983 resultados para Air Diffusion Layer


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Domain growth in a two-dimensional binary alloy is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation of an ABV model. The dynamics consists of exchanges of particles with a small concentration of vacancies. The influence of changing the vacancy concentration and finite-size effects has been analyzed. Features of the vacancy diffusion during domain growth are also studied. The anomalous character of the diffusion due to its correlation with local order is responsible for the obtained fast-growth behavior.


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Diffusion MRI is a well established imaging modality providing a powerful way to non-invasively probe the structure of the white matter. Despite the potential of the technique, the intrinsic long scan times of these sequences have hampered their use in clinical practice. For this reason, a wide variety of methods have been proposed to shorten acquisition times. [...] We here review a recent work where we propose to further exploit the versatility of compressed sensing and convex optimization with the aim to characterize the fiber orientation distribution sparsity more optimally. We re-formulate the spherical deconvolution problem as a constrained l0 minimization.


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Background: The role of the non-injured hemisphere in stroke recovery is poorly understood. In this pilot study, we sought to explore the presence of structural changes detectable by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the contralesional hemispheres of patients who recovered well from ischemic stroke. Methods: We analyzed serial DTI data from 16 stroke patients who had moderate initial neurological deficits (NIHSS scores 3-12) and good functional outcome at 3-6 months (NIHSS score 0 or modified Rankin Score ≤1). We segmented the brain tissue in gray and white matter (GM and WM) and measured the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy in the infarct, in the contralesional infarct mirror region as well as in concentrically expanding regions around them. Results: We found that GM and WM ADC significantly increased in the infarct region (p < 0.01) from acute to chronic time points, whereas in the infarct mirror region, GM and WM ADC increased (p < 0.01) and WM fractional anisotropy decreased (p < 0.05). No significant changes were detected in other regions. Conclusion: DTI-based metrics are sensitive to regional structural changes in the contralesional hemisphere during stroke recovery. Prospective studies in larger cohorts with varying levels of recovery are needed to confirm our findings.


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In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. B 50, 3477 (1994)], P. Fratzl and O. Penrose present the results of the Monte Carlo simulation of the spinodal decomposition problem (phase separation) using the vacancy dynamics mechanism. They observe that the t1/3 growth regime is reached faster than when using the standard Kawasaki dynamics. In this Comment we provide a simple explanation for the phenomenon based on the role of interface diffusion, which they claim is irrelevant for the observed behavior.


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Winter cover crops are sources of C and N in flooded rice production systems, but very little is known about the effect of crop residue management and quality on soil methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This study was conducted in pots in a greenhouse to evaluate the influence of crop residue management (incorporated into the soil or left on the soil surface) and the type of cover-crop residues (ryegrass and serradella) on CH4 and N2O emissions from a flooded Albaqualf soil cultivated with rice (Oryza sativa L.). The closed chamber technique was used for air sampling and the CH4 and N2O concentrations were analyzed by gas chromatography. Soil solution was sampled at two soil depths (2 and 20 cm), simultaneously to air sampling, and the contents of dissolved organic C (DOC), NO3-, NH4+, Mn2+, and Fe2+ were analyzed. Methane and N2O emissions from the soil where crop residues had been left on the surface were lower than from soil with incorporated residues. The type of crop residue had no effect on the CH4 emissions, while higher N2O emissions were observed from serradella (leguminous) than from ryegrass, but only when the residues were left on the soil surface. The more intense soil reduction verified in the deeper soil layer (20 cm), as evidenced by higher contents of reduced metal species (Mn2+ and Fe2+), and the close relationship between CH4 emission and the DOC contents in the deeper layer indicated that the sub-surface layer was the main CH4 source of the flooded soil with incorporated crop residues. The adoption of management strategies in which crop residues are left on the soil surface is crucial to minimize soil CH4 and N2O emissions from irrigated rice fields. In these production systems, CH4 accounts for more than 90 % of the partial global warming potential (CH4+N2O) and, thus, should be the main focus of research.


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Soil C-CO2 emissions are sensitive indicators of management system impacts on soil organic matter (SOM). The main soil C-CO2 sources at the soil-plant interface are the decomposition of crop residues, SOM turnover, and respiration of roots and soil biota. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the impacts of tillage and cropping systems on long-term soil C-CO2 emissions and their relationship with carbon (C) mineralization of crop residues. A long-term experiment was conducted in a Red Oxisol in Cruz Alta, RS, Brazil, with subtropical climate Cfa (Köppen classification), mean annual precipitation of 1,774 mm and mean annual temperature of 19.2 ºC. Treatments consisted of two tillage systems: (a) conventional tillage (CT) and (b) no tillage (NT) in combination with three cropping systems: (a) R0- monoculture system (soybean/wheat), (b) R1- winter crop rotation (soybean/wheat/soybean/black oat), and (c) R2- intensive crop rotation (soybean/ black oat/soybean/black oat + common vetch/maize/oilseed radish/wheat). The soil C-CO2 efflux was measured every 14 days for two years (48 measurements), by trapping the CO2 in an alkaline solution. The soil gravimetric moisture in the 0-0.05 m layer was determined concomitantly with the C-CO2 efflux measurements. The crop residue C mineralization was evaluated with the mesh-bag method, with sampling 14, 28, 56, 84, 112, and 140 days after the beginning of the evaluation period for C measurements. Four C conservation indexes were used to assess the relation between C-CO2 efflux and soil C stock and its compartments. The crop residue C mineralization fit an exponential model in time. For black oat, wheat and maize residues, C mineralization was higher in CT than NT, while for soybean it was similar. Soil moisture was higher in NT than CT, mainly in the second year of evaluation. There was no difference in tillage systems for annual average C-CO2 emissions, but in some individual evaluations, differences between tillage systems were noticed for C-CO2 evolution. Soil C-CO2 effluxes followed a bi-modal pattern, with peaks in October/November and February/March. The highest emission was recorded in the summer and the lowest in the winter. The C-CO2 effluxes were weakly correlated to air temperature and not correlated to soil moisture. Based on the soil C conservation indexes investigated, NT associated to intensive crop rotation was more C conserving than CT with monoculture.


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The problem of freeze-out (FO) in relativistic heavy-ion reactions is addressed. We develop and analyze an idealized one-dimensional model of FO in a finite layer, based on the covariant FO probability. The resulting post FO phase-space distributions are discussed for different FO probabilities and layer thicknesses.


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We present a numerical study of classical particles diffusing on a solid surface. The particles motion is modeled by an underdamped Langevin equation with ordinary thermal noise. The particle-surface interaction is described by a periodic or a random two-dimensional potential. The model leads to a rich variety of different transport regimes, some of which correspond to anomalous diffusion such as has recently been observed in experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. We show that this anomalous behavior is controlled by the friction coefficient and stress that it emerges naturally in a system described by ordinary canonical Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics.


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We consider diffusion of a passive substance C in a phase-separating nonmiscible binary alloy under turbulent mixing. The substance is assumed to have different diffusion coefficients in the pure phases A and B, leading to a spatially and temporarily dependent diffusion ¿coefficient¿ in the diffusion equation plus convective term. In this paper we consider especially the effects of a turbulent flow field coupled to both the Cahn-Hilliard type evolution equation of the medium and the diffusion equation (both, therefore, supplemented by a convective term). It is shown that the formerly observed prolonged anomalous diffusion [H. Lehr, F. Sagués, and J.M. Sancho, Phys. Rev. E 54, 5028 (1996)] is no longer seen if a flow of sufficient intensity is supplied.


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In this paper we consider diffusion of a passive substance C in a temporarily and spatially inhomogeneous two-dimensional medium. As a realization for the latter we choose a phase-separating medium consisting of two substances A and B, whose dynamics is determined by the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Assuming different diffusion coefficients of C in A and B, we find that the variance of the distribution function of the said substance grows less than linearly in time. We derive a simple identity for the variance using a probabilistic ansatz and are then able to identify the interface between A and B as the main cause for this nonlinear dependence. We argue that, finally, for very large times the here temporarily dependent diffusion "constant" goes like t-1/3 to a constant asymptotic value D¿. The latter is calculated approximately by employing the effective-medium approximation and by fitting the simulation data to the said time dependence.


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We study the dynamics of generic reaction-diffusion fronts, including pulses and chemical waves, in the presence of multiplicative noise. We discuss the connection between the reaction-diffusion Langevin-like field equations and the kinematic (eikonal) description in terms of a stochastic moving-boundary or sharp-interface approximation. We find that the effective noise is additive and we relate its strength to the noise parameters in the original field equations, to first order in noise strength, but including a partial resummation to all orders which captures the singular dependence on the microscopic cutoff associated with the spatial correlation of the noise. This dependence is essential for a quantitative and qualitative understanding of fluctuating fronts, affecting both scaling properties and nonuniversal quantities. Our results predict phenomena such as the shift of the transition point between the pushed and pulled regimes of front propagation, in terms of the noise parameters, and the corresponding transition to a non-Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. We assess the quantitative validity of the results in several examples including equilibrium fluctuations and kinetic roughening. We also predict and observe a noise-induced pushed-pulled transition. The analytical predictions are successfully tested against rigorous results and show excellent agreement with numerical simulations of reaction-diffusion field equations with multiplicative noise.


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The agricultural potential is generally assessed and managed based on a one-dimensional vision of the soil profile, however, the increased appreciation of sustainable production has stimulated studies on faster and more accurate evaluation techniques and methods of the agricultural potential on detailed scales. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using soil magnetic susceptibility for the identification of landscape segments on a detailed scale in the region of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State. The studied area has two slope curvatures: linear and concave, subdivided into three landscape segments: upper slope (US, concave), middle slope (MS, linear) and lower slope (LS, linear). In each of these segments, 20 points were randomly sampled from a database with 207 samples forming a regular grid installed in each landscape segment. The soil physical and chemical properties, CO2 emissions (FCO2) and magnetic susceptibility (MS) of the samples were evaluated represented by: magnetic susceptibility of air-dried fine earth (MS ADFE), magnetic susceptibility of the total sand fraction (MS TS) and magnetic susceptibility of the clay fraction (MS Cl) in the 0.00 - 0.15 m layer. The principal component analysis showed that MS is an important property that can be used to identify landscape segments, because the correlation of this property within the first principal component was high. The hierarchical cluster analysis method identified two groups based on the variables selected by principal component analysis; of the six selected variables, three were related to magnetic susceptibility. The landscape segments were differentiated similarly by the principal component analysis and by the cluster analysis using only the properties with higher discriminatory power. The cluster analysis of MS ADFE, MS TS and MS Cl allowed the formation of three groups that agree with the segment division established in the field. The grouping by cluster analysis indicated MS as a tool that could facilitate the identification of landscape segments and enable the mapping of more homogeneous areas at similar locations.


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A simple model for a dimer molecular diffusion on a crystalline surface, as a function of temperature, is presented. The dimer is formed by two particles coupled by a quadratic potential. The dimer diffusion is modeled by an overdamped Langevin equation in the presence of a two-dimensional periodic potential. Numerical simulation¿s results exhibit some dynamical properties observed, for example, in Si2 diffusion on a silicon [100] surface. They can be used to predict the value of the effective friction parameter. Comparison between our model and experimental measurements is presented.