999 resultados para Albani, Francesco, 1578-1660


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L'étude s'inscrit dans le cadre des actions de prévention de la consommation abusive d'alcool entreprises par la Ligue valaisanne contre les toxicomanies (LVT). Réalisée après la campagne d'affichage articulée autour des slogans "Combien ?" et "dégustez la modération !", elle a principalement pour objectif de documenter les habitudes de consommation de la population valaisanne et leur évolution récente ainsi que d'identifier les facteurs susceptibles d'exercer une influence positive ou négative sur la transition vers une consommation d'alcool articulée autour des pôles "qualité" et "modération". L'étude doit en outre servir à construire la suite des actions de prévention de la LVT dans une perspective de continuité par rapport aux messages diffusés précédemment : approfondissement, clarification, repérage des publics cible et des arguments les plus pertinents.


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Vaginal delivery can cause lesions of the various pelvic structures responsible for the mechanisms of continence. These lesions may perhaps be prevented in the future by measuring pressure generated during childbirth. Tear of the anal sphincter during childbirth is a marker of a global impairment of the urinary, ano-rectal and sexual pelvic functions in the short and medium term. Persistence of a defect of the anal sphincter is frequent in spite of immediate suture. The correlation between these defects and ano-rectal incontinence are not established in our experience. The quality of the contraction of the sphincter complex and pubo-rectal sling seems to play a more important role in ano-rectal continence after a traumatic childbirth.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Analyse des files actives 2001 et 2007. 2.1 Comparaison des 3 groupes d'usagesrs dans les deux files actives. 3. Trajectoire des patients présents en 2001. 3.1 Continuité et arrêts de traitements. 4. Analyse de survie: durées de traitement de substitution et des interruptions. 5. Annexe.


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This article summarize principal news about treatments in the different specialities in neurology. We don't pretend to be exhaustive and to make a detailed analyse of all treatments, and preferred to present pertinent therapeutic advances, with an evidence-based point of view. We also mentioned some negative studies, to balance our purpose.


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Le monitoring de la problématique du cannabis en Suisse constitue un ensemble de travaux qui permettent le suivi de la situation au niveau national et qui sont mis en oeuvre par un consortium d'institutions de recherche. Ce monitoring comprend l'étude présentée dans ce rapport, l'étude sentinelle. Celle-ci s'intéresse à l'évolution de la situation en matière de cannabis ainsi qu'à la gestion de cette situation au niveau local. Il s'agit de répondre aux questions suivantes : - quelle est la situation en matière de consommation de cannabis et de marché et quelle est son évolution ? - quels sont les principaux problèmes rencontrés sur le terrain ? - quelles sont les mesures et interventions qui ont été développées dans ce domaine ? Pour y répondre, on a choisi de suivre la situation dans quatre cantons suisses dits "sentinelle" (St-Gall, Tessin, Vaud, Zurich). Les critères de choix de ces cantons font appel à leur taille, au rapport ville/campagne et à la présence de frontière avec des états voisins, à la langue, au type de politique drogue pratiqué. Dans chaque canton on a constitué des panels d'experts formés par des profes-sionnels de terrain dans trois domaines différents (santé et social, école, police et justice). Leurs observations ainsi que les données cantonales disponibles sont récoltées et discutées lors d'un workshop et analysées sur plusieurs années. Le présent rapport fait état des résultats des quatre workshops de suivi (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009). [Résumé, p. 5]


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This study verifies whether cochlear implants helps deaf adults to maintain or develop their professional occupations. Sixty-seven patients received a questionnaire concerning their professional activities before and after implantation. At the time of implantation 34 were professionally active. After the implantation 29 remained active, 4 of them reporting positive developments in their careers. Five patients became inactive. The previously inactive patients remained inactive. There was no difference in auditory performances between professionally active or inactive patients. Cochlear implants enable most implanted adults to maintain and even progress in their professions. However, deafness still represents an obstacle to social integration as inactive patients who searched for a job were rejected after the job interviews.


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Treatment-resistant hypertension is still common despite the availability of several types of antihypertensive agents acting by different mechanisms. The existence of refractory hypertension should lead to rule out "white-coat hypertension", poor adherence to prescribed drugs as well as classical causes of secondary hypertension such as renal artery stenosis, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and renal disease. It is also important to consider the possible existence of obstructive sleep apnea or the regular intake of vasopressive drugs or substances.


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Current levels of endangerment and historical trends of species and habitats are the main criteria used to direct conservation efforts globally. Estimates of future declines, which might indicate different priorities than past declines, have been limited by the lack of appropriate data and models. Given that much of conservation is about anticipating and responding to future threats, our inability to look forward at a global scale has been a major constraint on effective action. Here, we assess the geography and extent of projected future changes in suitable habitat for terrestrial mammals within their present ranges. We used a global earth-system model, IMAGE, coupled with fine-scale habitat suitability models and parametrized according to four global scenarios of human development. We identified the most affected countries by 2050 for each scenario, assuming that no additional conservation actions other than those described in the scenarios take place. We found that, with some exceptions, most of the countries with the largest predicted losses of suitable habitat for mammals are in Africa and the Americas. African and North American countries were also predicted to host the most species with large proportional global declines. Most of the countries we identified as future hotspots of terrestrial mammal loss have little or no overlap with the present global conservation priorities, thus confirming the need for forward-looking analyses in conservation priority setting. The expected growth in human populations and consumption in hotspots of future mammal loss mean that local conservation actions such as protected areas might not be sufficient to mitigate losses. Other policies, directed towards the root causes of biodiversity loss, are required, both in Africa and other parts of the world.