904 resultados para Algorithms -- Congresses


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This work deals with the problem of minimizing the waste of space that occurs on a rotational placement of a set of irregular bi-dimensional items inside a bi-dimensional container. This problem is approached with a heuristic based on Simulated Annealing (SA) with adaptive neighborhood. The objective function is evaluated in a constructive approach, where the items are placed sequentially. The placement is governed by three different types of parameters: sequence of placement, the rotation angle and the translation. The rotation applied and the translation of the polygon are cyclic continuous parameters, and the sequence of placement defines a combinatorial problem. This way, it is necessary to control cyclic continuous and discrete parameters. The approaches described in the literature deal with only type of parameter (sequence of placement or translation). In the proposed SA algorithm, the sensibility of each continuous parameter is evaluated at each iteration increasing the number of accepted solutions. The sensibility of each parameter is associated to its probability distribution in the definition of the next candidate.


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This paper investigates probabilistic logics endowed with independence relations. We review propositional probabilistic languages without and with independence. We then consider graph-theoretic representations for propositional probabilistic logic with independence; complexity is analyzed, algorithms are derived, and examples are discussed. Finally, we examine a restricted first-order probabilistic logic that generalizes relational Bayesian networks. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Petri net (PN) modeling is one of the most used formal methods in the automation applications field, together with programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Therefore, the creation of a modeling methodology for PNs compatible with the IEC61131 standard is a necessity of automation specialists. Different works dealing with this subject have been carried out; they are presented in the first part of this paper [Frey (2000a, 2000b); Peng and Zhou (IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern, Part C Appl Rev 34(4):523-531, 2004); Uzam and Jones (Int J Adv Manuf Technol 14(10):716-728, 1998)], but they do not present a completely compatible methodology with this standard. At the same time, they do not maintain the simplicity required for such applications, nor the use of all-graphical and all-mathematical ordinary Petri net (OPN) tools to facilitate model verification and validation. The proposal presented here completes these requirements. Educational applications at the USP and UEA (Brazil) and the UO (Cuba), as well as industrial applications in Brazil and Cuba, have already been carried out with good results.


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This paper presents new insights and novel algorithms for strategy selection in sequential decision making with partially ordered preferences; that is, where some strategies may be incomparable with respect to expected utility. We assume that incomparability amongst strategies is caused by indeterminacy/imprecision in probability values. We investigate six criteria for consequentialist strategy selection: Gamma-Maximin, Gamma-Maximax, Gamma-Maximix, Interval Dominance, Maximality and E-admissibility. We focus on the popular decision tree and influence diagram representations. Algorithms resort to linear/multilinear programming; we describe implementation and experiments. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The practicability of estimating directional wave spectra based on a vessel`s 1st order response has been recently addressed by several researchers. Different alternatives regarding statistical inference methods and possible drawbacks that could arise from their application have been extensively discussed, with an apparent preference for estimations based on Bayesian inference algorithms. Most of the results on this matter, however, rely exclusively on numerical simulations or at best on few and sparse full-scale measurements, comprising a questionable basis for validation purposes. This paper discusses several issues that have recently been debated regarding the advantages of Bayesian inference and different alternatives for its implementation. Among those are the definition of the best set of input motions, the number of parameters required for guaranteeing smoothness of the spectrum in frequency and direction and how to determine their optimum values. These subjects are addressed in the light of an extensive experimental campaign performed with a small-scale model of an FPSO platform (VLCC hull), which was conducted in an ocean basin in Brazil. Tests involved long and short crested seas with variable levels of directional spreading and also bimodal conditions. The calibration spectra measured in the tank by means of an array of wave probes configured the paradigm for estimations. Results showed that a wide range of sea conditions could be estimated with good precision, even those with somewhat low peak periods. Some possible drawbacks that have been pointed out in previous works concerning the viability of employing large vessels for such a task are then refuted. Also, it is shown that a second parameter for smoothing the spectrum in frequency may indeed increase the accuracy in some situations, although the criterion usually proposed for estimating the optimum values (ABIC) demands large computational effort and does not seem adequate for practical on-board systems, which require expeditious estimations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Template matching is a technique widely used for finding patterns in digital images. A good template matching should be able to detect template instances that have undergone geometric transformations. In this paper, we proposed a grayscale template matching algorithm named Ciratefi, invariant to rotation, scale, translation, brightness and contrast and its extension to color images. We introduce CSSIM (color structural similarity) for comparing the similarity of two color image patches and use it in our algorithm. We also describe a scheme to determine automatically the appropriate parameters of our algorithm and use pyramidal structure to improve the scale invariance. We conducted several experiments to compare grayscale and color Ciratefis with SIFT, C-color-SIFT and EasyMatch algorithms in many different situations. The results attest that grayscale and color Ciratefis are more accurate than the compared algorithms and that color-Ciratefi outperforms grayscale Ciratefi most of the time. However, Ciratefi is slower than the other algorithms.


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We present a novel array RLS algorithm with forgetting factor that circumvents the problem of fading regularization, inherent to the standard exponentially-weighted RLS, by allowing for time-varying regularization matrices with generic structure. Simulations in finite precision show the algorithm`s superiority as compared to alternative algorithms in the context of adaptive beamforming.


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In this paper, we propose an approach to the transient and steady-state analysis of the affine combination of one fast and one slow adaptive filters. The theoretical models are based on expressions for the excess mean-square error (EMSE) and cross-EMSE of the component filters, which allows their application to different combinations of algorithms, such as least mean-squares (LMS), normalized LMS (NLMS), and constant modulus algorithm (CMA), considering white or colored inputs and stationary or nonstationary environments. Since the desired universal behavior of the combination depends on the correct estimation of the mixing parameter at every instant, its adaptation is also taken into account in the transient analysis. Furthermore, we propose normalized algorithms for the adaptation of the mixing parameter that exhibit good performance. Good agreement between analysis and simulation results is always observed.


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The classical approach for acoustic imaging consists of beamforming, and produces the source distribution of interest convolved with the array point spread function. This convolution smears the image of interest, significantly reducing its effective resolution. Deconvolution methods have been proposed to enhance acoustic images and have produced significant improvements. Other proposals involve covariance fitting techniques, which avoid deconvolution altogether. However, in their traditional presentation, these enhanced reconstruction methods have very high computational costs, mostly because they have no means of efficiently transforming back and forth between a hypothetical image and the measured data. In this paper, we propose the Kronecker Array Transform ( KAT), a fast separable transform for array imaging applications. Under the assumption of a separable array, it enables the acceleration of imaging techniques by several orders of magnitude with respect to the fastest previously available methods, and enables the use of state-of-the-art regularized least-squares solvers. Using the KAT, one can reconstruct images with higher resolutions than was previously possible and use more accurate reconstruction techniques, opening new and exciting possibilities for acoustic imaging.


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In Part I [""Fast Transforms for Acoustic Imaging-Part I: Theory,"" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING], we introduced the Kronecker array transform (KAT), a fast transform for imaging with separable arrays. Given a source distribution, the KAT produces the spectral matrix which would be measured by a separable sensor array. In Part II, we establish connections between the KAT, beamforming and 2-D convolutions, and show how these results can be used to accelerate classical and state of the art array imaging algorithms. We also propose using the KAT to accelerate general purpose regularized least-squares solvers. Using this approach, we avoid ill-conditioned deconvolution steps and obtain more accurate reconstructions than previously possible, while maintaining low computational costs. We also show how the KAT performs when imaging near-field source distributions, and illustrate the trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity. Finally, we show that separable designs can deliver accuracy competitive with multi-arm logarithmic spiral geometries, while having the computational advantages of the KAT.


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As is well known, Hessian-based adaptive filters (such as the recursive-least squares algorithm (RLS) for supervised adaptive filtering, or the Shalvi-Weinstein algorithm (SWA) for blind equalization) converge much faster than gradient-based algorithms [such as the least-mean-squares algorithm (LMS) or the constant-modulus algorithm (CMA)]. However, when the problem is tracking a time-variant filter, the issue is not so clear-cut: there are environments for which each family presents better performance. Given this, we propose the use of a convex combination of algorithms of different families to obtain an algorithm with superior tracking capability. We show the potential of this combination and provide a unified theoretical model for the steady-state excess mean-square error for convex combinations of gradient- and Hessian-based algorithms, assuming a random-walk model for the parameter variations. The proposed model is valid for algorithms of the same or different families, and for supervised (LMS and RLS) or blind (CMA and SWA) algorithms.


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Starting from the Durbin algorithm in polynomial space with an inner product defined by the signal autocorrelation matrix, an isometric transformation is defined that maps this vector space into another one where the Levinson algorithm is performed. Alternatively, for iterative algorithms such as discrete all-pole (DAP), an efficient implementation of a Gohberg-Semencul (GS) relation is developed for the inversion of the autocorrelation matrix which considers its centrosymmetry. In the solution of the autocorrelation equations, the Levinson algorithm is found to be less complex operationally than the procedures based on GS inversion for up to a minimum of five iterations at various linear prediction (LP) orders.


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Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image segmentation can provide more detailed vessel and plaque information, resulting in better diagnostics, evaluation and therapy planning. A novel automatic segmentation proposal is described herein; the method relies on a binary morphological object reconstruction to segment the coronary wall in IVUS images. First, a preprocessing followed by a feature extraction block are performed, allowing for the desired information to be extracted. Afterward, binary versions of the desired objects are reconstructed, and their contours are extracted to segment the image. The effectiveness is demonstrated by segmenting 1300 images, in which the outcomes had a strong correlation to their corresponding gold standard. Moreover, the results were also corroborated statistically by having as high as 92.72% and 91.9% of true positive area fraction for the lumen and media adventitia border, respectively. In addition, this approach can be adapted easily and applied to other related modalities, such as intravascular optical coherence tomography and intravascular magnetic resonance imaging. (E-mail: matheuscardosomg@hotmail.com) (C) 2011 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.


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Among several process variability sources, valve friction and inadequate controller tuning are supposed to be two of the most prevalent. Friction quantification methods can be applied to the development of model-based compensators or to diagnose valves that need repair, whereas accurate process models can be used in controller retuning. This paper extends existing methods that jointly estimate the friction and process parameters, so that a nonlinear structure is adopted to represent the process model. The developed estimation algorithm is tested with three different data sources: a simulated first order plus dead time process, a hybrid setup (composed of a real valve and a simulated pH neutralization process) and from three industrial datasets corresponding to real control loops. The results demonstrate that the friction is accurately quantified, as well as ""good"" process models are estimated in several situations. Furthermore, when a nonlinear process model is considered, the proposed extension presents significant advantages: (i) greater accuracy for friction quantification and (ii) reasonable estimates of the nonlinear steady-state characteristics of the process. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work introduces the problem of the best choice among M combinations of the shortest paths for dynamic provisioning of lightpaths in all-optical networks. To solve this problem in an optimized way (shortest path and load balance), a new fixed routing algorithm, named Best among the Shortest Routes (BSR), is proposed. The BSR`s performance is compared in terms of blocking probability and network utilization with Dijkstra`s shortest path algorithm and others algorithms proposed in the literature. The evaluated scenarios include several representative topologies for all-optical networking and different wavelength conversion architectures. For all studied scenarios, BSR achieved superior performance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.