids did not impair endosomal sorting of the CD-MPR, indicating that two aromatic residues located at these positions are sufficient to prevent the receptor from trafficking to lysosomes. However, alterations in the spacing of the diaromatic amino acid sequence relative to the transmembrane domain resulted in receptor accumulation in lysosomes. These findings indicate that the endosomal sorting of the CD-MPR depends on the correct presentation of a diaromatic amino acid-containing motif in its cytoplasmic tail. Because a diaromatic amino acid sequence is also present in the cytoplasmic tail of other receptors known to be internalized from the plasma membrane, this feature may prove to be a general determinant for endosomal sorting.


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The specificity of protein–protein interactions in cellular signaling cascades is dependent on the sequence and intramolecular location of distinct amino acid motifs. We used the two-hybrid interaction trap to identify proteins that can associate with the PDZ motif-rich segment in the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL. A specific interaction was found with the Lin-11, Isl-1, Mec-3 (LIM) domain containing protein RIL. More detailed analysis demonstrated that the binding specificity resides in the second and fourth PDZ motif of PTP-BL and the LIM domain in RIL. Immunohistochemistry on various mouse tissues revealed a submembranous colocalization of PTP-BL and RIL in epithelial cells. Remarkably, there is also an N-terminal PDZ motif in RIL itself that can bind to the RIL-LIM domain. We demonstrate here that the RIL-LIM domain can be phosphorylated on tyrosine in vitro and in vivo and can be dephosphorylated in vitro by the PTPase domain of PTP-BL. Our data point to the presence of a double PDZ-binding interface on the RIL-LIM domain and suggest tyrosine phosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism for LIM-PDZ associations in the assembly of multiprotein complexes. These findings are in line with an important role of PDZ-mediated interactions in the shaping and organization of submembranous microenvironments of polarized cells.


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Certain aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have a second active site that destroys (by hydrolysis) errors of amino acid activation. For example, isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase misactivates valine (to produce valyl adenylate or Val-tRNAIle) at its active site. The misactivated amino acid is then translocated to an editing site located >25 Å away. The role of the misactivated amino acid in determining the rate of translocation is not known. Valyl-tRNA synthetase, a close homolog of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, misactivates threonine, α-aminobutyrate, and cysteine. In this paper, we use a recently developed fluorescence-energy-transfer assay to study translocation of misactivated threonine, α-aminobutyrate, and cysteine. Although their rates of misactivation are clearly distinct, their rates of translocation are similar. Thus, the rate of translocation is independent of the nature of the misactivated amino acid. This result suggests that the misactivated amino acid per se has little or no role in directing translocation.


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We previously have shown that DNA demethylation by chicken embryo 5-methylcytosine DNA glycosylase (5-MCDG) needs both RNA and proteins. One of these proteins is a RNA helicase. Further peptides were sequenced, and three of them are identical to the mammalian G/T mismatch DNA glycosylase. A 3,233-bp cDNA coding for the chicken homologue of human G/T mismatch DNA glycosylase was isolated and sequenced. The derived amino acid sequence (408 aa) shows 80% identity with the human G/T mismatch DNA glycosylase, and both the C and N-terminal parts have about 50% identity. As for the highly purified chicken embryo DNA demethylation complex the recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli has both G/T mismatch and 5-MCDG activities. The recombinant protein has the same substrate specificity as the chicken embryo 5-MCDG where hemimethylated DNA is a better substrate than symmetrically methylated CpGs. The activity ratio of G/T mismatch and 5-MCDG is about 30:1 for the recombinant protein expressed in E. coli and 3:1 for the purified enzyme from chicken embryos. The incubation of a recombinant CpG-rich RNA isolated from the purified DNA demethylation complex with the recombinant enzyme strongly inhibits G/T mismatch glycosylase while slightly stimulating the activity of 5-MCDG. Deletion mutations indicate that G/T mismatch and 5-MCDG activities share the same areas of the N- and C-terminal parts of the protein. In reconstitution experiments RNA helicase in the presence of recombinant RNA and ATP potentiates the activity of 5-MCDG.


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In the Drosophila nervous system, the glial cells missing gene (gcm) is transiently expressed in glial precursors to switch their fate from the neuronal default to glia. It encodes a novel 504-amino acid protein with a nuclear localization signal. We report here that the GCM protein is a novel DNA-binding protein and that its DNA-binding activity is localized in the N-terminal 181 amino acids. It binds with high specificity to the nucleotide sequence, (A/G)CCCGCAT, which is a novel sequence among known targets of DNA-binding proteins. Eleven such GCM-binding sequences are found in the 5′ upstream region of the repo gene, whose expression in early glial cells is dependent on gcm. This suggests that the GCM protein is a transcriptional regulator directly controlling repo. We have also identified homologous genes from human and mouse whose products share a highly conserved N-terminal region with Drosophila GCM. At least one of these was shown to have DNA-binding activity similar to that of GCM. By comparing the deduced amino acid sequences of these gene products, we were able to define the “gcm motif,” an evolutionarily conserved motif with DNA-binding activity. By PCR amplification, we obtained evidence for the existence of additional gcm-motif genes in mouse as well as in Drosophila. The gcm-motif, therefore, forms a family of novel DNA-binding proteins, and may function in various aspects of cell fate determination.


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The POU-IV or “Brn-3” class of POU-domain transcription factors is represented in Drosophila by I-POU and twin-of-I-POU, alternative splice products of the I-POU gene. I-POU has been previously reported to inhibit DNA binding by the POU-III class factor drifter/Cf1a via the formation of heterodimeric complexes. Here we report that expression of the I-POU/tI-POU message is maximal late in the embryonic phase of Drosophila development, and I-POU is the preferred splice variant. Although I-POU lacks two basic amino acid residues in the POU-homeodomain found in tI-POU and Brn-3.0, these three POU-IV class proteins exhibit very similar DNA-binding specificity. In contrast to previously published reports, the results presented here show no effect of I-POU on DNA binding by drifter, and no evidence for I-POU/drifter dimerization. These results suggest that the I-POU/tI-POU gene products function by transcriptional mechanisms similar to those of the homologous POU-IV class factors expressed in other species, not by a unique inhibitory mechanism.


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The biological basis or mechanism whereby folate supplementation protects against heart and neural tube defects is unknown. It has been hypothesized that the amino acid homocysteine may be the teratogenic agent, since serum homocysteine increases in folate depletion; however, this hypothesis has not been tested. In this study, avian embryos were treated directly with d,l-homocysteine or with l-homocysteine thiolactone, and a dose response was established. Of embryos treated with 50 μl of the teratogenic dose (200 mM d,l-homocysteine or 100 mM l-homocysteine thiolactone) on incubation days 0, 1, and 2 and harvested at 53 h (stage 14), 27% showed neural tube defects. To determine the effect of the teratogenic dose on the process of heart septation, embryos were treated during incubation days 2, 3, and 4; then they were harvested at day 9 following the completion of septation. Of surviving embryos, 23% showed ventricular septal defects, and 11% showed neural tube defects. A high percentage of the day 9 embryos also showed a ventral closure defect. The teratogenic dose was shown to raise serum homocysteine to over 150 nmol/ml, compared with a normal level of about 10 nmol/ml. Folate supplementation kept the rise in serum homocysteine to ≈45 nmol/ml, and prevented the teratogenic effect. These results support the hypothesis that homocysteine per se causes dysmorphogenesis of the heart and neural tube, as well as of the ventral wall.


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The cDNAs of two new human membrane-associated aspartic proteases, memapsin 1 and memapsin 2, have been cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences show that each contains the typical pre, pro, and aspartic protease regions, but each also has a C-terminal extension of over 80 residues, which includes a single transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytosolic domain. Memapsin 2 mRNA is abundant in human brain. The protease domain of memapsin 2 cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and was purified. Recombinant memapsin 2 specifically hydrolyzed peptides derived from the β-secretase site of both the wild-type and Swedish mutant β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) with over 60-fold increase of catalytic efficiency for the latter. Expression of APP and memapsin 2 in HeLa cells showed that memapsin 2 cleaved the β-secretase site of APP intracellularly. These and other results suggest that memapsin 2 fits all of the criteria of β-secretase, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step of the in vivo production of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide leading to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Recombinant memapsin 2 also cleaved a peptide derived from the processing site of presenilin 1, albeit with poor kinetic efficiency. Alignment of cleavage site sequences of peptides indicates that the specificity of memapsin 2 resides mainly at the S1′ subsite, which prefers small side chains such as Ala, Ser, and Asp.


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Because ascorbic acid (AA) is concentrated in synaptic vesicles containing glutamic acid, we hypothesized that AA might act as a neurotransmitter. Because AA is an antioxidant, it might therefore inhibit nitric oxidergic (NOergic) activation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) release from medial basal hypothalamic explants by chemically reducing NO. Cell membrane depolarization induced by increased potassium concentration [K+] increased medium concentrations of both AA and LH-RH. An inhibitor of NO synthase (NOS), NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (NMMA), prevented the increase in medium concentrations of AA and LH-RH induced by high [K+], suggesting that NO mediates release of both AA and LH-RH. Calcium-free medium blocked not only the increase in AA in the medium but also the release of LH-RH. Sodium nitroprusside, which releases NO, stimulated LH-RH release and decreased the concentration of AA in the incubation medium, presumably because the NO released oxidized AA to dehydro-AA. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) had no effect on basal LH-RH release but completely blocked high [K+]- and nitroprusside-induced LH-RH release. N-Methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA), which mimics the action of the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter glutamic acid, releases LH-RH by releasing NO. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) inhibited the LH-RH-releasing action of NMDA. AA may be an inhibitory neurotransmitter that blocks NOergic stimulation of LH-RH release by chemically reducing the NO released by the NOergic neurons.


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The G protein β subunit Gβ5 deviates significantly from the other four members of Gβ-subunit family in amino acid sequence and subcellular localization. To detect the protein targets of Gβ5 in vivo, we have isolated a native Gβ5 protein complex from the retinal cytosolic fraction and identified the protein tightly associated with Gβ5 as the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) protein, RGS7. Here we show that complexes of Gβ5 with RGS proteins can be formed in vitro from the recombinant proteins. The reconstituted Gβ5-RGS dimers are similar to the native retinal complex in their behavior on gel-filtration and cation-exchange chromatographies and can be immunoprecipitated with either anti-Gβ5 or anti-RGS7 antibodies. The specific Gβ5-RGS7 interaction is determined by a distinct domain in RGS that has a striking homology to Gγ subunits. Deletion of this domain prevents the RGS7-Gβ5 binding, although the interaction with Gα is retained. Substitution of the Gγ-like domain of RGS7 with a portion of Gγ1 changes its binding specificity from Gβ5 to Gβ1. The interaction of Gβ5 with RGS7 blocked the binding of RGS7 to the Gα subunit Gαo, indicating that Gβ5 is a specific RGS inhibitor.


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Three cytosolic and one plasma membrane-bound 5′-nucleotidases have been cloned and characterized. Their various substrate specificities suggest widely different functions in nucleotide metabolism. We now describe a 5′-nucleotidase in mitochondria. The enzyme, named dNT-2, dephosphorylates specifically the 5′- and 2′(3′)-phosphates of uracil and thymine deoxyribonucleotides. The cDNA of human dNT-2 codes for a 25.9-kDa polypeptide with a typical mitochondrial leader peptide, providing the structural basis for two-step processing during import into the mitochondrial matrix. The deduced amino acid sequence is 52% identical to that of a recently described cytosolic deoxyribonucleotidase (dNT-1). The two enzymes share many catalytic properties, but dNT-2 shows a narrower substrate specificity. Mitochondrial localization of dNT-2 was demonstrated by the mitochondrial fluorescence of 293 cells expressing a dNT-2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. 293 cells expressing fusion proteins without leader peptide or with dNT-1 showed a cytosolic fluorescence. During in vitro import into mitochondria, the preprotein lost the leader peptide. We suggest that dNT-2 protects mitochondrial DNA replication from overproduction of dTTP, in particular in resting cells. Mitochondrial toxicity of dTTP can be inferred from a severe inborn error of metabolism in which the loss of thymidine phosphorylase led to dTTP accumulation and aberrant mitochondrial DNA replication. We localized the gene for dNT-2 on chromosome 17p11.2 in the Smith–Magenis syndrome-critical region, raising the possibility that dNT-2 is involved in the etiology of this genetic disease.